I Found A Cat

I Found A Cat

“PUT THAT VASE NOW SLOWLY,” He said. “WHY?? WHY DID YOU CARE ABOUT THE VASE MORE THAN ME??” “BECAUSE YOU ARE ACTING CHILDISH AND THAT VASE IS BELONG TO MY MOTHER,SHE WILL KILL ME IF IT IS BROKEN,” He tried to reach me but I took few steps behind.Still holding that vase. “Stop right there!” I shout. “You tell me,who is the girl from earlier?? The one that caresses your hand!” “She is my client and I only met her once today,” “You liar!” I shout. “Why you don’t want to believe me??” “Why should I believe a guy??” “This guy is your husband!!That’s why you have to believe me!” He also raised up his voice. I felt like my cheeks are being slapped. “Then,take this vase,” I gave out the vase to him but when he hold that vase,I let go of my hands and I……..jumped through the balcony. “HYEMI!” I heard he called my name but…I feel myself hitting the ground.It hurted so much but I feel dizzy and I tried to open my eyes and………


“AHHHH!!!” I gasps. I wake up.Touches my forehead.I am sweaty.I tuck my hair behind my ears and I put both my hands on my face and rub it once. I put my hand on my chest trying to calm myself down.I look to my side,I can see him,sleeping soundly. “What is this dream?” I whispering a bit. I look at the clock at the small table near the bed. “It is morning already,let’s wake up,” I go out from the bed and heading to the bathroom.After getting shower,I walk to the kitchen to make the breakfast.I don’t have the intention to wake him up since today is SUNDAY!! He can sleep as many as he wants,I won’t disturb him.I take out the sausages in the fridge,I take 4 eggs and then I start to make breakfast. In the middle of frying eggs,I can feel the arms on my waist. I turn my head. “You’re awake??It is still early baby,why don’t you sleep a little bit more,” He kisses my cheeks. It is a habit for him,to give me a good morning kiss on the cheeks everyday. “I can’t sleep.It is too noisy in the kitchen,” He laughs. I pinch his arm and pouting. “Go and sit there,let me finish this eggs then we can eat,” But he shakes his head. “No,I want to cuddles with you while you are frying eggs,” “But how do you expect me to do this work with your arms on me like this??” “Let me do it,” He takes the spatula and continues to fry the eggs with me in his embrace.

“Thanks for the food,baby,” He says once he finishes.He takes the plate to the sink.Eventhough he doesn’t wash it,I feel relief because I told him before to bring his own plate to the sink once finish eating.I stand and start to tidy up the dining table.Once I finish,I walk towards the living room.I can see he is watching tv,an English movie.I sit beside him but suddenly I can see that vase.The one in my dream earlier.That was a quite nightmare so I don’t want to look at the vase so I stand up and walk to the outside of the house.I know he is watching me but I don’t want to disturb his concentration on watching movie so I decide to leave.

I can see the flowers that we used to plant when we moved here into this house.The flowers are quite dry so I think I shall water them a bit.I walk to take the pail at the water pipe and fill it with water.Once it is filled,I start to water all the plants.I smile a bit and say “Sorry for not being able to take a good care of you,I am quite busy.Drink this water and stay healthy,” I touch one of the flower. Without noticing,a little creature comes towards me and lingering around my legs.I am quite shock so I scream a bit. “OH MY GOD!! You little cat!! You are cuteeeeeee….” I squat and touches its head. “Meoww” It sounds. “Baby,What’s wrong,I heard you screaming just now!!” “Nothing,I was just shocked because of this,I found this!!” I show him that kitten. “Wahhh it is so cute!! Where it is come from?? You really found this??” “I don’t know.I just watering the plant and talking to the flower when it came,” I continue to caresses it’s fur.This cat is so cute since it has thick fur and its colour is white + grey. It keeps on playing with my finger.I laugh a bit when it tries to bite my fingers. “It is naughty!! Look,” He also playing with it and the cat respond to him well. “Is it a male or female??” “I don’t know since it is still a kitten,” “Look at its bell” He touches the cat’s bell and makes it rings. “Did you hungry little cat?? You want to eat??” I talk to that cat. “YES I WANT TO EAT,” He makes an annoying voice to ‘represent’ the cat.I laugh. “Wait,I’ll take the food,” Then I leave to take some food at the kitchen.

After a while I come back. “Here,does it eat crackers?” “Maybe?” He takes the cracker from my hand and tries to feed the cat but the cat just smell it and then it looks at him again. “Why?? You don’t want this cracker?? Mummy~I don’t want this cracker,” He turns to me and still making that annoying voice. I widened my eyes. I pinch his cheek. “What mummy??” I ask while laughing.He also laughs and blinking his eyes. “Okay,okay,wait,I’m going to take another thing,” I walk back to the kitchen and come back with some sausages that both of of could not finish it earlier. “Here,” I show the sausages to the cat and it suddenly shows the interest. “This cats is so picky!” I mumble. “Of course it wants its favourite food,right cat,” He continues to caress the cat's fur. We both sit side by side looking at the cat eating the food happily.That kitten is so small and so cute. “Jae,may I adopt this cat??” “I bet,this cat is belong to our neighbor,look at the bell that it wears,” I look at him. “Ahh I didn’t think about that.Then,can you buy me a cat?” I ask. “But we’re busy baby,no one is available to take care of it,” He explains to me. “Hmm you’re right,we’re busy.Nevermind,this kitten already made me happy today,” I smile and hug him a bit. That kitten finishes eating and trying to climb up his legs. “It likes you so much,” I pout. “Don’t be jealous.This is just a kitten.I am going to call it,MOMO,” He takes that cat into his hand and held it. “Why Momo??” “No reason,because I think it is cute!” He continues to play with it while me only watching them with a smile but sometimes,I also touch its head.

All of sudden,Momo quickly escape from his hand and running towards the gate and leave us. We are both dumbfounded because it happens too sudden. “Momo is left!!” I say with a sad tone. “Its owner must be calling.Nevermind,baby,let’s get into the house. Accompany me to watch the movie,” He takes my hand and I nod my head then I follow him from behind. I turn my head to the gate,hoping that cat will come back but there is nothing.I give out a heavy sigh. “Come baby,” He calls. “Okay! On my way!” I walk a little bit more faster then sit beside him on the sofa and watch the movie along with him till I fell asleep.


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