Even if....

Even If

Youngjae couldn’t even count for how many times he barged in to Junhong’s apartment without any warning prior in these past 3 years. And these past six months it become more often, more frequent, as the same thing happened time to time. Youngjae would find the younger was sitting comfortably on the couch, watching some sort of sport news or just national geographic about various odd animal. Stomped heavily, he signaled the younger upon his presence. Youngjae would just grabbed the remote control and turned the TV off furiously, earning full attention from the younger as he shifted his gaze to the older and just smiled softly, knowing what would happen next.


Youngjae would plopped down next to him, folded his arms over his chest and heaved a long sighed before he began to vent his anger out. Junhong would never say a single word, just listen to the older carefully, tried to digest what the problem that happened between he and his boyfriend. After a long lament Youngjae blurted out, bead of clear crytals would well in the corner of his eyes, slowly fell down like a snowflakes falling in from the gray sky.


Nothing would Junhong do but pulled him closer ever so tenderly. Patted his back slowly and muttered none other than. “Everything will be okay. Don’t worry, eo?”.


Junhong would just let Youngjae cried as long as he wanted, until he felt so tired from the lack of energy in his body. His cry would turned into quiet sob and stopped eventually and replaced by a slightly throbbing in his head. Junhong would let him stay still until Youngjae pulled away and a faint smiled crept upon his face as he shyly asked the younger to grab him a glass of water.


Junhong would just laughed at Youngjae’s cute act, smiled because he knew the older had felt better. With a glass of water in his hand Junhong would saw the older made a call to his boyfriend, talked in his normal tone like there was nothing happened between they two. Muttered something like i’m in Junhong’s place. I’ll be back soon. I love you. Youngjae would hung up his call right when Junhong plopped down next to him.


A wide grin looked so contrast with his red and puffy eyes, as Youngjae took the glass from the younger. Much to his amusement Junhong would laugh at the older for being a baby, crying like there was no tomorrow. Youngjae would hit the younger’s arm playfully and pouted adorably, taking a big sip down to his throat; watering his dried throat, before he lock his gaze with the younger’s dark brown orb and a soft “Thank you.” slipped out from his prominent baby pink lips.


The worse thing happened in these past six months was Youngjae began having headache, from the frequent angry and crying. Youngjae thought it was because he felt so much stressed about his relationship with Daehyun. Nothing big happened. He had his own meds he got from pharmacy, refused to go to doctor and had proper examination.


Youngjae could never imagine if there wasn’t Junhong by his side. Simply didn’t know what he should do if wasn’t for Junhong to calm him down. Everytime he was having fight with Daehyun, he would with no hesitation ran after Junhong.


And all the things would repeatedly happen.




But today was different. Youngjae got into an intense fight with Daehyun because of the person the really relied on. Junhong was the cause of all those intense glares and high tones that Daehyun and Youngjae exchanged to each other


“It doesn’t make sense!” Youngjae’s hoarse voice was cracked up.


He cried in Junhong’s embrace, let all his pain out. He clutched onto Junhong’s shirt tightly as if he clung onto the last piece of his sanity. Jung Daehyun was pratically driving him insane, he had done everything for him, yet the older didn’t want to understand.


His head began to throb, the headache was getting worse day by day, so was the fight between he and Daehyun


It was usual, so normal for he and Daehyun having fight during their 3 years relationship. But accusing him for cheating with Junhong was unbelievable. How could Daehyun had a thought about it? Junhong was just his best friend, Youngjae even could say he was like his younger brother.


Youngjae could saw it clearly, they were at the stage where all anxious and jealousy could take over easily upon their mind. Simply from the boresome. 3 years was such a long time, it was natural for a couple to felt a little bored or even tired. Youngjae wouldn’t deny it, every relationship would through that stage, where everything seemed to be wrong. All your spouse did was wrong left nothing but egoistic self about being the right one. They almost broke up many times, but either held the urge to say those hurtful word.


