I Didn't Mean To Hurt You...

I'm Sorry...


♦ I Didn't Mean To Hurt You... ♦
A/N: Haha the song Haru Haru actually suits one of the scenes, you'll see what I mean... >:) I really hope you feel the feels and ship them even if you don't know this OC yet lol :3 ALLONS-Y!!!!!!

(I recommend listening to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl2-bccaD3U but you don't have to of course...)


Onew was driving to Amethyst's house, a large smile on his face. They had been together for 5 years, since before he debuted, and he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He was going to ask her a question, the question. He knew that he was quite young to get married, at the age of 24, but he loved her so much so it didn't really matter to him; after all age is just a number, and she made him feel more complete every time he saw her face. 

He arrived at her house at around 7:30, and he left his dorm at 7:20, how he loved living close to her. He hoped that she would be ready, he didn't think he could wait any longer to see her. He stood by her door and hesitated to knock, leaning his back against it and clutching the bouquet of lilies and roses he had to his chest. He moved away from the door and lightly pressed his fist to his mouth, puffing his cheeks as he thought about whether today was the day, and if she would say yes. 

"Is it too soon? Will she say yes? What if she says no? What if it scares her away? What if she breaks up with me?" Were just a few of the questions that were running through his mind. He realised that he still has to go on the date even if he doesn't propose, and that he could decide whether he should propose or not during the date. He rapped his knuckles against her wooden door and waited for her to open it. 

A minute or two later she finally answered the door, looking at the ground, saying as she opened it: "Yes, hello, I'm sorry but I'm waiting for someone so could you jus-" She cut herself off when he cleared his throat and she looked up, seeing it was him. He passed the bouquet to her, smiling brightly. She smiled back, said thank you and grabbed him by the arm gently, lightly pulling on him so as to tell him to come in. They walked together to the kitchen in a comfortable silence and as she searched for a vase he finally decided to speak.

"Expecting someone?" He questioned jokingly, teasing her. He began laughing at her facial expression only about a nanosecond after he asked her the question. She looked into his eyes, she completely loved that eye-smile of his. So what if he was childish? Great minds think alike, as they say. Speaking of...

"Yup," She said perkily. "I was indeed." 

His face displayed shock and a slight bit of hurt. "What?" She just looked at him. "Really?" She nodded. "Who were you expecting?" He asked, sadness now evident in his voice.

She sighed. "You, idiot. You're late!" He smiled, not caring that she called him stupid or that she said that he was late, when he was there only about 2 minutes later than usual, and usually he was early. "You thought I was waiting for someone else? Oh my you are dense..." She continued, his face dropping as he heard her annoyed tone. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could even utter a word she resumed what she was saying. "But I love you for it." She finished, her voice now laced with happiness and love. He beamed at her, pulling her towards him. 

"You're dense too you know, Miss Why-would-you-love-me-you-don't-even-like-me." He said happily, enjoying teasing her again.

She sighed at him. "I never said I wasn't dense, Mister How-should-I-confess-my-love-to-my-crush-?" She shot back at him, triumph written on her face. She knew he wouldn't continue their battle.

"Hey!" He shouted. "You know full well why I asked that!" He continued lowering the volume of his voice. "And one day I hope you'll be Mrs How-should-I-confess-my-love-to-my-crush..." He muttered inaudibly under his breath.

She looked at him with an adorable confused expression for a split second, almost asking him "huh?". She just let it go and continued with their initial conversation.

Amethyst laughed, a large grin on her face. "I know why you asked. You were shy." He was about to protest, a light blush covering his cheeks before she said her next words. "It was... Cute." She said, tilting her head slightly.

He just stared at her for a second before embracing her by her waist and pulling her closer. He sighed, burying his face in her shoulder."I don't even know why I love you, but I do, it's really annoying." He said in a pseudo-irritated voice.

She stared into his eyes. "Well, I'm glad." She responded cutely.

"What?!" He asked, pulling back up into a proper standing position. "You're glad you annoy me?" 

"No... I'm glad you love me... Actually I'm kind of glad I annoy you, since I AM annoying by nature, and it means I'll always be on your mind..." She replied, her voice jubilant and full of love.

