Chapter 22

Challenges in Life

beta thanks to aenkr28


Chapter 22


Finally it had come to the day Jaejoong would start his new school. He hadn’t been able to sleep at all last night, fearing what the next day would bring. His mother slept besides him since last night, knowing how nervous Jaejoong truly was. Jaejoong sat up from the bed, there was no point in staying in bed, sleep was the last thing on his mind. He rubbed his already swollen tired eyes, looking at his watch it was still too early to even think about getting ready for school. “Jae? Are you okay?” Heechul yawned softly beside him. Jaejoong shook his head and looked over at him.

“S-sorry Umma did I wake you?” he tilted his head to look out the window.


“Jae…” Heechul leaned up on his elbow.


 “I just can’t sleep.” He didn’t have the courage to look at his mother in the eye, if he did. His mother would probably have been able to pin point what was bothering him. Heechul furrowed his eyebrow and turned over picking up his phone. He squinted his eye, as he screen lit up, “Jae it’s still so early, please try and get a little sleep.”


“What the point, I can’t?” Jaejoong mumble staring off into nothing.

“Did you have a dream about those people again?” Jaejoong shook his head, he hadn’t slept so there was no way he would have dreamt about them, “Is it because you nervous about today? Jaejoong I’m sure you will make many friends.”


“Umma you know I’m not good at that and the only friends I’ve ever made are longer parted from this world.” He told his mother honestly. He remember all the friends he made in the hospital, they all had cancer, though what they had is varied, he remembered when he was allowed to go home for the weekend he was so excited, it was his birthday. When he arrive back, excited to tell the news to his friend only to find out he pass away over the weekend, Jaejoong remember cling to his mother for the day crying his eyes out asking was he going to died next. No matter what his parent said, Jaejoong never recovered from that and avoid to make any more friends, he dread to loss anymore. Jaejoong use to get so close to people that when they left him he wasn’t able to cope. Jaejoong realised when his friend died, the pain he cause his family each day with cancer.


“Jaejoong you will I promise you, this place will be different.”


“How can it be different?”


“Jae…” Heechul didn’t know what to say, “Please try and get some sleep.” Jaejoong lay his head onto his knee.


“Even if I try it’s pointless.” Heechul placed his hand on his back.


“You won’t know unless you try. Lay down for me Jaejoong, come on,” Heechul forced him to lay down beside him. “Although my heart wants you to stay Jaejoong, this it what you need.” Heechul stated, patting his back. “You’ve come a long way since you’ve come here. Your father and I are so proud at the steps you’ve made, Jaejoong!”




“Nothing just, get some sleep.”





Jaejoong stared at himself in the mirror, his new school uniform fitted him perfectly, but staring at himself only made Jaejoong feel more envious about the day ahead. He tried his best to stop the shakiness of his hands he bit his bottom lip, he ignored the dark circle under his eyes. He tried his best to look presentable, he returned to his room taking up a spot on the ground. For a moment or two he stared off to space before reaching out for his sketchbook, he looked through his page after page. He didn’t know why, he stared at the page of his family; it was like he was trying to find closer in it. He tilted his head up when he heard a knock on his door.


“Jaejoong can I come in?” Jaejoong stared at the door.


“Y-you can come in,” he pulled his knees up to his chest and looked towards the door.


“I know your probably getting ready but your mother asked me to get you, he wants you to eat something before I drop you boys off…” Kangin appeared at the door. He held onto the door as he stared into the room noticing Jaejoong. Jaejoong place his sketchbook into his bag before heading toward the door to follow after Kangin.


“Are you nervous?” Kangin asked as he pushed Jaejoong back lightly as two of his sons ran past, “Serious can you two never get ready on time?” He called after his son, neither answered back, Kangin turned his attention back to Jaejoong. “Nervous?” he repeated.


“It normal to be, right?” Jaejoong asked.


“Of course, but you know if you have any problems at school, call me.”

“Thank you,” Jaejoong timidly answered as he walked into the kitchen, he looked at his mother who held out a phone to him, “Your appa and hyung want to wish you luck on your first day.” Heechul gave him a kiss on the side of his cheek. “Don’t be nervous, you’ll have a great day.” Jaejoong took the phone off him and held it to his ear.




“Joongie, you don’t know how good it is to hear your voice.”




“You’re doing okay right?” There was an awkward silent in the air before Jaejoong managed to say a few words.


“Umma, can I talk to hyung in the living room alone?” Heechul nodded.


“Sure…” Jaejoong vacanted the kitchen and closed the door behind him, it was something easier to talk to his hyung about how scare he was. It’s easier just to talk to his brother than it was to his parent. His hyung was always there to listen to him after the mishap… Something that wasn’t there before.


