



a/n: Thanks for all the support! This is probably not as good as what you thought it would be, but still, enjoy~!








"So, you... gave a black eye to one of your classmate?"


Kim Junmyeon, 23 years old school counselor, scanning through a piece of paper given to him by one of the home room teacher, which contain was an explanation why the student sitting in front of him was sent to his office.


"I warned him already, he had it coming."


Kim Minseok, 18 years old third year student, who constantly being sent to Junmyeon's office through the year. Either it was because sleeping in the class, talking back to the teachers, or, like that day, having a fight with other students. Minseok was fidgeting in his seat looking to anywhere but Junmyeon's face, one of he few habits Junmyeon picked up about him after maybe the 25th time he was sent to his office.


"But still... you didn't really have to just punch someone in the eyes, did you?"


Minseok was, troubled kid, maybe that was how adults around him going to describe him, or maybe just people around him in general. But Junmyeon refused to call him so.


Ever since Junmyeon worked at that school a year before, as a side job while he was finishing his grad school, he noticed that not even once, out of the twenty something times Minseok was sent to him, Minseok ever started anything first. Sure, Minseok slept in the class once in a while, but, who doesn't? All of those times the teacher sent him because of 'talking back' usually was just Minseok expressed his lack of interest in their classes. And he got into a fight was just to defend himself, because really, Minseok barely even talk if no one talked to him first.


If Junmyeon was ever to describe Minseok, Minseok was actually broken. Because it wasn't anger what Junmyeon saw in Minseok's eyes, it was hurt and sadness, a feeling of rejection? Even the teachers who supposed to care about him seemed like they don't want to have anything to do with him, yet they dare to call themselves teacher.


"I didn't, but he had an opinion about me even when he doesn't know me at all and when I didn't ask him for one, so I give him a black eye even when he didn't ask one."


Another thing Junmyeon learned about Minseok was he is a good talker.


Junmyeon rubbed his temple, he needed to do something about Minseok, but he didn't know what, yet.


"Alright, detention for four days, 3 hours after school, started tomorrow." Junmyeon decided to just gave him detention as usual for the time being.


"What? 3 hours? I have work after school!" Minseok shocked, because Junmyeon usually only gave him 2 hours detention for a day or two.


"Your shift started at 6, school finished at 2.30, you'll manage to get to work on time. If you run fast enough." Junmyeon smiled at the student.


"How could you know about my shift?"


"My apartment is right beside yours, remember?"


Oh, yea, they're neighbors.


"Creep!" Minseok mumbled under his breath before leaving Junmyeon's office.




Minseok fumbled on his keys in front of his apartment, when Junmyeon suddenly came out of nowhere.


"You know smoking is bad for your health, right?"


Minseok almost jumped out of his skin and chocked on his cigarette.


"Damn Junmyeon! Don't do that!"


"It's Mr.Kim to you." Junmyeon said as he walked pass Minseok to reach his own apartment right beside Minseok's.


Minseok rolled his eyes, "That's when we're at school."


"I'm about to make super late dinner, do you want to come? You need a lot of energy, because started tomorrow, you need to run from school to your work." Junmyeon offered, tilting his head his apartment’s door.


"Yea, thanks to you! But no, I'm tired." Minseok declined as he finally get to open the door and entering his apartment without sparing Junmyeon a second glance.


Junmyeon frowned in disappointment, even though he knew he wasn't supposed to feel that way.




Junmyeon sat on one of the chair in the library, carefully watching Minseok putting back books into the shelves as a part of his punishment. There was an awkward silence surrounding them, but Minseok probably won't care and Junmyeon didn't know what to say.


There were a lot of things Junmyeon wanted to asked, there were a lot of things Junmyeon was curious about Minseok, but Junmyeon didn't know where to start to get to know Minseok, he was afraid any effort he did would make Minseok hate him even more, because, let's be real, it's not like Minseok liked him in the first place.


"I'm starting to grow a hole on my back." Minseok suddenly said, shocking Junmyeon who didn't expect him to talk first, or even to talk at all.


"Sorry, got to make sure that you're not running away." Junmyeon said, trying to be casual.


Minseok rolled his eyes all the way to the back of his head and stuffed a book into one shelf before responding, "Have I ever run away from all of these?"


