Six Years Later (Final!)

The Bonding: Finding Home
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Ok guys, this is the last part, and it’s 5 682 words long (plus I typed it all out at once ><)! The ending that ties everything together. Anyway, before you read it, thought you might want to know the ages of their kids so you don’t get confused in the middle.


Hyun Ki - 10 years old

Hyun Shik - 9 years old

Chan Wook - 7 years old, 

Bae, Baekbeom and Hyun Su - 6 years old

Chan-Hyun and Cho-Hyun - 4 years old

Mi-Hyun and Su-Hyun - 2 years old


It might not make sense now but you'll have to read to understand.


A warning: It’s not beta-ed and I’m not gonna fix the mistakes because laZY so sorry for grammatical errors + all other mistakes~




Six Years Later


Baekhyun wakes up to the smell of chocolate pancakes tantalizing his nostrils. With a grumbling stomach, he shoots upright in bed and looks to his left to see an empty void. He tangles himself from the sheets and slowly brings his legs over to the side, letting the sudden rush of blood settle. Once he has gotten over the initial disorientation, he stands up and makes his way to the bathroom to take a shower.


He exits the room half an hour later, dressed in a casual grey t-shirt and a pair of black slacks, his wet hair a tousled mess. As he makes his way down the stairs, he is greeted by the everyday sounds of bickering and squealing.


“Mummy, Bae-hyung is being a meanie!”


“Why is that so, Chan-Hyun ah?” Baekhyun chuckles as he looks down at the four-year-old boy who is tugging at his pants.


 “I accidentally ran into him and he told me that I’m still so blind even with my glasses on,” Chan-Hyun whines, pushing his plastic black-rimmed glasses up the non-existent bridge of his nose.


“It’s okay, baby, I’ll give him a good telling off for you,” Baekhyun promises as the little one runs off through the opened balcony doors to join his twin, Cho-Hyun, in the garden outside. He sighs contentedly when he sees eight out of ten of his children playing outside in the morning sun. It was one of those days where he couldn’t stop thinking of how blessed he was to have a family of his own, and a huge one at that.


Not all of those ten were his biological children, though. Bae was his first at six years old, but he wasn’t the oldest. He had also carried the twins, Cho-hyun and Chan-Hyun, in him for nine months, and they were four years old.


The rest -- Hyun Ki, Hyun Shik, Chan Wook, Baekbeom, Hyun Su, and only girls who were also twins, Mi-Hyun and Su-Hyun – were all from the children’s home he had worked at after the arrival of Bae.  They were all children who had been abandoned by Bearers who have been taken against their will by Exovians on the streets of Etoph, and hence they didn’t want their babies. After discussing with Chanyeol, they decided that they would adopt them all into the Park family, seeing as to how Baekhyun had practically raised them as his own since they were young, practically naming them all and also how they had planned for a huge family.


Putting them in order, Hyun Ki was the oldest at ten years, Hyun Shik at nine, Chan Wook was seven years old, the six-years-old line consisting of Bae, Baekbeom, Hyun Su, biological four-year-old twins of Chanyeol and Baekhyun Chan-Hyun and Cho-Hyun and lastly the maknaes of the family and only girls Mi-Hyun and Su-Hyun who were two.


Baekhyun is tugged out of his reverie when his stomach grumbled once more. He follows the delicious smell of pancakes into the huge kitchen where he sees Chanyeol with their youngest, Mi-Hyun, balanced on the side of his hip as he uses his free hand to flip the pancake in the pan. Baekhyun’s heart swells in adoration at the sight. Never in a million years would a younger him have thought he’d see the day where the love of his life would be cooking for their family with their children. 


Su-Hyun, the other twin, was in the baby chair, small eyes scrunched in concentration as she tried to put together a puzzle on her mini table.


Quietly, Baekhyun tiptoes over to the pair and circles his arms around Chanyeol’s waist from behind. Chanyeol neither flinched nor did he seem too surprised by the sudden gesture.


“Morning, love,” Chanyeol greets. Baekhyun smiles contently when he feels the rumble of his voice and buries the side of his face into his shirt, taking in deep breaths of the soft lavender scent off it. He hums a reply; though he couldn’t see Chanyeol’s face, he could tell the latter was smiling through the greeting.


“Mummy!” Mi-Hyun giggles as she pets Baekhyun’s head. While waiting for the pancake to be done, Chanyeol releases his hold from the pan and reaches for Baekhyun’s arm around him, tugging him closer.