It was just a simple thing that started this big fight. Daehyun felt that Junhong didn’t like him for being Youngjae’s boyfriend. Daehyun could feel those cold treatment everytime they met yet Youngjae just shook his head. Laughed at Daehyun’s anxiety and told him that he was just being ridiculous. Junhong was all fine with everything Youngjae had with Daehyun in these past 3 years, indeed he had no reason to be not fine. He even the one who would make things up between him and Daehyun.


“He has, he loves you!”


Youngjae squinted his eyes in disbelief, stunned by Daehyun’s unreasonable statement. “You’re unbelievable, Jung Daehyun.” Youngjae walked in to their shared bedroom, he could heard Daehyun trailed him behind.


“I know it Jae, the way he looks at you. Tch, it’s disgusting, like he is gonna eat you.”


Youngjae turned around to face annoyed Daehyun with a stern glare. “He doesn’t! He doesn’t love me, and he doesn’t look me that way. Stop saying ridiculous thing about him just because I’ve spent more time with him lately! It was your fault to be insanely busy.”


Daehyun pointed at Youngjae that he just defended the younger, that he always been on his side. Youngjae didn’t want to start any fight as he asked Daehyun to stop being childish and ridiculous. But the older was too stubborn, kept pushing Youngjae to the edge of his patience and the younger was too tired to play along with Daehyun’s immaturity. Youngjae didn’t remember how it happen but a small thing had flared into a big fight.



Youngjae felt so offended by Daehyun’s accusation about Junhong, for god’s sake Junhong was his bestfriend since they were at the very young age. He had known Junghong way longer that he knew the older. Youngjae didn’t defend him for any reason, he just knew the younger well; too well.


It made everything clear for Daehyun, that Youngjae chose the younger more than him.


“It’s not about choosing, Dae. Indeed, i’m not choosing and there’s no a choice to choose. So please just stop saying nonsense things.” He was literally pleading at the older, begging him to stop. It wasn’t a worth thing to fight about.


He took a step out from their shared bedroom hoping that Daehyun would just dropped it down but it just made the older got mad even more Daehyun dashed out, caught the younger quickly and trapped him between the wall and his well built body.


“Aren’t you? Well, it’s funny because all i see, just you.” Daehyun pointed his index finger to Youngjae’s chest. “Defending him before me. He isn't even worth to defend. Oh, don't tell me you began to falling for him.”


Youngjae never felt this insulted, Daehyun, his boyfriend had accused him for the funniest thing he could ever imagine. And the way Daehyun treated him like just made him sick. Youngjae swatted Daehyun’s finger off his chest and pushed him harsly. “Whatever! It doesn’t make sense!” Youngjae clenched his jaw tight and shot an unbelievable glare to the older. He was so tired, feeling so tired from the never ending bickering over a ridiculous matter and he was too sick to be stubborn and made the fight kept getting bigger and longer.


Youngjae made his was to the front door, he needed some fresh air to clear his desultory mind, to calm his anger down. Gave Daehyun some time to get his sense back. All had happened was so messy, floating around in his mind like a thick fog.


A firm grip forced Youngjae to turned around, facing the furious Daehyun. “Where are you going? Huh? Junhong’s place?” Daehyun jerked his hand away, causing the younger stumble from the sudden impact. He couldn’t hide his jealousy towards Youngjae’s oh so called bestfriend. “What are you gonna do there? You need someone to talk to? Or you need someone to have with?”


A loud slap resonated through the room. Youngjae pulled his palm from Daehyun’s cheeks, as he felt his palm burnt. A faint red mark crept upon Daehyun face, it was something beyond his control. He didn’t intend to slap Daehyun, but the insult Daehyun threw at him was too much to take.


Youngjae nibbled his lips, tears began to well up in his eyes but he wasn’t gonna cry in front of Daehyun this time. He fought the sting in his heart when Daehyun stared at him with an obvious hurtful flashed across his eyes.


