Love Me


He knew Minho would never love him the same way he loved her, but he could only hope. 


Another depressing fic because I've been craving some angst lately, though I'm trying to give it a happy ending. :)


Please subscribe, and I hope you'll like the new oneshot! 



(head banging to Two Moons - EXO)


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 1: Very angsty but I liked the ending!
Chapter 1: DAMNNN MY HEART ;;;; angst is my least fav genre but this is surely one of the best angst i've ever read/ UGHHH I hate minho so much for being so mean to taeminnn uuhjjjjjjjdhjh
Chapter 1: Oh my god i used to do these things(the cutting part though) for the person i know will never even look and love me because for him, i'm nothing but his 'dude', but i'm ok now i realized that life is beautiful i shouldn't waste it by loving him and cutting. Thanks for posting this author-nim :)
Cephei #4
Chapter 1: AWWE STACEY I LOVED THIS so I'm in physics right now incredibly bored so I ended up reading this and trying not to cry because I gotta stay cool in class but my throat is all tight and stuff. I love thisssss <333 Tae poor baby T_T
jjjjkkkk #5
Chapter 1: Love your story :)
pinkyume #6
Chapter 1: Ohhh.
The angst.
Ghhguyhgjgfhgj amazing angst!
Ohhh so beautiful story . I love this . My poor taeminnie .
Chapter 1: Oh my fav genre; ANGST. I loved this esp the way how u described taemin. Vulnerable, selfless, insecure, urgh </////3
Arisafy #9
Chapter 1: It's one of the best stories I have ever read, so perfect, so incredible! I was almost crying when I was reading about Taemin's feels... Amazing! Thank you so much!