

“It’s time to get up.”


“I don’t want to.”


“The manager is going to start calling.”




Changmin started to move but Yunho refused to let him go, holding tight and pulling him closer to breathe hot against his ear. “I can think of more interesting ways to spend the day.”


In response, Changmin reached over his shoulder and pushed him away by the forehead. Yunho laughed, rolling onto his back and stretching across the bed while Changmin sat up and reached for his phone. Already there was a text from their manager asking: Are you awake?


He answered he was and waited for the normal: Can you get Yunho up? He’s not replying.




Changmin dropped the phone on the nightstand and rolled his neck. Hotel rooms were the worst. He missed his own bed. “I’m supposed to get you up,” he said to Yunho.


“Wasn’t I suggesting that?”


He gave a nasty look and his bandmate raised an eyebrow before snatching his wrist and pulling him down. “You’re cranky this morning,” Yunho said, his short hair and laying a soft kiss on firm lips.


“I have reasons.”


“Tell me about it, sweetheart?”


Changmin opened his mouth and the phone started vibrating erratically. They were getting dangerously close to being late for the start of their schedule. Their managers were getting antsy. Soon pounding on the door would start followed but unwanted entry to help them dress and rush them out to the van.


It wasn’t the right time for a discussion.


It was never the right time.


It was never going to be the right time.


“Forget it,” Changmin said as he shoved Yunho off and headed for the shower to cool his head.


He found the evidence he never wanted to discover on Yunho’s phone over a week ago and still didn’t know how to react. Yunho still had feeling for Jaejoong.


The music video and music wasn’t overly shocking, Jaejoong had an amazing voice and looked good, maybe better. It was the pictures that hurt. Candid moments saved from before the split and photos Jaejoong shared on his twitter. Yunho had an entire folder hidden on his phone. Like a love sick fan.


It hadn’t really surprised Changmin, no matter how much it hurt. Yunho wasn’t the sort of man to just forget someone he loved so passionately. In a way it was endearing he could keep the emotions alive. But it still hurt.


Yunho didn’t want him. He was just what was left.

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Chapter 6: This is amazingly written. I love how you portrayed them here. I'm still waiting for Yunho to delete those photos of Jj from his phone. I don't care what Yunho says. He needs to have a folder of CM photos and no Jj. Please update soon. ❤️❤️
I like this very much! Good job!
Chapter 6: this story was so great >.<
I loved Jealous Min and how Yun made him calm down with his love <3
jungshim #4
Chapter 6: yunho is so sweet and knows just how to communicate with changminnie
HominYC #5
Chapter 6: I am glad because the misunderstandings between HoMin it turns out
Thank you for the up ^^
DoubleYsYeoja #6
Chapter 6: awwwwww omg yunho you sweet sweet guy
Chapter 6: This is so, so, so good. "Besides, if a mess brought Changmin to his his room, why would he clean it?" adghsoifehtl this line is so perfect.
QueenB_doll #8
Chapter 6: can't wait next, update really soon please :D
purewhite1981 #9
Chapter 6: Thank's for the update
i love it..
Chapter 6: I love it!Ahhhhh Homin! This is so cute. Keep up the hard work author-nim!!!