Like a Candy (Edited)

Chasing Hearts

Last part of 'Chasing Hearts'. :D Meant to update sooner but wasn't feeling so well so took a break. But now, please do enjoy readers. Added some things here and there. :D




"Oh god." Taeyeon mumbled to herself before walking even faster. Taeyeon just wanted to disappear and avoid confrontation with Tiffany. 

"TAEYEON!!!!" Tiffany shouted again as she ran even faster to catch up to the ever determined escape artist Kim Taeyeon.

"Why don't you just wait for her unnie?"

Taeyeon didn't stop walking for a bit as she turned to the woman next to her and smiled. "Because she never wanted me too Hayeon."

"Oh..." The so called 'Hayeon' glanced backwards again and saw that Tiffany had stopped trying to pursue them or rather, Taeyeon. "We can stop now."

"No we can't. Just ignore her. The Dean's office is in the next building."

"Ugh!" Hayeon grabbed a hold of Taeyeon's arm to stop her. "Look! Your girlfriend is too tired from all that running. And she looks really sad. Why don't you just wait for her?"

Taeyeon looked at the direction at which Hayeon was pointing and sure enough, Tiffany had stop running after her and took a seat on a bench. "That idiot."

"I thought you two were good again?" Hayeon asked,a little confused. "Especially after that night-"

"No." Taeyeon cut Hayeon off. "We will never be good." Taeyeon's voice cold and eyes devoid of emotion. " I let my guard down for only a while that night. It won't happen again." Taeyeon stated as she continued looking at the forlorn Tiffany who was now wiping her tears quickly before putting on a smile again and turnign around to leave.

Taeyeon sighed before walking toward her destination again. "Let's not talk about her. Let's talk about you now." Taeyeon turned to face Hayeon with a warm smile. "How's studying in London?"

Hayeon rolled her eyes. "Same-o same-o. High school there are so strict. I want to transfer to Korea." She uttered dejectedly. "Can't I do that?"

"I don't know. Maybe we can ask-"


Taeyeon and Haeyeon looked up to see an elderly man looking at them with a smile. "Good afternoon Mr. Lee."

"Good afternoon. You're here to meet me right?"

Taeyeon nodded her head. "I wanted to talk to you about the transfer."

"Well, let's get to it then. Bring your friend as well."


"Must hurt to be ignored by the person you love." Yuri bluntly stated after hearing about Tiffany's failed attempt to woo Taeyeon.

"If you have nothing good to say just shut up." Tiffany angrily answered as she slammed the book that she was reading down on the table, grabbing all the other student's attention. They were in the library.

Yuri let out a nervous smile. "Sorry. I just had to say it. I mean, at least now you know how Taeyeon must have felt like everytime you ignored her in the past." 

Tiffany recalled how cruel she treated Taeyeon in the past and frowned. "I am heartless. Why did she even fall in love with me?"

"Beats me." Yuri quickly answered. "But you're so beautiful that's probably why." Yuri added with a nervous laugh once she saw Tiffany reaching over to hit her with a book.

"Nice save Kwon Yuri." 

"Wouldn't want this beautiful face ruined." Yuri smirked as she pointed to her face. 

"You're such an idiot."

"Enough about me. So, what else do you have planned for winning back Taeyeon?"

Tiffany shrugged. "I don't know. Ever since that night, I though that maybe she will give me another chance but I was wrong. She just..pushed me away again."

Yuri reached her hand to hold Tiffany's  hand that was placed on the table. "Tiffany. Just confess everything to her."

"But-" Tiffany turned her head away, to hide her teary eyes. "-would that make a difference?"

Yuri shook her head and sighed. "I don't know Tiffany. But, wouldn't it be better for the both of you if you told her why you rejected her?"

Tiffany stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. Should she? or not?

"Omo! It's Taeyeon." 

Tiffany looked toward the direction Yuri was pointing at and sure enough, there was Taeyeon holding some books as she happily talked to another woman next to her. 

"Her again?" Tiffany asked bitterly.

Yuri looked at Tiffany for an answer. "You know her?"

"No. But I'm going to find out who she is." Tiffany said confidently before grabbing her things to confront Taeyeon and her 'friend'.

"Hey wait for me!" Yuri yelled before grabbing her things too and following Tiffany. 


"You're going to read all these books?"

Taeyeon had just checked out the books and both were on their way out of the library. "Why not? Reading is a great way to past time."

"Or forget someone." Hayeon added seriously.

