
The Bonding: Finding Home
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Note: Before you read this, I need you to know that this is not the complete story. This sequel will be split into two parts. This is Part One and Part Two (which will be much longer than this) will be up tomorrow. Enjoy this before the drama tomorrow! ~ (LOL)





Baekhyun keeps his blank stare on the white tiled wall in front of him as he nonchalantly peels his clothes off himself. He strips with not much of a care of time because after all, time is no longer of an essence since the day he arrived here in the gated community of El Dorado. He has been whiling the days away in misery. Just one look at his face and anyone could tell it was the expression of someone who has seemed to lose all hope.


Once he has dropped the last article of clothing to the ground and stands stark in the cold, he turns off the faucet that has been running with water. He lifts his right foot and dips his toes in experimentally before climbing whole into the porcelain tub. He lowers himself with his back against the head of the tub and closes his eyes the second the hot temperature of the water starts to overwhelm him.


Bath time is Baekhyun’s favourite part of his dreary days. He gets to be alone, free of anyone’s company. He gets to relish in his thoughts of self-loathing. Thoughts that attack his mind every time there is silence. As sadistic as it sounds, Baekhyun absolutely adores such thoughts because they were all truth; that he is worthless of love, or even happiness for that matter. Even his Exovian hadn’t wanted him or his baby. He is just a Bearer, after all. It shouldn’t be a surprise to him that he is treated in such a way.


Such thoughts begin to gradually creep into his mind and he subconsciously sinks lower, lower, lower till his head is fully submerged in the water.


He makes no attempt to lift himself back up even when he feels the air in his lungs getting out, feels the life in him slowly withering away.


Instead, he allows the darkness to take over.





I hope you’re settling in just fine. Jongdae told me he’d take good care of you, but I still want you to promise me you’d do the same for yourself. I can’t stop apologizing for sending you away. But I do want you to know that I have always cared for you and still do, for I would not have done what I have if I did not. In another life, maybe we could have been together forever, but the reality is that we can’t.


I’ll write to you soon.





Baekhyun feels like he has survived a stampede of a horde of elephants the moment he wakes up. His body is aching everywhere and his head throbs annoyingly. He sees that it’s already dark outside past the chiffon curtains. He can’t believe he has slept for at least ten hours, because the last time he had been awake was when he’d been taking a morning bath.


He glances down at his wrist to see a needle sticking out from under the pale white skin, connected to an IV drip beside his bed. Just as he’s about to rip it out, a voice startles him.


“Nu-uh,” the man wags a finger with a disapproving look on his face, “Don’t you dare take it out, Byun Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun abruptly props himself up on his elbows and opens his mouth to protest because he hates needles; just the thought of them makes him feel weird and tingly in an uncomfortable way.


“It’s for the baby, Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun falls back onto his pillow in defeat. He hates it whenever his baby is used against him. Because he knows he’ll do whatever it takes to keep his little one safe.


The chestnut brown haired male makes his way to the bed and perches on the small space beside Baekhyun’s legs. He brings a hand up to Baekhyun’s forehead and gently brushes away a few strands that were in his eyes.


“I thought you were doing well, Baekhyun-ah?” The man sighs wearily as he caresses Baekhyun’s cheek.


Baekhyun feels a pang of guilt at the man’s disappointment.


Kim Jongdae has been everything Baekhyun has needed in the past two months since he first came here. Even though he wasn’t very close to the son of the President, he had agreed to take Baekhyun in after learning of the situation. He didn’t even know Baekhyun and yet he had been kind enough to offer shelter. Not only that, in the past two months, he had been a great companion to a lonely Baekhyun who dearly missed everyone he had been forced to leave behind. Being a year older than he was, Jongdae has been a great listening ear.


 After everything he has done for him, the least Baekhyun could do was to not disappoint the man.


“I’m sorry, Jongdae. I didn’t mean for this to happen…” Baekhyun says quietly, trying to avoid the dark blonde man’s gaze on him. It was only partly the truth. He hadn’t purposefully planned on drowning himself. The water had been so calming he hadn’t thought twice about trying to save himself when he had slipped further into the water. He just allowed it to happen when he really should have fought.


It really is ironic, though, isn’t it? He’s trying his best to keep his baby free of danger yet he wishes so hard for his life to be over just so he could stop the pain of the incident of his abandonment by his own partner after he had fallen in love with him.


“It’s been two months, Baek. I’m not telling you that you shouldn’t be sad, but it really is time to move on.”


Jongdae suddenly jumps to his feet and looks down at Baekhyun with a wide smile plastered across his face. He claps his hand together in excitement and bounces on the heel of his feet.


“It’s your appointment with Dr. Jung tomorrow! And you know what that means?”


Baekhyun’s forehead creases into a slight frown as he slowly shakes his head, still eyeing the overly happy man.


“The of your baby, Baek. We’ll finally know if it’s a he or a she.”


Baekhyun nods his head in acknowledgement but his face remains void of any emotions. Jongdae leans in to give a small light peck on Baekhyun’s lips befo

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Beau1996 1375 streak #1
Chapter 2: Very good story - I've reread several times!
Venus6 #2
Chapter 2: Y yo esperando un final trágico donde Baek muere y Chan sufre por la eternidad de su error jajaja
Osekop12 #3
Congrats on the feature!!
Chanbaekmunchkin #4
Chapter 4: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Beau1996 1375 streak #5
Chapter 4: I've reread this again and really enjoy the plot - how Baek and Chan slowly developed their relationship the all the angst and finally and happy ending!! Thanks author-nim ✌️
Chapter 4: Wow 13 kids is chanbaek planning to make the next seventeen XD
Chapter 2: Baek forgave chanyeol too easily -__-
Chapter 1: Ugh the nerve of chanyeol to send letters to baek when he's the one who sent him away
Chapter 2: Idk how can ppl forgive ppl that easily because i can't. Yoh throw me like a dirt and you want me back hell no hahhaha
Ydylla #10
Chapter 4: Still one of my most loved mpreg ??