-[BTS V] My Love.

[BTS/EXO/GOT7] Fic Recommendations
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My Love.

Chapters: 6
Status: Complete


"Hey, what's your name?"

She pauses in the middle of eating her ice-cream, her eyes still staring forward with the blank expression, though her tears have dried in the bandages. I can see stitches poking out of the edge, ugly black thread, but of course I don't say anything. I'm not gonna tell her how broken she looks. I may be an idiot, but I'm not a moron.

When she speaks, her voice is raspy, and she has to let out a feeble cough to clear . "... Sojin. My... My name is Sojin."

"Ah." I nod though she can't see it. She seems to realise it anyway and sighs, dropping her head to stare at her lap.

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[150114] I've decided to mark complete stories with a hyphen before the subject! :)


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Chapter 13: Hey, thanks for featuring my story! I appreciate it dearly :)
Hey, I've got a Chen/OC-story that I'd like to recommend as well as a JR scenario.

Chen: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/756694 (Drama, angst, mystery)
JR: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/877478 (M)
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