Understanding Your Role

アカナシアの物語 (The Story of Akanashia)



*December 5*

      “Dai-chan!” Ryosuke called to his brother, “Is Otou-san back yet?”

      “Why?” he came over to his younger brother, who stood by the snow in front of the castle, “What are you doing?”

     “I want to show Otou-san what I can do now!” Ryosuke pointed to the snow before holding his hand steadily over the pile of snow.  He concentrated and he felt the magic inside his chest.  In front of him the snow melted away.  “See Dai-chan!?  Sensei taught me how to do this spell.”

      “Wow, you’re improving really fast.  I’m sure Otou-san will be really proud.  He should be back any second now.”

      His Okaa-san came with a squirming Yuri in her arms outside as his father rode in the gates followed by guards.  “Okaa-san,” the young Yuri whined, “I want to!  I want to go there!”

      The boy pointed to where Ryosuke and Daiki stood.  Keito and Yuya came outside as well to great their father home from his journey.  “Jun,” his mother said, running to his father as he dismounted.  They hugged tightly, Yuri in the middle of their hug, and he giggled and immediately clang onto his father.  The King took his young son, who was only four, and put him on his shoulders. 

      “Otou-san!” Ryosuke called out and his father looked over at him.  “Come here, quickly!  I want to show you something!”

      Ryosuke turned to the snow once more and smiled as his family all gathered around him.  He placed his hand atop another pile of snow this time.  “Sensei taught me this.”

      He concentrated deeply and waited for the snap of connection.  He waited…waited…It didn’t come.  Suddenly his chest was burning and he gripped it, falling to the ground, tears stinging his eyes.  His seven year old hands clung to his heavy cloak.  Then all at once the pain stopped and he was left with a dull feeling in his chest.  “O-Otou-san,” the boy turned to his family, but their faces were blank and pale. 

      “O-Okaa-san?” Ryosuke tried to touch his mother’s face, but her beautiful eyes were no longer there.  “Dai-chan?” His face and his other siblings held the same blank features—no eyes, mouth, nose, nothingness.  Even Yuri wasn’t shuffling about rattling off nonsense or giggling. 

     Ryosuke gripped his chest tightly once more as another burning sensation throbbed, and he fell to his knees. 


     He heard his father’s voice and in happiness, ignoring the pain, he looked up to meet his face.  It wasn’t blank.  His eyes burned with disgust; his nose flared with anger; his cheeks, red with rage; his mouth twitched as if he were about to yell, but the words wouldn’t form properly. 

      The young boy chocked a sob before his mother’s face was there, matching the expression of his father’s.  Then Dai-chan.  Keito.  Yuya.  Even little Yuri pouted and put on a mean scowl at him.  “I hate you Onii-san!” Yuri screamed, throwing snow that he grabbed with his little hands. 

      “How dare you betray us?” his mother cried.

      “I thought I could trust you Ryosuke,” Daiki growled at him.  “How could you do this to us?  To our country!?”

       “You are no son of mine,” his father harshly spat.  And Ryosuke felt the burning pain through his chest once more before he felt himself falling.

      Falling, falling, falling.  It was suddenly black.  Then everything was hot.  His chest burned, then his eyes, then his throat, and then the pit of his stomach before his whole body was engulfed in flames.  He looked down quickly—he had to stop himself.  He had to grab onto something!  But at the bottom of this fall, he saw the dark sand, swirling and dancing violently in the winds before his eyes.  He screamed in vain before his burning body fell faster and faster towards the sand…

      Ryosuke shot forwards in his bed.  His chest was sticky with sweat and his hair was matted to his forehead in a similar fashion.  He sighed, throwing the blanket off of him.  It was so hot here.  He tried to shake the nightmare he had just finished seeing—though it was a real memory.  The event had actually happened, just a bit differently.  His father had been proud of him and proceeded to pat him on the head; his mother made him his favorite dish that night and his brothers all congratulated him.  Yuri ran and hugged him, then begged for attention.  But it wouldn’t be like that anymore, would it?  To his family—no to Yukiguni—no to the whole world, he was a traitor now, wasn’t he? 

