
Weekend Getaway
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            “Jonginnie, are you sure you got everything? Make sure you don’t forget anything. Especially the camera as I expect lots and lots of pictures of little Soo, ok? And take the pills in case Soo gets sick. And a scarf in case it gets too cold for Soo.”


“Of course mother. Anything else? Maybe a private plane in case someone looks at Soo, the entire pharmacy because God forbid something happened and I don’t have the right pill, and maybe the whole house because what if Soo doesn’t like the hotel?” Jongin replayed sarcastically but it just earned him a whack on the head.




 It’s not that he isn’t thankful to his mother because he knows that Jaejoong only wants the best for him and his boyfriend, but he is trying to pack for over an hour know and his mother is trying to drive him up the wall. He is 18 for God’s sake. He knows how to pack his own thing and he sure knows what to take. Well, Kyungsoo did tell him all these things two nights ago and wrote a little list for him, because he sometimes was a bit of an airhead (he had an excuse for those times, as he was staring at his love’s face).




The thing is that Jongin and Kyungsoo planned a little weekend getaway to Jeju a month ago. As Kyungsoo is a bit of a perfectionist (and really, really wished for this trip), he searched up and down for the best offer (read as the cheapest one), a nice hotel to stay and goggled the attractions of the place. He was hyped the entire week of the research, and then couldn’t stop bragging about it to their friends every two days. If it was someone else acting like this the poor guys would have snapped in the first week, but this was little sweet Kyungsoo we are talking about.






Tomorrow they would finally depart to Jeju. Kyungsoo was obviously extremely nervous abut his first weekend getaway with his lover and told Jongin that he couldn’t sleep when they talked on the phone, so Jongin told him to drink a glass of warm milk and cuddle with his favorite penguin plush and try to sleep.


And now he only had to finish his own luggage but Jaejoong was whining besides him and was driving up the wall. The fact that he was constantly mentioning “little Soo” was also starting to get on his nerves. One again he was conflicted between feeling more than proud that his mother practically loved Kyungsoo to bits and vice versa, and the fact that he was worshiping the little owl and didn’t even bother to ask him about how he was or something like that. No, it was all about his lover.






“Mom, can you please go away so that I can finish packing? I also need to sleep you know?”


“But, Jonginnie, mom is feeling lonely. Yunnie is on that stupid business trip and now you and Soo are also leaving me. What am I going to do?” Jaejoong said and started to sniffle a little for effect. Maybe Jongin will invite him with them in Jeju.


“Dad is coming back soon so stop with the drama. I swear that you watch too much TV these days. You are going to be fine so go to sleep. I have an early flight,” Jongin said without even looking at the puppy face Jaejoong was making.




Jaejoong continued pouting and made his way out of Jongin’s room muttering all the way about how his little ray of sunshine disappeared and about bad boys that didn’t loved their mothers. Jongin shook his head at his mother’s antics, knowing that he was going to be ok as Yunho was going to arrive home tomorrow (Jaejoong didn’t know about it since it was supposed to be a surprise for the beautiful male).





What Jongin did not know was that Jaejoong made his own plans and if he knew he would have had the shock of his life. Jaejoong decided to follow the pair to Jeju and have his own fun while following them (and snapping some photos of sweet, little Soo as he didn’t trust Jongin with the task).

He packed his bags in record time, making sure he didn’t forgot anything essential (like the camera), made reservation online at the same flight as the couple, only he took the business class, unlike his son that went for economic (Soo was a darling and refused vehemently as he didn’t want to spend too much money, that little sweetheart). Jaejoong went to sleep with an evil smile on his lips.  









They arrived in Jeju after an hour of flight. The couple was thrilled that they were finally there on their well deserved vacation, without anybody to bother them (or so they thought). Kyungsoo couldn’t keep his excitement and he was pointing at things or hugging Jongin, or pecking Jongin on the cheek (not that the said male had any objection) and he was just so cute and squishy and of course that Jaejoong couldn’t let go of the opportunity and took lots of pictures. And some of his son because he was cute as well when he was smiling at Soo. Why wouldn’t he smile like that at home?



“Jonginnie thank you so much for coming with me.” Kyungsoo squealed in delight. He was just that happy to be there with his boyfriend.


“Of course I would come with you my love. Just think about. A few days with just the two of us, away from our families, sharing a bed…” Jongin trailed with a hidden smile when he saw the reaction of his lovely boyfriend. The poor boy was blushing to the tips of his ears and the sight was really endearing. “Soo, why are you blushing? What are you imagining?” Jongin laughed.


“N-Nothing… Besides it was you that said…” Kyungsoo stuttered.


“Said what my love? I just said that we are going to share a bed. Nothing else.” Jongin grinned. It was fun to tease the shorter male like this. He had the cutest reactions.



Somewhere, near them, Jaejoong was dressed all in black and was all eyes on the couple. When he saw little Soo blushing it was clear that Jongin was embarrassing him. This is why he decided to follow them (a

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hannafurukawa #1
Chapter 1: I died of happiness!!!! Yunjae and Kaisoo and erhmageeerd the background!!!! My two fave OTP's *heavy breathing* I cannot thank you enough for thiiiis!!! I love you! OMG! *virtuaaaal huuuugs*
Kattan69 #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha...mommy syndrome.....Jae is so adorable and crazy over little Soo....LOL.^0^
Chapter 1: aigo jaejoong.. hahaha >.<
monshine #4
Chapter 1: Loved it. Please keep being high on chocolate and yunjae feels. :)
Chapter 1: please continue :) love the yunjae and kaisoo :))
Chapter 1: LOL jaejoong is something XD