
god and monster

             “Seoul University,are you excited, honey?” 

I glanced over at my mother and had to force myself not to roll my eyes. The smile on her face was enough to make me want to gag. 

             “Yes!” I trailed off as my eyes shifted back to the front of the building. 

How could I be excited for my first day at yet another high school? I had begged her to home school me instead, but she had only shook her head and said “It’s your senior year, Jiyeon. Live it up!” I didn’t want to live it up, though. I wanted to crawl back into my bed and sleep for the rest of eternity. Maybe watch a little variety shows, too. 

Instead, I was starting my first day at Seoul University. Lucky for me – or unlucky for me, if you saw things my way – it was the first day for everyone. People would be reuniting with their friends while I tried to make some. 

Who am I kidding, though? I never make friends. I used to try when we first started moving around, but I eventually gave up. My mother and I moved so often that it was easier for me to just focus on my work and coast through the hallways unseen. 

             “Have a good day and I’ll see you after I get off work. Bye!” My mother called a little too cheerily as I climbed from the passenger seat. Her last word was almost cut off when I slammed the door, trying to emphasize to her that I wasn’t too pleased. 

I heard the car drive off behind me as I once again just stared up at the building. Students were shuffling past me, going to class without a second thought. I, however, was stuck wondering what my next move was. With a sigh, I decided my best bet was to just find the main office. 

A big gust of wind picked up as I walked along, causing my long, brown hair to fly into my eyes. I let out a groan, trying to push it back into place. As I did so, my tiny frame collided with another’s. I nearly fell to the ground, but a pair of hands grabbed my waist just in time and kept me standing upright. 

             “Watch it.” The voice sounded like liquid gold, but that didn’t help. 

I felt my lips curl in disgust at the words. Excuse me, but were they blaming me for this after they helped me? I jerked out of their grip and pushed my hair back from my face, staring at whoever had spoken. 

My eyes were met with a hazel, almost caramel color pair of eyes that belonged to a male. His thick, dark brows were pulled down in a mix of anger and boredom. His lips were in a tight line while his jaw seemed to be clenched. His hair stood high off his head with the sides shaved down a bit. He wore a black leather jacket over a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. Despite the pissed off look on his face and the anger building in me at his harsh words, I couldn’t help but notice how good he looked. Hell, he was an Adonis! 

             “I could say the same thing to you… .” The last word was muttered, but I had a feeling he had heard, because when I went to push past him, his fingers wrapped around my upper arm. 

             “Fiesty… I like it.” His once angered face softened, if you could call it that, and was replaced with smirk as his tongue peeked out behind his teeth. “What’s your name?” 

I stared at him through narrowed eyes as I looked between his face and the hand gripped on my arm. “Jiyeon. Now, if you don’t mind, get your hand off me before I break it.” 

The boy let out a bark of laughter before he dropped his hand from my arm. His gaze didn’t leave my eyes, though, and I felt trapped by his enticing eyes. “I’ll see you around, Jiyeon.” 

I watched him walk away for a moment, realizing that I had never gotten his name in my haste to get his hand off of me. Before he got too far out of sight, he glanced over his shoulder and gave another smirk accompanied by a wink. I felt my cheeks go red before I forced myself to look away and head into the school. 

Luck was on my side since the main office was directly to the left of the front doors. I sat my backpack down by my feet as I leaned against the counter, softly smiling at the woman behind it. 

             “Annyeonghaseyo, I need to get a copy of my schedule. I’m new here.” I hated saying those words, but I was so used to it at the same time. The woman smiled brightly and asked for my name, hands poised at the keyboard ready to type away at my request. “Jiyeon, Choi Ji yeon” 

             “Here you go, Miss Choi. This is your class schedule, a map of the campus, and the combination to your locker.” She showed me each page as she spoke before handing them over to me. “Would you like someone to show you to your first class?” 

I shook my head vigorously. “No, I’m sure I can find my way around. Thank you.” 

I slowly walked through the halls, looking from the map to the room numbers as I went. I was mentally cursing my mother for always needing to move to the next city she set her eyes on. If it hadn’t been for her, I might have been able to actually settle down at a school and not worry about when we’d be moving next. Definitely not walking down this crowded hallway alone, getting jostled around as I went by people who didn’t bother to look my way at all. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love my mom. She’s been my only friend for the past eight years. She just has a habit of “falling in love” with the wrong kind of guy and when things go wrong, we pack up and move. 

I know what you’re thinking. It’s just like the movie John Tucker Must Die. I remember the girl beside me in the theater telling her friend how unrealistic that was in the movie and how it would never happen. Let me just say I was glad the room was dark since my cheeks were as red as a tomato and I probably looked like I was going to throw up, because that was realistic. It was my life. 

Since my dad left us, she’s been on the search for another love. She finds it – or so she’s said every time she meets a new guy – and then I just wait until it’s time to go. 

Enter Seoul, korea, where I currently was. We moved here after her last boyfriend was found cheating on her. She cried throughout all of the packing and drive here, saying “I thought this one was the one.” I rolled my eyes every time she said it. 