      Ryosuke cursed—he couldn’t be upset or pity himself again so he tried to be angry instead.  But the truth was that he was scared.  He was scared of what his family would be saying about him.  He was scared his father was going to disown him; his mother shedding tears over a lost son; his brothers wondering how their own kin could betray them.  He growled in frustration, stripping his silk pajama top off.  It was drenched and he touched his chest.  There was no more burning sensation, but instead just a dull one.  He was no longer connected to anyone in Yukiguni.  Quickly he grabbed another shirt from the fully stocked wardrobe he was given.  After changing, he was still panting.  He needed water.  Dang this heat!  He ran over to the flap and flung it open, only to reveal a dark hallway below him.  No a single candle was lit and the ladder wasn’t there. 

      He sighed.  It must be the middle of the night.  With no windows or doors in his room, he couldn’t tell when it was day or night.  The only indication would be if the ladder was here or not.  The maid would come by every day and place the ladder at nine in the morning before climbing them to inform him that breakfast had been prepared.  He was not allowed out of the bedroom before nine.  If he woke up earlier or had to use the bathroom, he had to wait until nine.  The ladder was removed at nine every night.  For those hours in between, he stayed in his room.  He couldn’t get down the ladder. 

     So no water to cool off.  He seriously needed to gain a few things in his room since he was going to be here for a while.  First off he was going to need a clock since he didn’t even have a window.  He was also going to make sure he got the maid to bring him water before he slept at night—just in case.  He’d have to find a fan in town as well.  He needed something to fan himself with and his hand wasn’t cutting it at this point. 


     “I see Hikoku, I think,” Takahisa said, setting the binoculars down.  The sun was just beginning to rise in the east. 

      His twin picked them up and glanced through them as well.  “Hikoku for sure,” Yuya rejoiced.  He was sick of this boat and was quite ready to get off of it. 

      “Should I change the wind direction?” Yuma piped up.

      Tomohisa came out from the underneath of the boat.  “We should reach Hikoku soon then,” he said as Maki came to stand beside him, “The wind direction should be good for now...By the way, where are the others?”

     “Daiki and Keito are up top.  We haven’t seen Kota or Hikaru though.  We assumed they were below deck with you.”

     “I didn’t see them down there,” he said, “I’ll check then."

     "Breakfast will be ready soon, so have them come up," Maki told him and he nodded as he went back below decks to find his own brothers. 

     Peering into their room, he indeed saw the two.  “…it’s not quite fair to me,” Kota was saying. 

     “There’s nothing we can do about it though,” Hikaru piped, “Why not just let it go?  Nothing’s going to change.  There’s got to be something else you want to do.”

     “No.  There’s nothing.  My whole life I’ve been overshadowed by him and compared to him.  I want to become king.  There’s nothing I won’t do.”

     “Kota,” Hikaru sighed, readjusting himself, “I don’t understand you.  Maybe it’s because I’m younger or something, but I’m glad I won’t be king.  Come on, we have all this freedom to do whatever we want!”

     “Hikaru, you just don’t understand,” Kota stood up and Tomohisa quickly walked away, pretending to have just walked to the door, knocking. 

     Hikaru looked up and saw his older brother’s face, “Ah.”

    “Breakfast should be ready soon,” Tomohisa said before walking away, deep in thought. 

     Tomohisa had never heard Kota complain about him before or anything though he had known a bit of his brother’s fascination to become king.  Days had passed since then and Tomohisa hadn’t told his brother he’d heard anything.  He figured it was better this way.  Plus, there were more important things to be worrying about currently.  

      “Tomohisa!” Maki ran towards her boyfriend who was coming above deck.

     “What’s wrong?” he asked her before he saw the large eagle perched on the side of the boat, and she held a metal letter carrier in her hand.  “From your father?” he held out his hand immediately and she handed him the letter.