The next thing Youngjae knew just he left Daehyun alone, ran after a certain someone who knew the best how to make him feel better.




Seeing the one you love with someone else was hurt enough to make you think that it’d be better to just move away as far as possible and tried to forget everything about him. But it wasn’t something Junhong could do, he was too attached to the man he loved and that man was too attached to him even more.


Growing up together, learning everything together, having someone who protected him all along were like having a big brother Junhong never had. He had been longing for. But as time passed by, everything changed. He was growing faster and when they realized, Junhong was already a head taller than Youngjae. He had more toned muscles, firmer legs and well built body. It wasn’t him anymore who needed protection but slowly he turned to protect the older.


It was confusing at first once he couldn’t feel anything towards the older anymore. He couldn’t see Youngjae as brother anymore the day they were in high school. Then he realized that Youngjae had grown so much, turned into a very handsome man. A beautiful flower attracted both males and females to touch his amazingly irresistible petals.


It pained him how he had to contain all his feeling towards the older and keep living like nothing changed. Just like the old times, Where Junhong would always be Youngjae’s little brother. Junhong had never felt so hurt when Youngjae, with his bright sweet smile, declared that he had a boyfriend. He had been in relationship a couple times before but this time, Youngjae called it as steady relationship. A mature relationship that he plan to last forever.


It was funny to Junhong to hear because nothing lasted forever. And so damn hurt at the same time.


Junhong could only gritted his teeth and fist his hand, forced a wide smile to show on his face when Youngjae happily told him that he was gonna move in to Daehyun’s apartment. At that time, Junhong had known that Youngjae wasn’t kidding about he would spend his life with Daehyun. Forever.


Junhong thought it would be the most hurtful moment in his life, seeing Youngjae share his smile, his laugh, his love and his life with Daehyun but he seemed immensely wrong. The most painful thing he had to go through was when he saw beads of clear crystal slipped out from Youngjae’s eyes. Staining his cheeks with warm tears of sadness.


Youngjae didn’t only give his love for Daehyun but also his tears.


Junhong hated it when Youngjae barged into his apartment with glassy eyes, with hurtful look, and heavy sigh. And he hated the way Youngjae thanked him.


“You always know how to make me better. Gomawo.”


If he could make Youngjae felt better, why didn’t the older love him instead of Daehyun? And the question was sickening everytime he thought about it. Simply because he would never get the answer. Junhong felt like he just killed himself slowly if he stayed by Youngjae’s side forever.


Live must goes on, and he had to move on.


Junhong was more than glad to leave Korea when an american agency offering him to be a dance couch at their company. It was more than tempting, the thought of leaving all his memories about Youngjae behind and catching his dream in the States.


But a simple sad look on Youngjae’s face and a soft. “Don’t leave me” overpowering him to just cancel his departure. He stayed, for Youngjae. He let his dream go, for Younjgae. Yet the only thing he earned just another wound in his heart.


The wound was getting bigger and bigger when he saw the tears rolled down on Youngjae’s face more often. No one day passed without Youngjae cried on his embrace until he would tired like hell or even passed out because the horrible headche he had. 



“I’m- I’m t-tired Junhongie.” Youngjae stuttered in between his sobs.


Junhong rubbed his back tenderly, soothed him like he always did. Junhong’s heart ached from the sight. Youngjae’s eyes were all red and puffy. He wasn’t supposed to be hurt like this. Junhong pulled him closer, and hugged him possessively. He wanted to scream, to just shout out to the world that none could hurt Youngjae like this, not even Daehyun.


“I love him... I love him so much...”


It sounded so painful. I love you too much hyung.


“I love him.. i love him... i love him...”


Youngjae began hitting Junhong’s chest with his tiny fist. His tears soaked almost all Jungong’s upper shirt, an evidance that no matter he did, all those soothes and comforts words, would never made the older shed any single tears for him. It was like Youngjae’s tears were made for Daehyun. For Daehyun to drained it over and over again.


