Flowers of Autumn

Flowers of Autumn

Yang Hyun-suk rubbed his eyes after watching the behind the scenes episode of the show that had been creating a huge buzz for the nth time. It had become a routine: everytime he had spare time, he would watch some of the episodes and think about the dreams of the losing team. Their dreams were on the line.

"There are some flowers that bloom in Spring, and there are those that bloom in Autumn..." Yang Hyun-suk knew that this was the case for these trainees. It wasn't the matter of If, it was When. He had to give props for Daesung, behind all of the food analogies, that kid was somewhat a philosopher. It wouldn't matter which ones debut first, as long as they shine.

Initially, he had made to show for the viewers to pick. The favourites as some may say; the ones who won the crowd over. The winners had been decided long ago and he had planned for WINNERTV to air on the upcoming Friday.

Plans were meant to move on, the losing team was supposed to either disband or the debut was going to be put off for a bit. He never knew that he was going to be attached to the trainees. He had been in their position-- dreaming of the stage. Yang Hyun-suk never knows what would happen to him if he never got to stand on the stage he worked towards. Now, disbanding Team B wasn't an option. Team B had been perfectly formed, in the years to come, they would become much more. Perhaps it was good that they weren't debuting straight away, everytime he saw Team B, he could see that not all of them had found their 'true colours' just yet. But after reading comments online, he knew that he couldn't leave the fans in the dark about what would happen to the team.

He knew that his critisism was harsh, especially towards Team A, but he was glad. Glad that they have grown close. Out of both teams, truthfully speaking-- it was Team A that improved the most during the programme. Also, through the programme, he just knew that he had picked the right trainees. Eleven. The perfect eleven.

Before the finale, there were comments about debuting them all together. He wanted to. He wanted to go up on the stage during the final battle and say that both teams were debuting, except he that that if he were to do that, the whole programme would've been pointless and he hadn't tried debuting a large group before. It was a risk.

Right after the final battle, his heart had hurt for Team B. He felt as if he had to do something nice, just like when Team A had lost a battle and Team B had went on holiday. This time, the reward was a lot greater than a day out. The reward was living your dream. So of course he had to do something better than a cheer up message and some meat. But what was there equivalent to debuting? In the end, he had chosen to hang up the cheer up poster once again and some meat, once again. No matter how hard he thought, nothing better came to mind.

After the programme, he had found out that a lot more was on the line other than their dreams; it was also their friendship. Through his many trials and errors in Yang Hyun-suks life, he had known that friendship was a precious thing. He did not was to be the one to have stomped and broken the delicate bond between the two teams.

Although WIN was, in a way, giving the viewers an insight to how hard the trainee life was, it gave him that insight too. He knew after debuting BIGBANG and 2NE1 that the ones he had cut from the company had a hard time getting back on their feet. Despite both of the groups' success, he had regrets about those few people that were cut. The CEO was glad that some of them debuted in other groups, but it was a shame that he had never heard from any of the others: it was a waste of talent.

The man sighed, clicking the close buttons on one of the tabs on his computer. He was now reading an article. The article was talking about the hype for WINNERTV and the teasers that were released prior the article. Clicking the play button for the second teaser, he couldn't help but chuckle the slightest.

It was now out of habit for him to be scrolling down the comments. Many people were happy and couldn't wait-- but there were still people talking about the losing team.

Yang hyun-suk tapped his fingers on the mouse, thinking. The first few episodes of WINNERTV will be about their trip to Japan-- he had planned that, like 2NE1 and BIGBANG TV for the next few episodes for be of their daily lives and whatnot. Of course fans would wonder about Team B.

A minute had passed. WINNERTV was still getting filmed, Team A were to come back from Japan in a few days. The man massaged temples. Should he make such a big decision?

He eyed the phone.

Another minute passed.

He picked it up, dialling the number for WINNERTV's main producer. Yang Hyun-suk placed the phone to his ear as it rang.


"I want Team B to be somehow featured in WINNERTV after Winner come back from Japan."


"Tell the members that I'm allowing them to film during their practice times and that team B can be featured."

There was a moment of silence before the CEO spoke again. "Although, make sure to not reveal too many things about Winner's upcoming album."

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Chapter 1: I somehow tear up reading...idk if I miss them to much or hoping that he seriously let they record about Team B.

btw thanks for this amazing fic. T^T
baonghi #2
Chapter 1: Thank you for this fanfiction :3 I enjoyed it a lot. Can I translate it into Vietnamese, please? I'll credit it for sure :3