He chuckled, gazing at her with a fond expression. She continued to speak, rambling again (but he loved her rants so it was fine.): "It's nice to know that you'll always be thinking about me, what with our busy schedules. Too bad I-"

He cut her off, using a weird, whiny feminine voice. "Shut up and kiss me!" He said, pulling her closer to him, close enough to kiss, but he didn't lean in all the way.

She feigned annoyance and acted like she really didn't want to. "Fiiiiiineeeeeee~!" She whined eventually, leaning in closer and placing her lips on his. He pulled her a bit closer as she put her hands on his shoulders. He turned his head to the side as he applied more pressure to her lips, and although it was passionate it was still sweet. They both smiled into the kiss, as she brought one of her hands up to his hair, running her fingers through his soft strands. He her hair a little, and lightly brushed his tongue against her bottom lip. She was hesitant about this, it was a sweet kiss, she didn't want to ruin it... And although they had been together for so long they had never really kissed like this. They broke the kiss after a bit, they had to breathe, and anyway, they were smiling too much.

"I love you, you know." He said in English, her native tongue.

She just laughed. "After that? Yes. I know. I love you." She said.

He laughed, smiling cutely at her, his eyes turning into tiny crescents. "I love you too Sweetie."

"HEY! I told you not to call me that..." She yelled at him, her hands on her cheeks. He moved her hands away,-because he loved how she looked, she was so beautiful- only to reveal that her face was bright red.

"Awwww~ are you blushing~?" He cooed. 

"N-No..." She stuttered, again covering her face with her hands. Why must he be able to make her blush so easily, still? After 5 years and still? 

He stared at her. "Yes you areeeeee~!" He said, still using a weird baby voice.


"Are you maaaaad~?"


"Amethyst?" He asked, sounding a bit serious and... Concerned.

She still didn't speak, and she was looking... Somewhere. He followed her gaze and saw... Nothing.

"Heeeellooooo????" He asked, waving his hand in front of her face. "HELLO, HELLO!" He yelled and sung at the same time, still waving his hand until she reached up to his wrist and grabbed it, still staring into space.

"Amethyst are yo-?"

She decided to mimic his earlier feminine voice, saying the same thing. "Shut up and kiss me." 

He chuckled lightly, pecking her on the lips, and after pulling away he rested his forehead on hers, staring into her eyes. She looked back into his, and got lost in the deep brown colour of his eyes. They stayed like that for a few minutes before he whispered breathily: 

"I made reservations." He said, laughter in his voice, breaking the silence that befallen the room.

"Okay." She whispered back, pulling away fully. "So... Shall we?" She asked, smiling.

"We shall~!" He replied, beaming at her and offering her his arm.

She giggled lightly, placing her hand in the crook of his arm, looking up at him and smirking.

"When did you get so gentlemanly?" She asked in a smug tone.

He looked right at her, instantly shooting back. "Since I realised I was in love with you, now lets go." He sounded slightly impatient, but that was because he had already made his decision, he was going to propose to her. He got rid of his insecurities from before; she was too sweet to run away, she loved him too much to break up with him, so what if she says no? They'll still be together, in love with each other, and eventually he could propose again. And too soon? They had been dating for five whole years, and had been through so much together. He was going to propose to her, it's not like anything extremely bad would happen, right? He laughed internally, nothing bad would happen. And if anything did, he would still have her.

They walked down a hill to a park nearby, talking happily. He navigated through a maze of trees, her following slightly behind, still clutching his arm. and just before they reached their destination he commanded her to shut her eyes and placed his hand over her closed eyelids for good measure. 

When they got to what he had prepared he lifted his hands, and she assumed that that meant that she could open her eyes now, but she waited util he told her that she could. 

He looked at her beautiful face, her eyes still closed, she looked so serene. She looked like an angel without wings, a goddess from the heavens, well to him she did. But she still had flaws, showing just how very human she was, and he had grown to love those flaws as the days when by. 

Onew couldn't resist kissing her, and so he pecked her on the lips, and it took all of her concentration to not open her eyes in shock of the sudden move. He rested his forehead on her's whispering a simple sentence that made her feel excited and she began anticipating her surprise: "You can open your eyes now." He had whispered. And so she did, her eyelids disconnecting in a flash. When she saw what was in front of her there was only one thing she could do; gasp. 