"Hayeon." Taeyeon laid the books down on a bench and looked at Hayeon with a grim expression. "Why do you keep talking about her."


"Tiffany Hwang." 

"Oh. So you were thinking about her." Hayeon said with a smirk. 

"No I wasn't."

"Denial." Hayeon rolled her eyes and then pinched both of Taeyeon's cheeks. 

"Yah!! Let go!! It hurts!!!" Taeyeon yelled in pain as she tried to pry Hayeon's hands away from her cheeks. Anyone passing by would think how weird they were or glad that their friends don't do such embarrassing thing but all of these never came across Tiffany Hwang's mind when she saw that scene.

"Oh hell naw!!" Tiffany exclaimed before walking over to the happy scene before her, pushed Hayeon away and stood between her and Taeyeon.

"What the hell?!" Haeyeon yelled and glared at the woman who had dared push her. "What's your problem?!!" 

"You! What do you think you are doing with my Taetae?!" Tiffany countered with a venomous tone. "Back off!"

But Tiffany would soon be in for a surprise when she was suddenly pushed aside by Taeyeon. And Yuri was holding Tiffany back to prevent her from going HellFany.

"Hayeon. Are you okay?"

Hayeon just glared at Taeyeon and pointed at Tiffany. "She is one violent woman. How did you endure such a nutcase for the past year?"

Tiffany was pissed! "Nutcase?!! I'll show you how I can smash you into bits!!" Tiffany threatened and took some steps forward only to stop once she came face to face with Taeyeon.


But Taeyeon just ignored her. "Let's go Hayeon." And with that, Taeyeon began walking away with Hayeon. 

Tiffany tried to chase after them but got held back by Yuri. "Let me go Yuri!"

But Yuri refused. "Calm down Tiffany."

"How can I?!" Tiffany argued as she felt her heart breaking every step Taeyeon took. "I might lose her!"

And that was all Yuri heard before Tiffany broke free from her grasp and chased after Taeyeon. "Oh god. I need Yoona's help."


"Hayeon. I'm sorry. It was a bad idea to bring you here."

Haeyeon just patted Taeyeon's back upon sensing the regretful tone. "It's okay. I was curious whether or not that woman really cared for you and well, she just answered by questions." Hayeon then laughed aloud.

"What do you mean? She would've killed you! This is not a laughing matter!" Taeyeon reprimanded. "yah! Stop laughing!!"

Hayeon looked at Taeyeon in amusement. "Did you really not know that she was jealous or are you just pretending not to know?"

Taeyeon's eyes widened, as if she had just failed an exam. "What? Impossible!" Taeyeon exclaimed before taking a seat next to Hayeon.

Haeyeon took the books away from Taeyeon's hold and held it against her lap. "After what you told me that night, I knew that Tiffany has returned your feelings and feel the same way. But why are you so persistent in pushing her away?"

Taeyeon was a little taken aback by Hayeon's bluntness yet honesty. "She never cared."


"No. You need to know this Hayeon." Taeyeon started, looking ahead at the passing students and happy couples. "I pursued Tiffany for one year. Doing everything to make her love me. Even if she called me names and humiliated me, I knew that deep down, Tiffany isn't all that bad. I've seen how her eyes twinkle at the sight of pink. I've seen how she secretly smiles to herself when she aced her tests. I see how hard she works in her job. And I know how lonely she is."

Taeyeon then turned to look at Haeyeon and smiled bitterly. "But, I was at a breaking point too you know. I knew a one-sided love is too painful. So I decided to confess one last time because I deeply and sincerely felt that Tiffany had felt the same way about me. However, when I decided to give all that I am to her, she-"

Taeyeon was crying now, her tears falling landing on her folded hands as her head lowered. 

"Taeyeon." Haeyeon put the books that she was holding next to her and reached over to hug Taeyeon. "Let it all out."

"-Tiffany she, she tore me apart that night. All that I was, she destroyed it that night. I would have stopped but I felt that she was just too scared. I knew something was holding her back but then I was wrong. It was just me all along.Why would she lead me on and then throw me away like trash?!" 

"Shh..." Hayeon cooed as she rubbed Taeyeon's back. "You'll be fine Taeyeon. Don't-"


Taeyeon and Hayeon let go of eachother only to see a furious Tiffany staring at them. But once she saw Taeyeon's red and swollen eyes and tear-stained eyes, Tiffany's anger was replaced with concern. 