Chanyeol places the last pancake onto the plate and turns off the stove as Baekhyun reluctantly peels himself away from his husband. Once the table was set, Baekhyun went outside to gather the children. It wasn’t difficult, because all he had to yell was “Pancakes are re—” and the whole troop of them came rushing through the sliding doors and taking their respective seats around the long table.


Baekhyun takes his place beside Chanyeol, pulling Cho-Hyun, who was being affectionate, into his lap. Mi-Hyun remained in Chanyeol’s as he poured the milk into plastic cups for everyone.


Breakfast, or any meals of the day for that matter, was always a lively affair. In fact, the Parks did almost everything together and there was certainly never a dull moment in their lives.


Once they were done, the kids went to get ready for school while Baekhyun and Chanyeol took the opportunity to spend some time together before the latter had to set off for work.


“I can’t believe it’s the day today,” Chanyeol says as he grabs as many cups as he can, dumping them into the sink where Baekhyun, who was equipped with his rubber gloves, was washing them.


“Me neither. Gosh, it’s been six years and they’re finally tying the knot,” Baekhyun gushes, finishing up the last of the dirty dishes. Chanyeol assumes his position beside Baekhyun where he quickly wipes down the wet dishes and places them on the draining rack.


“And then there’s us. Only six years and already thirteen adorable kids running loose around the house,” Baekhyun continues, peeling his gloves off his hands. Chanyeol turns to Baekhyun as he sets the last of the cups, a frown creasing into his forehead.


“Love, it’s ten kids, not thirteen,” Chanyeol corrects him as Baekhyun lets out a nervous chuckle, face palming himself.


“Oh god, yes, I meant ten. See, my point exactly! There’s just so many of them!” Baekhyun cries as he throws his hands in the air, “But I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”


“Me neither,” Chanyeol agrees as he turns his body and lets his hands rest on either side of Baekhyun’s full hips. They gaze into each other’s eyes for a moment, a small smile playing on their lips. Baekhyun doesn’t think he could ever get used to this; he always seemed to get lost in Chanyeol’s eyes because for some reason or another, they always to draw him in. But he likes it, he decides, because Chanyeol looks at him like he put the stars in the sky. It makes Baekhyun feel safe and more importantly, loved.


Chanyeol leans in and captures Baekhyun’s lips in a lingering kiss before they’re interrupted by Cho-Hyun’s and Chan-Hyun’s loud bickering.


The children were home schooled by Baekhyun, making things easier for them all. Once he had gotten everyone to their seats at their desks in the study room, he got them to start on the respective tasks given to each of them and went downstairs to the door where his husband was waiting for him.


Baekhyun takes one glance at Chanyeol’s crooked tie and goes forward to adjust it for him, rolling his eyes, albeit laughing amusedly at the fact that it’s been years and Chanyeol has yet to master the art of wearing a tie.


“Have fun at work, and don’t forget to save the day, Mr. President,” Baekhyun teases as Chanyeol puts on his shoes.


“I’ll try. There’s only so much the President of El Dorado can do in a day,” Chanyeol jokes. It’s been a year since he has taken over his father as President when the old man stepped down from his responsibilities, and it’s been a good year, though things get really tough at times. Baekhyun was proud to have his husband as the President of El Dorado and not a day goes by without him reminding the latter to do good in the world.


Giving one last peck to Baekhyun’s lips, he bids a goodbye and sets off for work.





Evening rolled around sooner than expected. Kyungsoo came in the afternoon with his two children in tow; seven-year-old Hana (who was gorgeous for a little girl) and six-year-old Jong-Soo who looked like a little prince. Kyungsoo took pride in them, always showing off the fact that they were one of the most good-looking kids El Dorado has ever seen. Because of this, Kyungsoo had decided on having only two children so he could invest more effort into grooming them.  It was more amusing than it was narcistic, though.


They were all getting ready for the highly anticipated event at night.


“Hana, darling, what did I tell you about sitting that close next to boys?!” Kyungsoo lectures as he glances over at his daughter who was seated next to Bae on the couch. A chick flick was playing on the telly, but neither of them seemed to be paying much attention to it. They were too busy gazing shyly at each other and eating salted popcorn out of the same bowl.


“But Ma, Bae isn’t any boy,” Hana whines. Kyungsoo glares at Baekhyun who was busy laughing away. He wasn’t too bothered by the fact that Hana and Bae seemed to be getting on “friendlier” terms.


