Chapter 2 - Overton Hotel

Floor 13

Chapter 2: Overton Hotel


Just as the driver and I reached the Overton Hotel's front doors, they swung open with the help of a tall, well-built man of about forty-five. The man was tall with light blue eyes and neatly combed black hair (the same color as my own). He had on a sharp black suit, well tailored and elegant.

"Beantown!" Uncle Louis greeted, pulling me into a warm hug. "How's my favorite gal in the world?"

"I'm okay." I said, giving him my best smile. Uncle Louis and I have had a close relationship ever since I was little. He's the only person allowed to call me 'Beantown'.

"You made it just in time," Uncle Louis smiled, guiding me into the hotel lobby. "I was just headed down for dinner." The lobby opened to a high ceiling with a fancy chandelier hanging in the center. The hardwood flooring shined spotlessly, an ornate rug was placed in the middle of the room. Everywhere people were milling around and chatting among themselves. Flower-filled vases decorated tables and stands all around. A couple bellboys came around to take the luggage out of my hands.

"They'll take your bags to your room, Beantown." Uncle Louis explained. "In the mean time, let's talk. You must be exhausted from your long trip." He gestured to a beautiful couch to which I immediately sat down on. Uncle Louis' eyebrow raised when he finally noticed the driver's coat resting on my shoulders. In one swift motion, he pulled the coat into his hands and threw it back at the driver.

"...You treated my niece well, right, Christopher?" Uncle Louis grinned, placing an arm around my driver's shoulders. Though his smile was warm, I could hear the danger dripping in his voice. "You know she's my favorite gal in the world. I hope she was comfortable during the trip. But not too comfortable, eh?"

"Y-yes sir!" The driver, apparently named Christopher, stuttered. His knuckles were white, gripping tightly to his coat as if it were his own life. I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for him.

"Attaboy!" Uncle Louis laughed, shaking Christopher's shoulder in a friendly manner. He took a seat beside me, pulling down Christopher as well. "I was going to have a good friend of mine drive you here, Beantown, but he was busy at the time. Isn't it lucky that his son just happened to be available?"

Oh that's right... I thought to myself. At the beginning of the trip, Christopher told me all about himself, but all that information went in one ear and out the other.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Isn't she great?!" Uncle Louis burst out laughing, his arm was still around Christopher's shoulders and he shook him roughly. Though Christopher kept a polite smile on his face, I could tell he wanted nothing more than to run away from this man and his antisocial niece.

After exchanging a few more words, Uncle Louis took Christopher and I down to the dining hall. If the lobby wasn't impressive enough, the dining hall was far more extravagant. Tables were set out and the lights were dimmed low. Soft piano music swelled the hall giving a soothing touch to the atmosphere. The dining hall had always been one of my favorite spots in the whole hotel. By the look on Christopher's face, I had a feeling it was his first time being here. The three of us were seated immediately near the back of the hall. Uncle Louis and I talked the evening away and for the first time in a long time, I was...happy. Christopher stayed for a bit, but later excused himself to attend to other matters.

After Uncle and I had eaten our fill, he escorted me to my room - a penthouse suite on the top floor. On one wall, a window streched the entire length of the wall. I stared out of it, taking in the view.

"You okay, Beantown?" Uncle Louis asked, placing a warm hand on my shoulder. I slowly nodded my head. He knew exactly what I was thinking about.

This was the same suite my parents and I rented out just last summer.

"I think I'm going to get some rest." I said, brushing Uncle's hand off my shoulder. He hesitated for a moment, but ultimately obliged to my wishes.

"Feel better, kid." He smiled sadly before exiting the room. Just as he did, I fell onto my king sized bed, closed my eyes, and fell asleep before any tears could fall.


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