Your Smile


Taemin just grew bored. 


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Beau1996 1375 streak #1
Chapter 1: Nooo - I don't like this ending...
Chapter 1: I hate Taemin in this. Like what...?
Chapter 2: ehhhhhhhhh why you people do this to meeeee ;A;
Chapter 2: ughh dammit taemin, eff youuuuuuu.
poor minho :'(
Lurkerderp #5
Chapter 2: Woah! Glad I decided to come back!
Thank you for part two ^_^
Feel a sense of closure :D
Chapter 2: How could be a story equally sad n beautiful? U love Minho a lot, don't u? ^^
Chapter 2: First thing in mrng~~im crying due to this beautiful fic forgttng arnd my surrndngs...and i caught!!! there goes my perfect beautiful day dwn in drain T^T
kansamundha authr nim~~
jesselee #8
Chapter 2: Thank you smuch for writing the second part! It was heartbreakingly beautiful:')
gypsytaemoreena #9
Chapter 2: Okay. The second chapter brought tears to my eyes. As you and I discussed a few weeks ago, I lost my mother to lung cancer. I can so relate to these feelings Taemin's character is fact, vivid memories are with me at the moment. Beautiful work, as always, on your part. Love your flow of creativity...
Chapter 1: ;_; Taemin you jerk