
Incomprehensible Love

SungMin's P.O.V

I packed my bag as soon as the bell rang. DaSom-ssi, my seatmate, walked with me to the cafeteria for lunch. "And then, she actually came over just to pass that book to me!" DaSom-ssi was talking about her silly friend, and I laughed. I didn't find her story especially funny, but since she was laughing, I laughed along as well. Perhaps being polite has become my habit.

Everything was normal and usual, until I spotted EunHyuk walking with DongHae and a tall guy. I glared at the shortest's back, and walked faster. I thought I had warned EunHyuk to stay away from DongHae?! Aish...

"Oppa...Oppa! Where are you going?" DaSom-ssi's sweet voice finally reached me and I halted to a stop. I turned to look at her and laughed sheepishly. "Sorry...I was too preoccupied with my thoughts." "Really? You're not sick or anything?" DaSom-ssi asked worriedly, and I felt grateful for her concern. We've only started having proper conversations yesterday, and she was already this nice. I smiled and assured her that I was alright. We continued to head towards the cafeteria, and was greeted by a peculiar sight. I gritted my teeth in hopes of keeping my irritation at bay.

That suspicious bully was hugging EunHyuk on top of a table, and I quickly excused myself, running towards their direction. By the time I've reached, some kind of crowd has formed and I had to squeeze my way through to find that DongHae was screaming at who I assume is EunHyuk's friend.

I stood at the sidelines, not knowing what to do, and just as I was about to shout for them to stop fighting, the tall guy from before was flung towards me. I caught him in time, and helped him to stand up. "Sorry, I have to stop them," I told the guy, but seeing his reddened hands, I sighed. "DongHae-ssi is your friend right?" He nodded, seemingly dizzy from his fall. I think I could get some information on DongHae through this guy. I looked back at the fight, and currently, DongHae has EunHyuk in his arms, but another guy was landing continuous attacks on DongHae. Hoping for the best, I dragged the tall guy out of the cafeteria. Sorry, EunHyuk. I'll leave the fight to your friends. ><

"Where are you bringing me?" The tall guy finally sounded when we were a few meters away from the infirmary. I didn't answer and opened the infirmary door instead. "We have to treat your hands. The nurse doesn't seem to be in at the moment, so sit down and I'll help you." I told the guy after I took a look around the infirmary. He did not complain like I expected him to, and sat on the nearest chair he could find. I took the first-aid kit from the cabinet and applied alcohol on his hand after he was done washing them.

"Why are you helping me?" The guy asked. I pressed my lips together. How should I answer him? I looked up and looked at him properly for the first time. I tried my best to control my expression because holy cow---I was sitting in front of Cho Kyu Hyun, the smartest kid in the whole of 2nd grade.

"You asked me if I was DongHae's friend earlier. Are you helping me because you want to get close to DongHae?" I froze.

KyuHyun's P.O.V

I tried to restrain my violent best friend when he started to charge towards the monkey. But damn it, stupid fish was too strong and I ended up in the arms of some random stranger. Cursing DongHae in my mind, I stood up and wanted to thank the person, but he opened his mouth first. "Sorry, I have to stop them," I nodded, but once he saw my unjustly injured hands, he asked me, "DongHae-ssi is your friend, right?"

This guy is suspicious. Even though I'm hating on DongHae right now, I still care for him. I glared at the guy, but he was shorter and not once did he look up to meet my gaze. Nonetheless, I nodded and he took a slight glimpse of my face before looking ahead once more. All of a sudden, I was pulled out of the cafeteria.

"Where are you bringing me?" I asked after a few minutes of walking. I was utterly confused. Is he going to threaten me so he could get more information on my best friend? Damn bastard didn't even answer and opened a door. Turns out, he brought me to the infirmary. Hn, so this guy isn't that bad, is he?

"We have to treat your hands. The nurse doesn't seem to be in at the moment, so sit down and I'll help you." I followed his instructions and washed my hands like he told me to a few moments later. "Why are you helping me?" I wondered aloud when he was applying alcohol on my hand. After two beats of silence, he looked up at me and gaped. Seriously, what is wrong with this guy? I can't deny that his actions are cute though. Kekeke. How amusing.

