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Hearts, Stars, and Cranes [hiatus]
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"Rina nee-chan, look," A young girl of eleven years called out to Serina, "My eight hundred and eightieth crane!"

"Wow another one already? That's wonderful, sweetie." Serina smiled at the young girl. "We can finally hang up your twenty-second strings of cranes now, Yui-chan!"

"Yay!" Yui cheered happily as she handed the folded crane to Serina.

Serina took the crane, slipped it into the last place with the other thirty-nine cranes already in placed, sealed it with a bead, and then hung it onto the ceiling in Yui's hospital room with the other eight hundred and forty cranes.

"Looks good." Yui praised with a satisfied smile. "Now I have two hundred and twenty more to make!"

Yui grabbed a solid yellow of square paper, scribbed a message inside, and began folding it into another crane.

Serina chuckled at the girl's enthusiasm. "Once you reach one thousand, you get to make a wish, right?"

"Right!" Yui responded giddily.

Serina then settled herself in the chair beside Yui's bed. "Do you know what you want to wish for?"

"Uh-huh." The little girl nodded her head; her concentration on folding the paper into another crane. "But I can't tell you."

"How come?" Serina asked as she continued on folding the rest of her lucky star before being interrupted by Yui's little outburst.

Yui momentarily stopped and looked up at Serina. "Because it will ruin the magic." And she returned her attention back to the piece of paper in front of her.

"Will you tell me once you reach a thousand cranes?" Serina tried again while looking at the young girl.

"Yes. I will tell you, because you will be there with me." Yui smiled up at Serina before going back to the crane.

Serina smiled and went back to focusing on her lucky star. Just as Serina finished, she heard Yui yawned. She looked up to see the young girl's eyes becoming slightly droopy. Serina slipped her puffed lucky star into her tote bag before returning her attention back on Yui.

"Sleepy?" Serina asked while standing up.

Yui nodded her head as she yawned once more while rubbing her right eye, leaving the crane half finished in her left hand. Serina looked up to check the time and saw that it was half past four in the afternoon.

"Time for your nap, Yui-chan." Serina informed the young girl while taking the incomplete crane and placing it onto the bedside table, and then tucking Yui into her bed. "Comfortable?"

Yui nodded her head softly as she hugged her teddy bear closer to her. "Will you come visit again tomorrow?"

"Of course. Right after I get out of school, that is." Serina smiled as she patted the covers one last time. "You're my favorite origami teacher after all."

Yui let out a slow giggle before yawning again. "I'm your only origami teacher."

"Touche." Serina let out a few giggles of her own. "Have a good nap, kiddo. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." Yui replied sleepily.

Serina smiled one last time while looking down at the young girl before brushing a few strands of her hair to the side. "Sweet dreams, Yui-chan."

Serina quietly gathered her things, tiptoed out of the room while maneuvering through the many hanging cranes, and exited the room.


Serina happily stepped towards in the direction of Yui's room with a clear jar full of lucky stars filled inside in her hands.

"I hope she likes it." Serina whispered to herself. "It took forever."

Serina chuckled to herself as she finally arrived in front of room 218. Serina knocked, but didn't hear anything. She tried once more, and got the same response. She tilted her head in confusion as she opened the door. Peering inside, Serina was met with an empty room. Her eyes widened in shock at the discovery inside, she quickly entered the room, and began searching and looking around the whole room. There was no sight of Yui or of her cranes. It was completely empty. Serina rushed out of the room, and back into the hallway. She looked to her left and to her right, unsure of what to do. She then spotted a nurse and quickly walked towards her.

"Excuse me, miss." Serina let out breathlessly.

"Yes, ma'am?" The nurse turned to face Serina. "How may I help you?"

"Do you know what happen to the patient in room two-eighteen?" Serina asked.

"Oh, yes. The family transferred to another hospital." The nurse informed Serina.

"Transferred?" Serina asked confused. "Do you know the reason why they transferred the patient?"

"Yes." The nurse replied. "Are you an immediate family?"

"Well... no." Serina admitted slowly. "I'm not an immedate family."

"Then I cannot disclosed th-" The nurse was interrupted.

"But Yui-chan was expecting me to come visit her today." Serina explained and then held up the jar of stars. "I was supposed to give this to her."

"Are you perhaps, Miss Serina Ka-Kay-Ew-Dare-Dar-Ra?" The nurse asked struggling over Serina's family name.

Serina didn't bother correcting the nurse. "Yes, that's me. Why do you ask?"

"Wait here a moment, please." The nurse order as she left Serina standing where she was as she walked off somewhere.

Serina waited, wondering what it could be and mean. She also wondered why she wasn't notified about this at all. She was upset and confused about the whole thing.

"Yui-chan..." Serina sighed with a sad feeling.

"Miss Serina." The same nurse called out bringing Serina back to reality.

"Yes?" Serina replied, turning to face the nurse.

"The family left this for you

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HSaC: first chapter is long because it's necessary. lol future ones will vary~


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Chapter 3: I can totally imagine the scene when his mum telling not to be a grumpy dumpty... LOLOL
Chapter 2: Derrick? LOL! Derrick hoh?
Chapter 1: A bird. Lololol
kimirina #4
The description of this story is just so awesome! Im surely gonna read it!
I love the idea~Update soon~:D
I done my part! LOL