
Word Barf

Prompt 1: Flawless – having no defects of faults, especially none that diminish the value of something

Word Count: 297

Character(s): Kris

Synopsis: Kris is flawless, but only on the outside.


Kris is flawless. He's perfect in dancing (he never missing a beat), singing (he's never a note off key), and acting (his expressions are always on point). He's a perfect leader whom they all respect. He has perfect looks; he's akin to a man that just walked out of a manga with a charismatic smile that sends hundreds of teenage girls screaming (exploding ovaries and everything).

They don't know about the nights when he stayed up till five practicing; dancing till his body ached, singing till his throat was soar. They didn't know about the nights when he cried himself to sleep exhausted and homesick. They don't know about the pressure of being the leader where the manager is always telling him to make sure the members were in line while he himself must stay the perfect role model; the image that the rest was supposed to look up to..

In reality Kris wasn't the hardest to wake up, he was just so damn tired that when it was time to get up, he couldn’t. Still Kris would endure. He would wake up and trudge through the day a fake smile in place. He would watch over the members, without a thought about himself. He would do everything he could to stay flawless because that’s what he was supposed to be.

And every night he would collapse back in bed just as exhausted as before and wonder why he wanted this job, trying to think back to the times when singing and dancing were enjoyable. But it didn't matter anyways. Kris was stuck in the idol life he choose, he just never imagined it would be like this. He never imagined he would have to be a man he wasn't, a fake smile and a fake personality.




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World-Class #1
Chapter 1: I liked your first Drabble (I'm also someone taking the challenge!).

Although there were some grammatical mistakes here and there, I loved how you portrayed the image of Kris, and - when cut down to the bare core - idols, in general.