Wanting to play with him more, I purposely asked, "You asked me if I was DongHae's friend earlier. Are you helping me because you want to get close to DongHae?" The small guy froze and I raised an eyebrow. So he wasn't as kind as I thought, eh?

"...No, not really."

He answered as soon as he defrosted. "Then what's your purpose for being here right now?" He stared at me and pouted, "I wanted to help you because you were injured. However, I can't deny that I have ulterior motives." He told me, and I was taken aback. I did not expect anyone to be this straightforward. Most of the people who come to me would try their best to please me.

"Well then. What's your ulterior motive?" He opened his mouth to answer, but at that moment, my stupid fish of a best friend slammed open the door ever so DongHae-ly and stared at us. He was carrying the monkey and I glared at him.

Fortunately, he had the sense to apologize and ended up agreeing to buy me the latest game I had been wanting for so long. I hadn't had time to buy it yet, so this was a great chance to get it. After agreeing, the idiot seemed to have fallen asleep on one of the infirmary's beds. I nodded to the guy in front of me, and we left the room.

"We'll talk more in the cafe nearby."

"You're not going to your afternoon classes?" I waved my excessively bandaged hand in front of him and he seemed to get that I couldn't exactly write, so he followed me as we walked to a nearby, small cozy cafe. This cafe's my favourite hang-out place when I'm bored, and I do most of my homeworks here when I don't feel like going back to my empty house. Apparently, I was thinking aloud again. "I'm honoured that you brought me here." I turned to look at the guy, undoubtedly blushing due to embarrassment. The guy was smiling so sincerely, I wondered if he really had any motives when he helped me.

Normal P.O.V

After the duo ordered their drinks, they sat down at the table in the corner. "So, care to tell me what your motive was?" SungMin gulped. "And tell me your name while you're at it." They smiled at the irony and SungMin replied, "My name's SungMin. Nice to meet you. I'm sorry we had to meet like this, KyuHyun-ssi."

KyuHyun didn't seem surprised that SungMin knew his name. Afterall, he was rich and smart. He knows that he's well-known around the whole neighbourhood. He signalled for SungMin to continue, and the latter said, "I'd like to know more about DongHae-ssi. Not to get closer to him, but because..." SungMin sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration. His bangs hid his eyes and he mumbled wearily, "Can I trust you to keep a secret?"

KyuHyun laughed. "Well, I'm already talking to you, aren't I?" It was also a well-known fact that KyuHyun despised communicating with humans that aren't in his group of friends. SungMin blushed, clearly flustered. "Okay... um... You see... My friend... He... He likes DongHae-ssi, and... I know DongHae-ssi is our senior, in the 10th grade. I'd like to know, why does he hang out in our class the whole day?" KyuHyun's eyes widened for the first time since they've met. "He does? For every single period?" SungMin's eyebrows met in confusion. "I thought the both of you were best friends," KyuHyun leaned on the table and sighed. "We are. He skipped all the classes we shared, but I didn't think that he'd seriously spend all that free time in some junior's class." KyuHyun frowned, not amused by the fact that his BFF didn't bother to tell him his daily schedule.

"So he skips class just for fun? What is he trying to do? Is he good in his studies? Why don't the teachers reprimand him?" SungMin released all his pent up curiousness in one go, and blushed bright red when he realized how eager he must have looked. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask everything at once..." 

KyuHyun simply chuckled, and thought to himself, 'This guy sure is cute.'

Thankfully, his thoughts weren't accidentally verbalized. "To answer your questions---" KyuHyun emphasized the 's', thus making SungMin hide his face in his hands, "---DongHae is an idiot. He skips class because he hates studying. He gets low marks in most of his class assignments, but gets higher-than-average marks in exams because he is good at cramming. The teachers can't reprimand him because of that, but the major factor is because his family contributes to most of the school's funds." SungMin nodded in understanding, absorbing the new information easily. "As revenge for not telling me what he has been doing while skipping class, I shall give you DongHae's number."