Heechul stared at the door, he knew there were things Jaejoong didn’t feel comfortable talking him about, Jaejoong and Donghae had always been close when they were young, he was grateful at how close they got on. But when Jaejoong began to avoid them and cut himself, Heechul always wonder why he hadn’t told them or talked to Donghae, it didn’t make much sense to him. They had been close until Donghae went to High school, but then things changed. It was a short while later Jaejoong joined them back in the kitchen a smile gracing his face as he sat down. It made all the table occupied heart melt, it was one of the most genuine smile they had ever seen. Just as he was about to make his way to the car with Leeteuk and Kangin boy’s when Heechul stopped him.


“Jae…” Jaejoong turned.


“Umma, I’ll try my best.”

“You’ll do fine, just take you time nah?” Jaejoong gulped, although he tried not to be nervous, he was.


“Here,” Heechul. “In case you need to call me.” Heechul held out a mobile phone to Jaejoong. “Jaejoong I want you to promise me you’ll call me straight away if there’s any problem,” Jaejoong turned from him, only for Heechul to hold onto his arm. “Promise me Jaejoong.”


“I-I promise Umma.” Jaejoong answered.


“Good luck.” Heechul waved from the door as Jaejoong got into the back of Kangin’s car besides Taemin and Changmin.




“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t,” Heechul crossed his arm like he was giving himself a hug. “He just so…” He didn’t know how to say it, “I don’t even know how to tell him that he has to go for test again next week.”


“Oh, does he not take it well?” Leeteuk asked.


“Not since he was eight and when it came back. Each time we go, he dreads the moment they tell us it’s back. Each year it’s the same, test after test, the spine tap is the worse. Last year they even had to take fluid from his hip. It’s a very long and painful process and recuperation was a lot longer than usual.”


“Let’s not worry about that and have faith in today, besides if there’s any problem I’m sure the school will contact us,” Leeteuk told him, they already arrived in front the school only a bit small than Jaejoong’s last school.



Jaejoong sat nervously in the back of Kangin’s car. He could see Kangin looking at him in the rear view mirror, as soon as he pulled up at the gate he turned to look into the back. “Jaejoong any problems, any at all have the school call me, I’ll come and get you. Okay?” Jaejoong nodded he hated the fact that everyone was always worried about him, “Tae, Changmin, can you take him to the office and get his timetable and him to class, will be your job Taemin?” He turned to Yunho, “Yunho could I have a quick word?” Yunho unbuckled his seatbelt.


“No problem appa, come on Jae.” Taemin lean the way into the school with Jaejoong timidly by his side. Kangin watched them head into the school before turning to Yunho.


“You’ll look out for him won’t you?” his father asked him, “Being here will be very difficult for him, you know that right?” Yunho nodded before vacating the car following behind his brother.


Jaejoong stood outside the classroom where he was told to wait until the headteacher come, he could’t help but feel afraid as he stood outside the room, many people pointing at him as they passed him as they went towards their own classes. When she finally arrived Jaejoong followed behind her, “Settle down class,” she made her was to the front of the class and stood tall. “Class, we have a new student joining us today so I hope all off you will make him feel welcome.” She turned to look at Jaejoong, “Jaejoong would you like to introduce yourself?”

Jaejoong hated this, for one thing he hated people staring at him, but he held his gaze as Taemin in the 3rd row before he took a step forward and took a deep breath before he began to introduce himself. “Hello everyone, I’m Choi Jaejoong, it very nice to meet you all” He said with a bow his voice was shaky and timid but he did it… thought he felt totally embarrassed when he heard some of them laugh and whisper  while some he could make out were making snotty comment about him… it was happening all ready.. he turned to the familiar person who was glaring across the room at other,


“Alright, Jaejoong take the seat beside Hmm…. Let see where there is an empty seat!” She looked around the class room…. “Hmm the desk in front for Jung Taemin…” Jaejoong gave a sigh of relief before he bowed to the teacher as he made his way to his seat.  He felt Taemin hand on his shoulder as he sat down.


‘Ignore them…” Jaejoong nodded although the class had stared, he could this hear the whispers some comparing him to a girl, some asking was he really a guy…” been in a guy’s uniform. When lunch final came Jaejoong tried to find a quiet spot, he avoided the canteen excepting it to be too busy. He found a spot under a tree the court yard. He hadn’t except anyone to notice him…. But as he tucked into his lunch, the light that was on Jaejoong was replaced with three boys shadows” he looked up fearing. ‘Bullies?’ Jaejoong thought while scanning the people carefully…..”


“What’s with you…..?” Yunho asked taking a seat beside him, “How’s your first day so far….”


“I-it okay….?” Jaejoong answered feeling a bit awkward…


“Well that’s good to know…. Any friend materially yet…” Yunho asked he didn’t even  realise what he said until he said it….


“I-I’m not really good with people…


“Really…?” Yunho mocked… “I would never have guess from the scared and timid look you’ve been give me since I sat down, not to mention at home… your always  in that sketchbook of yours….? Yunho glance around…., “Yoh Duck come over here….” Yunho shouted across the court yard…, Jaejoong has shock, when a guy turned with a glare in his eye….


