Making Amends

Chasing Hearts

Hello. Anightangel is back. My gift for all of you before I update on my other stories, which might take a while. :D Enjoy.


"What part of 'I don't like you' do you not understand you freak?!!"

The smile was quickly wiped off from the shorter woman's face as soon as those words left the mouth of Tiffany Hwang. Even though they were in school campus on a Wednesday night with no one around, that yell could be heard miles away.

"I-I-I just wanted to give you a gift for you birth-"

Tiffany didn't wait for the other woman to explain. She grabbed the bouquet of flowers that the shorter woman was holding in her hands and threw it to the ground. "From now on, I don't want to see you again! Do you understand?" Tiffany said with a glare before walking past the shorter woman, who stayed rooted in her spot.

"Tiffany! Why did you do that?!" A tall yet tanned woman with black straightened hair yelled as she ran toward Tiffany. 

"Just telling her what I've been telling that freak there for the past year. Let's go Yuri." Tiffany was about to walk out but was held back by Yuri. 

Yuri narrowed her eyes at her friend and didn't look happy at what her friend had done. "You didn't need to be so harsh Tif." Yuri coldly retorted before walking toward the shorter woman, who was now crouched down and looking at the bruised yet still beautiful flowers on the floor. 

"Taeyeon? I'm sorry. Here, let me help you up." 

"No, it's okay."  Taeyeon answered with a forced smile, giving Yuri the chance to see the pain in her eyes. 

"Oh my god. TIFFANY!!" Yuri quickly stood up, walked over to Tiffany and dragged her to where Taeyeon was. 

"What?" Tiffany asked nonchalantly.

Yuri hissed incoherent words and pointed at Taeyeon. "APOLOGIZE!!"

Tiffany glared at her friend. "Apologize? I was just being honest. Seemed like she finally got the message into that thick skull of hers."

"TIFFANY!!" Yuri yelled, obviously angry at Tiffany's behavior. "Why are you being such a-"

"It' s okay."

Tiffany and Yuri both turned to look at Taeyeon, who was now standing in front of them with the bouquet in her hands. Tiffany quickly noticed the reddened eyes but something else stood out....

...the way Taeyeon was looking at felt so empty.

Taeyeon smiled at Yuri and handed her the bouquet. "Can you please throw these away for me on your way out?" But Taeyeon didn't even let Yuri answer, because she had already turned her attention to Tiffany.

Tiffany was a little frightened by the cold look and behavior that Taeyeon was giving her at that moment but she had to stay calm and not show weakness. 


Instead of answering, Taeyeon just let out a chuckle.

"Yah. Are you crazy or something now?"

"Taeyeon." Yuri spoke. "Are you alright?"

Taeyeon stopped her random chuckling right away and looked at Tiffany again. 

"I just finally realized how stupid and naive I was in the past year." Taeyeon then stepped up to stare into Tiffany's eyes. "I will listen to you and grant you your wish. After everything I have done for you, I thought and believed that you finally opened up to me too. And I was glad and really happy. But I was wrong." Taeyeon then retreated a little to leave a gap between her and Tiffany. 

Tiffany just listened, speechless. 

"I guess it was my fault too. Just doing things without your knowledge and permission. I didn't think about myself and always thought about you and what's best for you that it never occurred to me that I was the problem. But everything will stop today Tiffany Hwang Miyoung. From tonight onwards, I will not bother you. At times, we will even see each other at school, but do not worry, I will ignore you, just like what you always wanted."

Tiffany's breath hitched...and she started to feel some discomfort in her chest.

"I will not waste my time, breath and love on you anymore Tiffany Hwang Miyoung. Goodbye. " 

Before leaving, Taeyeon bowed to Yuri and gave her a warm smile. "Thnak you for everything Yuri. Please throw away those flowers for me. In fact, do what you want with it since I can care less."

"Oh and Tiffany?"

Tiffany tilted her head toward the voice but was only met with Taeyeon's back. "Happy Birthday."

