Part Eight

Learn to Live, Learn to Love

a/n: Note that there are a lot of mentions of violence in this chapter! Please don't read if this might trigger something for you.

Part Eight

Three weeks later, all was quiet. Junmyeon shifted restlessly and curled closer into Yifan’s collarbones as he tried to settle down for the night. Yifan yawned sleepily and nosed through Junmyeon’s hair. “What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing. Go to sleep,” Junmyeon murmured back. Junmyeon wasn’t sure why he was so restless. According to Yifan and Luhan, Ji Yong had caught wind of the warning, and had responded by quietly sending off several of the packs back to their original territories. As far as Junmyeon could tell, no one else was in his the house. He thought about his fellow pack members for a few minutes, and came to the conclusion that everyone was relatively peaceful.

So what was wrong?

Junmyeon frowned and shut his eyes. Maybe if basked in Yifan’s presence for long enough, he would be lulled to sleep. He listened to the soft sound of Yifan’s breath and tried to match his own breathing to the slow even pace. It worked, and Junmyeon felt himself grow drowsy beneath the comforting warmth of the sheets.

Junmyeon snorted faintly when the sounds of footsteps thundered out in the corridor. What was the rest of the pack doing? Junmyeon was certain that he and Yifan had been the last ones to go to bed.

The footsteps grew louder, and suddenly Luhan burst into the bedroom. Junmyeon blinked sleepily, and then hid his face in Yifan’s collarbones when Luhan flicked the lights on.


Yifan stirred restlessly and then opened his eyes. He gently pushed Junmyeon’s head down so that his face was protected by the pillows and sat up, his eyes sharpening when he saw the expression on his beta’s face. “What is it, Luhan?”

“I just got news.” Luhan drew in a haggard breath, and Junmyeon peeked out from the pillows as his eyes slowly adjusted to the light. He felt a spike of alarm when he saw how pale Luhan’s face was.

“Several small groups of wolves have started raiding and seizing several housing districts and the downtown area. The caller mentioned that she saw Lee Seunghyun among the attackers.”

Yifan rolled out of bed and stumbled over to his dresser, searching for a pair of pants to change into.  “Is the caller alright?”

“She was fine. A wolf is patrolling her neighborhood and preventing anyone from exiting their houses, but hasn’t made a move to start attacking anyone within yet.”

“Luhan, go wake the others. We’ll assemble downstairs.”

“I’m going.” Luhan dashed out of the room, and Junmyeon also rolled out of bed just as Yifan pulled his sleeping shirt over his head and changed into a t-shirt. “What are we going to do, Yifan?” Junmyeon came to stand beside his lover and began changing as well.

“Well, we’re going to have to fight them off.”

“I don’t understand though. Why would Bigbang attempt this? The rest of their territory is on the other side of the city.”

“I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter right now.” Yifan waited until Junmyeon quickly finished changing and then stumbled downstairs to meet the rest of the pack. Everyone was assembled within minutes, and they stared expectantly at Yifan and Luhan. 

“Were you able to find out about how many?”

“It’s a bit hazy, but all the information coming amounts to somewhere around fifty to sixty fighters total.”

The entire pack recoiled with shock. “Sixty?” Baekhyun echoed incredulously. “Where did they even get sixty people from?”

“They had a fair amount of packs sharing their territory before. They must have circled back and entered the city through the southern side instead of heading back to where they came from.”  Yifan rubbed his forehead with his fingers. “Right. Well, this hasn’t happened in a while, but I’m sure we can pull it through. We’ll travel as the pairs we’ve been training our powers with. There’s no way we can even hope to make it out of this alive if we don’t use our powers. But remember—be as subtle as you can.” Yifan turned his eyes to look over at Minseok and Junmyeon with a slight frown on his face. “It isn’t raining tonight, so you two can’t work together. Instead, I want…Jongdae and Junmyeon to work together. Baekhyun and Xiumin, you two pair up. Baekhyun, we’ve talked about this before, you can conceal Xiumin’s power by making sure that no light shines while Xiumin does what he needs to do. Jongdae and Junmyeon, you two can work on cutting power and water where needed. Everyone else’s pairs will remain the same. Junmyeon, Jongdae will explain more to you as we move out…Jongdae and Xiumin, your respective areas will remain the same, so Baekhyun you’ll be going to Xiumin’s sector of the territory.