     He took it out of the case quickly and called for Yuma to get him paper to respond before the eagle took off again.  Yuma made a bit of a ruckus as he ran off to get paper and ink so everyone began to gather to see what was going on.

      “Why’d King Ninomiya send a letter?” Takahisa asked, “Isn’t it a little risky?”

     Tomohisa only unrolled the letter and began to read.


I demand that you and the others all return as quickly as possible.  In exactly five days there will be a trial held in Yukiguni, so make it back before the trial on the 10th of December.  I know you are wondering about your mission but you must abandon it.  In case this message is intercepted I cannot reveal all of the details I wish to, but know that abandoning this mission is the best for you and the others.  If you were to arrive to your destination, you would only be sorely disappointed with the results.

 x King Ninomiya Kazunari of Kazekoku

x King Matsumoto Jun of Yukiguni

     It silent for but only a moment.  “What does he mean come back!?” Keito asked.

      Daiki was immediately following suit, questioning why they weren’t to continue on for his brother, “What does he mean by us being disappointed!?  M-My brother,” the boy seemed to waver, “He isn’t…?” He couldn’t manage to utter the word ‘dead’. 

     Tomohisa didn’t know what the letter meant either, but he had to listen to the King’s orders.  “Turn the ship, Yuma.  We’re heading back to Yukiguni this instant.”

     “What!?” Daiki cried out, “We can’t stop now!  We’d be able to reach Hikoku by tonight!”

     “Daiki,” Tomohisa him, “We won’t defy the King.  We’re going back.”

     “But my brother is somewhere in Hikoku!” he fought and Keito stood beside him, not letting the topic be dropped.

     “I know you want to get your brother back.  However, for all we know, Ryosuke could already be back in Yukiguni.  They said there is a trial on the tenth.  If Ryosuke made a stance against Hikoku, the court could justify another attack against Hikoku on the claims of whatever was done to Ryosuke while he was there.  Torturing a prince is a high offence.”

      “But,” Keito started this time, “Why would we need to be here for this trial?”

     “Keito, you know it’s the duty of the princes over sixteen to serve on the international jury council when a case is brought before the highest court.”

      “But it wouldn’t need to be brought before the highest court,” he fought, “Anyone in their right minds would agree to whatever Ryosuke said.”

     Tomohisa had nothing to say to that—everything he said was true.  A case like this shouldn’t have to go to the highest court.  Why would the International Council be called in?  It shouldn't reach them.  

      Ryosuke himself had just become a member, he thought.  “I don’t know,” he finally said, “But we’re returning immediately.  It was signed by your father as well, so Ryosuke must be safe already.”


      Keito and Daiki were in their room on the ship after supper.  “Keito, don’t you feel something odd about this order?”

      Keito laid back and thought about it.  “I feel that something is odd, but I can’t place my finger on what it could be.”

     “Ryosuke isn’t…you know,” Daiki said questioningly. 

     “No,” Keito said quickly, “Hikoku would be out of their minds to murder a prince.  Especially Ryosuke—I’m pretty sure everyone knows the temper Otou-san has.  He would rip King Sakurai’s head off with his bare hands.”

     Daiki nodded.  It was true.  Ryosuke couldn’t have been killed.  “So we should just go home like they’re telling us to?”

      Keito looked at his older brother, “Onii-san.”

      Daiki looked at him, “What?”

     “I think there’s only two possibilities if I think logically.  Either Ryosuke is back in Yukiguni and we’re returning for a trial that for some reason is going to the highest court.  Maybe that means he’s captured someone in high power in Hikoku or something.  Or Ryosuke is still in Hikoku and there is a reason they no longer want us to enter Hikoku.”

     Daiki nodded, “But the reason they wouldn’t want us to enter Hikoku…It could be something’s happened there.”