Come to think about it, Junmyeon realized that Minseok never once ran away from all of his detention, which is, kind of weird to Junmyeon. "Right, why?" Junmyeon asked.


"Why what?" Minseok scrunched his nose, trying to locate a certain section of book shelf.


"Why you never run away?"


Minseok fell silent for a while, "I don't like running." Or maybe because I don’t feel that I’m alone for once when I’m here.


Junmyeon nodded his head, he accepted that as an answer for then.


Junmyeon tapped his fingers on the table, thinking whether if he should ask the question he was about to ask. "What did that kid exactly said to you by the way?" Junmyeon decided to just ask the question.


Minseok stopped what he did, and froze with his hand hanging in the air holding a book about applied math. Turning on his heels, Minseok facing Junmyeon with a questioning look. "Why do you want to know?" He asked.


Junmyeon shrugged his shoulder, "Just wanted to understand your reason."


Minseok turned his back facing Junmyeon again, busying himself with the rest of the books. There was an awkward silence again, and Junmyeon thought Minseok didn't want to answer his question.


"He said that I'm a failure and no one wants me." That was hurt.


Junmyeon raised his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised that Minseok was willing to answer his question.


"Well, if I'm not your counselor, I would actually say that you did a good job." Junmyeon said, somehow truthful.


And for the first time in about a year Junmyeon knew Minseok, he heard him chuckled, and he kind of like the sound of it.




The second day of detention, they were (only Minseok, really) cleaning the teachers' office. Minseok was standing on a stool cleaning the dirty windows while Junmyeon watching him from the side, leaning on a table.


In the time while Minseok cleaning the window, Junmyeon took his time to observe Minseok. Minseok was pretty, Junmyeon objectively (or subjectively, who knows) thought. The boy has round face, round eyes, round lips, and fair skin. His dark brown hair look so soft and fell perfectly on top of his head, that he sometimes flip them when they fall on his eyes. Appearance wise, Minseok was more than average, enough to make one or two or hundreds, really, people to like him. And Junmyeon thought that was the main reason why Minseok has the job he has in a popular café where he works part time as a waitress and Junmyeon believe beside the already not bad salary, with that look, he must got a lot of tips.


Proceeding to his personality, other than too honest and his tendency to give black eye to anyone who provoked him first, Minseok was really not that bad at all. He wasn't a bully, he came to school on time and never ran away from school or detention. So what is it that makes him seems so distant and out of there? What makes people around him seems hesitant or even bothered to be around him?


"I don't think I have enough time in the world to make these windows clean again, I tried really, but you need a new window." Minseok snapped Junmyeon out of his thought, while still concentrating on scrubbing the dirty windows.


"I'm sorry?" Junmyeon asked, wasn't really paying attention.


"I said, it would be a lot faster if you asked me to change the window than to clean them. These dirt are intact." Minseok sighed and threw the scrubbers into the water bucket near the stool he stood on.


"Oh," Junmyeon said with pout, "Let's just clean the trophies display then!" He suggested.


Minseok breathed out an "Alright!" and about to jump from his stool when Junmyeon accidentally kicked on the leg of the stool, making Minseok lost his balance, and the next thing Junmyeon get was a Minseok in his arms, eyes squeezed shut, unlike his eyes that went double of their original size.


When Minseok opened his eyes, he was met with a pair of dark brown orbs staring at him with just one palm away from his face and a pair of arms around his middle. His stomach made a somersault, his breath hitched and his heart pumping blood into his veins with full speed. In a moment that feels like forever, both males just staring at each other and can't move a muscle (or simply don't want to).


Finally aware of their position, Minseok suddenly straightened his body and pulling away from Junmyeon without pushing him and took two steps back. He coughed awkwardly before saying, "I... I think my detention hour is done. I need to go to work now!" He grabbed the water bucket and left Junmyeon dumbfounded.


"Oh, okay!" Junmyeon said before Minseok's back disappeared behind the wall.


Junmyeon glanced at the clock on the wall, still 4.45 pm.




"I really can't do 3 hours detention today, I need to cover for one of my co-worker for an hour!" Minseok said on their third day of detention.


"How long can you stay?" Junmyeon asked without lifting his face from the papers he worked at.


Minseok rolled his eyes to the ceiling, doing some math, "An hour? An hour and a half max."


Junmyeon lifted his face from the paper he was working on and creased his forehead. "Sit!" He said, pointing at a chair across his table.