And that was the last time, Tiffany had spoken with Kim Taeyeon.



Everytime Tiffany thinks about that night, she would cry. At first, she didn't understand why. She didn't even like Taeyeon so why would she cry for her?

But now, four months later, she finally knew. All the feelings of bliss and safety whenever she was with Taeyeon finally made sense to her. The answer to why just hearing the name 'Kim Taeyeon' was so painful...and at the same euphoric.

"If you would have just listened to me back then, you wouldn't be like this." Yuri stated as she took a bite out of her hamburger.

Tiffany just glared at her best friend and continued her daily viewing of a certain short girl.

"I-I was wrong."

"I can't say I didn't see it coming."

"What?" Tiffany asked, giving her attention to Yuri again. 

"You falling in love with Taeyeon."

Tiffany was upset. "Why didn't you say anything then?!"

Yuri looked at Tiffany in disbelief. "I did tell you but you refused to listen to me, let alone even accept that idea. So not my fault."

"How do I fix it?"

"You can't."


"Tiffany." Yuri held Tiffany by her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Taeyeon will never forgive you. Just move on and accept it."

Tiffany let out a sigh and lowered her head. Her lips quivering. " was for the best."

Yuri draped an arm over Tiffany's shoulder. "If it is,then why are you here regretting your decision?"

"I still love her!" Tiffany let out a tearful yell as she buried her head into Yuri's shoulders. 

Yuri could do nothing but be there for Tiffany. "Then it's time you finally tell her the truth."


Taeyeon hated the fact that she and Tiffany had two classes together. 

"I should just change my major to 'FML'." Taeyeon muttered to herself as she walked toward her class.

"That wouldn't be so smart." A very familiar woman's voice responded. Taeyeon let out a growl before increasing her pace.


But Taeyeon just ignored Tiffany until she reached her class and as soon as class ended, she was teh first one out.


"So how's it going?" Yuri asked with a smile as she joined Tiffany on the table. Both had decided to eat lunch together to just talk and hangout.

Tiffany shook her head dejectedly. "Horrible. I can't even talk to her without being cursed at and ignored."

"I don't think she cursed at you."

Tiffany nodded her head. "She didn't. Although I wish she did just so I would feel a bit better about what I've done to her."

Yuri smiled and playfully pushed Tiffany. "Taeyeon's not like you. She's a lover, not a fighter."

"Who's a lover?" 

Yuri's face brightened upon hearing that voice. "Yoona!!" As soon as Yoona sat next to her, Yuri pecked her girlfriend's cheek.

"I was just talking about Tiffany's lover."

"Oh? Kim Taeyeon?" Yoona asked and looked over at Tiffany, who slowly nodded her head. 

"I've only heard about her from Yuri. How does she look like?"

"I'll introduce you to her when I see her."

"Okay. Oh. You know what?" Yoona asked with a smile as she fed Yuri a piece of chicken.

"What?" Tiffany asked. She might as well since Yuri seemed to distracted by Yoona to even answer. 

"You know what, nevermind."

"What? tell me." Tiffany urged. She's curious now.

Yoona tilted her head cutely to the side and tapped her fork against her chin. "I have a 'Kim Taeyeon' in my class too."

"Really?" Yuri asked, utterly surprised. "Maybe its the one we're talking about."

"Nah. There are probably more than one Kim Taeyeon in this university." Tiffany countered and buried her face into her folded arms on the table. "The odds are 1 out of 10,000 students."

"Hm. That's true." Yuri agreed. "What are the chances huh?"

Yoona nodded. "That's true. Oh well, she'll be coming here in a bit to give me some Anatomy notes so I have to stay till then."

Yuri pouted. "So you would have left if you didn't have that appointment?"

Yoona laughed at her girlfriend's silliness. "No pabo. I only said that because you finished all the food and as much as I want to go buy some more, I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because Taeyeon might come here, not see me, and leave."

