Speed Dating



So yes, you could say that for the rest of summer, Jonghwan never saw the troublesome lass again.

Ah, it's good to be back,” Rokhyun stretched his arms over his head as their small group walked through the hallways of their university, “I can already sense the fear running through the veins of the freshmen,”

Taking a look around them, Jonghwan could see what Rokhyun was talking about. About a hundred busybodies were scattered all over the courtyard nervously, easily giving away that they were first years Then there were the second year students, or the second year students, who were pretty much just chilling on the stone walls and courtyard tables until their first class. Most third year students were nowhere to be found as they were probably all too lazy to get out of bed or their classes weren't until the evening. Finally, there were the fourth year students who were walking in and out of the school library with all of their supplies in hand; they were going to make this year count.

So Jonghwan, when do your classes start?” Hyukjin asked while he read his own schedule, “My classes don't start until like eleven, and end around four-ish,”

Hyukjin had already picked music as his major, and was taking about five classes worth of just music alone. He had already finished taking his general education courses in his first year of college, and found that he wasn't really interested in majoring in something. Chanyong, whose classes didn't start until the late evening, was majoring in architecture. He had always been more of the math whiz in their little group and was taking at least three classes dedicated to his major, while the other two were dedicated towards his minor in chemistry. Then there was Rokhyun who was also majoring in music. He had passed auditions last year for the April semester, and would be spending most of his time in the prestigious Piano Department. Unlike the rest of his friends though, Jonghwan still hadn't decided on a major at this point, but figured that it wouldn't hurt to follow the Asian stereotype and pick courses geared towards medicine and science (with the exception of one, which was English literature studies with sophomores). His classes were starting at ten.

But four hours passed pretty quickly for Jonghwan because before he knew it, he was walking into the English Lit. room and picking a seat somewhere towards the back of the room, but not too far back to the point where he would look like he wasn't paying attention. The second to last row would suffice, right? So on the second to last row, he claimed for himself the aisle seat. Of course, the seat wasn't permanent, but he figured that he might as well come in a few minutes earlier everyday if he could get this spot. It wasn't too far from the board, and not too far from the back exit door. If his life were ever in danger, he could get away with no problems. Not like anything like that would happen, but you never really know these days. In a few minutes, the classroom was starting to get filled and there were only three people who were sitting in the second to last row with him; two girls who were sitting on the other side who seemed to be best friends.

Hi there! Is this seat taken?”


Okay then!” Jonghwan pulled back a little bit to let the girl into the aisle, only to have his eyebrows furrow in confusion when she sat down directly next to him. Of all the people she could have seat with, and of all the chairs she could have picked, why did it have to be directly next to him?

His eyes scanned the rest of the room in front of him, noting that there were only a handful of boys in his class. Maybe there were enough boys in the class to count on one hand, maybe even half of his second hand. But there were a generous amount of girls. It was weird though, because he was the lone third year student in a second year class. His counselor informed him that no other third year student was taking English literature since they had already taken it in their first and second years of college. He was just that one exception.

Soon enough, the class administrator walked in with a bright, cheerful smile on her face. She was definitely an English teacher. Although, one might think of her as a kindergarten teacher with her light pink and white ruffled dress. As everyone settled down (as if they were loud anyway), the first words that came out of were,” Alright everyone, I want you to pick anyone in this room right now. For five minutes you will be on your first date ever in this classroom,”

Excuse me, ma'am, what exactly are we doing?” A bookworm called out from the front of the classroom with her hand raised.

Speed dating,” the instructor flashed her set of pearly whites, before turning back to the class, “Oh, and skip the questions boring questions parents ask their kids' dates. Just talk about the interesting stuff – your fears, your likes and dislikes, a funny story you had over the summer – anything!”

Before Jonghwan could even react or comprehend the task at hand, the person sitting beside him poked his shoulder and waved a little wave to him, grinning widely. Her hair was tied in that apple hairstyle thing he'd seen girls like to do, and the ends of her hair were curled at the bottom. Her face looked oddly familiar to him, but nothing was coming to mind at the moment. She dressed like a little kid, honestly, especially because of her dark pink overall-shorts and plain white t-shirt.

Hi there, I'm Sunyu!” she started saying, offering her hand out to him, “I'm nineteen years old. I'm not going to tell you my last name because I don't want you to be like stalking me or anything because that happened over the summer this year, and like I'm not ready for another one of those so I hope you understand where I'm coming from,”

Just as she focused her attention to her new seatmate's face, her eyes doubled in size when she realized who it was. Her jaw dropped and as did his when they realized who each other was. There was no mistaking who this girl was, Jonghwan could recognize that non-stop rambling from a million miles away. On the other hand, Sunyu wasn't just going to forget the face of her attacker just like that, you know? Slapping her hands to , Sunyu forced herself to not let out a scream in the middle of the classroom, and draw unnecessary attention. There was a panicked look in her eyes as her mind scrambled in coming up with a plan. What was she going to do now? She was in the same class as that ert! Lifting her fingers away, she hissed, “What are you doing here? You know, I have every right to report you to the police for stalking!”

