
god and monster
             “Are you okay?” 

No. No, I was not okay. At all. In fact, I couldn’t breathe. I felt sick. Oh god, I was going to throw up on my first day. 

Dara had told me all about Tablo and Jiyong’s little rivalry. Or at least what she had heard from everyone else over the years. They both thought they ran the school and were constantly butting heads – for use of a nicer term – over it. Jiyong was the star of being the leader of a club and had every right to think he was in charge. Tablo was the guy that would punch anyone who looked at him wrong and everyone knew he had a knack for drugs, which just gave him control based on intimidation. But what scared me the most was the fact that they always fought over girls, apparently, and it never ended well for the girl. Now I was the next target. 

             “Jiyeon, you’re white… no, you’re green. Do you need to go to the bathroom?” I felt Dara's hand rest on my shoulder. Her brows were pulled down in worry as her eyes begged for me to answer her. 

My lips felt dry, causing me to poke my tongue out to give them the moisture they craved. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine. I just –” I glanced over my shoulder hesitantly. 

Tablo had disappeared completely, but Jiyong was still there. This time, however, he had another boy standing with him and his eyes weren’t on me. I couldn’t see what his friend looked like other than his hair was short and brown, and he was just a little taller than Jiyong.

Jiyong must have sensed someone was looking at him, though, because his eyes drifted away from his friend and scanned the room, landing on me in a matter of seconds. A mix between a smile and a smirk appeared on his lips before he lifted his hand a little and gave a small wave. My eyes widened a little before I spun back around. 

I needed out. “I have to go.” 

             “Jiyeon, wait!” 

I ignored Dara’s calls to me as I power walked down the halls. I didn’t know where I was going. All I knew is that I needed to get away. 

I wasn’t used to having this attention. Boys didn’t look at me. The few female acquaintances I met along the way to here would tell me how pretty I was and that I’d easily get a boyfriend. But I never did. They wouldn’t even look my way in the hallways. It just made me wonder if those girls were just being nice to the new girl. 

But these two boys were definitely looking at me. And they definitely wanted me. Oh god, I felt sick again. 

I looked around to see where I’d gotten to, and found myself staring at the front of the building where I had started my day. Apparently in my haste to get away, I’d completely walked outside and didn’t even know it until now. 

I let out a deep sigh, looking around more. Over to the side of the campus were some picnic tables. I slowly made my way over to one, tossing my backpack on top and climbing up with it. With my on the table and my feet on the bench – my Gran was practically scolding me for this in my head – I stared ahead. 

Why couldn’t this just be like all of the other schools? I’d blend in, go unnoticed, get good grades, and then move before the semester was even over with. I wasn’t even here but one class, and now a whole group knew who I was. For the first time ever, I was asking my mom in my head to go ahead and say we were moving again. 

I groaned to myself and buried my head into my hands as my elbows rested on my knees. I had been sitting like this for some time, long enough to hear the late bell ring for my next class. Well, there go my good grades! I was just changing it all at this school! 

             “Bad day?” 

I nearly fell off of the table at the voice. It wasn’t just near me, but practically in my ear. I looked over to my right and found none other than Lee Tablo perched on the table beside me. When did he sit down?! 

He wore that same smirk. Is it possible to be annoyed with something so quickly? Because I was with that damn smirk of his. It put me on the edge whenever it was directed at me. 

             “Funny, I didn’t take you for the skipping type.” 

I narrowed my eyes at him and leaned away from him. “I’m not.” 

             “Then you must not know the bell rang ten minutes ago and being here and not there is considered skipping.” He pulled out of pack of cigarettes and had the end of one lit during his entire speech. He took a long draw on it before blowing the smoke out in my direction. “I’d know.” 

“Thanks for the knowledge. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to be alone.” I spat at him after curling my nose in disgust at the smell to the cigarette. 

Tablo didn’t move, though. He just puffed away on his cigarette, never taking his eyes off me even after I tore my gaze away from him. I felt uncomfortable to say the least as I fidgeted with my hair, pushing it behind my ear and then untucking it again multiple times. 

             “Do I make you nervous?” 

I fully expected to see the smirk on his face when I glanced over at him, but instead I found that his brow was pulled down in concentration. He was studying my reaction to his question, clearly trying to see for himself what I really thought about him instead of what my words would tell him. 

I considered lying to him, but at last second I changed my mind. “Yes.” 

            "Figured as much.” The smirk made its appearance again. “I’m Tablo, by the way.” 

            “I know.” I instantly regretted my words and felt myself wince. , way to make yourself seem cool, Ji.. Now he will think you’ve been stalking him. 

