Okay, I lose...

The Loser

     Bom loves playing with their feelings. She'd put their love on a game of chess and see how they being checkmate. Men fall in love with her like mayflies to the fire. She'd watch them burn in the middle of their deepest relationship, smirk at how they look terrible in their own miserable-self.


                                                                                           *        *

    Pretty, clever and sweet, Bom gots all the men need to have a wonderful relationship. The boys in her university drool over Bom because of her outstanding presence- simply, she's their goddess. Sweetness surround her everywhere she goes, which makes her a perfect image for a perfect girlfriend. Not only a sweet perfect girl she is, but also for her wealth. The outlook and money does mix well on her. Guys follow her like lost puppies without thinking. Only guys whose have already had relationship with Bom, knows that she ain't a goddess. The face of an angel doesn't mix well with the darkest heart in her.


     Bom loves playing with their feelings. She'd put their love on a game of chess and see how they being checkmate. Men fall in love with her like mayflies to the fire. She'd watch them burn in the middle of their deepest relationship, smirk at how they look terrible in their own miserable-self. Her friends told her that was psycho, but how can she listen to them when the feeling of a winner took her over. She wants more. Her friends told her that they'll find a "doctor" for her to cure that crazy mind, but how can she believe them when the man she gave her whole heart has turned his back to her, cheat on her after their first night together. With her broken heart, she vowed not to let any other mushy feelings dare creep inside her heart again.


      Not because Bom loves breaking others' hearts means she can pick any guy. Three qualities to be fulfill: good-looking, gentle and have a specific choice of cologne. Her speedy relationships mostly last for at least three months max but Bom still away from bad rumors, because she didn't do anything wrong with four golden rules :" don't have a relationship with best friend; don't have a relationship with bestfriend's brother; don't have a relationship with boyfriend's bestfriend and lastly don't have a relationship with bestfriend's boyfriend"  mostly, the ones Bom picks would probably come from some cafe's or bars.


     Her preys, however, love her with their hearts. They thought they could satisfied her, but they thought wrong. The addicting feeling  of winning made she wanted more, and mercilessly break their heart. Just like this guy sitting in front of Bom:


        -You don't want to break up with me, are you? - the guy with his brown curly hair spoke with cracking tone. Bom tried so hard to hold back her laugh.


        - What are you talking about? The last three months was hell. Now, if you excuse me, I have Economic at eight to attend. - Bom said like splashing a bucket of cold water into his face. Her clicking heels was the only sound echoing in her ears, apart from the guy's sobbing sound. What a wimp, she thought.


        - Are you crazy Bom? I love you! - the guy stood up from his seat and quickly grab her wrist. Bom hide her surprising expression, just to let the guy sees her cold emotionless face. Ignoring the glances from the people in the cafe, Bom hurriedly leaves the shop, struggling from his grip. 


          "We are over. Try to forget me" Bom texted the guy inside her car before drove to her house. Another target was taken down. Bom smirked to herself and open the gate.


           That previous guy, was obviously a good prey. Handsome, rich and sweet, how can Bom miss that delicious target. But the only thing bad about him was his attitude. He controls her as if she was his puppet. Asking her where she is, has she eaten, and many more- just like her mother. Bom hates being controlled and his overprotective-ness sent him away from her life.


           After so much stress, Bom gave herself a day off. The next day, Bom lay in bed till 9, hugging her Moomin stuffing and finally got out of the house at 11. She called her friend to cover for her absence and sneaked to the mall to get new dresses.


           It was  9 in the evening when she hit the Star Light bar. She drowned herself in the crowd and swayed her body to the music, ready for volunteer preys. Men with alcohol welcome her but she refused and sat down on one of the stools near the counter. Her favorite Whiskey lies in front of her and she drained it withing few seconds. Another after another until she couldn't handle more. 


           When her mind wasn't her mind anymore, she wanted to get lose tonight. And with her white short dress, she climbed up the stage, sway around the pole. Her moves were elegant yet seductive, like a real goddess. The crowd got crazy and Bom felt like she could jump into anyone's arm right now.


          Bom retreat her seat, more guys start gazing at her with wolf-like eyes, wanting to have a piece of her. But Bom, with her qualities, still didn't react to them.


         And that's when she met him. He sat on one stool apart from her. Bom smirk to herself, here's another prey.

