chapter II

Second Chance

 Chapter 2

After hearing her sisters story Boram was sitting speechles, looking at Seah, tears streaming down her face

-yah, why are u crying?-Seah looked at her  with a worried expression

-Onni, I am so sorry, I am so sorry for not being there earlier-she hugged her sister and sobbed-it must have been so hard for you to be all alone

Seah hugged her back and patted her head with love, she felt so overwhelmed by her sisters reaction that she her eyes got watery too.

-stop crying B, I am kinda fine after all, I learned lot from my relationship with him and also I am happy I met him and learned what true love is-Seah smiled sadly

-I still cant understand, how could he sleep with that -Borams face became angry-and I still don’t understand how u forgave him that

-I forgave, but broke up with him remember?-pointed out Seah-and I forgave him because he was truly sorry and regretted everything. Because I loved him and for my shame I still do.

-I would have kicked  his -grumbled Boram, but after a second her facial expression  softened-Onni, do u regret breaking up with him?

-No, i-I don’t know-Seah avoided Borams look-at that time I just couldn’t stand his face and touches and all. I tried hard  but I couldn’t, I asked him to give me some time but there was no time for me anymore. He debuted and left for China in 2 weeks , after that I haven’t seen him.

-what happened to that so called ur friend? What u did to her? Did u at least beat her up?-Boram became furious again, it was funny, so Seah laughed and hit her sisters forehead

-of course no pabo,  I gave her choice either she disappeared from my life, either I was going to tell everything to  her husband, she chose the first one and  left country with her husband-Seahs face became cold

-ayeeee and I was hoping u can be cruel at least sometimes-pouted Boram and earned slap in the head from her sister

-Shut up kido, doing bad, to those who did u bad won`t  make u feel  better and them worse, you have to understand that when u forgive people bad things they feel guilty, most of the time and they cant get rid of it for a long time.  Its way much worse then just getting revenge-explained Seah and laid back to her seat, leaving her sister with an open mouth

-s-so u never really forgave them??-she asked astounded

Seah closed her eyes and shook her head

-No I didn`t who do u think I am? Saint? It hurted like hell, I was broken to bits, I don’t forgive things like that easily… besides if I ever have to come across them I can still have an affection on them, I can still make them feel uneasy and guilty, they know it, that’s why none of them ever contacted me again.

-I am taking my words back, u are one hella cruel Onni-whispered Boram

-I wasn’t like this remember?-Seah asked her little sister-I used to be cheery and full of life and positive, u said urself that  I have changed.

-I will never forgive him what he did to my sister-murmured Boram

-says the girl who is gonna drool over all of them in less then 6 hours-teased Seah

-yah Onni, its not my fault that Bacon is our cousin and has such an amazing members-she beamed at the thought of seeing them-by the way what  Baek said about u two??

-I didn’t  tell him anything specific, just said we couldn’t get along and broke up, now let me sleep -Seah shrugged , put her earphones  and drifted away

When  their plane landed, girls took out their luggage and  headed to hotel, where Exo was  staying.

-I will kill Baek for this-hissed Seah annoyed-how could he book the rooms for us in the same hotel as them??

Boram wasn’t sharing her sisters  annoyance, she was excited,

-I will ask Beak oppa to introduce me to them and we can spent some time together-she was squealing and fangirling and all that Seah could do was sigh and shake her head with a disgusted expression.

Soon they arrived and settled in their room. Seah went in to take shower and Boram decided to choose what she was going to wear in the concert. Suddenly she heard knock on the door and  when she opened it, she was met with Baekhyun and Chaneyol, they were both smiling at her

-long time no see B-chirped baek and hugged his cousin-I missed u so much girl.

Boram hugged him back and smiled

-I missed u too Bacon-she pulled away and looked at Chanyeol-and u must be Chanyeol oppa ne?

Chanyeol bowed and introduced himself

-Ne, My name is Park Chaneyol and its nice to meet u Boram-ssi, Baekhyun has been talking about u and ur sister a lot

-oh, right B, where is your moody sister? I thought u two came together-Baekhyun raised his eyebrow

-We did Baekie-answered girl-she is taking shower right now, come in why don’t u wait here for a while?

Boys nodded and went in, settling themselves in the couch, Chanyeol was observing Boram with an interest, when he felt hit in his ribcage

-don’t u even dream about her-hissed Baek-it was enough that LuHan screwed up with  her sister, I don’t need problems and with her

-what? LuHan and Seah dated before?-Chaneyol was surprised- you never told me about it

-Because it was not something I need to say, besides they broke up before our debut-Baekhyun shrugged

Suddenly the door opened and Seah came in, with a towel wrapped around her body and water dripping from her still wet hair

-B where are my pan…-she stopped talking, when she noticed her cousin and another male being in the room-oh, what are u doing here?

-u could have greeted me at first-pouted Baekhyun and stood up to hug his cousin tightly- I missed u a lot, I really did Seah

She hugged him back and when she pulled out slapped his head hard,

-You are such an annoying brat Buyn Baekhyun, how could u put me in the same hotel as him??-she started scolding Baek without taking into account  that Boram and Chaneyol were still in the room.

-yah, yah don’t hit me like that-shirked Baekhyun-and go change into something or my friend over there will drool very soon

Hearing this Seah froze and looked at the confused and redden boy

-oh , I am sorry for my behavior, I am Buyn Seah, cousin of this piece of . Its nice to meet you Chanyeol-ssi-she held out her hand and shook it with him-Now if u will allow me I will go get dressed, and I dare u Bacon to tell HIM that I am also here arrasoo?? And I can`t force you Chanyeol-sshi but I would be glad if u kept it as a secret for me-she bowed and went in her room to change.

  Baekhyun sighed and turned back to Boram

-B u are coming to our concert tomorrow right?

She smiled and nodded her head

-don’t mind Seah  oppa, you know here is the last place she wants to be right now

-I know-smiled boy-Chanyeol lets  go,  we need to rehears!

They both bowed and left the room.




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