"Taeyeon! What happened?" Tiffany gently asked and reached out to wipe a tear only to have her hand swatted away by Taeyeon. "Tae-taeyeon?" 

Taeyeon's demeanor quickly changed. Her eyes darkened and her aura immediately of one that is unapproachable. "Save your act Hwang."


"Why do you suddenly care huh?"

"Taeyeon, I-"

"Don't come near me!" Taeyeon yelled, bringing Tiffany to a stop. Taeyeon then looked at Hayeon and calmed herself down a bit before speaking. "Hayeon. Take these books to my apartment. I'll see you later."


"You live together?!!" Tiffany was not happy. "How can you? She's a freaking kid!!"

Haeyeon scoffed. "I'm a high school senior but I just turned 18 last month." Hayeon then ended her statement with a merong, to which pissed Tiffany...alot.

But Tiffany couldn't retalitate because of Taeyeon's next statement. 

"Hwang. Stop blabbing and follow me."


"What do you want now?" Taeyeon asked as soon as she and Tiffany were alone in the school theatre. Taeyeon had her arms crossed against her chest whilst Tiffany just avoided her gaze. "Well?"



Tffany took a deep breath before having hte courage to look into Taeyeon's eyes. "I just want you."

Taeyeon was quite shock by Tiffany's confession. 

"Please Taeyeon. I really to be with you." Tiffany stepped forward to lessen her distance. "And I truly mean it."

"Stop right there Hwang." Taeyeon held out her arm to stop Tiffany from coming any closer. "You-" She then pointed at Tiffany. "-are lying to me again."

"NO! I'm not! I really do like you!!" Tiffany defended herself as she tried to get closer only to have Taeyeon step backwards to match her steps.

"I'm flattered. Really I am." Taeyeon mockingly retorted, causing Tiffany to tense in her spot. She remember those words.

"Tiffany Hwang. I really like you." 

"Oh?" Tiffany turned around to look at Taeyeon holding her by her wrist. "Well, that's too bad but I'm flattered. Really I am." Tiffany sarcastically stated before yanking her wrist away and walking out of the room.

"Brings back memories doesn't it?" Taeyeon interrupted. "Who would have think that Tiffany Hwang is now standing in front of the freak Kim Taeyeon and telling her she likes her?"


Taeyeon continued her onslaught. "Thank you for the lunch you made me the other day Hwang. But I think you should've just thrown it in the trash, where it belongs."

Ouch...another blow for Tiffany.

"Tiffany. I cooked this for you." Taeyeon happily said as she handed a lunchbox to Tiffany. "It's all American food."

Tiffany took it and looked at it, as if that was the first time anyone has ever done such thing for her.

"Oh gosh Tiffany. You really going to eat that?" one of her friends asked in disgust. "Doesn't even look edible."

"Yeah. I think you should just give it to that homeless guy over there. He might like it." Another one added with a evil smile.

Taeyeon didn't think Tiffany would listen to them but...she was wrong. 

"Thanks for the lunch Kim. But I think this belongs in the trash." And Tiffany threw it right in the trashbin next to her, oblivious to the pain that she has caused for Taeyeon.


Tiffany could feel her tears welling up in her eyes. She remembered all the horrible things she had done to Taeyeon in the past. It was her fault. Everything. She remembered Yuri ignoring her for two days because of what she did to Taeyeon's food that she had worked so hard to make for her. She remembered all hurt that Taeyeon had endured for her. She remembered...everything.

"What's wrong Hwang? Cat got your tongue?" Taeyeon continued her spiteful remarks. "Or do I need to announce in front of everyone how pathetic I was to have even fallen for you? Oh wait." Taeyeon turned away to hide her tears. "You've already done that."

At this point, Tiffany was crying hysterically. "Taeyeon. I'm so sorry. What do I need to make it up huh?" Tiffany then took a hold of Taeyeon's hands. "Tell me and I will do it. As long as you forgive me."

Taeyeon felt like her wall was going to break if Tiffany continued to talk or if Taeyeon continued to look at her. She wanted so much to just give Tiffany a hug but no...she wasn't going to do that. She won't. 

Tiffany suddenly found herself sitting on the ground, looking up at Taeyeon. Taeyeon had pushed her away and was now looking down at her.

Taeyeon wasn't smiling. Not smirking. Nothing. She was just staring at Tiffany with no emotion.

"Tae-Taeyeon?" Tiffany was scared to see Taeyeon just looking at her and not saying or doing anything. She would rather Taeyeon hit her or curse at her.