         She clearly heard him ordered a strong drink for himself and a glass of water.

     -Water, for the lady over there.

     -Why? - she was surprised and asked him back.

     -Because you're drunk. - the guy answered with a charismatic smile.


       Bom followed his step to the room. It was dark but she can clearly sees his figure, tall and hurriedly stepping on the marble floor- definitely can't hold himself any longer.

     Minutes later, her expensive clothes were just cheap fabric lying on the floor. Bom smirk at his impatience.

     Despite his firm grip on her waist, Bom felt he was gentle and cherishing her like a treasure. A new sensation she has never felt before. But befor her mind could work any longer, it all went blank as his tongue met her sensitive area. Bom tried to shove him away-she has never been treated like this-but it's useless. His tongue went deeper along his finger, make her moan loudly with her exploding heart. She felt like...she's loosing.

        But she can't be a loser. With little strength left, she let her hand reach his board chest, and his shoulders. Admire his lean muscle, she moans again when he grabbed her s and it. Again, a new experience she gets. Bom quickly forgot about what's in her mind and throw her trembling arms around his neck as he slowly pleasuring her with his s.

         Long, strong, but gentle. His way of treatment made she felt if the mattress didn't hold her, she'd collapse on the ground. Bom, for the first time, loses a guy she's just barely met. She felt like...she's being loved.


                                            *        *

       When the rays of sunshine peeking through the cream curtains, Bom found herself lying alone on the mattress. Usually, the guys she dated before would hugging her by the waist, whispering sugar words, telling last night was a wonderful night. But he is different.

          He has worn back his black tux, fixing his shirt. Bom didn't miss the chance to back hug him, whisper into his ear sweet things. 

             But apart from what she expected, he shoved her away, pull his wallet out and put an amount of money on the coffee table.

           -I have business to handle. This is for last night. -He said with emotionless eyes, place some money and left the room without bidding goodbye.

          Bom didn't say anything, instead, she put back her clothes, applying her make up. After those activities, mugs and plates on the table were crashed on the floor, along with pillows scratched and feather flying everywhere.

            -he thought I was a ? How dare he? - Bom shouted loudly with frustration. She collect the money he left and put it in her bag, in a special pocket.

              This must be paid off. My dignity has been ruined. You'll see how I revenge. 

              The guy also left a card. Kwon JiYong, producer of YG company.


             After that day, Bom stopped looking for more preys. She goes to the Star Light  bar more often, to find him again, but it was hopeless. Bom doesn't give up. Her dignity won't let her.

            It was an autumn afternoon as she visits the orphanage. Bom maybe a playboy , or her lifestyle ain't like a good girl, but she could at least visit her used-to-be-home and the ones who raised her like their own kid. 

       Yes, Park Bom was an orphan. That simple old story, her parents pass away from a heartless car accident, left Bom crying helplessly. But the orphanage welcomed her whole-heartily, made she felt the love again. Her step-parents came and gave her a family, a golden family. She has never felt so great. Until she broken down from her first love, and became a like she is now. Fate is heartless and unpredictable like it always is.

           And as heartless and unpredictable fate is, she met him there. Standing tall and elegant with his dark blue tux, talking to his phone. How can it be that easy?

           It seems like Ji Yong caught her gaze, and slowly shifts his eyes. He looks at her, half smiling, half smirking, and ended the call. Bom smirk as well and fixes her dress before walking towards him.

          - We meet again. -he started first.

         -how fateful. - She smiled devilishly. If she can't get him in the easy way, then she'll chase after him in the hard way. Quickly. Bom grabs Ji Yong's arm firmly and inches closer to him. - I miss you oppa, really. I can't live a day without you...

        That caught Ji Yong off guard, and was taken aback when she reaches for his necktie, straighten it like a lovely wife.

       -Give me your number! - she acts like a shameless . But he said her like one, so be it. 

        - I don't have time to waste for nonsense. But I'll give you my number. - Ji Yong replied and gave her his number.

       Holding the piece of paper in her hand, Bom knows that she's successing in her plan.


          Winter came unexpectedly, and Bom takes that as a reason to ask him out. The hot cappuccino in front of her brought her a calm atmosphere, but the man in front of her did the opposite. She tried light conversation, and got to know him more.