Now it was Minseok's turn to knit his eyebrows, but still obliged anyway.


"Do your homework!"


Minseok made a quite funny expression when he heard that. "Do my homework?" He asked.


"That's what I said." Junmyeon answered, as he busily scribbling something on his paper.


"That's all?" Minseok asked again.


Junmyeon sighed and back to face Minseok, "Do you want to clean student's toilet instead?"


"Eh... No!" Minseok made a disgusted face just from the thought.


"Good! Now do your homework and you can leave at 4."


"Alright." Minseok said, and pulling his books from his bags.


It was half an hour later when Junmyeon found himself watching Minseok doing his homework. Minseok wasn't a top graded student, but to be able being ranked around 100th place out of more than two hundred students when he fell asleep in half of his classes was really something. Minseok was really an interesting person.


Minseok was looking up to think when he caught Junmyeon staring at him. And apparently both of them were suddenly remember about what happened the day before at the teachers' office, because both males looked away awkwardly.


"Is there anything you want to ask me?" Minseok asked minutes later when he was working on some trigonometry problem and still feeling Junmyeon's gaze on him.


Junmyeon tilted his head, debating with himself, and sorting out questions he wanted to ask to the younger male. "Do you hate people?" Oh wow, good job Junmyeon, at choosing the stupidest question possible.


Minseok looked up from his homework and staring at Junmyeon with confused look. "What?" He asked still wearing the same look.


"No, I mean..."


"I don't." Minseok cut him, and back to his homework before continued, "I just have low tolerance about them."


"Is that why you like to be alone?" Junmyeon asked without sounded too pushing or harsh.


"I have friends, if that's what you wanted to know."


Yeah, Junmyeon knew that (no, Junmyeon was totally not stalking him). Minseok has two close friends as much as Junmyeon knew, Luhan, a senior like Minseok, and Luhan's boyfriend, Yixing, a junior and the captain of dance club. But other than those two, Junmyeon thought Minseok doesn't really close to anyone.


The next question Junmyeon wanted to ask was a really personal and sensitive one. Junmyeon needed to prepare himself, in case Minseok would give him a black eye. After inhaling a deep breath, Junmyeon finally asked the question, "Why are you living alone? What about your parents?"


Minseok visibly stiffened at the question, but didn't lift his face from his books, so Junmyeon wasn't so sure about the effect of his question.


"I don't have parents." Minseok answered short.


"Were they passed away?" Really, Junmyeon shouldn't asked anything further, but his curiosity kills him.


"To me they were."


"Huh?" Junmyeon didn't mean to react that way, it was spontaneous. He was about to face palm himself at his own reaction.


"What parents?" Minseok suddenly spoke, "Alcoholic and abusive parents who wanted to sell their own child as e to pay their debt? That kind of parents?"


Junmyeon could see Minseok gripped his pen harder until his nails were white. He was in shock himself, mouth hung open, didn’t knowing what to do or say.


Junmyeon then proceeded understand why Minseok was so distance from people. How could you asked him to trust people when he was being so badly hurt by the people who should've protected him? Minseok was so hurt that he was afraid to get too close to people, in case they're going to hurt him just like what his parents did. And people around him sense that, sense the distance Minseok made, sense the insecurity in Minseok and they use it to make themselves feel powerful and better humans than him. What disgusts Junmyeon was how the teachers labeled him as a troubled kid without even made any effort to know him, let alone helping him to cope with life.


"I don't have parents." Minseok said, finally looking up to meet Junmyeon's eyes. Never in his life, had Junmyeon felt so small.




It was raining hard outside when Junmyeon found Minseok in front of his apartment, totally drenched to the bone.


"Are you okay?" Junmyeon asked, as he leaped closer, dropping his trash bag, the reason why he was out in the first place.


Minseok was totally not fine, drenched in rain at midnight was far from what Junmyeon called fine. Junmyeon tried to pull Minseok's arm, to look at him better, but Minseok shrugged him off. "I'm fine." He said short.


"No, you're not!" Junmyeon persisted.


"I'm fine." Minseok said weakly before slipped into his apartment and locked it from inside.


Junmyeon knew he was going to regret not insisting on helping him. And when Minseok didn't showing up for detention, he cursed himself.