There, displayed in the park, surrounded by trees was a table for two. It was set with a red cloth, several cream coloured candles that were contained in glass spheres and fairy lights in the trees illuminating the view and rose petals scattered around. On the table there were 2 dishes, contained inside of lidded bowls and beside the table there were two plush chairs.

He studied her facial expression carefully, frowning a little when he saw tears begin to form in her eyes. Before she could utter a sound he broke the silence.

"Don't you like it?" He asked concerned. "I thought... Since we haven't really had a proper date in a while that I could surprise you with something romantic... " He said softly, love and care filling his voice. She began to tear up even more at how thoughtful he was... He was really sweet...

"But if you don't like it it's fine! I mean, we can go to the cinema or something!" He said loudly, waving his hands, slightly panicked now because of the drops of water that were pouring out of her eyes and running down her ivory cheeks.

She somehow allowed a short chuckle through her lips as she was crying. She lifted her hand to her cheeks and brushed her tears away. "Like it?" She questioned. "I don't like it." She said bluntly.

"Oh, o-okay. So do you want to go t-" He started to ask, but she cut him off.

She giggled, smiling at how much he would do for her. "Haha, silly Onew." She said giggling. "You didn't let me finish..." He looked at her, confused but hopeful. "I love it! This is so nice, you're so sweet!" She finished, hugging him tightly.

He laughed. "Thank you." He managed to get out through his chuckles. "Th-thank you... for liking it..." He continues softly, now not laughing.

"No, thank you for doing this for me." She replied lightly, slightly crying on his shoulder. He was too sweet, she just wanted to bite him. She pulled a bit away from the hug, angling her head slightly upwards at him, saying: "So... This is reservations now?" She asked him, laughter in her voice.

He chuckled, replying with the word that he wished she would use to answer his question: "Yes." and she giggled at his short reply, walking over to the table that was set for the both of them and turning to face him. The sound of his laughter filled the air around them as he approached her. He pulled her into his arms by her waist and spun them both around. He let go off her, as much as he didn't want to, and pulled out her chair. He chuckled, gesturing to the seat when she made no move; he wondered if he should refer to her by her sobriquet in hopes it will get his message across, but of course even simply speaking would tell her what he meant:

"Sweetie, sit, I don't want your back to hurt from standing too much." He said, care and concern in his voice. She giggled while she sat down, moving her dress as she did; She looked up at him, finally taking in the fact this was all happening. He looked back at her, his eyes smouldering with passion. She played with her hair, looking down and breaking the eye contact for a second. She stared at her hands and started to fiddle with them.

"Onew..." She said, her voice soft.

He hummed a quiet "hmmm?" in reply.

She suddenly began to fidget more, a light blush covering her cheeks, nervous because of his intense stare. "U-um... I-I. I erm..."

He chuckled lightly. "Yes?" He asked.

"Um..." She said, still stuttering. "I-I. Onew I..." She continues shyly. "I love you." She finally finished, almost inaudibly.

He chuckled, telling her there was no reason for her to be nervous when saying she loves him. She wanted to reply, to shout out, tell him somehow that she never wanted to say a mere "I love you."; that she was going to inform him of something important, something that he didn't already know, something to do with her health. Unfortunately, she couldn't find the courage, just like she couldn't when she spoke, every time she did the bravery that she had brought together slowly melted away; and it disappeared, simply because of her thinking of how much what she was going to say would probably hurt him, in one way or another. She couldn't hurt him, she couldn't even think of that, never ever would she. However, as much as she didn't want to, she had to. Just... Not now. 

Onew walked over to the other side of the table and pulled out his own chair, sitting down, or rather throwing himself to the chair, somehow still with good posture. 

He stared at her from the other side of the table, lightly placing his hand on her knee, asking if she was okay with concern in his voice, but he was still somehow smiling. Amethyst quickly gained a happy expression, his concern once again making her glad she had such a caring boyfriend, and she replied by saying that she had never been better; well that was a lie, she shouted at herself internally, she had been so, so much better before-better than now at least since at the moment she was riddled with worry and fear-and if this was happening about three weeks ago her words would be true, but sadly it wasn't, and sadly, though the right thing to do, she would need to tell him; sooner or later at least.