Let’s lean towards the higher end of the scale and assume that there are about sixty fighters. We fight strongest as a pack, so what we’ll do is round up all the fighters and lead them all towards the southern exit to the city and push them out. Luhan has already circulated a message around the territory for humans and wolves alike to stay inside and not come out. Jongin will take everyone where they need to go, and then he will meet up with you, Tao. If anything goes wrong, take shelter and contact us as soon as you can. Make it work. We will come out of this victorious and drive the invaders out.” Yifan’s eyes blazed with determination and fury, and everyone nodded in agreement, their spirits roused by the strength of Yifan’s words. “Start moving people, Jongin. Luhan tells me that the invaders are in both their wolf and human forms, so be careful.”

Junmyeon and Jongdae were the first pair to go. Jongin teleported them to into a small side street and then vanished in a flurry of shadows.

“Come on.” Jongdae grabbed Junmyeon’s hand and began jogging down the street, cautiously peeking around the corner to see if anyone was there.

“Where are we going?”

“We’re heading to the main power plant in the city, which are about six blocks from here. We’re going to cut off power to the majority of the territory.”


“It’s dark, and if the invaders don’t know what the territory is like, which they shouldn’t because we haven’t been allowing any foreign packs in, it will be easier to confuse them and lead them to the southern exit, especially since there will be no lights to guide their way.”

“I see.”

“Also, if they’ve set up some kind of communications center that goes to our electrical grid, we can cut them off that way as well.” Jongdae and Junmyeon shifted into their wolf forms and shot off through the streets of the city, the street lights shutting down as they passed through.

“What can I do to help?”

“Guard the plant while I shut off the power. Then, we’ll start rounding up fighters. It should be easier for you to work in the dark once the power is out.”

“Ok.” The wolves tumbled to a stop in front of the power center, and Jongdae transformed back into his human form. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a large key ring and began fumbling around, searching for the right key.

“Stay in your wolf form and hide out here. Howl if trouble comes up, and keep the invaders from entering the building if they come here. I should be done in twenty minutes.”

Junmyeon pressed his muzzle into Jongdae’s leg and then drew back into the shadows of the building, his eyes wary as he stared out into the dark street. For a while, there was no sound. Junmyeon watched with interest as lights flickered off one street over, and then tensed when there was a loud yell and a resounding crash.

There was silence for a few moments, and then Junmyeon’s ear twitched as the sound of soft voices hit his ears. “…turning off the electricity…electric plant is around here…”

Junmyeon slowly got to his feet, still hidden in the shadows. His eyes had adjusted to the light of the moon and the stars, and he could make out dark shapes moving at the end of the street.

Jongdae was going to come out of the building very soon, and he was going to give their position away if he wasn’t careful. Junmyeon shifted agitatedly, trying to figure out how to warn Jongdae—could he contact him through the pack mentality? He gently pressed closer to Jongdae’s presence in his mind and tried to warn him.

Something rustled off to the side, and Junmyeon’s head snapped to the right, his coat bristling as he bared his teeth silently. He felt a surge of relief when he saw that it was only Jongdae, who appeared to have transformed into his wolf form and had snuck out of the building.

Jongdae looked past him, down the street where the shadowy forms of a group of humans were huddled. “What are they doing here?”

“They suspect that some of us are at the plant,” Junmyeon huffed back, following Jongdae as they padded silently down the street. “What do we do?”

“You’re well enough acquainted with the territory, right? We’ll attack them and start driving them towards the Southern entrance.” Jongdae snorted. “Unfortunately, we’re in one of the farthest sectors from the exit, but we’ll be just fine. We’re both strong.”

“Ok.” Junmyeon and Jongdae crept forward a few feet, sticking to the sides of the street. “Will we use our powers?”

“It’s difficult for me to use mine because we probably won’t be using anything that involves electricity, but feel free to use yours, it’s dark and there’s probably water in the gutters and all over the place.”

“Ok.” Junmyeon tensed his muscles, ready to leap forward.

Jongdae darted forward, and Junmyeon followed him into the fray, his heart thumping with adrenaline.







The fighting had lasted for four days. As Yifan had suspected, the packs had proved to be relatively weak, and it had taken only a short amount of time to drive the invaders out of the territory. Now, they were simply chasing out the lone stragglers and setting down to regroup.