“Baek, no offense, but you need to tell your son to back off because I am not going to give her up that easily. I don’t want her to get pregnant. Can you imagine that? Seven and pregnant.”


“Kyungsoo! What the hell are you on about? She’s only a kid for God’s sake. She won’t get pregnant from being friends with a boy,” Baekhyun rolls his eyes.


“Look at that! Bae’s touching her!”


“He’s not touching her in a ual way, Kyung. He’s brushing crumbs off her hand. Besides, you don’t have anything to worry about. He still doesn’t know what his pee pee is supposed to do besides… pee.”


Kyungsoo sighs in exasperation, knowing that he lost the argument. He didn’t say much about it anymore afterwards but he did keep a hawk’s eye on Bae and Hana.


Baekhyun had known it wouldn’t be an easy feat to get his kids ready, but he hadn’t expected it to be taking such a great toll on his body.


Despite only having dressed four out of his ten children, he was beyond exhausted, both physically and mentally, considering how Hyun-Su had made a big fuss about his appearance, saying he wanted to put on eyeliner like his mother, but of course, Baekhyun had refused to do so because for one, he was still far too young for it and secondly, Chanyeol wouldn’t like it.


“Baek-ah, are you sure you’re okay? You’re sweating buckets. And it’s not like the heater’s turned up that high,” Kyungsoo asks as he looks over to the pale-looking boy who’s helping Chan Wook button up his tux.


“Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired,” Baekhyun says weakly, giving a small smile that doesn’t seem to satisfy Kyungsoo. It was meant to reassure his friend, but it seems like Kyungsoo was even more worried now. He stops brushing Hana’s long black silky hair and goes over to Baekhyun who was kneeling on the ground in front of his son. Chan Wook skips away once he was ready but Baekhyun remained where he was, too tired to move.


“Jesus, Baek, you’re burning up!” Kyungsoo cries as soon as his cold hand touches the skin on Baekhyun’s forehead. Baekhyun tries to deny, but suddenly, he’s finding it difficult to breathe through his nose. He opts for breathing heavily through his mouth.


“Baekhyun, you’re having a fever.”


Kyungsoo orders the kids to play by themselves and to behave as he tends to Baekhyun who was still kneeling on the ground, trying to stop the room from spinning.


“Kyung, I’m fine,” Baekhyun whines, stressing on the last word as he pushes Kyungsoo’s outreached hand away.


Baekhyun tries to stand on his feet. Wrong move. His limbs fails him and he falls languidly back onto the ground. Kyungsoo swiftly catches Baekhyun in his arms, letting the boy rest against his chest as he tries to hold him up by the arms.


“You’re not ing fine, you stubborn mule,” Kyungsoo huffs in annoyance though he was very much concerned for his friend. He picks Baekhyun up in his arms and sets him on the couch.


“Maybe it’s time to slow down on the junk food, Baek. You’re heavier than I remember,” Kyungsoo jokes as Baekhyun lets out a single laugh only for his head to start throbbing.


“I’ll go get you some painkillers for your fever.”


Just as Kyungsoo was about to leave, Baekhyun hurriedly grabs onto the younger boy’s arm, looking frantically to him.


“No, Kyung, don’t. I can’t eat any medicine. It’s not good for me right now,” Baekhyun says as realisation dawns upon Kyungsoo. The latter drops onto the ground and gapes at the sick boy in excitement.


“You mean… Baek… What… When…?!” Kyungsoo cries, unable to form a coherent question.


“Two days ago,” Baekhyun admits sheepishly. Kyungs

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Beau1996 1375 streak #1
Chapter 2: Very good story - I've reread several times!
Venus6 #2
Chapter 2: Y yo esperando un final trágico donde Baek muere y Chan sufre por la eternidad de su error jajaja
Osekop12 #3
Congrats on the feature!!
Chanbaekmunchkin #4
Chapter 4: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Beau1996 1375 streak #5
Chapter 4: I've reread this again and really enjoy the plot - how Baek and Chan slowly developed their relationship the all the angst and finally and happy ending!! Thanks author-nim ✌️
Chapter 4: Wow 13 kids is chanbaek planning to make the next seventeen XD
Chapter 2: Baek forgave chanyeol too easily -__-
Chapter 1: Ugh the nerve of chanyeol to send letters to baek when he's the one who sent him away
Chapter 2: Idk how can ppl forgive ppl that easily because i can't. Yoh throw me like a dirt and you want me back hell no hahhaha
Ydylla #10
Chapter 4: Still one of my most loved mpreg ??