         Bom took that as a great starting, and she soon moves into his life. Her sweet actions, her lovely gestures and her sugar words sure gain his trust. The shell of the cold prince is now off of him, and he is now the nicest, sweetest guy she has met in her life.

But Bom didn't satisfy, she knows he's still too aware of her, like he knows she'll hurt his feelings. She needed more trust. Just a little more...

And the chance for Bom has never been so easy. They were just meeting at the bar, having small drinks but his facial impressions were weird. He sweats more and shifts his seat uncomfortable. After that moment, Bom tried hard not to smirk at him when she fakely brought him to the hospital. They said he has a gastric problem, and he needed to stay in the hospital for recovery. 

This is really a stage for Bom to shine. She stays beside him all night, take care if him like a truly wife. As a princess as she was, Bom has never stayed awake all night, but she sacrifices it all, for her dignity. She cleans his face and wipes the sweats off his forehead for the whole night. Bom wondered why she became like this.

The next day, he shoo her home  immediately after he saw her first in the morning. 

- Your parents must be worried. You must go home now. I'll call my relatives. Thank you.

-Hey, don't treat me like a stranger. You're sick, I'll take care of you. - She stops when she saw a thankful glint in his eyes. - Call your relatives of you to come, then I'll go home. Until then, I'll be the one who look after you.

Bom ends her speech with a charming smile and brings him a cup of juice. Still, he doubts her.

- But what about your study, and your family...?

-Done and done. My friend stopped by and gave me the assignment, and I told my parents I sleep at my friend's house.

He's impressed by Bom as he smiles at her ever so sweetly and reached to her small delicate hands that took care of him for the whole night.

-Thank you.

- It's nothing. - she smiled back but inside she's smirking victoriously. Bom has one thing in mind : she'll be the winner.

When the nurse came into the room to take his temperature, Bom slightly holds his hand and blushes cutely. The nurse caught the sight and chuckles, saying that they were a lovely couple. When the nurse left, Bom pretends to be shy at her presence: messy hair because she was kneeling on the floor and laid her head on the bed, her puffy eyes for the whole night wide awake, and some smeared make up. Ji Yong smiled. He has never seen her so cute like this before.

-You hardly smile, you know that?- Bom says at the same time braiding her hair.

 Ji Yong just nods and returns her a brighter smile. That smile really made her dizzy. She blinks a few times to snap out of her dream. She can't be distracted! 

The girl inches forwards, pecking her lips on his soft ones. Both of them were shock, but after that warm smiles are shared. Bom feeds him a bowl of handmade porridge. After he finishes it, Bom realizes something. Ji Yong was also an orphan. He used to live in that orphanage, no family, no happiness. Bom looked at him warmly, her hands lap over his as an action of comfort. This wasn't an act, this is from the bottom of her heart.

Three days later, Bom is being controlled by her parents. She barely visit Ji Yong at the hospital but tries to reach him somehow. The bonding between the two is getting clearer.

When Ji Yong is out of the hospital, he initiatively asks her out for dinner. Bom happily accepted. How can't she, when she's almost there.

Bom takes the turn to pick the wine. Ji Yong didn't satisfies but let her be. He surprised when he realizes what she ordered was a Gordon Gin 2005

-How do you know this wine? - Ji Yong asked with such amusement 

- The alcohol percentage is high, sip a little okay? - Bom ignores his question as she poured into his glass. The warm velvet color reflects in his eyes. Ji Yong smiles as he hovers his hand on hers.

- 40%. You are one unique girl. 

Bom smiled back. She knows he loves that wine, because she once saw the bottles collection in his house. The efforts she made had never been unnecessary. 

Ji Yong kisses her lips passionately as he leads her to his bedroom. Bom chuckles and returns the kiss. 

Just one more step...

The night was wonderful. Bom smiled a little as she rewinds the memories. She wake up with him on her side, hugging her bare waist. Bom silently sneaked out of the room for her last shot.

Ji Yong scratches his head while opens his eyes. The spot besides him is warmly empty. She must have just left.

The sweet smell of food flying across the house, hitting his nostrils as Ji Yong made his way to the kitchen. Bom was standing at the counter, bundle her hair messily as she chopped the vegetables and pour them in the soup pot. Her delicate hands seem so skillful as they work beautifully. Bom thanks her mother secretly. She wouldn't have been this success without her lessons. Her mother was a five star cook in a famous restaurant but after married her father, she just stays at home and do small jobs.