"Oh well in that case, she better hurry up because-"

"Yoona?" a gentle voice echoed from behind the YoonYul couple.

"OHMYGAWD!!!" Yuri exclaimed as she stood up. "TIFFANY" Yuri began nudging her best friend on her arms. "Tiff!!!"

"Shut up Yul! I want to keep napping."

"Yoona. You know Yuri?" 

At first, Tiffany just thought that she was dreaming and heard Taeyeon's voice but now she was sure! that it was not a dream. Especially with what Yoona said next:

"Taeyeon-unnie. This is Yuri, my girlfriend. And this is-"

"Tiffany Hwang." Taeyeon gravely answered with disinterest as soon as Tiffany and her made eye contact. "I know."

Yoona beamed, while Yuri and Tiffany was a little uncomfortable. Well, Yuri was uncomfortable but Tiffany was nervous.

"Here's the notes Yoona. You can return them to me in the next class." Taeyeon composed herself and manage to give Yoona a genuine smile. Taeyeon then turned to Yuri. "Hello Yuri." 

Yuri hugged Taeyeon. "Taeyeon!! I've missed you so much."

Taeyeon returned the hug. "Sorry."

"It's okay. But from now on, you have to stay in contact with me okay? We need to hangout. All of us." 

Taeyeon just agreed with a smile. "Sure."

"Wait." Yoona pointed at Taeyeon, a little confused. "You know each other?"

"She's the 'Kim Taeyeon' we were talking about." Tiffany answered, feeling a lot smaller in teh presence of Taeyeon.

"Ohhhhh...." Yoona then leaned to whisper in Yuri's ear. "Awkwardddddd." To which Yuri nodded her head in agreement.

"Taeyeon-" Tiffany began but got cut off by Taeyeon.

"I need to leave now before I'm late for work again. See you." Taeyeon waved and walked off.

Tiffany slumped down on her seat. "She hates me. No, she loathes me and wants me to die."

"Maybe just hate and loathe but die? I don't think so." Yoona teased, causing Tiffany to smile a bit. "Don't give up." Yoona encouraged with a smile. "If the both of you are fated to be with each other, she will come back to you."

"I hope so Yoona. I hope so."


*2 days later*

If there was another thing that Tiffany hated other than herself, it would be going home.

"Mom. I'm home." Tiffany announced as she took of her shoes, put on her slippers and entered the house.


"As expected." Tiffany mumbled to no one in particular. It has always been like this since she was born. Why did her parents give birth to her if they're just going to neglect her? Tiffany decided it was better to stop looking for answers. She was already having a headache and such thoughts would make it worse.

After showering, Tiffany laid on her bed and checked her Facebook. "Hm. Nothing much. Just party invites." Tiffany logged off her account and rolled to lay on her back, looking at the ceiling.

She remembered how before she met Taeyeon, she would always party and go clubbing. Not caring about anyone but herself and Yuri of course. But after Taeyeon entered her life, Tiffany found herself changing. She limited her partying and clubbing. And she began to see people for who they truly were...

"Damn it. I miss her so much." Tiffany thought to herself as she closed her eyes. But she couldn't sleep. She was feeling awfully hot and dizzy. "What the hell? I should turn the ac on and eat a more nutritious dinner." As Tiffany made her way down to the kitchen, he doorbell rang. 

"The hell?" Tiffany looked at the clock. "It's almost 10 pm. Who would come at this time? Must be Yuri."

Tiffany opened the door and came face to face with Yoona, Yuri and-


"Hello to you too Tiffany. Anyways, it's a friday night and we decided to watch a movie here at your place. Hope you don't mind?" But Yoona and Yuri just entered without permission.

But Taeyeon didn't look happy. "Sorry. If I knew this was your, um, mansion, I wouldn't have come. I'm going to leave."

"NO!!" Tiffany held Taeyeon's wrist to stop her from leaving. Sensing how desperate she sounded a while ago, Tiffany cleared and smiled. "I mean...please stay. It's late and dangerous. Yuri will take you home later."