What do you mean 'what am I doing here'? This is my class!” Jonghwan whispered under his breath, “'I didn't even know you attended this university!”

Oh yeah, because you totally didn't look through my bag or anything because you're a good person,” Sunyu rolled her eyes, annoyed, “How do you expect me to believe that especially after me waking up in your apartment wearing your clothes in your bed?”

Can you keep your voice down? People can hear you,” he cautiously looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was sitting close enough to hear their conversation and misinterpret it. He really did not want to get suspended from school on the first day for doing something that wasn't even his fault. Turning back around, he changed the subject right when the instructor walked past them, “Hi, I'm Jonghwan. Twenty-one years old. Over the summer, a girl came up to me in a nightclub, insisted to play a drinking game with me, and ended up hopelessly drunk. So being a gentleman, I helped her find her way home, except I didn't have the password to her apartment room so she ended up having to stay at my place,”

Sunyu pointed an accusing finger at him, gasping, “See, you admit it! You took me home!”

Let me finish!” he moved her hand away from his face, “And I wasn't going to let her go to sleep in clothes that she threw up on, so I had to bother my female neighbor who was thankfully still awake at that time to change you into something clean,”

Yeah, and your boxers were like the cleanest things on Earth,” Sunyu retorted with an evident sarcasm, “Of all the things you could have given me to wear, why did it have to be boxers? I don't know what you do in them, and I really don't want to ever. So imagine how traumatizing that was for me to wear your gross boxers!”

The least you can do is thank me, geez,” Jonghwan leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms, not wanting to fight anymore. It wasn't worth his time and effort to argue with someone who didn't seem like they were used to being told they were wrong. Besides, they weren't even boxers he had used. Rokhyun had given them to him as a birthday present one year, only to find out it was two sizes too small.

The two sat in silence for the next few minutes until finally Sunyu let out a sigh, “Look, I know you're not a bad guy,”

Jonghwan's ears perked up at her random apology; nodding his head slightly, he allowed for her to continue. She tucked a lock of her behind her hair, only to have it slide out again, “And I'm really sorry for not giving you your clothes back. I knew I should have given it back, but I didn't really remember where you lived, so I didn't. Also, on top of that, even if I did know where you lived, I probably wouldn't have given it back anyway because like why would I go back to the scene of the crime,”

Well. It wasn't the apology he was looking for...but at least it was something.

Hey Jonghwan, wait up!”

But the older boy didn't bother waiting. He just kept walking. It's not like Jonghwan wanted to be rude or anything, but he wasn't up for the whole friendship thing Sunyu was trying to go for. She was a good kid, yeah, but that was the thing. She was a kid, and she was a tab bit too noisy for him. And clingy. Super clingy. Definitely not the type of person he would hang out with. He already had enough of those in his life, even if he only had one (and that was Rokhyun). Unfortunately, Sunyu caught up to him and matched his step. Her glasses were falling off the bridge of her nose, but she left it there, letting it slide back up when she raised her head to look at him.

Are you going home now?” she asked, holding onto the orange straps of her backpack. She was one of the few female students in the school who insisted in using a backpack. Everyone else carried their items in totes, or just walked around with their laptop. The only backpacks that were spotted on campus were by boys, and even so they were basic colors like black, or dark blue. Sunyu was the only one with a white based backpack with orange polka dots and trims.

Uh, yeah, I don't have anymore classes for today so yeah,” Jonghwan answered rather bluntly, hoping she would kind of catch on that he wasn't interested in making conversation, “Don't you have classes?”

Nope! I didn't take a lot of classes this year and I'm not taking an elective so my schedule's pretty light,” she pressed the button on the pedestrian side so that the stoplight would hurry up, “Besides, college life is easy for a primary education major, and that's what I'm doing,”

The entire way back to the apartment complex consisted of her talking and Jonghwan's seldom 'oh' and 'okay's. Still, it didn't seem like Sunyu was going to run out of things to talk about. In their fifteen minute walk, she had just about poured out her entire life story to him (which he had already heard when they first met). But there were a few other things about her that he learned. For one, she had always attended all-girls school up until college. She didn't have many friends, except for one who was worth mentioning but she had moved to Berlin to attend one of their top music schools. When they finally arrived and Jonghwan told her that he'd see her tomorrow, Sunyu then asked him if he wanted to go out that evening. Earning herself an odd look from the older boy, she innocently smiled at him as she awaited his answer.

Uh sorry, but I'm already going out with my friends later tonight,” he lied. He really just didn't want to spend any more time with her. He was exhausted from all her talking, which was saying something because he wasn't even wasting any energy by listening. Her smile didn't move, but her shoulders did slump a little before she spoke again, “Oh, I see. Well have fun with the guys. You guys were pretty cool if I'm remembering things properly,”

And what about you?”

What about me?”

What are you doing later?”

I don't know,” Sunyu shrugged before bringing her eyes to the ground, “I guess I'll rent a few movies or something and go on a marathon. Maybe go to sleep early?”

And maybe, just this once, Jonghwan might have felt slightly guilty.

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Chapter 4: my heart is not okay