      “I wouldn’t doubt it,” Keito said, “Otou-san was planning on attacking with the army of Kazekoku after all.  So we have to decide Daiki.  Are we going to follow the others back to Yukiguni or are we going to Hikoku by ourselves from here on?  We can no longer rely on the others—it’s just you and me.”


     Ryosuke was sitting on the floor beside a chest, drawing pictures in the dust when he heard the flap open.  Thank God!  He looked up to see the maid who had just placed the ladder.  He expected her to tell him that breakfast was ready but she didn’t.  She bowed once and stood straight once more, “Is there anything I can get you this morning?”

     “Is breakfast not ready?”

     “Nishikido-sama and Erika-sama are out this morning.  They’ve left the country for business affairs and will return in a week.”

      “What?” Ryosuke cut, “What business affairs?”  He was pretty sure none of the other countries would let him in to their countries legally.  

      “I know nothing more,” she bowed.

      He was getting annoyed at all the bowing, “Would you quit all that?”

      “If you wish so,” she stood straight again and didn’t move. 

      It stayed like that for but a moment. “So they’re both gone?” he asked her. 

     “Nishikido-sama wished for me to inform you that this week you won’t be allowed to leave the castle due to his departure.  The doors are locked from the outside,” she sounded angry about that.

      But he was happy.  He was stuck here anyway; having the two of them away was better.  “You don’t enjoy having them away then?” he questioned the maid.

      “I don’t care either way,” she said in an annoyed tone, and he frowned.

     “I’m just trying to be social,” he said, annoyed himself now that she kept talking to him like this.

      The girl glared up at him nastily.  He almost shuddered at the look.  “Is it something I said?” he fought the look.

      She sighed, “If you don’t need anything then I’ll be leaving.”

     “I need something to drink,” he told her before she could run off.  “It’s too bad that since he’s gone I’m stuck in this palace.  I wanted to go out and get some things for the room since I can't return home now…” he grumbled.

      He lifted his head and she was looking at him differently now.  “Did I say something again?” he asked.  She must have noticed she was staring at him oddly for she shook her head before descending the ladder, closing the flap behind her.  

     “Weird,” he said to himself.


     Below, the young girl was walking quickly to the kitchen.  Stupid Miko! She criticized herself, what a slip.  You have to be careful!  When she got to the kitchens she turned to her best friend, another maid in the palace.  “Eri-chan, can you get me a pitcher of water?” she asked her as she grabbed a glass and tray. 

     “Of course,” Eri went to grab the pitcher and head to the well. 

      It would have been great if the well was outside and the servants had a way to get out this week, but no.  The well house was connected to the palace through the kitchen.  She was stuck in this palace all week!  Eri came back with the pitcher of water and handed it to her.  “You’re still in charge of taking care of the Prince’s orders?” Eri asked her.

      “Yeah,” she sighed.

      “What’s he like?” she asked, “I’d like to see him.  Does he look different than us?  I’ve never seen a foreigner before.  Let alone a foreign prince!  Is he hairy?  I hear Yukiguni has the hairiest people since it's a cold wasteland.”

      “Well, he’s really pale.  Like really pale.  It must be since he’s from northern most Yukiguni I hear.  I don't know about hair...I never looked that close... Anyway, you know what Nishikido-sama says about Yukiguni—especially the north,” she shivered, “I want to hate him for causing me to locked here as well since I have to sneak home again, but last night he was crying silently.  I couldn’t help but feel upset at how he appeared to be hurting so much.”

      “He was crying!?” Eri asked.  “A prince from Yukiguni?  I’ve never once seen Nishikido-sama or Erika-sama cry before, let alone heard of someone from Yukiguni crying.”

      “I know; I was surprised.  I don’t understand,” she told her, “Shouldn’t he be happy?  He now has maids and a grand palace to live in.  I don’t really get why he’s here, but he should be greatful.  Nishikido-sama said to give him whatever he asks for.  If only it was that easy for us...”

