Time Traveler

Ji Eun woke up to the sound of footsteps. "What's going on here?" she asked as the other men bowed, "We're all training and you have to train as well. Please put this on?" the soldier said as Ji Eun sighed and went back into her room to change. When she came out she was fighting with a tough soldier. "Lets rest." he said as she nodded, "My name is Bang Yongguk, but i'm not even supposed to talk to you." he said as she nodded, "Why?"  "Because, captain won't let us speak to any woman." he said as Suho came over to them, "Back to work Soldier Bang!" he said as Ji Eun rolled her eyes. "Fight me." he said as she nodded and grabbed her sword. "This sword is half my size, how am I supposed to fight with this one?" she asked as he smirked, "Just shut up and fight." he said as she nodded. Once their swords clashed together, the fight got serious. Ji Eun was using all her strength just to prove that she wasn't a little lazy brat. She even got the sword up to Suho's neck. "Wow, why are you so good now?" he asked as she shrugged. Suddenly Suho used his foot and kicked her ankles. Ji Eun fell over and dropped her sword, "Why did you do that?!" she asked as he sighed, "This is how you fight. If you don't want to surrender, you have to fight back using your legs." he said as she angrilly got up and hit his arm. "EVERYONE, KEEP GOING!" he said as they bowed and watched the two go back into the house. "I don't like you. You're lazy and you are weak." he said as she turned to him, hurt by his words. "I am no lazy and I am not weak." she answered as he just glared angrily at her, "I should have just let you suicide. You can't even act as bait." he said as she frowned and held her tears in, "Is that what you think I was doing? I'm sorry if I bothered you then. Don't ever talk to me." she said as he stood up and followed her to the door, "You know, you wont be able to live long if you leave. We are leaving to another village." he said as she turned around to close the door, "I'll find a way." she said as he sighed. 

1 month later.

Ji Eun was happily selling food with the old woman who let her stay. "You are so beautiful... I have a grandson and he's coming back here today. I think you should meet him." the old woman said as Ji Eun smiled, "Thank you, but I wonder when he'll come to see you today." After Ji Eun mentioned that, she remembered Suho. His promise..." Grandma, i'm here! Please give me some food." a familiar voice yelled from a close distance. Ji Eun and the old woman turned around, seeing Suho. "What is she doing here?" he asked as his grandma smiled, "Pretty, right?"  "Psh, pretty lazy." he said as she rolled her eyes and went to serve the other soldiers. "Oh, Ji Eun, remember me?" Yongguk asked as she bowed, "Yes sir." she smiled. "Do you two know each other?" his grandma asked as he nodded, "Last month, we were here and I saw this woman trying to suicide, so I took her in as bait. If she did what she was told to do then she would have been good bait and we wouldn't have lost 5-8 soldiers." he said as the grandma sighed, "It isn't her fault. I think she hit her head really hard." she said as Suho raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" he asked as she smiled and turned to Ji Eun who was seving a bunch of soldiers, "Ji Eun, please take care of this place. I'm going to talk to Suho." she said as Ji Eun bowed and continued to walk around with bowls of noodle.

"She was wondering around and I saw how destroyed her hanbok was, so I decided to let herstay with me. I told her to tell me facts about herself, and she did. She said her birthday was May 5 and she said she was from the future. Her name is Song Ji Eun and she said when she was in the future, she had a lover named Suho but his real name was Kim Joon Myeon, like you. Ji Eun said that he was a soldier and that he was supposed to come home for a holiday, but he never made it. She said it was a promise he made. His last promise to her. He died on Christmas morning. I felt very bad for her, so I took her." she explained as Suho just laughed out loud, "Is she crazy?! What? Did I die and get reborn as her lover?" he asked in a joking tone as his grandma chuckled, "Don't worry." he said as they walked back together. When they got back, Ji Eun had 2 baskets full of coin because of the soldiers and villagers who came to eat her delicous noodles. "She even makes something that people love. She makes something called omelet and she creates many food." she explained as Suho's stomach growled. "Ms. Song, please give my grandson some omelet and noodles." the old woman said as Ji Eun nodded and went to Suho. "Why aren't you talking to me?" he asked as she refused to meet his eyes. "Talk to me. I haven't talked to you for a month." he said as she just continued to cook. "Who is Joon Myeon?" he asked as she stopped cooking and looked at him. Her eyes met with his and she couldn't find the courage to speak of her lover. "Um, you." she said as he smirked, "I know, but was I reborn?" he asked as Ji Eun turned to his grandma and watched her ask the villagers to eat. "I don't know what you're talking about." she said as he smiled and watched her put the omelet on his plate. "Don't talk to me." she whispered as he pulled her down by her neck. Their faces only inches away. "Don't do that!" she whispered as he smiled, "I make you red." he said as she walked away. After a long day of business, Suho and the other soldiers went into the house. Ji Eun was outside, watching the fish swim around in the pond. "What are you doing?" Suho asked as Ji Eun stood up and started walking away. Before she could get any further, he grabbed her arm and yanked her back, slamming her face against his chest. "Did he do this to you too?" he asked as Ji Eun broke the hug, "You're not the same as him." she said as he smiled, "Let me help you. I'll take you to your room." he said as she turned around, "I don't need your help, I know where my room is." Ji Eun said as he nodded. When Ji Eun was walking up the stairs, a soldier slid open the door so fast that it scared her. Ji Eun fell down on her and got up quickly. "Stop laughing!" Ji Eun said as Suho and the other soldier Kai continued to laugh. "It's not funny!" Ji Eun yelled as she continued up the stairs.

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iluvkpop28 #1
Chapter 5: OMG!!! Kyahh~ this such an awesome story!!! >< I love it :'3 and and.. I have no idea what else I say xD <3 it's just an amazing story :)
iluvkpop28 #2
omg!! O.O that's soooooo interesting! >< imma read on! <3
Chapter 3: Annyeong, author nim!

I tend to read a lot, but by far, this is one of the most creative stories I've read... so~~

Can I ask permission to make this story into a visual novel? Please~~ It's an amazing story. :3 Hope to hear from you soon~ Gomawo~
I'm thinking about making a new story calked " You Taught Me " with Kai and Song Ji Eun .
SyaHiirah #5
Chapter 7: so sad....why it has to be like this at the end???
Chapter 7: That was sad :(
eine08 #7
Chapter 7: Wow. They're just not meant to be. Past, present or future.
please update soon ;)
please update soon ;)
eine08 #10
Chapter 2: So sad.
Anyways, great 1st chapter.
Can't wait for more >_<