4D Confession

Taehyung's 4D Confession

It was an ordinary Friday morning to V. He stared at the ceiling and said to himself, “Should I confess to him? Right now?  Maybe later?  Arrggh ”. He got up and went to the bathroom. He stared at his face and said, “Will he like me? /pouts/ “. WAAAH Nan molla~ He brushed his teeth, washed his face and practiced for his confession.


“Ahm, Suga-hyung… I like you” Heol. It’s too uhm ahh it’s too…

“Min Yoongi, I’m ready to do anything for you. Hyung I really really like you. Please love me” *kneels down*

Then Suga went in the bathroom. “Hi Taehyung” he flashed a smile.


“Oh, Hi Hyung” (Shoot, I didn’t lock the door -.-)

“Taehyung, what are you doing down there and I.. kinda heard my name”

“Aah, I’m looking for my ring” ( Heol, waaah He flashed a smile, I’m deaaad. I should get up, I look crazy lol)


Suga washed his face and grabbed a towel then went out of the bathroom.

Suga said to himself  “What a crazy kid”.


“Hyung, I heard that! “ then the two of them hurriedly run out of the bathroom.




“No, I’m not”


The two were running like crazy kids. They ran around the kitchen, the living room, the WHOLE DORM. “Hyung, I’m tired”. Taehyung sat down the sofa. “Aish, this kid, you’re really crazy, You know” Then Suga lie down on Taehyung’s lap.


“Taehyung, did you find your ring?”


“ Ajik aniya, waeyo?”


“Because I’ll be the one to put the ring in your hand.” Suga smiled.


“Hahaha You’re crazy hyung”. (Whut, my heartbeat…nae kaseum waaah >_


“I mean it.”


“Taehyung, I heard my name a while ago, what was it about?”Suga asked looking directly at Taehyung’s eyes.

(S***, Did he hear it? Ugh, I’m dead. He looked right through my eye, I can feel my heartbeat fasten up its pace and I feel my cheeks burn, All that I want to do is to touch his cheeks..Argh, Taehyung what are you thinking? )


“Taetae? What is it?”


“It was nothing hyung haha, I was trying to make messages for all of you ^^”


“But you said “I’m ready to do anything for you. Hyung I really really like you. Please love me”


Taehyung said in his mind “Waaah so he heard it? Aaaaah what should I do? Should I run away or hide in the closet or hide under the table? I’m so embarrassed, and I remembered that the other 5 are going out. I’ll be alone…with Suga hyung, all day O.O


“Suga, Taehyung. We’re leaving~ See you later” Jin hyung said.


“Annyeong~”, J-Hope, Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin said.


Then Taehyung pushed Suga. “What like? What do anything for WHUUUT? Maybe it’s in your Imagination hyung, maybe you’re the one who likes me” ( WHUUT SO HE HEARD IT O.O WASHKJSDHK I can feel my cheeks burn, Noooo.


“Ouch, that hurts, why do you have to push me? What a crazy kid” Suga got up and went to Taehyung’s room.


“Hyuuung, where are you going?” Taehyung looks puzzled


“To your room, I’ll sleep there. Alone, don’t even bother to go there. If you go there, I’ll kiss you.”


“Hyung! Don’t go there!”


Taehyung followed Suga then...

Hyung pulled me closer and stared right to my eyes. Our lips are just inches away from each other then hyung whispered, “Do you really want me to kiss you ” at that moment, I froze. I was completely lost. I can feel my heart race and I just want to kiss him. He’s getting closer..closer…closer and I just closed my eyes.


“You really want me to kiss you.”, then Suga pushed you away.


“I hate you hyung.”


“Hate you too.” Then he smirked.


*Suga went to Taetae’s room and slammed the door*



That kid is really something.            

But what the heck am I feeling? What the f*** am I feeling for him and what the heck happened?



“Taehyung, did you find your ring?”

“ Ajik aniya, waeyo?”

“Because I’ll be the one to put the ring in your hand.” Then I smiled.

“Hahaha You’re crazy hyung”.

“I mean it.”

(end of flashback)


What the f*** O.O “I’ll put the ring in his hand?!” What the heck! What the heck of heck is happening to me? *Suga hugged the pillow and started to inhale its scent* It smells like him. WHAT AM I THINKING? I’M GETTING WEIRD. NO, IF I FALL, HIP HOP IS DEAD. *then Suga threw the pillow away*


“Hip hop is dead.”


I have to get out of here. I’ll confess to him.


Taehyung’s POV

Suga hyung went to my room and he slammed the door.


Suga hyung is so rude but it’s cute. Hyung is so cold yet he makes me feel warm. He’s weird yet cool and I just kinda hate him and love him at the same time. I hate how arrogant he is >_< I hate Suga hyung, he’s loud sometimes, he’s bad at me sometimes, he shouts at me sometimes and he play games with my mind but whenever he gets sweet, all of his bad characteristics vanish. He makes me melt with his smile and I just want him to end up in my arms. So this is it, I’ll confess to him later. I’ll confess to him whatever happens, If I get rejected, it’s okay. I just want him to know that I really care for him and he’ll stay forever in my heart.


 I went to the dining area and sat in the dining table.


*Suga went out of  Taehyung’s room*


“Taehyung, I have to say something to you.”




“Aren’t you going to confess to me?” he smirked.


“ You’re so arrogant hyung.”


“Confess to me, now.” Hyung said.


Aish, he’s so arrogant. Why did I like him? He thinks he’s so..argh. I got up, stood straight and  looked straight to his eyes.


“Hyung I kinda uhm…I really like you” *hides under the table*


“Yah, don’t hide there Taehyung, stand up.”


I got up and stood there. “So, is that a yes?”




“Yes? What hyung? Are you sure? What?” I said.


“I said yes.” He smirked.

(He said yes? I’m so so so so so happy right now and I just want to hug him.)


“I hate you hyung.” I said


“I hate you too, now hug me.”


“I don’t want to hug you, I hate you hyung”


Then Suga hyung hugged me. I’m so happy kekeke, I feel so warm when I’m with him. I just want to stay forever like this.

I closed my eyes and cherished the moment.


“Saranghae.” Suga whispered.

“I hate you too.”


I sat down the sofa and crossed my arms “Hyung, I hate you. I’m mad at you. Don’t talk to me” I said.



“Because you said I wanted to kiss you” then I pouted


“Haha, I know that you know that I know that you want to kiss me, so Do you want me to kiss you?” hyung went closer to me.




Suga went closer to him and kissed Taehyung’s right cheek. “Haha I hate you Taehyung”


“Hate you too.” And I smiled.


“Can I sleep with you tonight?”Suga asked.


“Haha” *laughs* “No.”


“I’ll just barge in. I love you.”Suga smirked.


“Hate you too.”


Finally, the two ended up together.Taehyung and Suga are officially together. What cute couple they could be. The both of them are happy that they ended up in each other’s arm. They told the members about them and they’re happy for the two of them. The cycle goes on, they’ll hate each other, tease each other then love each other. Suga and Taehyung are together, for now.





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Chapter 1: Hah cx i love when they say ,, I hate you" ,, I hate you too" itp. Xd