Picasso's Heart


Kris Wu travels to the other side of the globe to find his true love. He finds her in Paris where she lives her dream as a famous young artist. He recognizes her the moment their eyes meet. On the other hand, she has no idea who the young man is.  


(a birthday present to our dear friend, Margaret...Happy birthday, honey♥)


“There is only one way to see things,
until someone shows us how to look at them
with different eyes” 
― Pablo Picasso 


Margaret Fei
20-year-old artist in Paris


Kris Wu 
20 y/o 
Tsinghua University MVP
President of the Art Club; has unique art style only he understands

feat. Huang Zi Tao 
19 y/o
Tsinghua University varsity player
Wushu artist; Youku sensation 


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