Tales of the Guardians of the Great East Sea


Tales of the Guardians of the Great East Sea


Supernatural AU!




a/n: Hi there! I told you that I will be doing another Ongyu story so here is my fail attempt for a supernatural fanfiction featuring the hamster leaders ^^ The way I will tell the story is reminiscent of the ancient style of literature, like a song with rhymes so I hope no one freaks out with the way I write it.


also updates would trickle slowly so please bear with on this one (but i doubt i'll even have enough interest for this who am i kidding anyway XD)

now excuse me as I write something weird again.



Disclaimer: Characters, places and events are purely fictional. This is an original story by jhengchie, any similarities with other stories are purely coincidental. I do not own anything but the plot but I wish I could take the leaders home and make them my hamster pets ^^


Once upon a distant star, where the sky was clear and waters blue, the people believed in the Guardians of the East. The great East Sea was the epitome of abundance and the people lived were all merry, and they had long told a story of five gallant guardians who protected and brought them security.


Atop a cliff by the roaring waves of the Great East, one can see an island lone and majestic. It was believed to be the place, were Guardians dwell in peace. The waves were gentle and the sky was clear, but anyone who dared to reach the Guardian’s realm, were met with bitter fate.


Others would tell the younger ones, of swords and horses, of princes fighting beasts, but none would compare to the stories told, even at a hundred centuries old, they favored the Tales of the Guardians of the Great East Sea.



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Chapter 2: it sound interesting .... cant wait for the next update...
I really loved your other story and this one sounds even better!
Update quickly please~ :D