Other Side of the Mirror


On the other side of the mirror,

they say it's an opposite world. 

A world that everything yours is not.

It's where your dreams go to to stay, 

where your fears hide,

and where the things we fear come from.

Just stupid stories that no one listens to,

until they have nothing else to hope for. 

That's when those stories become reality.








“Jinki, Jinki what are you doing up here?” His mother tsked, laughing a bit when she found her son sitting in the attic in front of an old mirror. “You know you’re supposed to stay downstairs when grandma is watching you.”

   The small child looked up at her and smiled before turning back to the mirror. “I know Mama, I’m sorry. I got bored. Grandmama is boring.” He complained before moving to stand. “And there is always fun stuff up here.”

   His mother laughed before shaking her head and sitting beside him, making him smile and settle back down. “Like this mirror?” She asked, tilting her head to the side to look at the large plate of glass that kept the child entertained.

   “Yeah,” he nodded with a small bashful smile. “I was acting like it was magic Mama, and it would take me somewhere with magic and wizards and dragons I could slay.” He laughed before jumping when his mother lifted him into her lap, facing the mirror with him.

   “That sounds fun!” She said, smiling at his reflection as he stared at the glass. “Wanna hear a story about this mirror grandpa used to tell me and auntie?” She asked as he placed his hand on the mirror before nodding.

   “He used to say that on the other side of the mirror is a place where everything is different.” She whispered as she placed her hand on top of his. “Where magic is real and all our dreams escape to.”

   Jinki’s smile grew as he listened to her, eyes on her hands, “Really?”

   “Yes really.” She said with a small laugh. “And he said, that when we were sad that the people on the other side of the mirror would listen to us.” She mumbled, petting his hair back. “Your grandpa was a silly man.” She said finally, placing a small kiss on top of his head before standing and setting her son on his feet. “Now come on, you need to say bye to grandma.” She said before turning to leave the room.

   Jinki just smiled and nodded, glancing back at the mirror once more before trotting after her and ranting about what he wanted for dinner.




The amazing poster is credited to NeverMind Poster shop!
Check them out! 




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965 streak #1
I decided to finally read this. But just looking at the dates of this story seem to also have a story of its own.
You have an interesting foreword immediately introducing the premise of the story. I like it.
I read this years ago :D So amazing <3 Let us make a toast to you finishing it ?
lilith9999 #3
Chapter 7: Thank you for having completed your story!
Chapter 12: CHICKENKING!!!! <3333333333333333333

will go reread all of this again now that I'm done yelling XD
Chapter 12: OMG!!! They are finally together as JINKI and Minho and Onew has done his part and left! This couldn't get better (it can if there is one-shot fluff side story ;p). But thank you so much for continuing with it despite everything and giving this story a happy ending!! I'm so happy right now I could combust ^_^
Chapter 12: Thank you so much, Author-nim.. I really love the ending of this wonderful story which you created. Tbh, I would love to read more and if you can have a small mini story of their adventures in the two worlds, it would be great.. Nonetheless, thank you once again. I pray and hope the best for you irl.. HUGS...
oconje #7
Chapter 21: Great story! Look forward to reading more!
Take your time I'll wait thank you
Chapter 21: Wahhh thank you, author-nim
I'm waiting your update