      “Don’t ask me,” Eri shrugged, “If I were him, I’d be happy to be out of Yukiguni.  It sounds scary just thinking of it.  Oh, do you think he had to battle the wild wolves up there?  You should ask him.  I hear they attack the villages at night, and the King doesn’t do anything about it.  Or no, ask him about his brother!”

      “His brother?” she questioned her friend.

      “Yes, the eldest—didn’t you pay attention when we went to school?” she laughed, “We learned about the family members.  I’ve heard Yuya is the one who cut off the head of his ex-girlfriend.”

      “What?” she gasped. 

     “Yes!  The people of Yukiguni are brutes!  They don’t bend an element so they have to resort to those tactics.  Be careful, Miko.  That one may seem nice, but what if he kills you?  He could probably do it with his hands!”

     “Eri-chan!” she cried out, gripping the pitcher tightly.  He didn’t seem like a brute though, right!?

     “Ma, don’t worry too much,” she nodded, “I’ll follow you.  I want to get a glimpse of him.”

     “You just said he could be dangerous,” she whined. 

     "He can't do anything to me, and I won't let him do anything to you," she grinned before turning serious, "But about sneaking home...Miko-chan, are you sure you should risk it again?  You already snuck out three times last week and almost got caught.  I had to lie that you were really sick and wouldn't come out of the toilet.  I don't want you getting in trouble.  You're practically my younger sister."

      "You know I have to Eri-chan," the young girl told her friend.

      "You're only fifteen," the elder girl growled in anger, "How come all the responsibilty fell to you?  Why'd your dad just," but Eri got cut off when they both heard a frightening sound coming from behind them.

     “Oi!” the two girls were frightened when the servant master walked in, “What are the two of you dillydallying around for?  Miko, you heard what Nishikido-sama said!  Don’t make the prince wait!  And you, Eri!  Hurry and clean the floors!  Unless the two of you want punishment, make haste with it!”

     “Hai!” they said quickly, Miko grabbing the water and Eri grabbing the pail and rag, before they both ran out of the kitchens. 


And yay!  Another chapter down.  :3  I've decided since none of the rest of the chapters in this story have been prescripted, I'll just update whenever I have the next chapter ready instead of making you guys wait a whole week for a new chapter.  I hope this chapter is to your liking.

Please comment! ^o^ I really like to read your comments on what you like or find interesting about my story.  :)



(Posted 日・2014年03月02日)

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Ryosuke meets Mirai; Chapter 16 is finally up~


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hazel_duhds #1
Chapter 16: yatta! this story is quite good i finish the 16 chpters in one sitting(heheh).. im rooting for the nxt update... and im rooting for a more YAMASHI moments from the story,yehey! but why is mirai older than ryo
It so long time to waiting you but I'll waiting for next chapter. I hope you will find a new inspiration.
Riena82 #3
Chapter 16: Hi momo chan... ^^
Finally, the long awaited encounter!

and there goes- Nishikido the vulture- always distrusting and giddy---- *let me spat him away-for Ryo-chan :S
He is surely watching his back well. But, even a perfect plan have flaws- and i'm hoping there is a loophole somewhere ^^

I know to trust means to pay a high price for something- but i am happy that Ryosuke is willing to bet on Mirai's offer. Hope it is worth it.. *crossing my fingers*

Do something about Miko's suspicion please... not that i blame her for being paranoid- with this whole situation, she ought to be... she will be a perfect ally, if she is on their side...#sigh

I don't know, but one thing that i am perfectly sure of, for now is Mirai is an ally for Ryosuke and she indeed have plans. (she is just manipulating Nishikido's trust to her benefit. (hopefully my assumption is correct ne, momo chan..)

