Chapter 7

Scorpio Prefers Macchiato

Should it be mentioned, that could not fall asleep that early November morning? Kris drove me to the very house, took back the helmet and, not even glancing back at me, rushed away. And I was left there, staying, confused.  Founding myself in my cozy flat I got under the shower and let myself be there, trying to bring order to my thoughts.   When I finished with the hydrotherapic procedures clock marked half past seven. Night mist on the streets started to vanish, letting the fresh morning to step in. I settled myself on the windowsill with the cup of coffee and lapsed into daydreaming. My heart ponded inside my chest and with each step I felt the burden, lowering onto my shoulders. It was not the physical pain, that was my soul, my soul was whining, echoing the memories, arising into my head.

Kris. What is he doing to me, this tall blond man with almond-shaped chocolate-colored eyes and cold sight? I screwed up my eyes and shook my head, but in vain, too late: he penetrated inside me, soaked into my skin, spread through my veins.

The first week of November neared to its end and the weather decided to gladden the residents of Prague and the guests of the city with the warm days. Though the sun retired to the long-termed holiday, the melancholy rain stopped at least for now. After work I decided to transfer 100$ to the parents, and afterwards ride over to the “New Yorker” shop, situated “Na příkopě” and to buy the jacket that I took a fancy to long-time ago . I was deep in my plans, so the sudden exclamation of Fang, who was sitting behind, made my jump onto my seat and spill a cup of tea just on the table and burn my fingers.

- Oh! ! – I jumped up, shaking my wet hands.

The Chinese rushed for the towel to the bar and visitors, sitting nearby, turned to me their surprised glares.

- It’s okay, sorry for the inconvenience, - I made excuses. – Don’t mention it.

- Sorry, - Fang apologized, while helping me to wipe dry the table. Thanks, God that the moisture luckily happened to avoid notebook, otherwise I would be in a great trouble and should have refused buying the new jacket.

- You frightened me! – I shushed, hiding the reddening hand behind my back.

The Chinese led me to her notebook and indicated at the screen. In the administrator’s panel there was opened a tab, where was placed the information about the VIP clients, including their Birthday dates.

- Our client, the macchiato lover, celebrates his Birthday today! – reported the girl with the anxious voice, not even letting me figure out what should I, generally speaking, should see on the screen.

- He? Today? – I began to panic myself.

Today was the 6th of November. So, it should be that he is a Scorpio. Scorpio who prefers macchiato.

- One is supposed to have a cup of coffee and vanilla ice-cream on café! And, I guess, the greeting speech from Jan! – Fang fussed, clicking her mouse. – Read about the Scorpios! We should come up with something outstanding!

I situated myself in front of a notebook and tapped in Google: “Scorpio man characteristic”.

- Should I read it aloud?

My partner nodded and I opened the first tab with the shaking hands.

“Scorpio man - is the combination of extremity. All or none. They sip all the energy and they give all they have. Scorpio never forgets the kindness and never forgive the insults. If you dare to injure him – await the revenge. In his relationship with people, there is always a place to struggle and competition. Sometimes he is able to perform violence. He is furious, purposeful and stubborn. Those who deal with the Scorpio man should be ready to make extraordinal efforts to keep the peace. He is not a man of indulgence and the way of compromises is alien to him”.

I gulped nervously, knowing that Fang is carefully listening to me.

“The position of a Scorpio man may be described like: “It’s not me who is stepping on your head, it’s you he is letting me to. Moreover, you somehow took part in something meaningful in your life so you may be thankful to me”.

With my fingers shaking, I went to the other page.

“Scorpio can’t be tempted, nor can be ruled. Selfishness, charisma, mystery, unpredictability, inaccessibility, coldness, uncompromisingness, unflinching self-confidence – is just the part of the epithets that describe such an interesting and complicated individuality of a Scorpio man. A Scorpio man frantic in everything. Everyone, who is by his side, will unavoidably feel the emotional pressure, for the heat is that strong”.

- Should I continue? – asked I.

The Chinese nodded.