And Junhong had enough of it. He couldn’t take it anymore. Seeing Youngjae did the same thing everyday, for almost six months. Drown himself in never ending miserable life. Today was different, Junhong wouldn’t just soothed him up, comforted him and said “Everything is okay.” When it was obviously nothing was okay with this crappy situation.


Youngjae was startled to death when Junhong grabbed his shoulder firmly and pulled him away in one swift motion. Youngjae choked by his own sob, seeing the man before him hung his head low. “Ju-Jun-“


“Stop it hyung.” His voice sounded so dark and dangerous.


Youngjae cringed, he never heard Junhong like this before. He was always so soft and bright. He didn’t sound comforting like he always had been, and Youngjae didn’t like it. “What-“


“Stop talking about Daehyun-hyung.” He lifted his head up, fixated his gaze with Youngjae’s scared one. Junhong could see Youngjae was frightening under his touch as he wriggled violently, attempting to release Junhong’s tight grip.


“Jun-Junghong, let-let me go...” Youngjae’s voice was getting higher when he felt Junhong’s hand tightened aroud his shoulder. “You hurt me Junhong.”


Shocked and scared from what junhong did, Youngjae began to let out a soft sob. He hoped that Daehyun was there to help him, to just take him away from scary Junhong. But it got Youngjae shocked even more when Junhong’s dark gaze turned glassy, his eyes twitching as he gritted his teeth. Youngjae stunned, stopped wriggling and didn’t dare make any move saw the significant changed of the younger.


Junhong’s hand weakened around Youngjae’s shoulder and then slowly fell to his side. He held the threatened tears to fall out. Gulped a thick lump before he locked his eyes with the older again. “Please hyung. Please don’t talk about Daehyun hyung ever again.”


Youngjae moved back, he didn’t get why Junhong act like did or said such a thing. “Why did you say that?” His voice was barely above whisper.


Junhong bit his bottom lips hard, his eyes was heating up. He knew it wasn’t the best idea to tell Youngjae, not in his condition. He was debating inside, he was sick to keep play along with Youngjae’s consciousness either he simply didn’t want to break the older even more.


It was overwhelming, everything was suffocating. Junhong looked away and heaved a long sigh he had done everything to make Youngjae better, but it was getting worse day by day. He wanted to just speak out loud the truth, to make Youngjae realized that he was wrong all this time being. Junhong shifted his body away, massage his temple rather hard he felt so frustrated. He was so frustrated seeing Youngje like this. In these past six months, it was getting harder. He huffed and ruffled his hair messily meanwhile Youngjae only staring at him confusedly.


“Tell me Junhong. Why did you say that?” Junhong turned his head to face scared yet confused Youngjae. When Youngjae didn’t get any answer, he spoke again in firmer tone. “Why Junhong? Why do you not want me to talk about Daehyun?”


“Until when hyung, until when you’ll blame yourself?” Junhong cried out in frustration, he felt like pulled his hair out. And he knew he had said wrong words when he saw Youngjae shook his head vigorously.


“No...” a soft voice was barely audible. “No... no...” Youngjae keep shaking his head, not wanting to accept what Junhong had said. “No.. No.. No...” He stood up abruptly, as he bit his bottom lips nervously. The fear was became real, it feared him the thought about what made he and Daehyun argued this morning.


“No.. No... Daehyun was right... You... Junhong how could you do this to me?” Youngjae shouted. “I’m wrong about you. You don’t want me to talk about Daehyun because you hate him. You hate him Junhong. You hate him!” Youngjae shook his head in disbelief.


“Please hyung, don’t torture me like this, seeing you get hurt by Daehyun hyung is hurting me too.”


