Nicole Past Life...

True Beauty

 Author POV 

"Yah Move Fugly!"

"Move Fat !"

" Move!"

"Keep on moving Fatty!!"

Yell by the mean students ,Nicole was just in line for lunch,When she was walking to sit alone one ,Jazy Steps her foot out

,Purposely and said "Opps Sis Didnt see your fat foot there!" Tears start forming in Nicole eyes Slowy than quickly she have never

feel so embrass before in her life and she was just only 13 years old,*Buzz Buzz* 

"Hello??"Nicole Said

"Ms.Nicole We have found Your Brother Dead we are sorry for your loss"

Said Doctor

Then Suddely Nicole went straightly to the hospital and than the nurse give her the note That Read:

Nicole Be Happy ,Become pretty prove to them Your just a chubby girl,i know your beautiful inside,Dont be like


PS:Dont Let her take my car ,You take it!,i even made a Paper for it!

Love,Changmin Oppa

Soon Time Pass,Nicole Tears stop 

She Yelled in Changmin old room and yelled"I PROMISE OPPA~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Soon She later went to gyms eat less,eat healthy and soon


2 years later


What Happend??? ,Hehe Lol!!! Honestly when i was writing this chapter tears were about to come out!!! but i was brave i keep it in ....................................








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asianrocker721 Guise i gotta put hiatus to my other stories below im dearly sorry! >~<


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ahahha, omg. y u no update, my sister's name is jackie...
uhh, awkwardddddddddddd.
i wonder what is going to go on now? and did she leave for 3 years or something? cause all of a sudden its 3 years later after her working out at the gym?? Like did she take a leave of school? cause isn't her new look supposed to be the shocker right?
LMFAO! What's up with naming the OC, Nicole? LOL, I don't mind at all! It's just weird. My name is Nicole :P<br />
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Updatee soon ^.^
update soon. i like it so far.