I heard him chuckle from beside me. “My reputation still precedes me, I see.” He finished off his cigarette and smashed it on the bottom of his boot much like he had in the classroom before. “Want to go somewhere with me?” 

             “What?!” I had blurted the word out too quickly and probably looked horrified as I looked at him. Tablo just shook his head and chuckled. 

             “Relax, I’m not going to you. Besides…” He trailed off as his hand lifted to brush back a piece of hair from my eyes, tucking it behind my ear. I should have flinched away from him, but instead I was frozen in my spot. “I’m pretty sure you’re a .” 

With that, I jumped off of the picnic table and turned to face him with my jaw dropped in shock and anger. “Excuse me? That’s none of your business!” 

             “I’d like to make it my business.” His voice was low and his eyes darkened a few shades. Now I understood what Dara had meant by he seduced girls with his eyes. , they were mesmerizing. “So, Jiyeon –” 


It was all I said before I started walking, leaving him laughing behind me. I had only been at this school for one class and it was enough. I decided to call it a day and head home. It’d probably take me the rest of the day to find my house anyway. 

I was a couple of blocks away from the school when I realized I wasn’t alone anymore. 

             “Where are we walking to?” 

             I’m walking home. You’re going to go back to the school… or anywhere that doesn’t involve being near me.” Okay, that sounded a little meaner than I planned to, but I didn’t want Tablo finding out where I lived. 

He chuckled and slung an arm across my shoulders, forcing me to stop in my tracks. “At least let me give you a ride. I doubt you even know how to get to your house from here, huh?” 

I jerked my body out from under his arm and glared at him. Then my eyes looked up and down the street, trying to figure out just what street I needed to take next. I had no idea, though. , Tablo was right. 

I refused to meet his eye and instead opted to stare at my feet. “Fine, but just to my house. Nowhere else!” 

We didn’t say a word to each other as we walked back to the school. I just followed beside him and kept my head down, acting as if I didn’t care about anything he did or said. He seemed to have noticed this since he didn’t once say a word. When we reached the parking lot, I glanced around, trying to pick out which vehicle Tablo would point out as his. Was he the truck, jeep, or fancy car kind of guy? Or maybe he had a modest car that he worked all summer to buy? I had to force myself to not laugh at the idea of this kid beside me actually working. He didn’t seem like that type!


It was his voice breaking our silence that made me look up and realize that we’d stopped at his vehicle. Scratch that, we stopped at his motorcycle. And he was handing me a helmet. Oh, . 

             “No way! I’m not getting on that thing!” My eyes were wide as I threw my hands up in front of me, denying the helmet he was trying to give me. 

He just rolled his eyes and ed it into my hands. I stared in revulsion at the thing for a second before I groaned and pulled it into my head. God, I was going to die before I even turned eighteen! 

Tablo climbed onto the machine and revved up the engine. As I watched, I had to admit he looked hot as hell on the thing. Okay, so he made my knees a little weak at the sight, but I wasn’t going to admit that, was I? 

             “Coming?” Tablo’s voice was muffled from his own helmet, but I still heard it enough to swing my leg over the side and climb on behind him. 

I was in the middle of debating where I should put my hands when he took off with a jolt. My hands had no choice but to wrap around his waist, pulling my body into his. I was clinging for dear life, cursing myself for not just going to class! 

Somewhere between my panicking on the back of the motorcycle and my home, Tablo had managed to get my address from me and was soon pulling into the driveway. He turned off the engine and waited for me to climb off, but I was paralyzed. My arms still wrapped tightly around his waist and my face was buried into the back of his leather jacket. When he let out a bark of laughter, it vibrated throughout my whole body. 

             “You okay back there? Need me to call someone?” 

             “No, no. I’m fine.” I whispered as I finally pulled myself off of him and practically stumbled down from the motorcycle. 

             “Whoa there. Steady.” He said as he caught me before I fell to the ground. “This is the second time today I’ve had to catch you.” 

I had pulled off my helmet and looked up to see that he’d done the same. Now I could see that damn smirk in full view. Except this time something sparked in his eyes. My stomach did a flip and I pulled away from his touch. 

             “Well, thanks.” I said as I handed the helmet back over to him. 

Tablo gave a genuine smile and I felt that same feeling in my stomach from before pop back up. “Any time. You’re… fun.” He seemed all too amused by his word choice. 

I just nodded my head as my brow furrowed in confusion. “Right then… see ya.” 

I was nearly inside of my house when I heard his voice ring out one last time. “See you tomorrow, Jiyeon.” 

I shut the door just in time to hide my flushing red cheeks from him.
Author's note

as for this chapter... it's a lot of Tablo, G-dragon will be popping up more soon. i promise!


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