After school hour, Junmyeon was standing at the front of Minseok's apartment, thinking whether to knock or no. But he decided to just knock, he didn't want another regret. Beside, the worst he could get was a punch, or two.


Junmyeon couldn't hear anything after the first knock. He wondered whether if Minseok was out, sleeping, or something worse. He knocked again, louder this time and finally heard something like slippers scratching wooden floor. And a moment later, the door creaked open, revealing a really pale red eyed Minseok.


"Minseok? Are you okay?" Junmyeon wasn't proud of the question, the boy was clearly not okay. He stepped forward, closer to the younger boy. But before he could ask anything else, Minseok collapsed towards him, head on his neck and his own arms around Minseok's waist keeping him from falling.


In panic, Junmyeon could feel Minseok's breath burning against his neck, and Minseok's high body temperature seeping trough the thin fabric of Minseok's shirt. Quickly, he lifted Minseok from the ground and brought him inside. All the way to Minseok's bedroom, Junmyeon couldn't help but thinking how light Minseok's body was.


Kicking the bedroom's door open, Junmyeon finally able to put Minseok down on the bed and covered him with a blanket. Junmyeon fumbled over his phone to call his friend who was a doctor, afraid that it was something serious.


"Fortunately, it's nothing really serious," Kyungsoo, Junmyeon's friend said, as he putting back his stethoscope into his bag, "He would need a lot of sleep, and give this medicine after you feed him, two of them." Kyungsoo continued as he give Junmyeon a small bag of these small yellow pills.


"Thanks Kyungsoo." Junmyeon said in relief.


"And, try to bring his temperature down by putting wet cold towel over his forehead. Hopefully, he will be a lot better by tomorrow." Kyungsoo gave Jummyeon a reassuring smile.


After sending Kyungsoo to the front door, Junmyeon paced to the kitchen to find a basin and trying to find a towel, but it took him several minutes, because that wasn't his house, which is, he realized later, that it would be a lot faster if he goes to his apartment instead.


After getting all he needed, Junmyeon back to Minseok's room, putting the basin filled with ice water on the night stand and pulled a chair next to Minseok's bed. He carefully placed the wet towel on Minseok's forehead, and patiently wet them again every few minutes. The room was really quiet, Junmyeon was thinking, how lonely it must be for Minseok. Especially at the time like that, when he was sick, and no one taking care of him.


Junmyeon touched Minseok's damp forehead and frowned at the feel on his palm, Minseok's still hasn't got better. He let out a heavy sigh when his eyes caught at a clock on the wall. It was almost dinner time, and Junmyeon was sure that Minseok hadn't eaten anything the whole day.


Junmyeon got up from his seat to cook something for Minseok, and met with a disappointment when he was greeted with an almost empty fridge, except for some eggs and leftovers. No wonder Minseok was so skinny, he thought. He ran out to his apartment instead and brought back various ingredients, enough to cook some egg porridge and chicken soup, in case Minseok didn't like egg porridge. He chose to cook at Minseok's apartment instead, because he was reluctant to leave the other boy too long.


An hour later, he was back to Minseok's room with a tray full of steamy food, a glass of water, and the medicine Kyungsoo gave earlier. Junmyeon really didn't want to wake Minseok up, but Minseok need to eat and take the medicine. So he carefully shook Minseok's shoulder after putting the tray down on his nightstand, "Minseok, wake up, you need to eat."


Minseok stirred a little and whimpered half conscious. "You need to take your medicine, you can sleep again after then." Junmyeon coaxed him more.


Finally, Minseok managed to open his eyes and starring at Junmyeon, but too sick to ask anything, and letting Junmyeon helped him to sit on his bed.


Junmyeon tucked a pillow behind Minseok so he could sit more comfortably. But to do so, Junmyeon needed to lean over Minseok, and that made him aware about their close proximity. Such an inappropriate timing to suddenly think about that, he cursed in his head.


Finally back to his sense, Junmyeon back to sit on the chair beside Minseok's bed. "Do you want to eat egg porridge?" He asked, earning a small nod from Minseok who was silently watching him the whole time since he opened his eyes.


Junmyeon smiled affectionately before taking the bowl and spoon from the tray, "I'll feed you okay? This may not taste that good, but just bare with it for now, alright?" Junmyeon blabbered. And Minseok just nodded again, too tired to refused, and it was actually felt nice, the feeling of someone taking care of him. There was this warm feeling inside him, knowing that he wasn't alone at that time. That Junmyeon spent time to take care of him, and even cook for him. That Junmyeon cared.