After a good one minute or so, Taeyeon finally spoke, this time in a grave yet remorseful tone.

"What part of ' I don't like you' do you not understand?"

And that was all that Tiffany heard before she heard footsteps walking away from her and the door closing. Taeyeon had left her. Taeyeon hated her. But she won't give won't. Taeyeon had fough for her and now its her turn.


It's been 2 weeks since that encounter with Tiffany and still, Taeyeon couldn't help but be annoyed yet surprise that Tiffany was still pursuing her, let alone expressing her feelings.

"Tae-tae. I've cooked this for you." Taeyeon stared at the brown and dark content with rice in front of her.

"What is this?" Taeyeon used her fork to pick out a burnt piece of...

"egg." Tiffany said enthusiastically. "Doesn't it look delicious?"

Taeyeon was touched at Tiffany's attempt to cook for her, even though Tiffany hated cooking. But she wasn't going to give in. 

"No. Throw it away or give to someone else. I'm not eating this crap." Taeyeon nonchalantly commented before continuing studying again.

Tiffany forced a smile to hide how hurtful those words were. That must have been how Taeyeon felt like in the past.

"It's yours so if youwant to throw it away, please do so. But please wait until I'm gone."

"Then leave so I can."

Tiffany's lips quivered but she quickly put on a smile and stood up to leave for her class. "I'll be leaving now then. I'll see you later."

"I'll make sure we don't see each other." Cold. and straight to the point.

As soon as Tiffany left, Taeyeon took another glance at the food container next to her. "Doesn't even look edible." And that was the last thing uttered before Taeyeon took a bite of the food and then another, and then another, until she finished it all. "Why do I feel like I'm going to regret eating this?" 


"Cheongmal? Wow, Taeyeon must be really sick then."

Tiffany overheard Yoona and Yuri's conversation about Taeyeon and couldn't help but worry. "Taeyeon's sick?"

Yuri nodded her head. "Yeah. She's been having stomach problems. Must've ate some bad food or something."

"Omo." Tiffany took a seat across from the YoonYul couple. "Is she alright?"

Yuri shrugged. "Hayeon said she's getting better with the medicine prescribed to her."

Tiffany felt relieved to hear that, even if it was Hayeon taking care of Taeyeon. 

"Are you going to visit her?" 

Tiffany shook her head. "No. Seeing me might just worsen her condition. I'm going to leave now. My parents are back and want a famliy dinner." 

As soon as Tiffany disappeared, Yoona excitedly jumped to face Yuri. "Omo. This is great! Tiffany thinks Hayeon is Taeyeon's girlfriend."

Yuri does not like that mischievous look in Yoona's eyes. "Oh no. Im Yoona, whatever you're thinking, leave me out."

"We're suppose to be there for each other remember?"

And seeing Yuri dejected sigh, Yoona knew she had Yuri's support. 

"And Yoona?"

"Yes Yul?"

"Maybe you should tell Tiffany the reason why Taeyeon got sick in the first place."


Tiffany ran and ran and ran. She had no choice but to run when she found out about Taeyeon leaving Korea an hour ago from Yoona and Yuri.


"Huh?" Tiffany asked, not looking away from practicing on her piano.

"How's the song coming along?" Yuri asked with a smile.

Tiffany smiled. "Great. I can finally sing it now and play it on the piano as well."

"That's awesome, but-" oona and Yuri looked at each other and then back at Tiffany.

"Tiffany." Yoona began.


"Didn't you know that Taeyeon transferred to a university in London?"

"WHAT?!" Tiffany excalimed and stood up from her seat. "When?"

"Well, from what she told me, a month ago. She's leaving with Hayeon."

"That b***ch! I'm not going to let her have Taeyeon!"

"Then you better hurry Tiff." Yuri advised with a frown. 


"Because they're leaving for London in another hour."


Tiffany could aready feel her heart beating fast as if it were to burst out. And the fear of losing Taeyeon was not helping.


Tiffany shouted as she pushed through the crowd of people. "KIM TAEYEON!!!" 

"Tiffany. Calm down." Yuri tried to comfort her friend, only to be met with a teary Tiffany. Yoona and her had volunteered to drive Tiffany to the airport.

"How can I calm down when Taeyeon is leaving me? With another woman?!"

"She has a point Yul." Yoona retorted. "Okay. Let's keep looking then."

"Let's just ask the receptionist. Maybe she could help."

