Listen to me

Fall for me
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Taehyung was peacefully eating with Hoseok and JungKook in the canteen a few weeks later. It took a little time for Taehyung to get over what happened with ChulYoon, he didn't even come to school a few days due to the mixed feelings going through his mind.

"You know, I heard Jimin was the one that told Yoongi, Namjoon and Seokjin about ChulYoon," Hoseok said suddenly

"Yeah I heard," Taehyung replied without much interest. Yeah, Jimin had helped him but that meant nothing to Taehyung. JungKook bit his bottom lip and hesitantly asked

"Don't you think you should thank him, at least? I mean, he did a lot for you, you know? A thank you wouldn't hurt," Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a blank stare

"Keep in mind that Jimin's still just a random person that came into my life a few months ago. I barely know him," Suddenly there was an arm around Taehyung which made him stop talking. He let out a sigh and turned around

"I swear Jimin, can you just not-" his eyes widen when he realised that it wasn't Jimin

"Casey! Hey man, long time no see!" Hoseok said with a big grin. Casey Lee, one of Taehyung's friends who had went on a student exchange programme about a year ago. Casey looked at the three and smiled

"Ayo, Waddup? Looks like you guys grew alot," Casey said playfully and sat beside Taehyung. The two have been friends longer than Taehyung's been friends with Jungkook and Hoseok. Casey probably knew Taehyung better than anyone. Casey turned his gaze to Taehyung with anticipation

"Who's Jimin?" Taehyung froze for a moment. How should he reply his best friend? Taehyung didn't expect Casey to come back so early, he sincerely hoped that Casey would've come back after graduation so that he wouldn't have to know about Jimin. Taehyung was about to speak up when he heard someone calling out his name. Turning around, he felt panic rise when he saw Jimin happily making his way to their table. He turned to see Casey's reaction, due to his horrible eye sight, Casey had to squit to get a good look at the young man

"He looks cute. Is that Jim-" Casey let out somewhat of a gasp when Jimin finally made his way to the table. Taehyung looked at Casey with confusion before turning to Jimin, who looked terrified

"C-Casey," Jimin stuttered. Jimin was scared, better yet, petrified when he saw the man that looked like he was staring right into Jimin's soul. Hoseok let out a confused hum

"You know him, Jimin?" Hoseok asked which made Jimin snap out of it. It might be unnoticable for the rest but Taehyung saw that Jimin was trembling

"Y-yeah, I-" Jimin couldn't finish his sentence yet Casey dragged him out of the canteen by his collar. Jimin didn't protest though, the followed Casey despite how uneasy he felt

"What just happened?" Jungkook asked when the two were finally gone from sight

"I don't know but Jimin looked like he wanted to run away when he saw Casey," Hoseok said, eyeing Taehyung who looked alittle uneasy

"Don't you think you should find them Tae?" JungKook asked

"I don't know... I just, have a bad feeling," Taehyung said. Something's going to go wrong, horribly wrong, Taehyung thought. Up on the school rooftop, Casey threw a hard punch across Jimin face making him fall. Jimin didn't say anything and

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vmin yay
XueXing #2
Chapter 13: For a moment there I thought Tae was dead and thought he wasn't really dead when Jun Seo said he has a present for Jimin. Nice work, keep it up~
Chapter 13: Wow. This story is soooo nice! <3
obliVia #4
Chapter 12: Woah, ok was not expecting that
chiimch #5
Chapter 8: what the sjkslkjdl
Chapter 14: Such a great story!! I also really like the Jjeoreo reference at the end♥♥ Thank you so much for writing this~
swethaTR #7
Chapter 13: V is a detective, Him in is a intern, J-Hope is a racer and kookie is in swat.....wait a minute *narrows eyes*......OMG!! DOPE!!
Chapter 14: I loved this so much! ^_^
Chapter 13: F***, and Tae became a cop. Perfect ending. I was about to kill myself, I thought he died! You got me! Happy?
I'm happy. Sequel? Please?