After Minseok finishing the meal and taking his medicine, Junmyeon tucked him under the blanket again. "You can go back to sleep now." Junmyeon whispered as he brushed the bangs out of Minseok's head and frowned again, because Minseok was still pretty much sick.


Without a word, Minseok grabbed Junmyeon's hand and holding it with his before closing his eyes, proceeding to sleep.


Junmyeon was flustered at the gesture, but didn't do anything to pull his hand away. Instead, he smiled and started to brush his thumb over Minseok's fingers in a comforting manner. He spent half an hour just watching Minseok sleeping and holding his hand, he didn't even feel tired.


After he was sure Minseok was sleeping, Junmyeon put his free hand on Minseok's forehead and sighed in relieve when he realized that Minseok's temperature was down significantly. Finally felt tired, Junmyeon decided to go back to his apartment. Carefully, he pulled his hand away from Minseok's and walked slowly to the bedroom's door, afraid that he would wake Minseok up.


"Don't... don't go!" Junmyeon was just about to turn the doorknob when Minseok called him. He his heels and staring at Minseok with questioning look.


"Don't go..." Minseok said again weakly. And without any further question, Junmyeon back to his seat beside Minseok's bed, holding Minseok's hand in his, "Okay," He whispered, "Now go back to sleep!"


Minseok had this worried look all over his face, afraid that Junmyeon would leave him in the middle of the night. "I'm not going anywhere, you'll see me the first thing in the morning," Junmyeon said assuring Minseok when he read his expression. "Now go back to sleep!" Junmyeon smiled softly and brushing his thumb again over Minseok's fingers, lulling him to sleep.


It was around midnight when Junmyeon woke up to the sound of Minseok whimpering in his sleep. He was somehow managed to find some extra blanket in Minseok's drawer and spread them on the floor for him to sleep on and using a couch pillow he found on Minseok's living room. He could've just gone back to his apartment and took some more proper sleeping gears, but he didn't want to leave Minseok's side too long. At first, Junmyeon thought that Minseok's fever came again, but when he touched his forehead, Minseok's body was only warm and he wasn't shivering, nor sweating. When Minseok gripped on his blanket tightly, Junmyeon realized that Minseok was probably having a nightmare.


"Shhh... shhh... It's okay... The nightmare will go away..." Junmyeon said softly as he caressing Minseok's cheek with the back of his hand. Minseok was no longer struggling in his sleep, but still whimpering no matter how Junmyeon keep whispering comforting things to his ears, "Shhh... It's all right... I'm here..." Junmyeon kept trying.


Didn't know what else to do, Junmyeon did the last effort he could think about. He slipped to the small space in Minseok's bed under the blanket, scooping Minseok over to make some room for himself and positioning them so that he could hug Minseok to his chest, wrapping his arm around him, giving a sense of protection. Minseok's breath was warm against his chest, and he could feel Minseok unconsciously grabbing the front of his shirt, but after some minutes passed, Minseok stopped whimpering and the grip on his shirt loosened. Minseok's breath calmed down and he back to sleep like a baby.


Junmyeon didn't know how Minseok would react when he woke up in the morning, but that wasn't that important. Minseok slept peacefully in his arms, and he was tired too, so as of then, he might as well sleep and whatever happened in the morning, can wait.




The first thing Minseok felt when he was slowly gaining consciousness in the morning was that his bed became a lot more comfortable and incredibly warm. His eyes were shot open in an amazing speed when he realized the reason behind them. In front of his face, barely four inches away was Junmyeon's sleeping face, and Junmyeon's arms securely wrapping around his waist and back. He remembers Junmyeon said that he would be the first thing Minseok see in the morning, but he didn't think that he would be in his bed.


It was really comfortable, Minseok admitted, and a part of him wanted to just stay like that forever. Junmyeon was so handsome up-close, Minseok couldn't help but think, and tempted to get a touch of Junmyeon's face. He lifted his hand carefully, and lightly ghosting his fingers over Junmyeon's flawless cheek and he panicked when Junmyeon suddenly stirred, making him pulling his hand away from Junmyeon's face.