             “Finally.” I mutter to myself when my first class comes into view. 

I hesitate for a second before I walk in. The late bell hasn’t rung yet, but it seems as if everyone was already there minus three seats in the back. I was about to take off for one of them when the teacher’s voice broke out. 

“Oh, are you the new girl… Miss Choi?” 

I looked over at the older lady slowly and gave a slight nod of my head. She gave me a warm smile that I had a hard time reciprocating. I had a bad feeling she was going to be like most teachers I’d met and make me introduce myself in front of the class, but instead she just nodded towards the desks in the back. 

“Well, it’s nice to meet you. Take a seat, please, dear.” 

I all but ran to the back and took a seat in one of the desks that was directly in between the two other empty ones. I dropped my backpack down at my feet and looked up to the front just as the late bell rang. A not-so-tall, lean figure walked into the doorway just at the time. 

“Mr. Kwon, just on time.” The teacher smiled at him like she did me before the boy turned to look for a seat. 

Our eyes connected and I almost fell out of my chair. Holy , the boy was gorgeous! He probably towered over me if I was to stand up, and even through his blue t-shirt I could see the toned muscles. As he walked towards me, his hands shoved into his low-slung skinny jeans.

I forced my eyes away from his eyes as he took one of the desks beside me. I bit my bottom lip, trying to watch the teacher instead of him, but it was hard – especially since I could feel his eyes boring into me from the side. 

I heard him clear his throat quietly before he spoke. “Do you have a pencil I could borrow?” , his voice was heaven, too. I glanced over at him and shook my head. He just smiled lazily, showing off a smirk “I’m Kwon Jiyong but call me gd or gdragon. And you?” 

             “Choi Jiyeon.” I said with a tight lipped smile as I brushed my hair off my shoulder. 

             “You’re new.” He said it as a statement and not a question, which made my brow furrow questioningly. He must have caught on since he chuckled lightly and gestured to me with his hand. “I haven’t seen you around. I know almost everyone here, you know.” 

I just nodded my head slowly as if I understood him. How would I know who he knew and didn’t know? Hell, I usually never knew anyone, so the thought of him knowing everyone stunned me. I looked up to the front of the room and scribbled down some words the teacher was talking about. 

             “So, where is a pretty girl like you from?” 

Pretty? Did this gorgeous boy just call me pretty? I glanced back over at him and found his green eyes already on me as he smiled again. I opened my mouth to speak, but the slam of the door caused me to jump and look at the front of the room.

There stood the boy from earlier except this time he had a cigarette hanging from his lips. 

“Excuse me, Mr. Lee, but cigarettes are not allowed on campus! And you’re late!” The teacher’s voice was raised a bit as her eyes shot daggers at the boy. 

“Mianhae, Mrs. Park. It won’t happen again.” His words made some students in the room snicker, and others to scoff like the teacher did. The boy put the cigarette out on the bottom of his boot before he started walking to the back where I was seated. 

On his way, he caught my eye and the smirk from before was instantly back. I felt myself scowl at him without meaning to, looking away and ignoring him as he took the last seat beside me. 


My eyes tore over to Jiyong, wondering why he had muttered those words. I found that he was staring over at the newest addition to the classroom. In fact, he was giving him a death glare. I let my eyes drift back to the front of the class, but on a second thought, looked over at the boy on the other side of me. 

He was giving the same look over to Jiyong, but when he sensed I had looked at him, he changed his gaze to me and gave me a wink. I still didn’t even know his name and it was killing me! But I wasn’t about to be the one to ask him. 

I tried my best to ignore both boys throughout the rest of the class. It was hard when I could feel both of them staring at me the whole time, willing me to look in their direction. When the bell rang for class to end, I practically ran out of the room. I regretted it soon, because I slammed into a body just outside the classroom. 

             “Not again.” I whispered as I rubbed my now sore arm. 

             I’m sorry! I was walking too fast. I should have watched where I was going.” I peered at the blonde girl and gave a smile. At least she had the decency to apologize! 

             “No, it’s my fault. I was in a hurry.” 

She extended her hand with a smile. “I’m Dara” 

             “Jiyeon. Nice to meet you.” 

The girl went white and I furrowed my brow as I stared at her. She dropped her hand from mine, but instead wrapped it around my arm, tugging me to the side of the hallway. “I don’t mean to pry,Jiyeon but…” She whispered harshly as she duck down closer to me. “Why are Kwon Jiyong and Tablo Lee both looking at you like that?” 

I turned to see what she was talking about and met two different pairs of eyes: one hazel brown and one caramel brown. Both wore smirks and both were leaning up against lockers – Tablo closest to me with Jiyong about ten lockers down from him – and staring intently at me. 

“.” I muttered as I turned away and looked back at Dara. 

So, his name was Tablo? I immediately scolded myself for that thought, trying to focus on what the blonde before me was saying. 

“This can’t be good, getting in the middle of them.” She practically shivered on the spot. 

My brow furrowed yet again at her words. I shook my head, not understanding what she meant. “Wait, what?”

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