Ji Yong embraces her by the waist, sniffing the aura. A warm feeling build inside him. This is the aura he's been looking for. The aura of a family, the aura of happiness.

Ji Yong finishes the meal in no time. Bom just watches him eat, telling him about her life and he listens to her, not missing a word.

The dishes are emptied and cleaned, but he didn't want to leave yet. Ji Yong dragged her in his lap, whispering that he loved her and Bom couldn't do anything but smiles back in happiness.

They start dating ever since. Bom took it easy and slowly as she sank in his loving. Some nights, she woke up in her dream and sweats in panic. She dreamt of Ji Yong. Never in her life she has dreamt of a guy, except her first love. But...he brings a different feeling to her. Bom doesn't know if she is in love with him, but day by day she can feel the sweet emotions he gave her creep inside her frozen heart.

Not like any other men, Ji Yong doesn't say he loves Bom. Well, except the first time he said those three magical words to confess, he gives her silent love. His eyes say it all. Those beautiful brown eyes sparkle as he went home from an exhausted working day and saw her busying herself in the kitchen, got startled by his warm embrace and kisses. Those eyes speak for his soul when he saw her in those mini dresses on a breezing day, or the tiredness in her eyes. Ji Yong is sometimes like a floating ice cube. He stays silent, really silent. Even when Bom makes a mistake, he keeps his mouth shut and she feels the guilt biting her soul. They don't bicker often, but misunderstanding can happen, but they manage to solve it out eventually. One other thing about Ji Yong, he isn't a man of material. Bom didn't get any present on any occasion, simply because she has already had it all. Her wealthy family gave her a luxurious life. Ji Yong has his own gift to her: bring her into his world. He shows her how to choose the wine, how to taste it in the best way, which is the best brand of wine,...Also how to judge a painting, its color and its deep and thoughtful meaning behind those palettes of color. The cold wrapper outside if him hides the sweet character inside Ji Yong. He's generous, smart, precise. Her minor actions could cause his attention and he'll simply understand her through his gaze in her eyes. Steps by steps, Bom is lost in his world, that multicolor world of Ji Yong, full of love and laughter. She's scared...she's scared that her heart will trick her, mess up her plan when it's reached its final success.

Right! Her plan! Has Bom forgotten it? Has she been so deep in his love that she can't get out, can't even remember why did she come to him? 

Five months. Five precious months. Yet Bom is still confused. Ditch him is a part of the plan, yet she felt that plan isn't really exist anymore. But, she has to do the thing she had planned so much for. Yes, Park Bom can't give up. This is the perfect time, when she's sure his love for her is the deepest (and hers also!). If she leaves him at this point, he'll be very hurt...yes, indeed in pain...and herself also.

Left her twirled mind behind, Bom drowns herself into that addictive red velvet liquid. Dangerous, addictive, enchanted and fervid. Hard to get used to, hard to forget. Just like Ji Yong.


That day, Bom appoints him to meet her at his house. She went home with bags of groceries, opens his door in difficulty but managed to get in somehow. Ji Yong gave her the keys months ago. Bom's heart tugs at the trust he gave her.

Hours in the kitchen made her mind temporally forgets the plan ahead. Last meal, how painful the words sounded. 

The door's squeaking sound signaled his arrival home. Bom didn't greet him like any other day, pretends to be drowned in the kitchen things. Ji Yong slowly undoes his tie and embraces her back, his chin stays on her shoulders.

- How about some champagne today, lover?

His velvet indescribably smooth voice rings and echoes in her ear, pain her heart with thousands of needles. Ji Yong, how his usual caring actions can cause her so much pain?

Bom stays quiet, which is unusual because she will never stop talking when Ji Yong is home. Lots of things can be told, such as the wild plant they saw the day before had grown healthier, or the baby of their neighbors gave her a lollipop...But today, no stories.

Her food is the best, Ji Yong always say. He finished it in no time. Bom quietly cleans up the mess and fills in two glasses full of champagne.

They clank and feel the liquid running down their throats. The sweet, bitter, fervid taste lasts on the top of her tongue. Bom felt very weird. She looks at him sincerely in the eyes, fixing his collar. This is what she wanted, right?

-Lets break up. This is as far as we can go.

