Children Record (Prologue)

Mekakucity Actors (season 2) [SAMPLE]

August 13 - The isolated void where mirrors are everywhere with the ceiling only made of water.

[A familiar voice is heard in that place of brightness. He sounds frustrated as he says...]

"Darn it. I rather be in my own dark world, watching Azami to keep on blaming herself. After all, (lets out a quiet histerical laugh) she started all of this...but did she meet the little girl of her own?"

It is Mr Clearing Eyes-in the form of Kuroha- sitting down with his hands over his headphones as he seems to be freaking out over whether Azami has left the never-ending world. It's odd for CE to be having a mental breakdown in this brightest version of the never-ending world.

Maybe he belongs to his dark side that he curses this place as "a wretched one", but his fate (or breath) takes a darker turn even in the brightest place he's in right now.

CE: I'll get my revenge. (stands up; laughs crazily) I'll get those kids...RIGHT NOW! If only I can get out right now, they'll soon see why they shouldn't trap me here. 

"Yet you're stuck in this place right now," said a female voice.

CE: (eyes widen) Who's that? You can't be...Azami?

He frantically turns his body around while he hears wicked laughs around him.

CE: Come out! Whoever you are...

"Actually, how funny it is to see the smartest snake to be trapped in this nice place created by his master. Oops...Sorry. I guess I'm enjoying myself very much to see you panicking. You feel useless here, don't you? I wonder if I should help you or not..."

CE: Who the heck are you?! SHOW YOURSELF!!!

"Calm down, old man."

Slowly, a blurry image appears on a mirror in front of CE. There appears a silhoutte of a young girl with a long red ponytail.

CE widen his eyes for a while, having a hard time to believe there is a human here... unless this young girl ISN'T human.

Then, she comes out of the mirror while saying these words...

"I can grant your wish since you did mine already. You did succeed in forcing Marry to manifest her powers in her real form. Eventhough (finally appears herself out of the mirror) you couldn't turn back time according to our plan.

But, I'm willing to forgive you..."

With her words dangling in the air, CE is shocked (as he knows her) to see this young girl, wearing half-black-and-white yukata, as she stares at him with her black eyes.

CE: Aka.ri. You're alive??

Akari:(places right hand on her hip) I'm here, aren't I? BTW, how are you? 

CE:(scoffs) What do you think? I won't ask how you're alive, but first we need

   to get out of this horrible place.

Akari: We? (laughs strangely) Isn't the rule of leaving this endless world is

       to leave somebody behind? Besides, I'm not gonna rescue you.

CE: What?! You ungrateful witch!!!Did you forget that I granted your wish...

Akari: (puts on a serious tone) You know what? I'm tired of being your puppet

        after all these years. (suddenly smiles, putting on a cheerful tone)

        I wouldn't hate you if you would have let me control those kids' eyes

        at least for once. It'll be fun, especially when a predator has become

        the victim. (smiles wickedly at CE)

CE: (eyes twitching) Wait...You're not gonna...(hesistates walking backward)

    You can't kill me...(sharpens his voice) You're not that powerful!

Akari: Is that so? (narrows her eyes) What makes you think I'm like that?

CE: Because I lend you my powers to get your revenge on those humans!

Akari: I see. Well, you're right...I couldn't die peacefully until I avenge his

      death. Thanks to me, Marry has died to become the Queen. I was so happy

      when I chose the other kids' fate except for the boy and girl who

      disrupted your plans. They weren't on my list...

CE: Shut up! So, (laughs histerical) I believe it was you! You made me like

    this! That's why you let those 2...

Akari: It's part of the plan... to turn back time once again.

CE: I thought that plan was ruined. So this is your plan to meet him again?

    I thought I granted you immortality to kill those...

Akari: A power like mine... (silent for a moment)I find it very useful.

      (smiles wickedly) Those kids' powers will reflect back on themselves.

       If they're up against me...

CE: You mean your eyes have...(widens his yellow eyes at its widest) It can't be.

Akari: Guess what? (grabs CE's neck tightly) You're the first to try it out.

CE: Huh?

Akari: 目を反映する (Me o han'ei suru)



OP: daze (Soraru) []

ED: Children Record (Jin ft. MARiA) []













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