“Yes?” Luhan ended the call and looked over at his alpha. “Also, the police have been stationed about the city, and are keeping an eye out for any leftovers.”

“Excellent.” Yifan rubbed a sweaty hand over his forehead and grimaced. “Have the rest of the pack checked back with you yet?”

“Kai injured his waist when he was helping a civilian get out from beneath a collapsed wall. He’s with Lay at the house. Everyone else is patrolling, except for Jongdae, Junmyeon, and Kyungsoo, who haven’t reported to me yet.” Luhan came over and gently patted Yifan’s arm. “Don’t worry though, it might still be a few hours before we all come together again. There are a lot of reasons why they might not have contacted us yet, but it should be soon. Even if they’re injured, the people who find them will know who they are, and will call in to let us know.”

“That’s true,” Yifan sighed heavily. “I’m just…”

Luhan gave him an understanding look. “I know. I also dislike being away from Sehun for so long.”

“How do you bear it? It’s excruciating, not having him by my side.”

“You have to trust Junmyeon a little bit. He may be young, but he can take care of himself. Unless he went up against Ji Yong himself, which is unlikely, he should be just fine.”

Yifan nodded wearily. “You’re right. He’ll probably call you in a few hours.”

Luhan gave him an encouraging pat on the back. “That’s the spirit. Come on, let’s go visit the head of the police to check in on things. We can pick the rest of the pack up and head back to the house. The police will patrol just fine, and since Kai is in the process of being healed by Lay, if anything happens we can be there in the blink of an eye.”

“Alright.” Yifan allowed Luhan to gently grip his elbow and lead him down from the rooftop and into the parking lot. He tried to quell his uneasiness; Luhan was right. Junmyeon was probably just fine.







Junmyeon shivered and groaned, his entire body tensed with pain and fatigue. A throbbing beat pounded against the insides of his skull, and he shifted slightly, trying to will the pain away.

“He’s awake,” a deep voice called, and Junmyeon winced as the sound intensified his headache. “Call Ji Yong and Siwon.”

Junmyeon whimpered in pain and tried to move his arms and legs, whining slightly when he realized that his ankles were bound together, as well as his wrists.

“Don’t try and move, you’ll only feel worse.” The sound of footsteps drew nearer to Junmyeon’s head, and he opened his eyes to see a familiar man crouched down by his side.

Daesung gently brushed some hair off of Junmyeon’s forehead and sighed softly. “You don’t really deserve this,” he murmured. “But my hands are tied, sweet one.”

Junmyeon blinked blearily as the pain in his head slowly started to subside. What was happening? Why was he with Daesung? Did that mean that Bigbang had captured him? Why was he tied up? What had Daesung said just now?

“I wish Lay were here…” Junmyeon sighed softly.

“What was that?” Daesung withdrew his hand from Junmyeon’s forehead.

Junmyeon shook his head. “Wh-where am I?” Junmyeon choked as his dry throat constricted his speech.

Daesung rubbed his back until he stopped coughing, and then carefully helped Junmyeon sit up, propping his back up against the wall. He produced a bottle of water and held it to Junmyeon’s mouth, carefully giving water to the younger wolf.

Junmyeon took the water thankfully, and then frowned when he realized that Daesung wasn’t going to answer his question.


“Yes, Junmyeonnie?”

“What’s happening?” Junmyeon’s forehead creased slightly at the use of the nickname.

Daesung sighed. “We caught you and your partner in the fighting two days ago. Jongdae is also in captivity in a different location.”

Junmyeon went pale. “.”

Daesung laughed humorlessly and got to his feet. “That just about sums up how things are going to be for you. Ji Yong is on his way…I don’t want to see you get hurt, so I’m going now.”

“You won’t help me?” Junmyeon weakly twisted his wrists in an attempt to free himself from his bindings. “Daesung?”

“I’m sorry Junmyeon.” Daesung’s face hardened, and he set down the water bottle by Junmyeon’s side. “Goodbye.”

Junmyeon felt a further twinge of fear at the finality of Daesung’s farewell. “Daesung? Wait don’t leave me here—”

The door slammed shut.

Junmyeon took a shuddering breath and brought his knees to his chest with some effort. His whole body hurt; he remembered now, fighting hard for several hours against three members of the Bigbang pack along with five other wolves. Someone had hit him over the head and he’d fallen. He hadn’t seen what had happened to Jongdae. Junmyeon closed his eyes and sifted through the pack mentality as he tried to figure out how Jongdae was.