SungMin's eyes lit up and he stared at KyuHyun unbelievingly. "Really? You will?" KyuHyun smiled a smile too innocent to fit his character, and instructed SungMin to give him a miss-call so he could message DongHae's number. SungMin's cheeks coloured as he realized KyuHyun's real intention. He should be more suspicious, since this is their first meeting, but what the heck, he has already disclosed EunHyuk's secret to KyuHyun anyways, so he pretended to be clueless and called the number KyuHyun gave him. In a few seconds' time, KyuHyun's phone vibrated and within minutes SungMin has received a message.

From: Unknown Number

Hi, I'm KyuHyun. :)

SungMin covered his mouth with his hand in a futile attempt to cover the smile that's creeping up to his face. He quickly typed a reply. KyuHyun chuckled when he read his new message.

From: SungMin (<3)

Hi, I'm SungMin. :)

From: KyuHyun-ssi ^^

Oh, our drinks are here. So you like coffee? Isn't coffee bitter?

At this point onwards, both could not contain their smiles as they continued to stare at their phone screens, drinks ignored.

From: SungMin (<3)

Hahaha. The bitterness is what attracts me~

From: KyuHyun-ssi ^^

So you're some kind of masochist?

From: SungMin (<3)

WHAT?! No! Where did you get that idea from?

...And are we going to keep texting like this? My credit's going to finish soon ><

KyuHyun internally squealed at the reply. Thank goodness they aren't looking at each other, or else SungMin would have seen KyuHyun shivering from glee.

From: KyuHyun-ssi ^^

Hahaha. Sorry, this is what happens when one hangs out with HeeChul hyung too much.

I prefer chatting virtually. How much credit do you have left?

From: SungMin (<3)

You must be really close with all your friends. That's nice :)

Don't be like that! We should talk face-to-face; it's healthier too! My credit? There's only a dollar left.

KyuHyun was halfway through typing his reply when SungMin tapped the table lightly. KyuHyun looked up and caught SungMin's gaze. "Hey, let's talk like this, okay?" SungMin gave an eye-smile and KyuHyun gulped, trying his best not to blush. "A-alright." Was KyuHyun's short reply, and silence enveloped them temporarily, until SungMin asked, "What were you about to reply me?" KyuHyun stopped playing with the straw of his drink and as he recalled his reply, his confident self returned.

"What I wanted to reply was: It's nice, but my friends aren't. A dollar? Seriously? Either you spend too much credit in one day or you don't top up at all. How 'bout we go and I'll buy some credit for you?" SungMin blushed. Does this mean he doesn't want us to part? No, no. SungMIn, get a grip. There's no way anyone, girl or boy, would ever be interested in you. Stop being silly. 

KyuHyun watched as SungMin first showed a happy expression, but a frown replaced it almost instantaneously. "If you are busy, we don't have to. But if you're not, then the credit is on me." KyuHyun tried to make SungMin less worried, and was thankful he tried because the smile SungMin flashed him was heavenly. "I'm not busy. Let's go! I'd like to top it up by ten dollars~" SungMin teased. His eyes widened when KyuHyun nodded slowly. "I was jok---"

"Sure. Let's go now." ---they stood up--- "But why ten? Do you usually add so little credit everytime? No wonder it finishes so quickly." SungMin shot KyuHyun a scandalized look. "How much do you even need?!"

"You need a lot if you're a gamer." SungMin laughed. "Then I'm obviously not one. Ten dollars can last me two weeks. Wait, why are we stopping here? Where's the shop?"

