Hiding behind the truth of Reality


After facing a horrifying past in her life, Dani find it hard to move on with reality.

Well can you blame her? She spent her life cowering from fear for almost the whole time of her existance. After many tres, she finally decide to give up with reality.

Hiding behind the sccreen of her laptop, being one of the most annoymous authors in the world, would this one guy who she met in the hospital after an incident change her life?

Will he show her the truth on how the beauitful the world could be?

Will she.... finally step front the truth of reality?


Hello everyone! This is my firt chapter series fanfic so bear with me as I am still not use to it.

This is based on a true story and many tears have been shed throughout the process of the story.

This story belongs to me as the story is based on my history. However the characters are not mine evennthough i want to.

ALL right are reserved to e and any act ofย plagiarism will be handled seriously.


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