“Yah Jung….. call me that again and I’m smack you one…” Yunho laughed Junsu still answered to it…,


“Come over here I want to introduce you to someone….?” Yunho called him over.. Junsu  Meet Jaejoong,


“Nice to meet yeah, Junsu the name….


“Really he would never have guess if I didn’t just say that .” Yunho mocked earning an elbow into his rips…

“So Yunho not hangout with you posy today… again… that 4 days in a row that a new record..….”  Junsu fought back…


“Yah I didn’t invite you over to mock me….” Yunho told him as he turned to Jaejoong, “Jaejoon this is Junsu he’s in Changmin year… but he an  old friend of mine…


“Only when it suites you to remembersnder….” Yunho glared at him.


“Why did I invite you over again….” Yunho could help but feel a little pissed off.



“Pay back a isn’t it….?” Junsu smiled at Jaejoong as he looked to each of them…. He didn’t have the courage to say anything……


“Where that brother of mine anyway…..”


“with the teacher…


“What in trouble again…..?” Yunho asked. “Umma going to be pissed… Junsu laughed..,


“What else is new…?” Junsu turned to Jaejoong., “So Jaejoong is  it…. how do you know Yunho.” When Jaejoong didn’t say anything Yunho answered for him. “You know he won’t bit you….?” Yunho told Jaejoong before saying, “His parents and my parent are old time friends , ‘Jaejoong and his mother out staying with us  they just moved from the stateds


“State… you’re from the States…. Well welcome….” Junsu held out his hand…., which Jaejoong nervously took.  “I hope we can become friends…. He Yunho did you hear about the party this weekend…” Junsu asked


“Hmm I don’t think I’ll be able to make it…


“What? Why? I was sure you of all people would come…


“Yeah that was before I got caught last week… I would surely have been grounded for life if it wasn’t for Jaejoong covering for me… oh by the way I forgot to thank you for that.. Yunho turned to Jaejoong who was nibbling the edge of his sandwich.. He stay with them until the break was over…, ‘ Hey Jaejoong Wait at the gate after school for me…. Got it…?” Yunho told him as they head back to the building while Junsu tapped him on his shoulder.


“He doesn’t  talk much does he…. ?” Junsu asked…


‘You have no idea.. what he gone through…” Yunho told him.


“Like what?” Junsu became curious.


“Can’t tell you apart from… it stuff that would you make you think… you own life not so bad…after all


“Oh….That bad then? Junsu thought about it, “Can’t you give me a hint, Our his parent divorcing or something? Because I know what that’s like…..”


“No…… nothing liked that…?”Yunho sighed. “If I could tell you I would….Come on we need to get to class….?” Yunho and Junsu went their separate way to their class rooms   when Junsu arrive as his classroom he found a sulking Changmin leaning over his desk… Jusnu sat down beside him.


 “What did the teacher say…” Junsu asked…


“Same old same old….. I swear he needs a life…. It wasn’t like I was wrong… “Changmin answer, “It not my fault I’m smarter than him, beside all I said was I think he could read over the book again….” Junsu laughed.


“I meet Jaejoong…?”  the statement made Changmin turn his head sideward, “Yunho introduce me..


“What do you think of him…?”


“Not sure…he very pretty, but very shy… and I had a  bad feeling when I looked into his eyes if that makes any sense….?


‘Sort of…


“So he is staying with your family right…


“Hmm… his mother trying to look for a place… but Umma put him off until Jaejoong settle in school, and with us… he contently jumped when someone walk into a room. I seriously don’t get him….




“I don’t know…. All I know is he was having a hard time in the state so his mother both him back here. His father still in the states with his elder brother. His brother finishing the year over their…. That’s all I know…


“It a bit weird right…


“You have no idea…” Changmin leaned up as the teacher walked in.


“That what Yunho said… Can’t you tell me ….


“I don’t know… anything….” Changminw whispered As the lesson went on Junsu couldn’t stop his mind from lingering to a certain individual. He wanted to find out more…








Long Chapter..... for you guys.... ^_^

Jaejoong first day at school....  looks like it went off with to much error... i wonder what the next Chapter will bring...


Comment for the next ^_^







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Chapter 59: Omggggggg
Chapter 59: oh no i hope jae is der only. pls dnt let anything happen to jae *scared*
Chapter 59: wwwoooaahhhhhhhhhhh where is joonggiieeee!?
Chapter 59: Wht happen hereee
Chapter 59: I hope Jae and Junsu have a heart to heart talk and try to understand one another. Thanks for sharing!
Kattan69 #6
Chapter 59: Oh oh...Jae will be in big trouble and so will Su.
yuukishinhwa #7
Chapter 59: Missing jaejoong!! Yunho is gonna get a heart attack!!
Neng2ovid #8
Chapter 59: Now yunho is going to panic his jae is gone
Chapter 58: Youu make me cry n u make me laugh heechul know yunho at the closet hehehe
narmin #10
Chapter 57: Can we get another sichul more family story pleaseeeee... I am begging you.