They were silent, but not an awkward silence, the kind of comfortable silence between best friends who are curled up on the sofa, eating popcorn and watching the season finale of their favourite show. The kind of silence when you have so much to say, but at the same time you don't. The kind of silence that was light and airy, not thick or suffocating. The silence that was often between the two, the time when they dropped everything and simply admired each other.

The sound of forks was all that was heard as they began eating. They ate chicken, obviously, they both loved chicken.

After a few minutes he, once again, broke the quietness that surrounded them both, and for a while the atmosphere was filled by idle chit chat. 

They had finished eating, and they stood up, leaving everything behind; he would come back later to clear it away. They were still simply talking like strangers would, until he eventually strayed from it.

"You know I think you're beautiful, right?" He asked, the tone of his voice soft, and the simple question putting a large, surprisingly genuine, smile on her face.

She giggled lightly, the sound plastering a fond smile on his face, and replied playfully, saying: "Of course I know you think that, though I disagree, the question was if I know what you think and the answer is...Yes." She swung her hand and it brushed his, she was about to move again before he curled his hand around her's, connecting them.

He laughed, thinking it was absurd for her to believe that she wasn't gorgeous-or even pretty at that-and her long answer, and all he could wish for was that she would reply to his next question with her last four words, or simply her last; "내."

It took a few seconds for him to get his bearings together, and he tentatively said that he needed to ask her something, turning slightly and held her left hand in his right gently.

She laughed a little, replying jokingly with: "What is this, twenty questions?" And although she said this she still didn't say anything afterwards, awaiting his question. He stared at her, waiting a few seconds to see if she would talk, before taking a deep breath and letting out everything that he had thought of saying, in broken English, just as he had planned: 

"Amethyst Furnwell, I fell in love with you straight after we met, and I waited 6 months to confess my love to you. We have been together for so long, and have been through so much. I love you Amethyst. I love you so, so much, more than even chicken, which is what I was when I didn't tell you I was a trainee. I love you so much, more than anything or anyone I have ever been in contact with. Will you make me the happiest man in the entire world? Amethyst Furnwell, will you marry me?" He asked, his voice full of love and affection, and yet still nervousness. At that moment, he felt so anxious and afraid, and his mind was filled to the brim with worries, concerns and "what if"s. For a second there was darkness behind his eyes, so he blinked a lot, and his vision became clear, but now something felt... Wrong, wrong and well, frankly, negative.

She didn't answer, too shocked to do or say anything, she was totally caught off guard. Why must he ask her this now, of all times now, why not on their anniversary, their anniversary that was more than three weeks ago. It was simply... Bad timing. And she wanted to answer but she just couldn't. She couldn't answer... 

Onew stared in shock as his girlfriend's, his potential fiancée's, body crumpled and her legs gave way. She collapsed. In that split second Onew was filled with panic, but luckily he lurched forwards and caught her before she landed on the ground. He stared at her closed eyes, her pale face, the flush on her cheeks, the sweat sticking her fringe to her forehead, and most importantly, her overall unconscious body. 

When he came to his senses he fumbled in his pocket for his mobile phone, panicking more, he couldn't let her slip away. Not yet. And hopefully not ever. But definitely not yet. His hand was shaking as he held tight to his phone, and as he attempted to type in the number for the emergency services, his phone fell the the ground. He picked it up just as soon as it impacted, his screen was a little broken, but he couldn't care less. He hurriedly typed the number, so as to not waste anymore time, and fidgeted while waiting for them to answer.

"Hello, what is your emergency?"

Onew was in an almost entirely white room, a hospital room, sitting beside the unconscious form of his love and trying so hard to keep himself together, to not break down; He could not, under any circumstances, stop himself from panicking though.

Really, he couldn't help it. Honestly, although he tried to hide it, it was obvious that he was in immense pain, and who wouldn't be, seeing the person they have loved for five and a half years dying right before their eyes? Maybe some kind of psychopath, but he definitely wasn't that kind of person; yes, he certainly didn't have that kind of mental state.

He grabbed her hand, tears pouring freely down his cheeks. He stared at her pale, tired face, just wishing that those hazel eyes of hers would open. He just wanted her to be awake, alive, nothing else. He didn't care if she remembered him or not, he just wanted her to survive.