King Ohno is sure getting on his feet with this whole thing- i do hope he is planning to reunite the countries, instead of making the situation worse.

p/s : Sankyu for the updates, looking forward for more- and good luck on your internet connection, luv! :D
Chapter 16: Yosh!!!! Finally, he meet Mirai. I hope the way to see his brother not has a obstrucle.
ekadarmayanthi #5
finally ryosuke and mirai meet! and I can't wait when mirai will explained about ryosuke's brother to ryosuke, and can't wait until ryosuke meet his brothers ^^

thanks for update momo-chan, and ganbatte for the next chapter as well ^_^
Chapter 15: Wow This is so dram fic and complicated. I hope the stress situation of this will be clear. Poor Ryosuke to get involve in this plan. I wish you will write some interaction of Yamashi hehe~ . Waiting for next chapter.
Riena82 #7
Chapter 15: Hi momo chan :D
Genki desu ka? Well, my curiosity button is ON- upon seeing your update…. Hahaha… #shot dead

So, Nishikido is putting his plan in motion, no?
What a psycho he is… #sigh
I want to say he is cruel, but his demand for Ryosuke to attend the ball while surely everyone will be hostile and doubtful (especially his family) towards the poor boy, is beyond sadistic. He is indeed gambling on everyone’s emotions at their best… utterly despicable!!! # I want to stab him!!
Ryo-chan, please stay strong… TT-TT

I kind of get the vibes that Eri likes Ryosuke- but who is she really??
Is she a spy from Yukiguni? Or just plainly taking advantage of the situation?
I can sense jealousy there- transpiring between Miko and Eri…
But maybe I’m wrong ~~~ #whacked

I think the tea and cake is some sort of secret code which Mirai is trying to convey to Ryosuke via Miko. Miko wouldn’t understand as she harbors doubts against Mirai. But, I do hope Ryo-chan get the message!!!.... #crossing my fingers

I am glad he enjoyed Miko’s company- life wouldn’t be so miserable for him at least.

Mirai did surely have a complicated past. But, I love the fact that she is somehow strong and reliant…
Brave enough to stand for what she believes in. My- kind of lady warrior here #bricked

This is getting exciting!!! Do update soon :D <3 <3 <3

P/S: ganbatte for you last year and do make lots of great memories!!!!
ekadarmayanthi #8
Chapter 14: uwaahh,,looking forward for the next chapter already ^^

and finally jun showed his weakness toward mao..
somehow, mirai is so mysterious :D I hope she can save ryosuke and maybe, they will have romance together (?) hehe..me is random, XDD..

daiki and keito too, i really want them to meet ryosuke soon, i don't know why, but i just want it ^^

thanks for update momo-chan, ganbatte for the next chapter ^_^
Chapter 14: So, that's the reason about the declaration of war by King Sakurai... And about the letter to Miko in the previous chapter, I'm curious about the sender. The interaction between Jun and Aiba is heartwarming, it showed how a good relationship between kings (and countries). Woah, can't wait to read the moment Mirai meets Ryosuke, too. Mirai is cool and composed, while Ryosuke is the reverse.
Oh, and almost forgot to say, Welcome back Momo-chan. Looking forward to the next updates XD
Riena82 #10
Chapter 13: Yay! You updated^^
Hi momo chan :D Remember me?? haha..

i just did a marathon~~~ *phewwwwhh~~
It is getting more and more scrumptious, this story that is ^^
How long hv i been missing this adventure??
Haha.. sorry-life-got-to-me- >.< *bows*

I miss it terribly,this fic~~~ XD

Noooo... You will never succeed with your evil plans, Nishikido!!
*begs momo-chan endlessly*

This is where the story got extra juicy-i guess-the threat letter and the mysterious Mirai.. Oh Miko~~~ #peeks at Eri for some reasons...o.0
I wonder when they will meet? Ryosuke and Mirai that is...

It is complicated-the relationship between father and son.
Ryosuke and his sacrificial act and Jun his pride and disappointment :<
They could hide it but both loved each other, unconditionally *sigh*
Hope they wont do anything [email protected]

~thanks for the update momo-chan, and ganbatte for the next chapter and your exams ne~ XD <3