KyuHyun stopped as soon as they exited the cafe. He replied carelessly, "Pfft. Gaming is life, man. I should introduce you to Starcraft. That game is awesome! Ten dollars can last you 30 minutes tops if you play the games I play, but the money is soooo worth it. And for your information, my driver is on his way. We're so not going to walk in this heat. I have walked enough when we reached here from school." KyuHyun emphasized the last part by swinging his arms in the direction of the sun. They were both standing in the shades, and the sun wasn't even bright; It was a cloudy day. SungMin was about to complain about how gaming is bad for the eyes, and that KyuHyun was just being a spoiled brat, but shut his mouth when a silver Mercedes appeared in front of them. SungMin is from a middle-class family, but he has never sat in a Mercedes as beautiful as the one he is seeing now. Curious, he silently followed KyuHyun into the car, and looked at every corner of the spacious backseat as KyuHyun gave his driver commands.

"This car is awesome! How come I've never seen this model before?" SungMin wondered, and KyuHyun replied without zest, that the car was custom-made. "WHAT?! YOU CAN CUSTOMIZE YOUR OWN CARS? LIKE FROM THE COMPANY ITSELF?!" KyuHyun would have scolded SungMin for shouting if the latter didn't look absolutely adorable while he flailed his arms about. Before he could reply, though, his own phone rang. SungMin gave him the signal that it was okay for KyuHyun to pick up the call, and KyuHyun unhappily did so.



"DongHae, if I were in class, my phone would have been switched off." It was amazing how KyuHyun's voice could turn monotonous in a second's time.

Oh right. Nevermind that. You know that monkey I own?

"Obviously, with you showin---"


"Why would you make him dance?" KyuHyun furrowed his eyebrows, his forehead showing creases as he tried to decipher the alien language his hyung was using. After stopping the car, KyuHyun listened to DongHae's story and agreed to help search the area for the lost monkey. As soon as he hung up, SungMin asked, "What happened? You look worried."

KyuHyun stared at SungMin for a few seconds, and a bright light bulb appeared on top of his head. SungMin gawked at the bulb as KyuHyun asked, "Remember when you told me you wanted to know more about DongHae for your friend's sake?" SungMin nodded, just realizing that they did not talk about DongHae at all. "That guy who DongHae was fighting you know him? Hae even hugged him on top of a cafeteria table." SungMin's eyes widened significantly. "Yes, I do. That's EunHyuk! What happened to him?" SungMin managed to withold the fact that EunHyuk was the 'friend' he was talking about, and he mentally sighed in relief, although another wave of panic coursed through him when KyuHyun told him EunHyuk went out with DongHae, and ran away. He had even more the reason to have a heart attack right there inside the car when KyuHyun continued by saying that DongHae couldn't find his precious 'monkey'.

"KyuHyun-ssi, I need to go to that arcade now! I need to find EunHyuk! I'm sorry---" SungMin made a move to open the door, but KyuHyun's hand flew to stop him. SungMin would have blushed under normal circumstances, but today was not a normal day. SungMin looked at KyuHyun, alarmed. "Please, I beg you! Let me g---" KyuHyun clamped his free hand over SungMin's mouth. "Calm down!"

SungMin blinked, staring at KyuHyun in a mix of panic and curiousity. "I'll ask my driver to bring us there, okay?" SungMin nodded slowly, and spoke after the car started moving again, "Why would you want to search for EunHyuk?" KyuHyun smiled a small smile and replied, "As much as DongHae's a selfish idiot, he's still my best friend. And I can't leave my best friend to panic on the streets, now can I? OH! Don't tell him I told you this." KyuHyun's affectionate features turned into one mirroring SungMin's.

SungMin laughed lightly, calming down by a lot. "I see..." He laid back fully on the leather seat and sighed. KyuHyun placed a hand on his shoulder, reassuring him. "I'll make sure EunHyuk-ssi is alright, so don't worry yourself too much." SungMin tried his best not to get teary-eyed and nodded. "Thank you so much, KyuHyun-ssi." He sobbed lightly. KyuHyun frowned at him, and replied, "Call me KyuHyun. And I'll call you SungMin." SungMin started to protest, but: "I hate formalities. I am forced to use it everyday, so I don't want to be formal with my friends." SungMin kept his mouth shut, as he understood KyuHyun's situation. He's still a rich kid afterall. "Alright then, KyuHyun." The both of them smiled despite the situation, because they knew they would definitely, eventually, find EunHyuk.