"Excuse me."


"How many 2pm flights are there to London?" Tiffany asked impatiently.

"Hm, there's only one flight today and it has already left."

"What?" Tiffany was devastated. "But-but it's only," Tiffany gasped when she saw the time on her phone. "2:10pm."

"Oh my god. Tiffany. I'm so sorry." Yoona said and hugged Tiffany. Tiffany hugged her back as she cried into Yoona's shoulders. 

"I'm never going to see her again." Tiffany mumbled into Yoona's shoulder. "I've lost her. Again."


It has been 4 days since Taeyeon's departure and even though Tiffany doesn't show it, Yoona and Yuri knew that Tiffany was heartbroken and in a lot of pain. She misses Taeyeon so much.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Yoona asked as she put an arm around Tiffany's shoulder.

Tiffany slightly smiled. "Better. I just wished I could've said goodbye to her Yoona."

"Aw....honey. It's okay. I'm sure that you'll see Taeyeon again."

"Yeah." Tiffany scoffed. "In my next life."

"Stop sulking. You need to smile a little more. Don't you remember what today is?"

Tiffany shook her head. 

"It's the open mic night tonight Tiffany. Don't you remember?"


"I hope you remember that you're still performing tonight."

"But I don't want to . There's no point."

But Yoona disagreed. "You've been working so hard just for this night. Who knows, you might meet someone special."


"Do you think she will show up?" Yuri asked Yoona as soon as they took their seats in the front.

"I don't know. But I have a strong feeling that she will." Yoona answered with a smile.

"I hope so. I hope everything works out for Tiffany."

"Hope is what Tiffany has been living on ever since she lost Taeyeon."

Suddenly, the lights in the theatre dimmed and the show had begun. After an 2 hours,the show was coming to an end. 

"Ladies and gentlemen. Before tonight's show ends, there is one more act done by a very talented woman. Please welcome, Tiffany Hwang!!" 

The entire audience clapped and awaited the entrance of Tiffany. Once Tiffany entered, in her pink dress and white heels, with her hair curled up, the audience went crazier. No one can resist such a beautiful woman...

Tiffany smiled at the audience before taking her seat in front of the piano. "This song is dedicated to a very special person in my life. I've took too long to confess my feelings and lost her. I want that person to know that I won't let my fears hold me back anymore and that wherever she is, I wish her happiness."

Tiffany then began....

Listen Lee Min Ki- Like a Candy:

are you listening?
the voice of mine calling you
please be with me
even in the darkness
i will hold your hand
so I won't get lost
Tiffany was slowing losing her calmness. Her voice was getting shaky. The song reminded her too much of Taeyeon but yet, she continued.
I know now
somebody has come inside my heart
should I open the door and smile?
in any difficulties, if we are together
we can get through it with our love
I know now
somebody has come inside my heart
should i open the door and smile
in any difficulties, if we are together
we can get through it with our love


As soon as she ended, the she received a standing ovation. Some of her audience were even crying because of the emotion Tiffany had inserted into her song. But even with all the compliments and praise she received, it didn't matter to her. Because the only one that would have matter was Taeyeon. But even then,Taeyeon was gone.

"That was wonderful Tiffany." A voice suddenly was heard over the intercom.

That voice, Tiffany felt her heart skip a beat as she followed the sound of the voice. It's amazing how even in the midst of all the voices in the audience, she could still hear Taeyeon's voice.


"Down here Tiffany." The voice spoke again. And sure enough, as soon as Tiffany looked down at the now litted room, she saw her...Taeyeon.

Taeyeon was standing next to a smiling YoonYul couple. 

"Tae-taeyeon?" Tiffany couldn't believe it. Taeyeon was really there, in the audience.

"What? No hug?" Taeyeon feigned anger as her eyes showed nothing but warmness.


"Looks like I'll have to go up there myself to get one." Taeyeon then handed the microphone to Yuri before making climbing onto the stage.

As soon as Taeyeon came face to face with Tiffany, Tiffany's tears suddenly released. 

"Omo. Hey. What's with the tears? Did someone die?" Taeyeon joked.

And Tiffany cried even more. Taeyeon was joking with her now. And she's here? Everything was too surreal.

Taeyeon smiled at this sight even though she felt her heart breaking upon seeing how much tears Tiffany had shed for her. Taeyeon walked forward and brought Tiffany's head to rest on her shoulder as she held the latter tightly.