Youngjae was startled when he saw Junhong had stood before him, walked slowly to approach him. Youngjae stepped back, fumbled when his legs crashed the end of the couch. Youngjae tried to keep himself all collected and composed. Deep inside Youngjae was screaming for Daehyun, for him to just come in right at the moment. Youngjae would never expected that what Daehyun told him was true, his judging about the younger were all true. The coldness when he said Daehyun’s name, the dark glare that Youngjae had never seen before.


Youngjae was about to make his way toward the front door when he felt a pair of arms slipped by his waist, pulled him back against Junhong’s well toned chest as the younger rested his chin on Youngjae’s shoulder. “Just for this time hyung. I ask you no more.”


Youngjae stunned not because Junhong was back hugging him, but from the coldness he felt felt on his shoulder, Youngjae’s body was shaking but he realized that it was Junhong’s body that trembling so much. Junhong was crying, and the last time Youngjae saw him crying was like a decade ago. Youngjae couldn’t even move, both from the stiffened body and from the tightness grasp around his body.


“Please, hyung. Get back to your sense.!”


Junhong’s cry was getting stronger and harder, all he did today was got him confused. And Youngjae could just wondering what happened with the younger.


“Let me go, Junhong. Daehyun is waiting for-“


“Daehyun hyung had gone.”


Youngjae frightened by how forceful Junhong’s voice sounded. Youngjae got back his composure and tried to release his body. He always thought that Junhong was the best person he ever met, but he was wrong and Daehyun was right. And Daehyun, Youngjae felt his cheeks wet from tears, he really needed him. He wanted his Daehyun, only Daehyun.


“Dae... Daehyun...” Youngjae practically mumbled in between his tears. “Daehyun... Daehyun...”


“Please hyung, please be conscious. I can’t take it anymore hyung.”


The sound of their cry collided into one painful melody. Sadness hovering them and Junhong fell to his knee, he thought it was impossible to hope Youngjae would gain back his consciousness. He would never do. Youngjae would never back to the old Youngjae.


Youngjae wasn’t sure if he should just leave Junhong like this or not, after all he was his closest friend, his brother. But what Daehyun told about him... Youngjae rushed toward the front door, but a weak and soft plea had stopped his step


“It’s not your fault.” It was barely audible since Junhong still tried to stop his sob. “Let him go.”


Youngjae’s mind was like being pushed here and there, he didn’t understand what Junhong said. “L-Let him go?” Youngjae turned back, he saw a very defeated Junhong knelt down, hung his head down.


Youngjae knew it was wrong, but something inside him had moved his feet without he wanting to do so. He need an explanation upon Junhong’s weird behavior. He knelt down before the younger and reached out his hand to touch Junhong’s shoulder. “What are you talking about?”


Junhong looked up, his eyes glistening from hope. He knew he shouldn’t do this. Doctor wouldn’t be so pleased if he did it, but he needed to. “Let Daehyun hyung go, hyung. No more Daehyun hyung. Don’t talk about him anymore.”


Youngjae stood up abruptly upon hi hearing those words. It wasn undoubtedly that Junhong said that simply because he hated him. When Junhong saw Youngjae stood up, he wasn’t gonna let his only opportunity go. It was only his chance. He got up and pulled the older to his embrace.


A soft whisper same out like a sharp knife that stabbed Youngjae’s heart. “Please come back, please gain back your consciousness. Daehyun hyung is gone.”


Youngjae felt his anger was boiling up. How could he said that. “Daehyun isn’t gone anywhere. He’s in our apartment!”


A hard push made Junhong stumble backward, Youngjae’s eyes widened and he walked around the room confusedly. Junhong grabbed his shoulder and forced Youngjae to look at his eyes. “Until when you’ll blame yourself? Until when you can’t accept Daehyun hyung’s death?”


Youngjae slapped junhong hard for all nonsense he told. Did he hate Daehyun that much until he hope for his death? A sharp pain shot through Youngjae’s head, he felt his head was throbbing painfully. “Come back hyung, don’t trap yourself in your imaginary world. Daehyun hyung’s death isn’t your fault.”