But Taeyeon was hesitant. Taeyeon didn't know that Tiffany had moved. So when Yuri said they should watch it at a place that is just like the cinema, she didn't know Yuri meant Tiffany.


Speak of the devil.

Yuri suddenly showed up behind Tiffany and pulled Taeyeon into the house. "The more the merrier. Especially when it's horror movie night!" Yuri reasoned as she forced Taeyeon to sit down in one of the love seats.

"Uh...okay." Taeyeon awkwardly answered, but was pushed back to her original seat when she tried to sit with Yuri and Yoona.

"Sorry. This is reserved for the YoonYul couple." Yuri grinned and proceeded to putting in the dvd.

"But then where will Tiffany sit?"

"Next to you." And before Taeyeon could oppose, Tiffany had took her rightful seat next to Taeyeon.

"WHAT?! No way!" Taeyeon countered but only got shushed by Yuri. 

"Just sit and enjoy Taeyeon. I didn't know you were such a greedy person."

Taeyeon tried to stay calm. "I'm not. I just don't want to be sitting next to her." Taeyeon pointed at Tiffany, not noticing the hurt expression on Tiffany's face. 

"Oh...that's why. I should have known." Tiffany forced a smile and blinked back to stop herself from crying. "I'm sorry for everything."

Taeyeon knew that she shouldn't feel guilty or awful for treating Tiffany like she's contagious and hateful but she found teh walls that she had built crumbling when she saw Tiffany's hurt expression...and the she felt it...

...Tiffany's tears...a teardrop landed on the top of Taeyeon's hand as Tiffany stood up and sat on the carpet floor.

Taeyeon looked at YoonYul's direction which caused both Yuri and Yoona to look at the tv again, to show that they were not eavedropping. But Taeyeon knew that Yoona and Yuri were focusing on her and Tiffany the entire time.

Taeyeon sighed and took a deep breath. 



Taeyeon then kicked Tiffany a bit to get her attention, to which the latter just swatted her leg. 

Taeyeon was amuse. Was Tiffany really upset about not being able to sit next to her? In the past, Tiffany couldn't wait to get away from her.

"Yuri, play the movie."

"Sorry. Can't find the control." Yuri reasoned. 


"Get up and play it then."

"Too comfortable." Yoona answer and snuggled closer to Yuri.


"Hey. You." Taeyeon kicked Tiffany again. "Why are you sorry when this is your house? if anything, I should be the one sitting there." Just when Taeyeon was going to stand up, Tiffany laid her hand on Taeyeon's legs.


"Don't leave." Tiffany answered, trying to hide her shaky tone.


Yoona knew this was the time they needed privacy. "Yul. Let's go get the popcorn."


"Let's go." And Yuri's protests soon disappeared into the kitchen. Taeyeon could only smile at YoonYul's behaviors.

"Taeyeon. I won't talk to you. I won't touch you. Just stay." Tiffany continued her reasoning, not looking at Taeyeon.

"Your'e touching me right now." Taeyeon wittinly answered, causing Tiffany to immediately retract her arms from Taeyon's lap.


"It's okay."

"No. I'm sorry for everything."

Taeyeon knew where this conversation was going and she did not want to hear it.

"It's in the past. Just forget it." Taeyeon coldly replied. "I've moved on."

Suddenly, Tiffany was crying hysterically.

"What the?!" Taeyeon quickly joined Tiffany on the floor. "Why are you crying?!!"

But TIffany just stayed quiet. Taeyeon will always hate her. "I'm sorry Taeyeon-ah!!!" 

On the other hand, Taeyeon was panicking. "Yah! Just calm down first alright?"


"Tiffany. I um-how about this? If you stop crying, I won't leave. Deal?"


"I'll sit next to you. I thought it would be uncomfortable for you so that's why I was against it."

Tiffany's tears subsided a bit. Taeyeon smiled in triumph.