"I'm here Tiffany. Don't cry."  Taeyeon then felt Tiffany responding to the hug.

"Taeyeon. Taeyeon. I miss you so much." She sobbed into Taeyeon's shirt.

The audience just looked on, apparently touched by the scene unfolding in front of them. But they were all forced to leave as soon as the curtains closed, blocking the Taeny couple.

"Show's over folks. Thank you for coming!" The show producer's voice was soon heard over the intercom.

"Well Yuri. Why don't we go home and have our own fun?" Yoona seductively whispered, drawing imaginary circles on Yuri's abdomen. Yuri hasn't seen such a side of Yoona but what does it matter? ByunYoona is in the house and fully activated!!!


"Tiffany honey!"

Tiffany quickly released the hug with Taeyeon as soon as she heard her parents' voice. "Mom?Dad?"

"Good job honey. That was great!" Her dad complimented.

"How did you two-?" Tiffany looked at her mom and then her dad. She didn't even tell them about the show so how did they know?

"Oh. Yoona and Yuri told us. Why didn't you say anything?"

Tiffany sighed. "What's the point? You guys wouldn't come even if were to tell." She sadly answered.

Tiffany's mom hugged her daughter tightly. "Honey. I'm so sorry. I was so busy working and wasn't even there for you."

Her dad joined them in the hug too. "We just wanted you to have everything you wish for. I'm sorry."

Tiffany's heart sank upon seeing her parents crying and apologizing. She hugged them back. "It's okay. But please, just stop leaving me alone. I want my parents, not just a picture of them. I know that you guys need to work but just spend time with me too. I miss both of you so much." Tiffany confessed as well as she closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks. 

"We will. We're so sorry."

"Stop apologizing mom. And just prove to me that you two are willing to finally be my parents again."

Her dad put Tiffany at an arms length to look at her. "We're so proud of you." He warmly smiled at her.

"We sure are. Now tell me, who's the lucky guy?"

"Um..." Tiffany didn't know how to tell her parents the truth... "Actually, um..well.."

"It's Taeyeon?" Her mom asked with a smile.

"I"m sorry." Tiffany uttered. "It just-I didn't know how to tell you guys."

"It's okay honey. As long as you're happy. She's a great girl." Her dad added, making Tiffany lips curve upwards into a wide smile. 

"She is! She's too good for me in fact. I don't even deserve her."

"Well, from what she told us, she feels the same with you."

"Both of you talked to her?" Tiffany asked skeptically. "But how did she-"

"Oh. Yuri introduced us to her a year ago. She actually asked us for permission to date you. I mean, who even does that nowadays?" He let out a hearty laugh. 

"Obviously, Taeyeon does. And she's the one who brought us here tonight." Her mom added with a loving smile. "She's one of a kind."

Tiffany agreed and but realized that something was wrong. Tiffany scanned the room and realized that Taeyeon had disappeared. 

"She's waiting for you on teh stage. Such a considerate girl, letting us have our family moment."

"Go get her Tiffany. Don't let her go." Her dad encourage and pushed her daughter toward the exit. Tiffany nodded but heard her father's last statement. "I'm going to cancel all your credit cards if you don't fix things with her!!!"


Tiffany smiled to herself upon seeing Taeyeon sitting at the edge of the theare with her legs dangling at the edge. As Tiffany walked closer, she could hear Taeyeon singing. Tiffany felt her heart beating faster when she realized it was the song she was singing earlier in the show.

Are you listening? 

