Bulletproof Mind


The job was over. Their entwined lives just begun. 

Leaving the underground has its costs.


Wow! I didn't really expect the reaction for Bulletproof Heart. It was really just supposed to be a one-shot since I am not really good at writing action fics, or rather, non-fantasy action fics. :D But I just couldn't let go of Bulletproof!AU yet, like how I couldn't let go of KrisHo. TT_TT 

[UPDATE] Finally, after so many months, it's here!! ^_^

This is a direct sequel to my other fic, Bulletproof Heart. Be sure to check that out first to help you immerse yourself in this universe. This is the first complete fic I've written in months that is not connected to any of the fic exchanges on LJ. ^_^ Yay me! I hope you enjoy this as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

Don't forget to subscribe, upvote, or comment down below. ^_^ #KrisHoIs5ever 


Just did slight formatting... I apologize for any typos that may appear! T_T


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2442 streak #1
Chapter 2: Jun got Yifan at the palm of his hands here HAHA
i still was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of Yixing at the end but i still enjoyed reading this very much!

2442 streak #2
Chapter 2: reading this again in 2019!
im still not sure abt the last few sequences, but i feel like i understand it better this tine around! HAHA
cyfome #3
Chapter 2: Authornim, is a third part coming out.?. Am still thinking about yixing...
cyfome #4
Chapter 2: I read and re-read thss back to back with bulletproof heart and still enjoyed them again and again...just curious as to why the zangs wanted a "specific" child to be their son...what 's between the Wu's and the Zang's??? more importantly, what's ZANG Yixing doing there at the end???
mastermind #5
Chapter 2: I love it! But yixing cameo was like.... What ?
Chapter 2: confused about Yixing part but this was really good
2442 streak #7
Chapter 2: as much as i love this sequel, i don't get the last few sequences...
but really, i love how you barrated Kris's struggle in the real world and how Joon was there for him all the time :)
luhan001 #8
Chapter 2: what? yixing? haha.. im loving yixing now a days..
nightingalesatnight #9
Chapter 2: Loved this so much!!
Chapter 2: seqeul please!!!!!!