At that moment all he could think about was the memories they had shared; their meeting, him confessing, their first date-their second, third, fifth, twenty-fourth date-,their first scandal, the variety shows they were on together, their interviews. Everything. The day they had spent together, only a mere two hours ago, was perfect. He had never thought that he would lose her in this way, he had never even thought that he would ever lose her anyway, and before either died they had agreed to visit the place they had first met, at least one more time.

He remembered the day they met like it was yesterday, albeit it was five and a half years ago, and he supposed it was because that, since that moment, he had know the person that made him happier than ever before.

He continued staring at her, vague images of their times together flashing behind his eyes, and still crying he allowed himself to be absorbed by his memories.

He walked forwards in the queue, almost at the front, and after a minute he was finally behind no one, it felt like he had been waiting forever to be able to address the cashier.  

The girl behind the counter smiled, and he smiled back. She asked if he would like the usual and he replied with a nod and a "yes please". She asked if it was still a 14 piece Bargain Bucket and regular popcorn chicken, and he again replied with a nod. She told him how much to pay, and he passed the won over the table.

She continued to converse with him, though he wasn't listening, his eyes were wandering around the surroundings, when somewhere across the room he heard almost the exact same conversation he had had being replicated by a female voice. He followed the sound and saw the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. 

He was broken from his thoughts by the cashier placing his food in front of him and saying: 

"Here you go one order of a Bargain Bucket and popcorn chicken." Her voice was very chipper, and honestly it annoyed him. He wanted to get away from it, he really didn't like how obvious it was that she liked him.

He replied with a simple, and formal "Thank you", though he never tore his eyes from the girl.

Upon hearing the same order as hers, the girl he was looking at turned her head in the direction of the sound.

They locked eyes, and after they both got over their shock of being looked at, a hesitant smile formed on both of their faces.

He picked up his food, walking to a table, the last table. He sat, with his food in hand. 

When the nameless girl had been given her order, the same order as his, she scanned the room from an empty seat. Then she saw him, at the only table, and approached it. 
When she reached it she stood for a second, and he felt the presence of someone.

He suddenly heard the most melodic voice that had ever reached his ears, asking if they could sit there.

He looked up, seeing the girl that he had smiled at, and couldn't speak. He nodded silently, staring down at his meal.

She smiled brightly, though he couldn't see it, and spoke, her smile evident in her voice.

"Hello, my name is Amethyst, Amethyst Furnwell, what's yours?"

Through his tears a smile somehow appeared on his face. The facial expression was very out of place, it's honestly ironic how at such a time he had felt complete and utter happiness. He felt slightly guilty about an expression usually associated with glee gracing his features, at a time like this. But he really couldn't help it. 

He squeezed her hand gently, just hoping that she would wake up, or at least respond. Well of course neither event occurred, it seemed that today was the worst day of his life.

His tears continued raining down his face, though he tried to stop them. She wouldn't want to see him in this state, she didn't even like seeing him when he cried joyfully, much less like he was now.

Drip drip. Pause. Drip drip. Pause. Drip drip. 

His tears hit her skin now, as he leaned forward while still gripping her hand in his. The water droplets stayed on her for a moment before they rolled away onto the blanket of the hospital bed, creating wet patches. His tears still fell, still landing on her. The room was filled with the sound of water rapidly hitting skin, and to him it seemed to echo, ringing in his mind like a bell, seeming to make him fully realise what was really going on here.

Drip drip. Pause. Drip drip. Pause. Drip drip. Drip drip. Drip drip.

The room was almost completely silent, his sorrow the only sound. Well, that was until he heard a noise. It seemed to be a murmur, and he looked at the source; Amethyst. He saw that her plump lips were barely opening, slightly indecipherable mumbles being produced, passing between her lips.

"Don't cry...Onew, please..." She spoke. "Don't cry..." And as if by magic his tears were instantly hindered, dropping down at a slow tempo, before they stopped completely.