the voice of mine calling you

please be with me

even in the darkness 

I will hold your hand

So I won't get lost

Taeyeon was so concentrated that she didn't even realize Tiffany was standing behind her. It wasn't until she heard Tiffany call her name that she quickly stood up and put on a dorky smile.
"How long have you been there?" Taeyeon asked, hoping Tiffany didn't hear her singing just now.
Tiffany giggled. "Long enough to hear your singing."
"oh...well, that's quite embarrassing." Taeyeon confessed and rubbed her neck to ease her embarrassment. 
Tiffany shook her head in disagreement. "Not at all. It's the first time I heard your voice. And this song, was exactly the same one you sang for me one year ago. Did you forget?"
Taeyeon remembered. How can she ever forget? That was the song she sang before Tiffany ripped out her heart and stomped on it.
"How can I forget." She said a sad smile. "That was an unforgettable day."
Taeyeon and Tiffany were looking at eachother, not knowing what to say anymore. 
"So um, you did great tonight." Taeyeon broke the silence and iniitated a little PDA with Tiffany by patting her lightly on the shoulder. "The best performance ever." She said with a smile.
But Tiffany took the opportunity to grab Taeyeon by her waist and pull her toward her. Tiffany put her head against Taeyeon's chest as her arms wrapped tightly around Taeyeon's waist. Taeyeon was caught by surprse and didn't know if she should respond to the hug or not. Her arms were still raised in mid-air, waiting for a command.
"When did you come back?"
"What do you mean?"
"From London. Why did you come back?"
Taeyeon was confused and then she finally understood what Tiffany had meant. "Oh. I never left. I mean, I didn't even go anywhere. I've been here in Seoul but I've been busy the past few days."
Tiffany loosened the hug and looked at Taeyeon weirdly. "Didn't you leave with your girlfriend to London?"
"What?" Taeyeon was surprised at such question. Why would she go to London with Hayeon when they're just- Oh! now Taeyeon understood.
"Oh my god." Taeyeon broke out laughing, confusing Tiffany even more. "This is too funny."
"What's so funny about it?"
"Tiffany. I don't know who told you that Hayeon is my girlfriend but she's not."
"No one told me anything. I assume she is considering that she lived with you." Tiffany answred, a little annoyed now. "Explain!"
Taeyeon had to lean on Tiffany for support from laughing too much. "Tiffany. Hayeon is my sister." Taeyoen explained after laughing so much. 
"Sis-sister??" Tiffany managed to stutter.
"Yes. Sister. She's here for her winter break and I've been busy because I took her touring around Seoul before she had to go back to London."
"And your parents?"
"My dad wanted to work in a new environment so he took the chance to go to London when he got a promotion 2 years ago. But I wanted to stay here in Seoul. But I think Hayeon has been considering living with me after she graduates."
"I see. So you live by yourself?"
Taeyeon smiled. "Yes. I live alone but my family is in London."
"Oh my god. I can't believe I thought you and Hayeon were dating." Tiffany mumbled out of embarrassment. 
"Couldn't you tell by our name similarity? Even the YoonYul couple knew. This is why it's bad to conclude without knowing the complete story." Taeyeon explained before laughing again.
Tiffany's confusion gradually transformed into one of pure happiness. "That means, you don't have a girlfriend?"
"And you won't ever be leaving Korea?"
"Not that I know of. Why?" Taeyeon was now looking at Tiffany weirdly. "Are you sick or something? You're acting strange." Taeyeon rested the back of her hand against Tiffany's forehead. "Feels normal to me."
Tiffany held Taeyeon's hand in hers and stared into Taeyeon's eyes. "Taeyeon. Yoona and Yuri told me that you left to London with Hayeon a couple of days ago. And I, chased after you to stop you from going."
"Really?" Taeyeon was taken aback by Tiffany's actions. She was touched. 
"It's the truth. I was so devastated when I found out that the flight had left. I had to pretend I was okay when I wasn't. I had thought you really left me alone here. I can understand why you would leave but I didn't want to believe it or even think of it Taeyeon." Tiffany was beginning to cry again as she recalled how hurt, stupid and sad she was on that day in the airport.
"Oh Tiffany. I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, no matter how much you hurt me." Taeyeon said and wiped Tiffany's tears. "So why don't you tell me the reason why you rejected me four months ago?"
"What?" Tiffany didn't think Taeyeon would bring that up. Unless Yuri told her. "Did Yuri say something to you?"
"She said you had your own reasons for rejecting me that night. So why don't you enlighten me?"
Tiffany sighed and looked at Taeyeon one last time before explaining. "In my life, I've always been alone. My parents were always working, leaving me home myself or with some maids. I never had any friends, except for Yuri.  My parents were never involved in my life and were never there when I needed them. I started to hate how love can hurt so much. I loved my parents but they were constanly hurting me with their absences and sometimes, I would be bad just to get their attention."
