The broadcast

Deng Deng Deng
In the evening we went to the MBC radio station to promote 'Growl', our new song. We were invited to the famous broadcast 'Huimanggok noon' that was MCed by the gag woman Kim Shin Young. She was very funny and we were all very cheerful, despite our fatigue.
We began to introduce ourselfs and promoted our new album.
We prepared song covers too. First it was Chen's turn. He sang "It's Fortunate" by 2AM.
His voice was so amazing, when he began to sing.  
After a minute or so I looked at the other members. They listened to Chen's voice. Baekhyun, Luhan, Kai, Kris and Tao had their eyes closed. They enjoyed the performance. Although I was not sure if Tao was perhaps just before falling asleep. Same goes with Kris and Kai.
I closed my eyes and concentrated on Chen's song. His voice was so beautiful. I felt the tears in my eyes, but I forced myself not to cry.
Chen finished his vocal performance and we gave him a round of applause. After this we discussed who changes the most infront of the cameras (who is clearly Tao) and we told the story behind Kai's nickname 'kkamjong' ("dark jong" dark because of his skin colour and jong... Well, his real name is Kim JONGin ^^).
Then it was Chanyeol and Kai's turn to continue with the live performances. They prepared the song "Deng Deng Deng" by Supreme Team. Chanyeol was the first at the mic. He was super excited as always.
Happy Virus Chanyeol asked us to stand up. Accidentally he began the song without Kai, who couldn't find his earphones.
Slowly Kai got into it. Chanyeol began to rap meanwhile Baekhyun grabbed a mic stand and played the guitar on it. Chen stopped him. Then he gave the command and they played the air guitar together. Luhan stood laughing at the back.
I went to Chen and throw my arm around his neck.
What happened then was really weird, funny and embrassing at the same time. While I was getting into the music, Chen threw his arm into the air and began to grind on me. Right infront of a rolling camera. I was extremly suprised and my mood went 100% up.
This moment was perhaps just a few seconds long, but it felt longer than my 7 years of training, and I wished it would never stop.
Tao who stayed at the table to put on his earphones to listen to the music, spotted us first. He just stood there with his eyes wide open.
Kris who always has an eye on the little panda, noticed that. (Everyone knows that there is something in between the two handsome chinese boys, but they didn't tell us yet.)
He stopped being cool and turned around. He saw us and began to laugh. From his mimic I could tell that he was really embrassed of his leader mate and fellow (sub-)group member...
Then Luhan turned to us, because I almost hit him in his beautiful face. He judged us and hit me on my cap. I still don't know if this was for alsomt hitting him or partying with Chen.
The rest of Chanyeol and Kai's performance was just a mess. Everyone was hyped up and we partied hard.
All except Tao. He was standig at the back with his big earphones on and didn't gave a . I catched Kris a few times when he tried to motivate Tao, but every time he ignored Kris or shook his head.
Even Kim Shin Young wrote "Join!" on a pice of paper, but he didn't joined us...
In the mid of the song it seemed like everyone was leaking of ideas, so I tried by best to get my fellow members again into it and I think it worked. Everyone was getting back to party. It seemed a bit too much for Luhan. I felt his grib at my collar when he pulled me back. I trew my arm around his neck and he laughed. I moved to the music.
I felt Chanyeol and Kai comming to an end, so I took my chance and went to Chen. I tipped at his tie and tried to show him that he should bind it around his head...
"Why I should do that?!", he asked with a grin. I pointed him to headbang. He laughed at me and I laughed with him.
Then everyone began clapping and I wondered if the song was already over. It probably was. So I clapped too. Yeollie and Kai showed an awesome performance.
I was a bit frustrated that it was already over, but I took it like a man.
I made myself a mental note that we should do something like this at our dorm too.
I think that everyone had a lot fun. Even Tao who seemed tired today, but I saw him a few times when he laughed at us. Probably at me.What happened to me today?! I didn't drink...
But maybe he laughed at Kris too... He was very silly today. I think with the uniation of EXO-K and EXO-M with that he lost his leader position he has nothing other to do, but being a derp.
Of course he is helping me with some leader stuff, but I do the most work of us two...
Author note:
Since this is my very first fanfiction and english is not my mother language I hope you liked it. I also thought about a chapter following, so let me know in the comments if you want that, ok?
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D_S_H_ #1
Chapter 1: I would love more to this story. Maybe , or just fluff. Every SuChen fan loves that moment, but I haven't seen a direct story about it either. Thanks for this!
Chapter 1: Yeah I would want that!!great job author-nim keep it up fighting!!^^,