He opened his eyes again and bit his lip. It seemed like Jongdae wasn’t conscious yet, and he couldn’t tell anything beyond that. Junmyeon cast his mind out for the presences of the other members, but they all seemed preoccupied.

“.” What was he going to do? Ji Yong was going to talk to him. Yifan’s scent undoubtedly still lingered from the claim, indicating that he and Yifan, at the very least, had a close relationship. Would Ji Yong kill him? Ransom him? Make an example of him? Junmyeon had no doubt that the rest of Exo had driven the invaders out of the territory. So where did that leave him?

Junmyeon pushed insistently at his packmates’ consciousness, and tried to illicit a response. Could they feel that he was in danger? Would they try and figure out if he was ok?

But perhaps the fighting was still going. If that was the case, then no one was going to check on him for a few days, and then it might already be too late.

Junmyeon’s breathing quickened as hysteria rose through his body and his eyes began to water. There was no one here to help him. He was going to have to work his way out of this mess.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and bounced off of the back wall, causing Junmyeon to flinch. In the doorway stood Ji Yong, the alpha of Bigbang, his eyes cold and hard as he surveyed Junmyeon.

“So!” Ji Yong walked into the room and kicked the door shut behind him, causing Junmyeon to wince again. “So.” He stalked forward towards Junmyeon, and then crouched down directly in front of him.

Junmyeon knew that the scent of his own fear was undoubtedly permeating the room. A sweat broke across his forehead, and Junmyeon closed his eyes in an attempt to escape the leering gaze of his captor.

Ji Yong inhaled deeply, and then laughed. “You know, at first, my wolves thought that Yifan was with you and Jongdae. Perhaps they would have been gentler if they had known that he was nowhere nearby.”

Junmyeon flinched when he felt a hand close around the point of his chin in a firm grip. “Open your eyes, Kim Junmyeon.”

Junmyeon kept his eyes shut.

Stinging pain erupted on the side of his face, and Junmyeon cried out and curled up on himself, dislodging the hand from his chin.

“Open your eyes!”

Junmyeon opened his watering eyes and looked at Ji Yong’s cold face.

“Very good.” Ji Yong smiled harshly, and Junmyeon struggled to stop himself from recoiling. “So, little wolf. I’m sure you’re aware of your position here, as Yifan’s future mate.”

Junmyeon swallowed hard, but remained silent.

“Yifan was very foolish to let you away from his side. Did he think that his scent would lend you protection?” Ji Yong shook his head and chuckled. “If anything, it simply enraged Siwon further when he found you here.”

Junmyeon’s eyes widened with shock. Siwon was still around?

“Most of the other packs wanted funding and resources in return for aiding us in our attempt to take over Exo. Siwon wanted you,” Ji Yong chuckled. “I don’t envy you, pup. But Bigbang keeps its promises, so to him you must go. It will also be a fitting revenge…I severely underestimated the strength of your pack. You completed routed us within only four days,” Ji Yong sighed. “How humiliating. And yet, I can find satisfaction in Yifan’s horror when he finds out that you have been taken back by your old pack.” Ji Yong laughed softly and got to his feet. “Yes, very fitting. An equal humiliation, I think. Siwon Choi will be here to see you very soon, Junmyeon, and he’ll do as he pleases with you.”

Junmyeon just stared at him as fear, anguish, and despair overrode his senses.

“It’s a shame. He probably claimed you in an attempt to keep you safe. Too bad it only worked against you.” Ji Yong crossed the room and opened the door. “Goodbye, Junmyeon. I’ll be sure and tell Yifan all about your pretty, stricken little face when we meet next.”

The door shut, and a tear slipped down Junmyeon’s cheek. He uncurled his body and rubbed at his stinging chink with his arm, the cool smooth skin soothing the burn slightly. He dashed his tears away with his bound hands and stretched his legs out, wincing as they burned in protest.

Ji Yong had just told him what was going to happen next. He might be young, but Junmyeon could do things that other wolves couldn’t do. The water in the water bottle at his side swirled, and Junmyeon took encouragement from the small disturbance.

So, Siwon was still around. Junmyeon supposed that wherever he was, he was no longer in Exo’s territory. Perhaps he was in a holding cell in Bigbang, which would explain why his old pack hadn’t been chased out of the city yet.