When Junmyeon opened his eyes, it felt like the time froze there. They were just stayed there, and looking at each other. No one, thankfully, freaked out or trying to push each other out from the bed. It was weird, pleasantly weird. They weren't close by any means before then, sure they met constantly during twenty something detentions before, but to be suddenly woke up in the same bed, with Junmyeon's arms wrapped around Minseok, and no one freaked out, especially Minseok who didn't know why Junmyeon ended up in his bed, it was too much feeling. Even though they secretly enjoyed it.


"Good morning." Junmyeon finally said with husky voice.


Minseok's cheek dusted with a pretty shade of pink, which was such a shock to Junmyeon, because he didn't expect Kim Minseok could blush. Minseok darted his gaze on Junmyeon's chest, or anywhere but Junmyeon's eyes, "G-Good morning..."


"How are you feeling?"


"I'm... fine..." Minseok answered, assuming Junmyeon was asking about his health, because if Junmyeon was asking about his feeling, he was totally not okay.


"It's Saturday, you don't have to work on Saturdays, right?" Junmyeon asked again, knowing that Minseok doesn't have to work on Saturdays and Mondays as a result of a year being his neighbor.


Minseok only nodded weakly as an answer. Minseok bit his lower lip and fidgeted a little as if he was hesitated about something. Junmyeon saw that, eventually, and he knew what Minseok was hesitated about, about the question Minseok was hesitated to ask.


"You were crying in your sleep last night. I thought you were having a nightmare, and nothing I did can stop whatever nightmare you had. So I thought, maybe if I could give you a sense of protection, you can finally stop crying. And it worked." Junmyeon explained the reason why he was there, in Minseok's bed.


Minseok's eyes widened at Junmyeon's words, finally looking up to face Junmyeon again. Yeah, that nightmare, Minseok remembers that nightmare. The same nightmare that was haunting him for the last three years ever since he ran away from his parents.


"I'm sorry." Junmyeon apologized, but wasn't really sure for what.


"You don't have anything to be sorry about." Minseok shook his head lightly. And there it goes again, the silence.


Maybe it was the atmosphere, or the silence, or maybe the sun that morning but it wasn't really matter. None of them knew who started it first, again, it didn't matter, but the next thing they knew was they were involved in open mouthed kisses. The kisses was sweet though, making Minseok curled his toes and curled his fingers on the front of Junmyeon's shirt, while Junmyeon pulling him closer by the waist and Junmyeon's other hand wrapped around his shoulder.


It was their first kiss together, but somehow they fit perfectly. From the way Minseok on Junmyeon's upper lip, to the way Junmyeon tugging on Minseok's lower lip, it took their breath away. No tongue and no teeth involved, still too early for that, but they felt really warm.


Eventually, they needed to pull away, but not really separated, because their lips still ghosting over each other. Junmyeon pulled away a little further to admire Minseok's face, the boy still had his eyes closed and his cheeks flushed, he was really beautiful, Junmyeon thought. Junmyeon couldn't help himself to kiss Minseok's flushed cheeks.


"What were you dreaming about last night?" Junmyeon asked, he had his hand caressing Minseok's cheek.


Minseok had his eyes on Junmyeon, but not really looking at him. He was lost in his own mind, and only back to reality when Junmyeon kissed his forehead to get his attention. "My parents." He breathed out an answer.


"What's with your parents?"


"I keep having this dream of them, when they were about to sell me."


Junmyeon didn't want to push at the matter further, it was hard enough for Minseok without him keep asking him about his horrible past. "I'm so sorry." Junmyeon said as he pulled Minseok into a tight hug, letting the younger buried his face in his chest.


After a moment, Minseok could feel that Junmyeon was stiffened, and started peeling himself from the hug. Junmyeon had this panic expression as if something just hit him, and abruptly sat up on the bed leaving Minseok confused.


"I-I don't think we should... I-I need to go! I'm sorry!" Junmyeon said, before jumped out of the bed. Minseok was too confused and dumbfounded to respond and just sat there on the bed with questioning look, watching Junmyeon's back.


Junmyeon didn't comeback that day, nor the next day.




Monday was supposed to be the last detention day for Minseok, since he couldn't do it the last time. So there he was, standing in front of counseling room aka Junmyeon's office. He tapped his right feet to the floor, hesitated to knock on the door. The thought of meeting Junmyeon for the first time after that made him uneasy.