Tiffany looked at Taeyeon to see her reaction but Taeyeon just stayed quiet, listening to Tiffany's story. 
"And  when I got to college, you entered my life. At first, you were a nuisance Taeyeon. I really disliked you but then I started to develop some weird feelings. I even isolated myself from my so called 'friends' and 'popularity' circle after you showed me what it is to really care and love for someone. You never judged me. You never yelled at me. You were so patient with me. You never left me. And loved me. But I was too scared. I was scared that if I told you I loved you, then you would just leave me alone like my parents and then what would I do? I didn't want to go through that again. I was just...scared. But I did love you Taeyeon. I still do."
After a few minutes, Taeyeon finally spoke. "Is that all?"
Tiffany nodded her head. 
"You know, I still don't like you even after hearing your explanation."
Tiffany's heart sank upon hearing Taeyeon's statement. 
"You hurt me, used me for entertainment and then led me on."
"I didn't mean to do any of that. I just pushed you away because I felt you deserved better."
"And then you broke my heart." Taeyeon continued, avoiding Tiffany's fragile state.  "And four months later, you apologize, try to pursue me and then confess to me in front of the school. How am I suppose to handle that?"
"It's hard for me to even believe you Tiffany. I really dislike you." 
Tiffany wiped her tears and turned around, to walk away from Taeyeon's life forever. She understood. She will never be forgiven.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Tiffany stopped in tracks but continued walking again.
"If you take another step, I won't forgive you."
Another step.
"And I won't love you anymore."
Tiffany froze in her spot and abruptly turned around to see a smling Taeyeon. 
"What?" That was all she could say.
"Well..." Taeyeon began walking to Tiffany. "'ve proven yourself Tiffany. At first it was hard for me to believe anything you say or do, but then I began to look deeper into the kind of person you are. From your actions and words, I began to see the woman that I fell for in the first place. You've been through so much, and I could do nothing."
Taeyeon was now standing in front of Tiffany, wiping her tears. "I don't like you Tiffany because all this time, I still love you."
Tiffany's tears was non-stop now. She covered her face with her hands and cried. 
"For hurting you, I'm so sorry Tiffany. Please forgive me." Taeyeon pleaded as she held Tiffany' s hands. Tiffany just nodded her head before throwing herself into Taeyeon's arms. 
"I'm sorry Taeyeon. Thank you for everything. I love you. I love you so much." She cried into Taeyeon's shoulder. 
Taeyeon smiled upon hearing Tiffany's love confession. "Fany. I love you too."
Tiffany tightened her hug. She missed that nickname so much much. She then loosened the hug to look at Taeyeon. 
"From now on, you're my girlfriend."
Taeyeon laughed. "Wow...that's a bold move. What if I refuse?"
Tiffany smirked. "You ate my horrible food that made you sick. I'm not going to let you go. But if you refuse, I'll tie you to me and never let you go". 
Taeyeon chuckled before bring Tiffany in for another hug.  "I would love to be your girlfriend Tiffany Hwang."
"And Tiffany?"
"Who told you I ate your food huh?"
"I should've known better than to trust she wont' tell you."
Tiffany just shrugged it off and kept smiling at Taeyoen as she examined the Taeyeon's facial features. "You're too sweet. And has anyone told you you're really beautiful Tae-tae?"
Taeyeon blushed. "Well thank you. But I"m nothing compare to you. My yFany." 
"Yah!" Tiffany playfully hit Taeyeon's chest before Taeyeon brought her in for another hug to which Tiffany quickly snuggle against the new warmth emitted from Taeyeon. 
"I know now
somebody has come inside my heart
should i open the door and smile
in any difficulties, if we are together
we can get through it with our love"
"And I mean it Fany." Taeyeon said with a loving smile after she finished singing. "My heart is yours to keep."
Tiffany answered Taeyeon's heartfelt confession with a passionate and loving kiss. "And my love is yours." Tiffany said with an eyesmile before Taeyeon sealed their promise with a kiss.
The end. :D Thank you for the support.
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Chapter 3: I enjoyed this so much. I know both are sweet and I understand why Fany did not let Tae explain and also I understand why Tae got mad.

They are so perfect for each other
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #2
Chapter 3: Lol what a funny couple. Jealous fany is so cute. And the ending lol
taenyeveryday #3
Chapter 3: Ahaahaaa the end tho so aggsjdhfyshhd
Wow! this story is great!! You author is the best!
tiffany_hwangmiyoung #5
Chapter 2: Kyyyaaaaaa !! So sweet!! Love it !!
chochoify #6
Chapter 2: applause2x Now that is a nice story. Made my day. hope yu make more of these.
very nice.

taeyeon was deeply hurt by fany but it was just a cover up for the latter not to get hurt.. really cute
TaengooFanny-ah #8
Chapter 2: OOOOOOh that was great...:>
kkaptured #9
Chapter 2: Wow... This is so heartclenching but amazing ending made up for it. :)
Please make another amazing taeny stories like this :D
Good job author^^