“NOOOOOOO....” Youngjae let out an ear fiercing scream. “ NOOOOOOOO...”


Why did Junhong told him such a cruel lie. He felt his world spinning, he need something to grip before he fell to the hard ground. Youngjae closed his eyes, the pain in his head became more intense. “Nooooo... get away Junhong. I don’t want to hear you.”


Youngjae pushed the younger harshly. He needed Daehyun, he needed to make sure that Junhong was just lying. He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Daehyun’s number. He waited Daehyun to pick his call, but his phone was suddenly disappearing from his grasp. Youngjae turned around and got angry when he saw Junhong held his phone. He tried to snatch it back but Junhong never let him. He held Youngjae’s phone up, ignoring every whine Youngjae aimed him. Youngjae was tired, he gan to cry again, stronger. “Give it back! Give it back to me Junhong!”


Junhong held Youngjae by his free hand, locked him to stayed still. His heat was aching seing Youngjae like this.. Junhong wanted Youngjae to came to his sense back. To realized that he had been living in his imagination for these past six months.


Youngjae stopped struggling, he began to scream like a crazy. Junhong tried his best to shove some sense to Youngjae’s head, holding him and keep begging him to regain his consciousness. Youngjae cried so hard, his throat felt so hurt from all scream he let out. He didn’t want to buy Junhong’s word. Daehyun was still alive, he still in their apartment, they were even arguing so bad this morning.


Junhong was insane, it was the only explaination Youngjae could get. The throbbing in head was getting worse, Youngjae’s world began to spin again and it scared him. He didn’t want to passed out in front of Junhong. In front of an insane. But no matter how hard Youngjae struggling was, a black pitch covering his vision, plucked his last consciousness and sent him to an uknown darkness.






“You’re awake?”A very familiar voice invaded Youngjae’s ear. Youngjae half lidded eyes still so heavy.


He felt like slept for years and still tired to wake up. He tried to battle his heavy eyes as a blurry figure came into Youngjae’s vision, he blinked his eyes faintly wanted to saw him clearly. Youngjae saw a worried look obviously visible on his face.


“Daehyun...” Youngjae called out. “Daehyun...” He saw him clearly, Youngjae saw Daehyun sat on the edge of the bed. His face was unreadable, but soon after, he smiled faintly


A warm hand touched Youngjae’s small one, caressed it tenderly as if he was touching a fragile glass. So soft, so gentle. Youngjae saw Daehyun twitched his eyebrows and opened his mouth up, as ig he was going to say something. Youngjae touched back his hand, it was real. It was Daehyun. His Daehyun.


“I’m not Da-“



“Daehyun, i had a nightmare.” Youngjae recalled his nightmare, it was so scary, so frightening. He shut his eyes tightly. The hair on his hand was straightening. It couldn’t be true, the nightmare was so real. Youngjae shot his eyes open and saw Daehyun face turned sad. “I’m scared.” Youngjae felt his heart stung when he remembered that Daehyun was dead in his nightmare. “I’m scared...”


“Sssshhh. Don’t be scared.”


Youngjae gripped Daehyun’s arm tightly, didn’t want to let him go. “Don’t leave me.”


Daehyun’s eyes crinkled into crescent, made him look so handsome than he already was. The end of his eyes pulled up as he whispered softly. “I’m here.” Daehyun tried to calm him down. He shifted closer and caressed Youngjae’s chubby cheeks. His slender finger trailed up to his puffy eyes. “Your nightmare must have been so scary.” He muttered lowly.

His voice was shaking, a hint of sadness came along with his husky voice but Youngjae could barely catch it. Daehyun smiled wather widely, he didn’t want to make the younger worry. “You must have been crying all night long.”


Youngjae shook his head slightly, and smiled when he saw Daehyun’s face was decorated by warm smile. “Promise me you won’t leave me.”