Siwon was going to come see him, and do whatever he wanted with him. Junmyeon assumed that that meant Siwon would force him to go back to the old pack in the countryside. If there was a chance, Junmyeon would have to find a way to escape on the way there, or here in this very building. He would have to wait and see what happened.

For now, he had to figure out how to get out of his bonds. Junmyeon looked around, and was unsurprised to see nothing in the room with him besides the plastic bottle of water sitting next to his ankles. Junmyeon’s wrists were tied behind his back, and his ankles were also bound tightly. There was nothing here that he could use to attempt to cut his bonds. His hands appeared to be bound with a plastic tie while he could see that someone had simply tied a thin rope tightly around his ankles. This was going to be a tricky situation to get out of.

Junmyeon supposed that he could try and turn into a wolf, but somehow, he doubted that that was a good idea. If he was tied like this, his wolf limbs wouldn’t have the same flexibility, and might not be able to endure the positions that he was currently in. it also wouldn’t help very much since his wrists were skinnier than his wolf ankles anyways.

Was he going to have to wait it out until Siwon came? Perhaps he could convince him to cut the ties. Junmyeon flexed his arms experimentally, and then shook his head. He was still very weak from dehydration and from all the fighting; if Siwon came, it was unlikely that Junmyeon would be able to take him on if he tried to escape.  

Daesung had left the water bottle uncapped. Why, Junmyeon had no clue since he couldn’t lift his arms. Nevertheless, Junmyeon levitated a small globe of water out of the bottle and brought it to his lips, sighing softly as his thirst lessened slightly.

He flexed his wrists against his bonds again and frowned as the plastic tie chafed at his skin. For now, it seemed like there wasn’t much that could be done for now.

Junmyeon jumped when the door opened, his pulse fluttering in his throat.


Junmyeon lifted his chin. “Siwon.”

“How’re you feeling?” Siwon closed the door behind him and walked over to sit down on the floor by Junmyeon’s side.

Junmyeon scoffed and turned his head away. “How do you think?”

“They shouldn’t have been so rough,” Siwon scowled, and Junmyeon’s forehead creased at the sudden display of anger. “Don’t worry, I’ll have the ones who hurt you so badly punished.”

Junmyeon’s lip curled in derision. “Why even bother? No one will care.”

“Bruises and scrapes don’t suit you, and I gave specific orders to be as gentle as possible. But then again, perhaps they were frightened…you reek of Yifan.” Siwon’s hand darted out, and before Junmyeon could flinch away, Siwon had tilted his chin up to reveal the scar on his neck. “So he did claim you.” Siwon shook his head and sighed. “Well, that’s not anything that can’t be fixed.”

Junmyeon’s blood ran cold for a moment. “What?”

“Don’t worry, Junmyeon. You’ll be only mine soon enough,” Siwon smirked. “Oh, don’t give me that look. What else could you have been expecting from me?”

“It’s been so long though.”

“My feelings for you have been unwavering,” Siwon retorted smoothly. “Yours, though…”

“How do you even know if I wanted to mate with you from the beginning?” Junmyeon snapped back as he jerked away from Siwon’s touch.

“You always wanted to be around me.”

“Because you were the only one who was kind to me! But that isn’t—that isn’t desire, Siwon.”

“We just need to spend more time together. You’ll see, all of those feelings you’re denying will come rushing back to you. Now,” Siwon gave Junmyeon a quelling glare and pulled out a pair of scissors from his coat. “Now, I’m going to cut you loose. Don’t try and fight me…I’ll overpower you in a heartbeat.” He turned Junmyeon’s torso so that he could start working at the plastic ties around Junmyeon’s wrists.

Junmyeon flinched at the closeness of Siwon’s presence. He wasn’t used to anyone being this close to him, accept for Exo. Nevertheless, he tried to stay still and slow the beating of his heart. It wouldn’t do for Siwon to accidentally stab him with the scissors, and Junmyeon had to try and keep a cool head to work himself out of the mess he was in.

At last, the plastic ties slipped off of his wrists, and Junmyeon let out a small whine of pain as he gingerly brought his arms out and stretched, trying to bring back circulation into his hands.

“Now, should I cut your ankles loose, or should I leave you like this?” Siwon sat back, the scissors dangling idly from his index finger.

