The fight

dalshabet vs exo

"What did you said!"

Serri started to glare at Exo

"D.O, you said the wrong things already. You should say it's in their habit, one day without doing it their skin will rot"

After Kai's comment, Exo were busy laughing and high-fiving it with one another

"You guys are the worst people, we could see using our eyes"

"Oh? I thought you guys used your butts to see"

This sentence really angered Dal shabet, feeling the anger of Dal shabet. The new student started to speak up

"Actually... is not...their fault..."

The voice couldn't be heard in the chaos of quarrelling

"If we used our to see, then what's this?"

Subin brought up her phone and all of Exo were surprised to see the picture on the phone

"Give the picture back to us!"

"Give me a reason  do that!"

"We'll eat back our words"

"No thanks"


"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!"

All of them shut up and the voice could be heard echoing in the empty hallway

"Sorry, but actually Dal shabet had helped me to chase away the bully"

"So, they didn't bully you?"


"But to make sure they didn't do it in the future, you should join us"

Suho suggested

"I need she's better joining us, who knows you guys would bully her or not?"

Ah Young debated

"So you guys are bend to fight with us?"

The new student's hands were like a rope in tuck of war


She started to shout for help but bad luck the DM arrived at that time

"Well looks like I captured a whole group of you"

She pointed the 17 of them

"Dentention all of you now!"

All of them reluctantly went into the room

"Miss, can't we just let this matter off?"

"Since you're the only one normal, I'll give you a mission. Turn them from enemies to friends, make sure this two group are gone for good. You can only help one group to dimiss them from detention, think well. The mission starts now"

The new student went into the detention room....

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Chapter 5: woah! i know she will be pretty~
update soon ><
Chapter 4: Serri and Kris... :3
Chapter 4: lol, it's okay. since woohee is my bias. couple?
maybe you can make kai and serri, or luhan and
jiyul? or maybe gaeun and kyungsoo? woohee with
sehun will sounds cute. subin, maybe someone that
tall? well, ahyoung i prefer someone who is innocent.
btw, good luck in your stories XDD
Chapter 2: o.O that was unexpected. i wonder who is the new student?
can't wait for the next chapter. cx