DongHae, soaked with sweat, turned around to see his best friend with the guy from the infirmary earlier. "Kyu! Oh my God I seriously need help! I have already searched all the shops around here, I even went back to school, but he wasn't there. He couldn't have ran too far, but I couldn't find him anywhere! Thirty minutes have already passed, what if something happened?!" DongHae wailed, and KyuHyun hugged the shorter male. "It's okay, calm down. SungMin and I will help too, okay? Now then, have you tried calling him?" DongHae shook his head, hugging KyuHyun like his life depended on it. "I-I don't have his phone number..." KyuHyun sighed. "You idiot. SungMin, do you---" SungMin nodded and called EunHyuk immediately. "Hello? EunHyuk?" The other two males listened anxiously as SungMin continued to talk in a hushed voice. "Yes, yes... Uh... No, I was out. And? Alright. ...I see. Where are you now?" SungMin waited for a response, and sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. I thought you may have gotten yourself kidnapped or something. Hahaha, okay. I'll come right away, so wait for me, okay? Don't cry. You can tell me everything later."

As soon as the call ended, DongHae grabbed SungMin's collar and started to bombard him with questions. "Is my monkey okay? Is he kidnapped? Does the kidnapper want money? How much? Where is he?!" KyuHyun surprised himself when he felt himself getting protective. He grabbed his best friend and flung him a meter away from SungMin. "Shut up. How are others supposed to answer when you strangle them like that?!" SungMin giggled. "You two are indeed best friends. Calm down, DongHae-ssi." DongHae assumed the guy, SungMin, got his name from KyuHyun or something. "EunHyuk is now at home. He's safe, but he seems upset. I don't know what you did to make him upset," SungMin glared and this made DongHae shrink in response: "But he doesn't know I'm with the both of you. So, now I shall visit him and make sure everything's alright. The two of you can go back home."

"WHAT?! BUT---" SungMin gave another glare and KyuHyun watched in amusement when his best friend sobbed pitifully. "I will settle this." Before DongHae could get his head chopped off, KyuHyun threw DongHae into his car. "Do you want me to drop you off at EunHyuk-ssi's house?" SungMin shook his head. "It's near. I can reach there quickly by foot. Just take care of DongHae." SungMin pointed to the guy that was flailing about in the car. KyuHyun chuckled. "Okay. Good luck!" KyuHyun pumped his fists in the air, and SungMin did the same.

"EunHyuk?" SungMin asked, as he peeked into his friend's room. The room was only slightly messy, with the pillows strewn across the floor, but the person who sat hugging a large bear plushie on the bed was the personification of a mess.

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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 12: Love it also when it was simple but the details were there. Cant wait for the next chappie :)
965 streak #2
Chapter 8: Hi there! I read through all the chapters today.
This is a nice story of the bullied who loved his bully!
I hope Donghae realize what he really feels for Hyuk before it's too late.
Thank you so much for sharing.
lindatan #3
Chapter 11: Looking forward to new chapters
Time_priestess #4
Chapter 11: Ah it's so cute! I love to see the different p.o.v. of the characters.
MyeolchiHyuk #5
Chapter 11: Teuki is sure very protective with hyukkie and glad the misunderstanding had been settled and clarify. And cant wait for both hae n hyuk to try their casual relationship and start with a kiss with raging teuki.. Heheh...
Thanks for the update :)
lindatan #6
Chapter 10: Hope Hae answer not giving a heartbreak to Hyuk . I think Hae needs time to sort out his own feelings
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 10: Ohmo... Kangteuk sure like a parent to hyuk.. Hyuk so cute and fragile...
Wonder what will hae say.. Please dont make hyuk cry and sad...

Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 10: Hhhhhh kangteuk are love hae I have to say something
Chapter 9: Finally fish u did realise my poor bb monkey don't cry I'm crushing on u and I'm okey ????