Ji Yong doesn't rush her with shocking questions like the others did before. He tried to connect his gaze with her, looking for something in her eyes, but she hide her emotions away, tears about to fall are swallowed inside. This is her plan, this is what she want, destroy him at this very moment, but, isn't she destroying herself also?

-For the past days, I have never loved you. You saw me as a , you treated me like one, you insulted me. My dignity has never been destroyed that much by anyone. Now that you loved me, my plan is considered succeed. Time is up, game over. Stop your dreaming...

Bom brings her shaking hand inside her purse, taking out the money he have her on their first night. She wanted to throw them in his face but after that she changed her mind, she has hurt him enough.

-I'm returning this for you. If you need more, text me and I'll bring more.

Her feet didn't want to leave, but her whirling mind screaming to run away, or she can't bear it anymore but burst her tears in front of him. Luckily the elevator is empty so she could cry her heart out if she wanted. Her aroma is still lingered in his house, the glass of wine on his hand slipped and fell on the floor, scatter pieces, like her heart right now. Bom hugged herself, Ji Yong's shocking face impressed her mind. Why didn't he say a word? Why didn't he do anything? But, why is she this hurt? She is not in love with him! Why...?

She's drunk! She's definitely drunk.


Her phone beeped. Ji Yong gave her a message, which she knows it's the last message. He didn't say much, but those simple words attached her mind, made her squeezed her head to the last drop of tear.

"I used to be Bae's friend. I love you"

Young Bae- her first love. He knew it all, her past, her present. 

Bom tried to look for his left scent in her memory. Since young, Bom see the word with a different way. All the scents and smells she experienced has its own impression to her. But his scent, it's nothing like the others. She missed it, that undescribable smell. The safe, secure feeling around him. Bom misses Ji Yong.

Bom struggles to find her slumber back but she couldn't. Those words flying around her like satellites. If he knew about her plan, why didn't he say it at the first place? So then he'll not be hurt...but he chose the opposite way.

Does he have feelings for her? Ah no, that's a stupid question. Is the feelings he have for her real? Like her feelings for him? Those precious feeling he gave her, she had stepped on it and crushed it with her hand. 

Bom felt like her heart was drained out of blood when she realizes the fact. A very well-known fact that she hasn't found out until now...She has finally lost in her own game. She surrendered in front of his love.


A month. A short time but enough for Bom to try living a simple life. Go to class, do assignment, Bom tried every bit to keep her mind clear. She stopped running after guys and ruin their happiness, because his image has been worshipped in her mind. It was the only image that left in her head when she settle on bed, wrapped under soft blankets but cold salty liquid falls down her cheeks.

Did she sorry him? Sorry isn't enough, but at least she could make it up somehow...she didn't say anything but those painful chants that haunt her for nights. She felt like those words were for her. Bom accepts the reality with an aching heart, the decision to buried him in her memory has been made. This is the only way for her to become the old simple Bommie.

She wanted to get drunk. No dancing, no cursing, no flirting, just a sorrow girl hide away from the crazy crowd. Glasses after glasses, bottles after bottles, Bom merely collapse because of her misery and the strength if alcohol. Someone chose a seat, just one stool away from her. That sweet velvet voice rings loudly through the thickness of the music drumbeats.

- One Whisky and a glass of water for the lady over there.

Bom chuckled bitterly, trying to find his image through her blurry vision.

-Why water?

-Because you're drunk!

Bom was almost hit the ground because of her jelly legs. She is finally got to be in his embrace again. That safe, secure smell hit her nostrils, mad ever sniff it in greedily.

-I miss you so much, Ji Yong.






Wow, made you guys wait for a while eh? Just a little one shot from me, hope you guys like. 
























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Chapter 1: I love this
Amazing<3 really loved chapter one do your best! :) FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 1: whoa such a great one shot!!! please write more gbom story ^^
Chapter 1: Wishing for more chapters, but it's great for a oneshot ♡ And yeah, I'm in love with The Last Lie!! It's so good
Chapter 1: Omg..short but awesome.. please write more gbom story.. and thanks for the great story..
Please update soon authornim
I really wait for read this one

I know, you can write a wonderful story like usual
So I'll be wait patiently 'till you make it..
Post the story soon.. but wow.. Bommie gonna be playboy ? let her be the winner please.. BTW, I also love the story.. The Last Lie by WandaRose is awesome..