“Scorpio is surrounded by the mystery, strength aura and perturbing, unexpected real machismo. One of the reason of the Scorpio’s bad reputation is that the disadvantages of his nature are clearly visible in the love relationship. Women hearts sink and then start to pump faster, if it is the Scorpio, who is in front of them. He possesses the incredible ual appeal and lazy assurance of his triumph. However, it’s dangerous for a woman to get near him. The uality, glimmering inside him, can explode without a warning. He is uncatchable, unpredictable, almost doesn’t make an effort to control himself. If you don’t seek for the trouble – stay away from him”.

My palms sweated with anxiety. Kris’ imaged flashed out immediately.

“If the man, born under such zodiac truly loves, he will strongly get attached to the darling, and that affection becomes his weakness. However, a Scorpio can’t let himself be weak, he cruelly punishes himself and his lover. Scorpio’s poison sting bites, so only a strong woman can be with him. Inherently his is a winner, a hunter, who has to conquer, to oppress and cherish the victory”.

- I wonder, if he is like that in reality? – Dreamingly pronounced Fang.

Yes, exactly like that.

Near midday, my partner’s notebook informed about the delivery of a new on-line order. It was Kris and my hearted bounced inside my chest. I wanted to greet him myself, but wasn’t sure of the way how, afraid to frighten him off with my persistence. I clearly remembered his cold eyes, when I acting foolishly asked the question, that wasn’t concerning my person. I absolutely didn’t want to run into troubles that I read about in the internet.

Along toward the end of the working day, Jan arrived for the new orders and we with Fang solemnly handed him the present box for the birthday man. Czech was astonished not less than we were and, seemingly, was also nervous. He shot a glance at the box, on which Fang made me diligently write “To Scorpio who prefers Macchiato. Happy Birthday from «Mamacoffee» café», carefully took it in his hands and carried it to the front seat of his car.

- Awfully await double tips, - said he as a farewell and set out.

After work, I rushed back to New Yorker, hoping that the jacket is still waiting for me. I was hastily stepping across the Wenceslas Square, one of the biggest city squares in the world, eating in motion recently bought hot dog with smoked sausage. In anticipation of holidays square was filled with the citizens and tourists, who scurried about here and there. My jacket patiently waited for me and I, not even trying it on, grabbed it and quickly paid the sum.

It was very briskly on Charles Bridge and I hastily squeezed way through a crowd of tourists, glancing around. I already walked through the half of my way, but there was no sign of my artist. I moved away to the parapet for me to unhurriedly look around. Along the bridge were situated the vendors, musicians, actors-statues, other artist, but my artist wasn’t there.

- Looking for someone? – I heard from behind and swiftly glanced back.

In front of me, there was Kris in the indigo blue coat wide opened, from under which came to view black sweater in white strips, and in the grey jeans.

And though there was no sign of the sun, his eyes were hidden under the glass of sunglasses. There was a cross, looking slightly Celtic, on a big chain on his neck. Light colored hair gently fall down to his front. He was so tall and astonishing that I forgot how to breathe.

- Looking for you, - having not enough time to think of the other excuse, admitted I.

Asian leaned his elbows on the parapet and fasted his sight on Vltava.

- Don’t search for me, - abruptly spoke Kris.

- You, as it is, already prohibited me from doing anything possible. Let mem for God’s sake wish you a Happy Birthday, - rebelled I.

The silence hang in the air, but with the corner of my eye I saw that the artist is smiling: the corners of his lips crawled up.

- Waiting, - his voice gained the perky note and I confused because had no way of how I would like to congratulate him. – Prepared a present? – Kris nodded to my bag with a jacket.

- Uh…No, it’s mine, - I got embarrassed and slapped my pockets. – What I only have is this, - and I handed the second hot dog with a sausage.

Kris’ eyebrows shoot up.

- Unfortunately, it has already cooled.

To my surprise, the artist took the sandwich and, braking off one half of it, hold me the other half.

- So, for me, - announced he with the loud deep voice, sending a bit to his mouth.

It was the most delicious loaf with smoked sausage in my life.

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_tanvii #1
Chapter 10: please update please im dying to see what happens next
vvilly #2
I'm glad to see this fanfic hier
I really like (love •﹏•) 'Scorpio prefers Macchiato' and i'm so happy read fic in english
С "англесским" не в ладах и по разным сторонам баррикад, но думаю, что интерес и словарь помогут мне осилить произведение на инглише (:
Читаю уже не Скорпиона, а Scorpio ::>_<::
gumiho9 #3
Chapter 6: nice story..