Foreign Identity


"Don't forget me."

"How could I ever, when you gave me so much to remember?"

Sora is a happy married wife to Joonmyeon for 2 years— until Joonmyeon is met with an accident while at business and lost all memories of him and Sora.

Not long till Shin Ae, a doctor steps into the picture to help Joonmyeon recuperate his memories.

Feelings unwittingly grow and more new memories were created between the two, will Sora get Joonmyeon to recover? Or will she be a forgotten memory?


Hello! Its a new story!!! Finally!!!

This would be tons way different from I'm Park Chanyeol Nose, and tbh i find the description abit sappy, no (although this fic is drama??)

Anyway hope it will be interesting for you guys :-)


(story by me. Any similar contents by anyone else is coincidence.)

(ok idk what to insert here so some is some pineapples.jpg)


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