Part Two

Where You Belong

 As they walked along the bustling street, close together and hands swinging, Eunkwang thought it would be okay to pretend that they were in love; that the way Jihoon squeezed his fingers every time someone got a little too close to them would be the way he would if he was a protective boyfriend. Eunkwang was smiling brightly, lost in his fantasy, when Jihoon pulled him down a small alley.


“Jihoon-ah, should we be down here? Where are you taking me?” Jihoon flashed him a cheeky grin. “It's fine, I promise.” Eunkwang wanted to believe it was fine, he really did, but the alley smelled a lot like fish and discarded cardboard. A smell Eunkwang decided meant robbers, murderers, or at the very least a group of angry ajusshis ready to point bony, aged fingers at them and call them vandals.


Eunkwang's negative thoughts were washed away when the sound of the Han River met his ears. It was a relaxing babble that had Eunkwang closing his eyes. He could count on Jihoon to get him where ever and he let the taller man lead.


Jihoon stopped abruptly, or what seemed like abruptly to someone who couldn't see, and Eunkwang bumped into him unceremoniously.


“Is sleep walking your new thing?” Eunkwang's nervous laughter echoed around the tall concrete next to them when he realized their surrounding's weren't all the cold city grey he was used to. There were flowers, pots upon pots of them, and other mixed green plants Eunkwang couldn't identify, all carefully placed on old crates and boxes. They were organized carefully around a small iron table with matching chairs behind some buildings the band leader could only assume were restaurants if the smell was any indication.


“Jihoon-ah...” For once the soloist seemed lost in his own thoughts, hand squeezing Eunkwang's tightly at the gentle way his name was called. “Hm?”


“Are we in someone's private garden?”


“Yeah, let's sit down.” Jihoon said it with enough confidence it made Eunkwang think trespassing was totally acceptable and he sat without a second thought, Jihoon joining him.


“It's nice right?”


Eunkwang nodded and admired the healthy plants. “It's well kept.”


“I always thought I'd confess to my first love in a place like this.” Eunkwang looked down to the ground, a rough cement unbefitting the garden-esque space. He knew Jihoon had girlfriends in the past, he remembered meeting a couple of them. They never were around much though, or for long. He couldn't help but let his mind wander to images of the tall, handsome man wrapped around a small girly frame, whispering sweet nothings into perfect, long hair. Just as the thought of himself in those girls' position could take hold Eunkwang snapped back to reality.


“Where did you confess then?” Eunkwang couldn't meet Jihoon's eyes but he could feel the stare from the other man as if it was physical pressure. The timid vocalist couldn't help but laugh lightly as Jihoon scooted his chair awkwardly next to his own, leaning in like he was going to share a deep secret.


“Where did I confess to my first love?”


“Y-yeah.” Jihoon laughed at Eunkwang's display of shyness. “I haven't yet.” Finally Eunkwang worked up the courage to look up at the bolder man, sending him a confused glace. It was the only opportunity Jihoon needed and he pushed his lips onto Eunkwang's. It was passionate on Jihoon's end, but Eunkwang could barely think let alone react. Even when Jihoon pulled away Eunkwang sat frozen, unsure of what had happened.


“I guess I did end up confessing in a place like this after all.” There was still no response from Eunkwang, but Jihoon waited patiently. His face still dangerously close to Eunkwang's.


“Wha... You're saying...” The blond slowly processed the words. Jihoon was confessing to him, romantically, as if Eunkwang was.... Then it hit him. Jihoon was telling HIM that HE was the other man's first love.


“But... those girls! You've had girlfriends!” Eunkwang swung his head around as if the environment would give him answers but was stopped by strong hands on either side of his face.


“They were just dates, Eunkwang-ah.” The eye contact mad the smaller man squirm uncomfortably.


“Not me. You don't love me.” The disbelief was too strong for Eunkwang. His eyes were wide and he couldn't stop the fidgeting. Jihoon was just laughing at him, that same light loving chuckle he'd been laughing all day.


“Of course I do. I can barely stand how much. You're too cute to handle sometimes, you know that?”


“No.” For the first time in probably ever Jihoon seemed unsure, worried even as he looked into Eunkwang's whole face. His fingers pulled back a little from their hold in Eunkwang's hair.


“No... you don't... You don't want to be with me, Eunkwang-ah?” Before Jihoon could retreat any further Eunkwang lunged forward, crashing their lips together in a bruising, desperate and sloppy kiss. His thin, toned arms s around Jihoon's neck and he was almost in the other man's lap by the time it was done.


“No... I mean I'm not cute,” he panted hurriedly.


“You're proving me right.” Jihoon planted a soft, quick kiss to Eunkwang's lips, then his jaw, and finally his neck.


“Don't worry though, being able to hold you like this... I'll definitely find a way to handle it.”



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Chapter 2: Aw that was so sweet! I hope that one day you will continue it ❤️
marchtwentysecond #2
Chapter 2: jihoon-eunkwang couple! rare couple! but i like it! looking forward to more chapters! :)