

Wind! Cold! Snifters begin to bounce inverse into Wu Fan’s body. A chilly feeling pierces through his nape. He stops. Not knowing why, Wu Fan looks back behind him and stares through the dark filling the stairway. Still, everything only wears on itself’s the color of black. Chanyeol’s cry ceases. Did someone just come out? Was the basement door opened by someone else? Has Chanyeol just walked in? Wu Fan still remains stepping down the stairs.

The earlier cold wind returns to him. A feeling of being encircled by an invisible large thing and it abruptly vanishes, sending shudder through his veins. Dazed, Wu Fan looks around.

Still, black and black.


Title: The

Pairing: Kris (Wu Fan)/Chanyeol

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Dark, slight!angst, mystery, ghost!AU.

Length: ~12k-word oneshot.

Summary: Wu Fan just wants a normal house, a normal lover and a normal life. But seems like he can’t have any of those that easily.

A/N: thanks to yellowfluffball - my sweetie - for beta-ing this oneshot. <3


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choiandlee #1
Chapter 1: Wait what. This is quite bizarre, im sure if i were kris i'd be crazy already. But let me understand this, so kris is the mundane man that is targeted? And chanyeol is supposed to be the the one mundane man has fallen in love with? So chanyeol has been haunted so that he decided to go? Also something i couldnt understand why does chanyeol always ask kris to pick him up whenever he goes to supermarket?
Chapter 1: OMG! WOW! i cant believe i just find this amazing fic. dark & angst fic isnt really my style, maybe thats why. Hah. Anyway, im glad i proceed to read it despite the genres bc THIS IS GREAT! Like i love how your characters are OOC it refreshing. And the bizzare life of wu fukkin fan that makes my head work harder than usual. I like that you make me think, throughout the stor i was confused and scared that i wont be able to figure this fic completely bc im not that bright, but GLADLY, in yhe end it all makes sense. although my heart breaks for krisyeol, but this is really good and well written so i forgive you :p THANK YOU FOR THIS GREAT PIECE <3 sorry for the rambling
TheShinyWobbuffet #3
Chapter 1: Oh... so the mundane man is Kris and Chanyeol is the Satan-chosen lover and then there's that bastard.
Chapter 1: Wait so let me try to understand this -- the was targeting Chanyeol, who was in love with Kris, so the went haunting Kris? Or was the targeting Kris so it haunted Chanyeol? And I'm wondering if that girl who committed suicide (the one that the grandma mentioned) relates to the whole river demon thing at all? ;A;

Though this was confusing in some ways (mostly because I'm really bad with stories that have a long plot) , it was very enjoyable to read nonetheless! I love having to figure things out when reading a story and I like your writing style very much!
Chapter 1: Ohhhh you don't know how much I love your writing style! It's... novel? idek but it's kinda new and somehow attractive? :)) Oh and the plot is just so cool! I love mistery fics ~ *v*
But I don't like Chanyeol in this fic at all? He's so OOC and I don't want my babe to turn out like this ;-; And I hate that grrrr =.="

But, I actually wonder if Wu Fan really, i mean R E A L L Y! TRULY! loves Chanyeol? ; ^ ;
Chapter 1: i cant believe it I've done reading this over 12k words oneshot and GOSHH my eyes hurttttt it's all your fault *creys a thousand rivers*
this fic is so nice and whyy? Why d'ya have to separate my OTP i cant take it UGH- NO! =(( having your OTP being separated is in' hurt (even its just a fanfiction) *sobs*
but hey woaaaaah smoking luhan that's kool~ *thumbs-up* i like it =)))
and hey kris' mom's new novel storyline freaked me out T___T so, chanyeol was possessed through this all ~12k words, was he??? ewww i dont wanna think like that *growls*
well... i liked this ; n ; much ; n ;
Another Krisyeol fic OMGGGG *screams*
gonna read through this soon~ *v*
newlymew #8
Chapter 1: hey... you said this is slight!angst, but why am i feeling so sad right now? :( it hurts? although it is not creepy, or scary at all, but it is pretty obsessive. :( i feel pity for kris. it's all because of his handsomeness! x(
i love it really much!! <3 thanks for writing.
jixiship29 #9
Chapter 1: Wow! Like you said, this oneshot is soooooooo l0oo0OoOnggggg~!! But it's okay, I've read loads of super long oneshots before so this is not really a big deal. ≥Ö‿Ö≤ I'd love to read long fics.

Well, everything started really slowly, but gingerly, and it did not make readers feel bored. The plot is fabulous! And the ending too. I liked it very much! But I think Chanyeol's characterization was a lil' bit too OOC? (×̯×) Or was that because that possessed him?... (×̯×) idek. It's cool anyway~ (>v♥)

From the beginning, I was like "wahhhh another KrisYeol fic for my life" then when I started to read it my expression changed to "woo the theme is just dark and creepy" then when I had read it deeper I was like ☜(˚▽˚)☞ 'cos of incidents and I don't know anymore! It was so ambiguous but so clearly at the same time. And Chanyeol left Kris with a mess behind and noooo Chanyeol that wasn't a good idea but then I realized that KRIS WAS HAUNTED AND EVERYTHING WAS ALL FRAUDULENT AND BANG- Kris would be haunted by that like forever and there was no Chanyeol hurray~ 凸(◉◡◉)凸 ~~

Anyway, thanks for writing this (◡‿◡✿), for making the KrisYeol tag more colorful with different genres and adding more gay stuff in my insane life. Take this heart as my love for you baby~ (っ◔◡◔)っ~~~♥
Chapter 1: I'm.... so isn't fair...... whyyyyy