Minseok clenched his fist before lifting it up to finally knocked on the door. Minseok waited, but there was no sound whatsoever from inside the room. He knocked once more, and about to leave when he still got no answer, but thinking maybe he should just wait. He cracked the door open and scanning the room to check whether if Junmyeon was there, but the room was empty indeed.


Finally sitting on the chair across Junmyeon's desk, there was a bright orange post it caught his attention posted on the desk,


Write a letter stating that you're sorry

and not going to do what you did anymore

sign it, and put in on my desk


Minseok was confused, not really knew what to feel. Was Junmyeon avoiding him?




However, the thought wasn't last for long, because that evening, when Minseok was about to go buy dinner, he found Junmyeon standing in front of his apartment, holding two big plastic bag, grinning from ear to ear.


"Can I come in?" Junmyeon asked, and didn't even wait for Minseok to say anything before he welcomed himself in Minseok's apartment, leaving the owner dumbfounded on the doorstep.


"What are you doing?" Minseok asked when he saw Junmyeon stuffing a lot of things to his fridge, all kind of fruits, fresh meats, two cartons of milk, two bottles of juice, some frozen foods, and various kind of snack that he left on the kitchen counter.


"You need some food in your fridge."


That was totally not some, Minseok thought, "Why are you buying me foods?" That must be a lot of money to spent, but Minseok remember the rumor about Junmyeon being secretly rich, maybe the rumor was true after all.


Junmyeon shrugged, "Just because I feel that you need them."


"You don't have to."


"Yeah, but I just want to. What do you want to eat for dinner? I'll cook!"


Minseok creased his forehead, not really understand why Junmyeon did all of those, wasn't he supposed to avoiding him? But he was hungry, and free food sounded tempting. "Anything." He answered. Junmyeon decided to cook chicken curry and stirred vegetables.


Minseok leaned his waist on the kitchen counter, watching Junmyeon's back and tapping his toes against the floor like what he always did when he was hesitated about something.


"Is there anything you want to say?" Junmyeon asked suddenly, making the younger jumped a little at his spot.


Minseok chewed his lips before asking, "Aren't you supposed to avoiding me?"


Junmyeon paused cutting carrots for a while, wasn't expecting Minseok to ask that question. "I did," he answered honestly, "I was about to."


"Because of what happened that day?"


"In a way, yes." Junmyeon tried to drag his answer, trying to find a proper way to explain what he actually meant. "I was scared." He continued.


"Of what?"


"Of my feelings towards you."


They did all the conversation with Junmyeon's back still facing Minseok, busy cutting carrots and potatoes. None of them could see the other's expression.


"Afraid that we have different feelings?" Minseok asked further.


"Not exactly. Say, we have mutual feeling, what are we going to do? What am I supposed to do?" Junmyeon paused a little, and Minseok fidgeted impatiently. "I'm your school counselor, you are my student, and also there's this age difference..."


"Only five years, really."


"Still, what if the school knows?"


Minseok sighed, feeling the truth in Junmyeon's words.


"And I don't even know you that well," Junmyeon continued. "I don't know your birthday, your favorite color, what you like, what you hate, your favorite food. The thing is, I'm afraid to hurt you because of this feeling I have."


Minseok's eyes doubled in size. He was shocked. Out of all reason, Junmyeon was afraid of hurting him? Him? "And what makes you change your mind?" He asked, honestly scared of Junmyeon's answer.


Junmyeon put the carrots and potatoes into the pan, closing it, and turned his body, so that he was facing Minseok. "Because I remember something," He started to take slow steps toward Minseok. "I feel that, even though I don't know your birthday, your favorite color, what you like, what you don’t like, what your favorite food, it doesn't matter." He walked closer and closer to Minseok with each word, until he trapped his student against the kitchen counter in between his arms, and still leaning closer until their faces just two inches apart. "I can learn about that later," He continued, "But one thing I know for sure, when I woke up next to you that morning, I want to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life."


Minseok's heart skipped a few beats and his head was dizzy, he was overwhelmed by all of those confessions and their close proximity wasn't helping at all.


"Do you want to at least try this with me? With all the risk and everything?" Junmyeon asked with a low tone, only enough for Minseok to hear.