Junmyeon shifted his body around so that he was facing Siwon. “What do you mean?” Junmyeon gasped and reached out to knock Siwon’s hands away when Siwon picked up his ankles with one hand and spread his knees apart with another. “What are you doing?!”

“I’m not going to take any more chances. We’re going to mate, right here, right now.”



a/n: I finally got some time to churn this out because I have today off.

I know, I'm already going into hiding because you all want to kill me right? ahaha.../laughs weakly/. The next part is already halfway written and should be up in about two days, so don't worry to much. I hope you guys enjoyed the action and the panic and all the feels...leave a comment to let me know what you thought, even if all you want is to brick me for leaving another cliff hanger! /runs away/

Also, very important: should I switch this story to the entire thing rated M, or do you think rating one or two chapters on their own as M is fine?

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2442 streak #1
Chapter 12: the time it took for Jun to move on was long, and the things that had to happen were extreme... but i must say that the time apart did help them, tho i think it could've been shorter and like Jun said, maybe Kris could've at leaat said goodbye first, i mean if that did happen, maybe it wouldn't have taken 3 years...

anyway, it was no joke what Jun had to go thru, and as he was healing with EXO, something even more sinister happens to him resetting him from zero, even making it worse from where he was before tbh, that level... he took his time, tested his mate all the while, but in the end... everything was worth it, he's happy and he has a beautiful and loving family and that's all that matters... it's an ending Jun has long deserved

thank you so much for this authornim!!!
2442 streak #2
Chapter 10: at least Suho was unconscious... but it doesn't change the fact that he knew what happened to him, he knew what Siwon did to him... I'm happy Siwon is dead, not only him, but everyone who took part in the attack should be dead tbh!!!

if i were Suho, idk how meeting up with Daesung would help, i definitely wouldn't have done so... and Daesung said he didn't know Siwon would do that??? and what if he was only taken back to the pack? what happens next then? why would Siwon go thru such extent to get Suho from EXO??? honestly, to me that's BS, did he not think at all??? UGHHHHHHHH Jiyong should die as well, i don't think the pact they did with EXO should still withstand since it was them who planned this attack
2442 streak #3
2442 streak #4
Chapter 8: HIHIHIHI about time Yifan and Jun!

they're planning to outnumber EXO tho... even with their powers, that's just too much... 60 vs 12 is too many specially if the strategy is divide and conquer... huhuhu
2442 streak #5
2442 streak #6
Chapter 6: on one hand, i do want Jun's old pack to feel the wrath of EXO for doing what they did to Jun... it was so cruel of them and it wrecked Jun in all ways possible... but on the other hand, i agree with what Jun's saying... what for? the best thing that happened to both parties was Jun leaving, and seeking retribution, using violent ways even, is just as cruel... if the plan pushed thru, would they have killed the whole pack? the pups even???

Yifan is so sweet to Jun tho... damn they're so precious
2442 streak #7
Chapter 5: Daesung pursuing Jun for 2 years??? that is some dedication and persistence man! he didn't get the memo? lol sorry too Minseok... some things just aren't meant to be

Jun giving Yifan a chance tho! so sweet and poor Jongin indeed! HAHAHAHA
2442 streak #8
Chapter 4: Jun was so adorable as he was having his lessons on reading! it's really like teaching a kid! HIHIHI

THE MARKING THO!!! and what happened after!!!
damn, Jun still really doesn't realize his worth... he's definitely worth kore than what his former pack valued him! now, wolves are fighting over him and he's just... UGHHHHHHH thank goodness he hoined EXO coz Daesung could've taken him to his own pack if he were from a less powerful and influential pack

Minseok tho... too soon! and also, as he said, there was already attraction and arousal whenever Jun is with Yifan... forcing himself on Jun like that certainly doesn't favor him
2442 streak #9
Chapter 3: it's infuriating, coz we all witnessed how deep the effect of the abuse and trauma Jun has suffered from his previous pack in this chapter... him flinching at the thought that packmates could be equal, his urge to call Yifan via his position in the pack, how he immediately went to aookogize for "hurting" Chanyeol and ofc, still, how he wanted to die... a lifetime's worth of hurt... UGHHHHHHHHH
2442 streak #10
Chapter 2: time to read this again!!!
how ironic that Jun wanted to die that's why he sought EXO... oh boy, he didn't know what was coming! HAHA