
Lost & Found - Hoya

Walking back to camp, ped the front of the tent as he took off his muddy shoes and Sungyeol saw something that was on Hoya’s back.

"What do you have?" Sungyeol asked, crawling over to the door as Hoya carefully came inside the tent as Sungjong zipped the door back up.

"Hoya! Where did you get that?" Woohyun points to the wet thing on his back as he carefully lays down on his sleeping bag, unwrapping your legs and arms from around him, you lay on his purple sleeping bag, your body slightly shivering as Dongwoo looked over at you.

"Sunggyu said you can’t bring lost things home, like lost puppies or kittes" Dongwoo states as Sunggyu crawls over.

"Hoya, this is a lost thing too" Sunggyu looks over everyone that is hovering over you.

"I couldn’t just leave her out in the rain" Hoya says peeling off the wet jacket from around you and carefully sliding you into his sleeping bag to keep you warm.

"But you don’t know who she is" Woohyun defended

"Her name is _______ and she was lost and I found her and she isn’t hurt" Hoya gave them the rundown as Dongwoo laid some more blankets over the top of the sleeping bag.

"She could be one of those fans that could hurt us" Sunggyu snarled

"How can someone cute like her, be mean?" Woohyun showed a gummy smile as he started to peel off some hair from your face.

"Are you sure that she is out?" Myungsoo waved his hand in front of your face.

"Would she be laying here still if she wasn’t out?" Hoya questioned while tucking some blankets under your head

"I don’t know, girls are weird" Sungyeol stuck out his tongue a little as the lightning struck outside lighting up the tent.

Infinite took turns watching over you as Woohyun tried to work on his pick up lines to you while you slept, Dongwoo just stared at you with Sungyeol, Hoya read his book making sure that no one disturbed you, Sunggyu tried to sleep on his sleeping back, Myungsoo looked through his pictures with Sungjong trying to choose the best ones to show you once you woke up.

"I’m going to get her a warm drink so she can drink some when she wakes up" Hoya tells them as he marks his page in his book, "Don’t touch her, guys" Hoya warns as he crawls outside just for a moment to warm up anything that they had.

A pain in your head woke you, pressing your hand on your head, you heard gasps and muffled talking while you opened your eyes, blinking a few times, your eyes came into focus while a bunch of guys hovered over you with a worried face, yet one man was smiling down at you with his classic smile.

"Hello" Sungjong smiled and waved at you, nodding your head, you were overwhelmed with so many cute guys looking down at you.

"W-Where is the other guy?" You stuttered still being a little cold.

"Oh, Hoya will be back in a minute, he is getting you a drink" Dongwoo, smiled and told you.

"Why would you want Hoya when you have someone cuter" Woohyun blew a heart to you as you just moved lower into the sleeping bag.

Hoya ped the door and came in with some hot chocolate for you that he warmed up quickly.

"Why are you all crowded around her?" Hoya questioned, gently pushing his way through.

"She woke up" Myungsoo smiled and looked at Hoya

"Give her some room then" Sunggyu called as the members backed away a little. Hoya leaned over you and smiled, sitting next to you, you carefully sat up and pulled a blanket up around your shoulders.

"Here, drink this, it will help you feel better" Hoya shuffled the warm cup over to you, your cold hands grasped it and nodded your head as a thanks.

Lifting the cup to your lips, the warm liquid ran through your parched mouth and throat as a hum slipped from your lips, your eyes closed while a smile pulled onto your chapped lips.

"She does have a pretty smile!" Woohyun beamed as Sungjong pushed him a little.

"She is trying to get better, you can’t hit on her" Sungjong told him as Sunggyu sat up and watched you sip your drink.

"Just rest, the guys are just excited to have a girl in the same tent as them" Hoya told you when you looked over at him in an explanation. Nodding your head, a yawn slipped from your lips.

"Sorry I passed out, I don’t know what happened" You whispered feeling sorry that he had to bring you all the way back here on your own.

"That is okay, I am just glad that I was there so you weren’t left alone" He told you with a toothy smile.

"Sunggyu can she stay the night?" Dongwoo asked while Woohyun hummed in agreement

"But she isn’t supposed to be here" Sunggyu pointed you, you rounded your shoulders a little as you felt like you were wearing out your welcome.

"She doesn’t have any other place to go" Myungsoo adds

"Fine, she can stay, but everyone has to leave her alone since she is recovering" Sunggyu laid down the rules as the members nodded.

"Lights out in five minutes" Sunggyu mumbled as he laid down in his sleeping bag.

Everyone changed and slid into their sleeping bag as Hoya sat next to you, tending to your every need.

"I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be a bother" You whispered feeling like you were stepping on their toes.

"You aren’t, he is just cranky, he didn’t want to come out here in the first place" Hoya explains.

"Oh okay" You nodded, "Goodnight Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Woohyun, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo and Sungjong" You called out to everyone.

"Goodnight _________" They called back in unison, before the lights were turned off, resting your head on your pillow, you looked over at Hoya, still seeing him sitting up.

"I took your sleeping bag didn’t I?" You whispered as you looked around seeing every other bag taken.

"It is okay, I like to sleep under blankets anyways" He tells you, laying down and covering himself up with one blanket. Looking over at him, you knew that he would get cold throughout the night, pulling over some more blankets from on top of your sleeping bag over him, you covered him and moved closer to him as you shared a part of the sleeping bag with him.

His chocolate eyes looked into yours as he moved closer to you with a nod of your head. Cuddling up next to him, he wrapped his arms around your protectively, feeling his warm body against your cooler one, you took in his scent that surrounded you in the sleeping bag too.

"Thank you" You whispered against his shoulder, a nodding of his head and a small smile grew on his face.

"Goodnight" He rested his head against yours with a smile curling on his lips.

Sleeping soundly that night, you wished that the sun would never come up, with your dreams carrying you away, you happily lived in the moment, loving every minute with the group of boys that you happened to stumble upon.

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babyjongdae #1
Chapter 2: Sweet ending! Damn. Sunggyu is totally grandpa hahaaa but hoya is indeed a gentlemen
Chapter 2: sooooo sweet..... *-*
Delldaily #3
Chapter 2: Sweet!!!! (:
Chapter 2: Honestly this is good one with Hoya. <3 <3 <3 kekekeke