/ writing style: mood & tone [dialogue]

☆ Hallucinated Dreams Reviews + Writing Advice ☆ Closed ☆

Are you unsure about how you can express certain feelings through dialogue?

Well, look no further. Here's the guide to writing unique and emotive dialogue!

1.1 Unique Speaking Manners
1.2 Emotive Dialogue


There are several ways to make your characters 'unique'. One way is to actually give them their own speaking manners. E.g.:

Loud, boisterous and friendly people are more informal in tone. They also tend to be humourous, although their sense of humour may vary from person to person.

Calm, mature and sophisticated people are more formal in tone. They may not make weird jokes as much as loud, boisterous and friendly people do.

Giving quirks to the characters will also help the readers to differentiate between them. For instance, there may be a cheerful and adorable girl named A. Every time something awful has happened, she may have the tendency to express her upsetness through a small 'aw'. It's just a single expression, but if A is the only character in the story who uses it, it can have a huge relation to her character.

Other than describing the expressions and actions, dialogue is another way to express the emotions of a character. That's why the words that the character used should have a special impact. Formatting and punctuation are also play a very significant part. Here are examples how you can write emotive dialogue:

Scenario A: A and B were a couple. However, it is later discovered that B is cheating on A with C, A's best friend.

A: "H-How can you do this to me, C?" - Conveys a sense of betrayal, disappointment and anger. Note: Effective dialogue can convey more than one emotion. Also, this dialogue makes use of stuttering as well as italics tgo convey emphasis.

C: "Well, it's not like you've been a great girlfriend yourself, haven't you?" - Conveys a sense of self-righteousness.

Scenario B: D's mom is dying.

D: "Don't leave me yet, Mom! I still want to go on a holiday with you. I still want to listen to your nagging. I still want to eat the meals you've always prepared for me..." - Conveys a sense of desperation and regret. Exclamation mark and ellipsis is used to signify desperation.

D: "M-Mom? Are you still there?" - Conveys a sense of hope.

Scenario C: E has been caught fighting in school. E's mom is enraged.

E's mom: "Why must you always make me worry like this, huh? Why can't you stop those itchy hands of yours? Why must you always cause trouble for your old mother? Tell me, E, why?" - Conveys a sense of exasperation through incessant questions.

E's mom: "I give up on you! From now on, you're no longer my son!" - The peak when the anger finally accummulates and explodes.

Scenario D: F has gotten first in class. 

F: "I can't believe it! For the first time in my whole life, I've actually gotten first! Can you believe it, man?" - Conveys a sense of disbelief as well as joy.

As seen from the above examples, formatting is important to place emphasis on certain words and punctuation is significant to make the readers feel certain emotions. Accompanied with just the right words, you'll get a perfect piece of effective dialogue.


ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Woo! This chapter took me some time to complete because I had a dilemma of how I would go about dialogue. Anyway, that's it for Writing Style: Part I! Next up is Part II where we'll go down to the more nitty-gritty part of things.


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Chapter 99: thank you so much for this review! and its fine that its a bit late, besides everyone has lives outside of aff :) i'll take note of the things you said and probably change a few things in my story. this will help me a lot in my future in writing, so again, thanks a lot :)
Picked up! I really love your review, thank youuus! <3
Chapter 93: Hi, thank you for the review!
hey hey
Sorry I'm late I've been away for 5 months. and I was wondering If I could get my review on Worlds apart somehow. I know I'm probably blacklisted or something, but is there any way I still can get it.
and thank you for taking the time to review it. I'm really grateful.
love WF
Chapter 91: Wow ... I didn't expect this kind of criticism but okay, I understand all of that and it should help me improve my story as I love it very, very much~ I do have some stuff in store and I could really expand some scenes and maybe I am giving some wrong opinions of some scenes but I will work on it asap~ as for the baek and chanyeol part, baek doesn't realize yet that chanyeol is a wolf, therefore he doesn't have these prejudices and hatred beforehand~ he wasdistracted by his thoughts for a moment and when he tried to spot him again there was only a wolf, baek didn't count one and one together~
The scene how taoris met will appear in chapter twelve and I tell you, it's definitely something people wouldn't expect :D
thank you for the honest review and I will try to work on the parts you pointed out~
Chapter 90: OMG I CANT BELIEVE you're closing down. I know this sounds like an exaggeration, but I really do love your reviews, Azeline. I'll definitely have to request from you privately in the future. Thank you for all of your hard work, and helpful and blunt advice.
Username & Profile Link:
Story Link:
Romance, Friendship, School Life
Criticism Level (1-10):
Focus On:
Grammar, Story flow, plot, writing skills
Other comments:
Umm.... some tips to do a better job and uh, give my story a short comment? So maybe I can post it on the front page ><! Thank youuuuu <3
Chapter 88: Thank you for your hard work!
Username & Profile Link: ilyhani (http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/653292)
Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/943999/
Genre/s: Romance, School life, Drama
Criticism Level (1-10): 5
Focus On: Writing. I'm still new in writing a chaptered stories ^^
Other comments: Could you give some useful tips on how to write better? Thanks!
Password: Romance, ofc xD
Chapter 87: Haha its ok for the critics it helps me in writing my story a lot ^^ plus i am not very good in my languages thus i makes a lot of mistakes be it grammar or vocab.. i am sure that ur review will help me a lot in inproving my story, thanks once again!