"Cheongmal? You won't leave?" Tiffany asked, head still buried in her knees.

"I promise."

Tiffany raised her head to make eye contact with Taeyeon, giving the latter a glimpse of the swollen and reddened eyes. "Pink promise?"

"You've got to be kidding me?"

"If you promise, then we have to pinky promise. Hurry up." Tiffany whined and held out her pinky.

"Fine." Taeyeon quickly hooked her pinky with Tiffany's and then stood up. "Now go tell the two stooges to come back so we can watch the movie.  And go change your clothes. It's already so cold now in Seoul and you're wearing a tank top with shorts?"


"Go change now." Taeyeon demanded as if she was ordering a child.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Fine. " Tiffany than dashed upstairs to her room but not before yelling at the YoonYul couple to go back to the living room.

"We didn't hear anything." YoonYul simultaneously said as soon as the sat down on their sofa again.

"Yeah. Right." Taeyeon sarcastically retorted. 

"So..." Yuri looked at Yoona and then back to Taeyeon. "...are you and Tiffany ok now?"


"Not yet you mean."

Taeyeon looked at Yoona skeptically. "Why do you say that?"

Yoona shrugged. "I'm not a genius but I know love when I see it. And Taeyeon-unnie, you still love Tiffany."

Taeyoen smirked. "so you guys heard everything."

Yoona sheepishly smiled. "It was hard not to with Tiffany's crying. But I know you still love her."


Yuri sighed and brought Yoona closer to her. "You will know everything in due time Taeyeon."

"What do you mean?"

But their conversation soon ended by Tiffany's loud "I'M BACK!!!" 

"That took longer than usual. It's just pajamas and you 10 minutes just to change into pink sweatpant and striped pink and white long sleeve?" Taeyeon questioned. "That's just absurd."

"I have to look good in front of you even if it's just pjs." Tiffany reasoned with a warm smile.

Taeyeon, starting to feel a little shy with the close proximity with Tiffany, changed the subject.

"Did you find the control?" Taeyeon asked Yuri.

Yuri smirked. "What are you talking about? I have it right here." Yuri than waved at Taeyeon with the control in her grasp.

"You said-"

"Just play the damn movie Yul." Tiffany commanded, to which Yuri obliged.

And as soon as the movie started, Taeyeon felt an arm around her waist. "What  do you think you're doing Tiffany?"

Tiffany merely shrugged. "I missed you alot."

"And taking advantage of me is your answer?"

"It's only taking advantage if it's forced. You're enjoying it too."

"No I'm not."

"Your heart says otherwise. It's beating so fast."

"Yah-yah. Get your face away from there."

Tiffany only snuggled closer to Taeyeon and hugged tighter. " I love it here. Just calm down Taeyeon. It's okay."

"Is it really?" Taeyeon asked, although it had a double meaning.

"I might have hurt you in the past but I'll make it up to you. I promise."

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ was this??? I'll try to finish the last part asap. :D





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Chapter 3: I enjoyed this so much. I know both are sweet and I understand why Fany did not let Tae explain and also I understand why Tae got mad.

They are so perfect for each other
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #2
Chapter 3: Lol what a funny couple. Jealous fany is so cute. And the ending lol
taenyeveryday #3
Chapter 3: Ahaahaaa the end tho so aggsjdhfyshhd
Wow! this story is great!! You author is the best!
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #5
Chapter 2: Kyyyaaaaaa !! So sweet!! Love it !!
chochoify #6
Chapter 2: applause2x Now that is a nice story. Made my day. hope yu make more of these.
very nice.

taeyeon was deeply hurt by fany but it was just a cover up for the latter not to get hurt.. really cute
TaengooFanny-ah #8
Chapter 2: OOOOOOh that was great...:>
kkaptured #9
Chapter 2: Wow... This is so heartclenching but amazing ending made up for it. :)
Please make another amazing taeny stories like this :D
Good job author^^