Push Me Pull You

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Push and Pull  a chronic pattern of sabotaging and re-establishing closeness in a relationship..



My first one shot story..

It's because I wanna cheer up my MinSul chingoos..

I hope this would help..

Though.. I'm still lacking.. so bare with me.. Hope you like it! 





It's that back and forth feeling of wanting to be close to someone...

Letting them into a more intimate and vulnerable position in our life...

Or becoming afraid with that vulnerability, needing to escape potentially of being hurt..

fearing the loss.. 

acting on that fear..

but then in end trying to get that person back once again from fear of that abandonment..

often by apologizing profusely and doing everything he can to be perfect for her again.


"How could I make it up to you?" he asked..

"Hearts and Flowers..." she simply answered...








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korinna26 #1
Chapter 1: Awwwww,,so sweet ..#minsulisreal
puspitaken #2
Chapter 1: i wish they are a couple in real life huhu :((( but thats cool story! love minsul love love :33
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 1: Beautiful authornim
Chapter 1: this is real moment of theirs, hopefully! :D
minsul are meant to be together forever and always... minsul fighting~

i love your story, thanks authornim ^^
make another story pls, i'll be waiting...
annisancoot #5
Chapter 1: This story like real moment. This story describe all of photos that show up on net and socmed. I really like this story. I love minsul couple. I am waiting for another story. Thank you author^^ keep writing and fighting^^
marifelhojas #6
Chapter 1: although sad to say i cant write any fanfics because im so buisy i mean carrier oriented so im just the silent reader or just the subscriber to all minsul asian fanfics but i really am fanatics of minsul couple ......and im one of your fanatics subscriber
marifelhojas #7
Chapter 1: tnx authonim for the wonderful one shot i hope its real hahaha....i love all your story i mean your the best i really mean it ......just continue to write minsul fanfics.....
cccouple #8
Chapter 1: wah thank you for the sweet story been checking if there is one cos I know some of us are hurt.dont worry minsullians I can feel and hoping that there will be interaction soon.
marisadepari #9
Chapter 1: BEST!!!
i also feel bad after that min-stal momment, and also how minho was playing with snsd sunbae.

Thank you for making our day authornim<3
oh and also i love this quote!

"Even if how many times we push each other away.. I guess we still be ended up pulling each other back." she said.