Daehyun chuckled and poked Youngjae’s button nose. “You know i won’t be going anywhere.”


A satisfication grin crept on Youngjae’s face, he felt his stiff body loosen up and let his nerves relaxed. He knew that Daehyun would never leave him. He always been by his side, no matter what happened. “Thank you Daehyun, thanks for always be here for me.”


“I will always be here for you.”


Youngjae’s smile faded away, he winced as he massage his head. The headache was still there and he felt his surrounding was spinning again. Daehyun peeled Youngjae’s grip from his arm softly. Youngjae’s eyes opened widely as his heart racing faster, scared Daehyun would leave him alone. “Where are you going?”


“Wait a minute, i’m gonna bring your meds.”


Youngjae shook his head furiously, and his head felt worsened. “It’s okay. I’m just gonna bring your meds and water. No need to worry, eo?”


Youngjae released his grips and nodded slowly, felt so touched by Daehyun’s care. After all he just wanted to make sure his boyfriend was alright. Daehyun got up and walked off from the bedroom. He shut the door behind him and leaned back as he heaved a deep sigh. He felt his knee weakened as he slid down, sat on the floor defeatedly.


“No matter what i did, Daehyun hyung would never leave your mind and heart hyung.” Junhong whispered as he bit his lips hard, fight the tears that already welled up in the corner of his eyes. His heart was so damn sting from what he saw earlier. “You will never come back, Youngjae hyung.”


The pain was too unbearable for him to take, it ripped him into pieces the one he loved saw him as another man. As if Junhong, himself, never existed in Youngjae’s life. But, the way Youngjae smiled when he thought Junhong was Daehyun, the way he looked at Junhong’s eyes as if he look at Daehyun’s eyes;  things he had longing for from the older yet he could never get, had showed him the happiest of Yoo Youngjae.


Youngjae would only be happy if he was with Daehyun, even though he was only in his mind.


With scattered heart, Junhong swore to keep those smile on Youngjae’s face, he swore to give everything to make him happy.


Even if Youngjae would never realized his presence. Even if Youngjae would forever see him as another man. Even if he would never get Youngjae’s heart. Even if Youngjae would be trapped in his imaginary world forever.


“I will always be here for you, hyung.” The pain was too real to hold. Junhong let out a soft sobs as he pushed himself from the door and walked off. He wiped his tears, thoughtened himself that he could get through this misery.


Even if the wound in his heart would never dry. Even if the torment would never go. Even if he had to life in agony for the rest of his life.

Because I love you too much, Youngjae hyung



I bet this story is confusing :(

short notice: i'll be on hiatus until september






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supersz99 #1
Chapter 2: The way you desribed their emotions is so good TT TT i hope youngjae would realize jun's love for him one day TT TT
Chapter 1: why i found this story just now??
this is so sad.. TT but beautifully written.
i'm hurting reading youngjae, daehyun, and even junhong is hurting too..
but i'm so curious of why daehyun is dead??
btw, is there any sequel??
Throwaway-143 #3
Chapter 1: Noooo, Junhong. I feel so bad for him, BABY DON'T CRY. I'm just confused on how Daehyun died and why Youngjae would blame himself but other than that I thought you wrote this quite well.
trymyluck #4
Chapter 1: why why why... I can feel it... junhong's pain.... TTvTT authornim wae???!!
Jooleun #5
Chapter 1: Oh my.
Junhong's pain--I can't--
Chapter 2: Different POV would be nice ^^

Chapter 2: Also, a different POV would be nice :)
Chapter 1: Just... Awesome.... I can feel Junhong's pain. It's really too much. :( Sigh. That's why you should always leave a little for yourself, and not give your all to someone. It will really hurt once he/she is gone. Sigh. I've made those mistakes already and I don't want to do it again. Good job, author. :')
magicgdragon24 #10
i hope you update soon! :3