End of time


Soooooo, this is my new oneshot! I've been working on it for more than a year I think.... Heh. 

But it's finally up, and I hope that everyone will like it :P

Please, do comment when you're finished reading, and let me know what you think :)


Many many thanks to my unnie beta; iclara14


“I should have brought gloves...” Tao rubbed his hands together “I’m so stupid!”.  As he went into the denser parts of the forest, it quickly became colder and darker.

The leafs beneath him rustled as he stepped on them, making them break and become small and dry pieces of nothing.




“I don’t like this”

“It’s creepy”

“I’m cold”


“Chill baby, it was just me” Chanyeol held his scared boyfriend closer to his body. A light breeze blew past them and sent cold shivers down their spines.

“We should split up”


“Kai, I’m scared”

“Don’t be afraid,” Kai held his scared lover closer to his chest “we will soon find Tao, and then we can go back home all happy and skipping on rainbows and ”

Kyungsoo looked up at his boyfriend, amused.

“I really hope so”





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captivateinsgraphics #1
Chapter 1: So kris was the one behind all these? Wowowow, awesome!