Minseok was thinking. It was true, Junmyeon and him don’t really knew each other, and all the school thing, that was very risky. But Junmyeon stayed there when he was sick, Junmyeon never judged him, Junmyeon always tried to understand the reason why he did the things he does every time he was sent to his office. Maybe, that’s all worth the risk.


Minseok took a deep breath, closing his eyes and swallowed the lump in his throat before breathed out an answer. "Yeah, let's work on this." Showing his determination.


And there goes the perfect kiss again, perfect tugging of lips, Minseok's hand Junmyeon's shirt, Junmyeon's arm wrapped protectively around Minseok's waist and back. For the first time in his life, Minseok felt loved and safe.


"We are so doomed if the school knows about this." Minseok said, minutes later when they pulled apart from the kiss.


"No one said they need to know." Junmyeon chuckled before kissing Minseok's addictive lips once, twice, three times.




“You were having a fight? With a girl??” Junmyeon rubbed his temple when Minseok was sent to his office few weeks later.


“I didn’t!” Minseok protested, “That girl was pulling my hand and I just want my hand back!”


Junmyeon trusted him, he knew Minseok would never have a fight with a girl. “Why was she pulling your hand?” He asked, sounded more like a jealous boyfriend than a school counselor, he couldn’t help it.


“I don’t know! I told her I’m not interested in her, and that was when he started making a drama, ask Luhan and Yixing! They were there too.” Minseok was still pretty much pissed.


Junmyeon shook his head, but he was glad, because at least he has Luhan and Yixing as witnesses to get Minseok out of trouble. “But you can just tell her nicely.”


“Spoiled girl like her could never accept no as an answer. I have a boyfriend to cry out loud!”


Junmyeon smirked at Minseok’s words before leaning over his desk to pull at Minseok’s uniform tie and kissed him softly. “Detention for two hours tonight at my place, I’ll cook.” He said over Minseok’s lips.


Minseok was obviously calmed down by a lot judging from the smile spread across his face. “Okay!” He cheerfully complied and kissed Junmyeon once again.


“Alright!” Junmyeon said as he leaned back to his seat. “Also two hours detention after school starting tomorrow. You can back to your class now!”


Minseok squeezed his eyes shut, not believing what he just hear. “I hate you!” He said before stomping his way to the office’s door.


“You know you don’t!”


They know he doesn’t.










Sooooo sorry for the delay! I kept hesitating to post it before finally decided to just eff it and post it! xD

How was it? It doesn't came out like what I imagined, but I kind of like it. I can imagine their fluffy relationship and all! /FEELS/

So, comment? And thanks for reading!

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currently workin on a new extra and already typed 2/3 of it.. hopefully i can post it by this weekend :)


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Chapter 36: I think this is the fluffiest XiuHo story I've ever read. I was squealing like a mouse got hit by a truck all the time while reading all the cheesiness here. Okay, so there's a bit of drama in some chapters and their back stories (especially Minseok's) are a angsty but over all, I really wanna puke rainbows and glitters everywhere. I feel like i just developed a new disease called DIABETER cozz the entire story is just to sweet it's not really good for my health. I really love this. I wish I can give you like a thousand upvotes for this. This story really makes me feel young again. Like a lovesick teen. Thank you for sharing this.
Jessoflo92 #2
Chapter 23: I keep coming to this story... It warms my heart in ways you cant even imagine. Thank you
Chapter 36: I'm sooooo late seeing this update but I'm happy that I found it. Your story is kind of story that I won't be bored reading it again and again. I really like your work. Hope you keep writing <3
Jessoflo92 #4
Chapter 1: I keep coming to this story, I just simply can't get enough of it... Thank you again
Chapter 36: aaakklrlellrlelw loooooovvvvvvvve it its 3 am and i just woke up from horrible nightmare, but this update cures that lingering feeling. loveeeee
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update, and I ended up reading the whole thing again!
Lovexiu16 #7
Chapter 36: So I was literally on the blink of falling asleep and i was so tired from doing school work until this late. But when I saw this update, I became more awake than i've been and I felt so energized to that point that I feel like I will ace a test I was so worried about. Seriously this is how much I love this story and appreciate your updates. Thank you so much. Omg, I can't stop laughing at myself.
amymingo #8
Chapter 36: Hey, i miss you, you know. Thank you for this. Well, good luck with your work!
Chapter 36: I freaking squealed when I saw that this got updated. I miss reading XiuHo fics. Thanks for the update!