

Sungyeol/Myungsoo; PG; royalty!AU; drabble

Myungsoo is ready to give his life for his king, and a vivid moment during battle gives him more than he bargained for.

This is for a prompt from an anon on tumblr using this meme. I was given 'petrichor', the smell of dry rain on the ground. 


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YellowPlacemat #1
Chapter 20: Ah so good. Normally I don't like these royal kingdom fics, but this one was really good! I would have liked to see the other members somewhere is my only complaint =)
Chapter 20: So I just read the last five chapters and I must say it was a bit of a wild ride, and I don't know how I made it. I just- a part of me is remembering when this was just the first chapter and a "drabble" and then it just kept going and was wonderful. Honestly with each chapter I'm was all "I'm not gonna make it" each chapter was just so intense!!! and so much happened!!! how did we even get to this ending!? but I am satisfied. A part of me knew it would not all go perfectly, and it got crazy there for a bit, but I loved every minute I spent reading this fic and loved being here to see the story and characters develop and the ending/epilogue was beautiful. Thank you for this fic!
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack *notice the reference? did you?*
I actually ended reading the story the same day, but got distracted and no longer commented, but let me go ahead and do so now!
Don't want to spoil the story to readers who tend to read the comments first, but I totally knew the Sungja thingy! ahhaha and Daeyeol is so badass up to the point he could be.. scary? But not scary bad? Scary as in you-know-you-don't-mess-up-with-him-but-he's-a-softie-who-has-a-brother-complex kinda scary? Lol, and I totally wasn't expecting the ending. Moonsoo just threw me off.
And I'm actually somewhat pissed that things turned out like that. Like, come on Sunggyu! You knew the whole deal already, wouldn't it have been kinda clever to check them, specially because he was part of... you know? There were so many ways I just wanna table flip. But well, if things didn't go that way... myungyeol... ugh.
Either ways, the epilogue was warm and wonderful. I can honestly say I enjoyed every bit of this story. Hope to read more from you soon!
Chapter 7: okey, I've realized maybe I'm spamming you with notifications so I will stop commenting and just review at the end of the story
eitherways, sungja? is she an OC? or part of the kpop world?
Chapter 6: aww the brother's relationship is so pretty.
You go myungsoo! get some sense into your king's thick head!!
Chapter 5: BROTHEEEER?!?!?!?!?!!
gosh, sungyeol is just so... so... you know. sungyeol.
poor myungsoo ahahha
Chapter 4: Who is that grey guard? I'm dying of curiosity here. Is he good? Bad?
How come sungyeol let's everyone run things! He should be a badass king!! ahhaha but I love his spoiled, easily-influenced-by-myungsoo appeal.
Kim Sunggyu is love <3
Chapter 3: Oh sungyeol. I guess, living and growing up with anything he said as law makes him a little oblivious ahhahaa
Sunggyu <3
Chapter 2: "Why would anyone want to talk about mathematics?!"

I love it. I love myungsoo's awkwardness and yeol being all sunshine as always <3 I really love historical or king themed fics! You really tackle the world perfectly and your descriptions are really good it makes me really imagine the castle and everyone else. Are the rest of infinite making appearances?
Chapter 1: Everything but the face D:!!
Hahahah aww, sungyeolie and his loneliness kill me. How old is he? Real life age? Am I gonna read that somewhere later?
Myungsoo the uptight boy, as ever. Good grief it's not the other way around, like some drabbles you've wrote, where I think it was easier and less awkward to transition into a more comfortable relationship.