He squeezed her hand, trying very hard to hold on to the one person that he had dedicated himself to. He held his breath when her hand twitched, her cheek twitched, her eyes, , her nose, any part of her twitched, anything that wasn't depicting a motionless, unconscious body. He could see her eyes moving under her eyelids, he could see her hand moving slightly, he could see every little thing that showed that it was possible she would awake soon. He saw her lips moving as though she was going to speak, her cheeks blushing, her nose wrinkling and as he looked up he saw her hazel eyes opening. 

Wait a second, he thought, h-her eyes are opening!

He squeezed her hand tighter as her eyes gradually fluttered open. It took a while, but when her eyes were fully opened he was filled with pure, unadulterated relief. 

Amethyst's eyes wandered around the room, skimming over the figure of Onew each time they travelled across the room. When they finally landed on Onew she squinted, and uttered a single word that made him so, so happy:

"Onew..." She whispered, complete adoration in her voice.

He smiled softly, whispering back an "Hi..." in return. 

She smiled at him, as much as she could at the time. Minutes, or maybe even hours, were spent as they stared into each others' eyes. The moment was only broken when Amethyst winced, grabbing hold of her chest, as silent tears poured down her face. He gazed at her with concern, but when he heard the steady beeps of her heart monitor decreasing in tempo. He snapped his head towards the source of the slowing sounds, hurting his neck in the process, but he couldn't care less at that moment.

Onew's eyes widened when he saw her heart monitor, the beeps decreasing as every passing second went by. He, panicking, ran over to the door and called out into the quietness that covered the hallway that her heart was failing and that he needed help. He loved her for goodness sake, and he didn't think he could live without her. He returned to the room, this time simply staring at her from the end of the bed. He had tears forming in his eyes when the sound of a door opening interrupted the silence of the room.

Onew looked at the doctor who had just walked in, moving to the bedside, the tears in his eyes catching the light and glistening. The doctor looked at the chart that was on the front of the bed, before putting it back and turning to look at Onew sorrow written on his face. 

"I'm sorry sir..." The doctor said, sincerely, what he was about to say affecting him too. These two were so much in love, and it was so obvious it would be difficult for either to go on without the other, but he couldn't do anything. "I am really and truly sorry sir, but there's nothing that we can do to save your wife." Onew didn't correct him, the word wife effecting him, and not in a good way... He wanted to make her his wife but...

The doctor seeing that Onew wasn't going to say anything anytime soon, once again gave his condolences before exiting the room.

Onew sat right next to the bed that his one and only love was lying on. "Amethyst... What happened to you?" He asked her sadness lacing his voice, tears falling freely from his eyes. She felt a pain near her heart, hating to see him like this, so sad. Not even sad, more like heartbroken. And it killed her even more, knowing that she was the one who caused him to be like that. She should have told him sooner...

She attempted to beam at him so he would feel better and managed a tiny smile, no matter how painful it was she would do it for him, and although it was weak it still brightened up his day as her full on beam usually would. She answered his question in full, the pain in the left side of her chest increasing, she didn't want to tell him this..."I've be-en diag-nosed w-with an ill-illness. The doctors... have no idea w-what it is, b-bu-but i-i-t's d-deadly. Three w-weeks a-ago I-I... I was told I would have one week m-mini-minimum and four we-eks max-maximum to live. I was try...ing to be op-timi...stic b-by thinking I would survive for f-four, b-but it seems I only get three... I-I'm sorry... O-Onew... I lo-love...you. B-but... Be-fore I-I die... C-can you give m-me three la-last re-requests... Please?" 

He looked her in the eyes and nodded at her.

She smiled at him, still weakly but this smile was full of relief and acceptance, she accepted that she was going to die, as long as he would fulfil her request. "W-well... W-when I d-die, please... I-I beg of y-you... Don't be s-sad... O-okay? I won't make you p-promise, I-I know you will b-be sad, b-but I want you to... To move on okay?" She asked. He nodded at her again, and her smile became just a little brighter. She let out a tiny giggle. "Th-thank you... My second r-request is... Kiss m-me one la-last time... Please?" He nodded again and leaned in to her, placing his lips on hers and kissing her with as much love and passion as he could. She smiled into the kiss, kissing him back as much as she could in her weak state, and after 5 seconds he pulled back, knowing they had a limited amount of time left. 

They looked at each other, just like they had on their date, staring at each other directly in the eyes.

He spoke again, instead of just moving his head. "So... What's your last request?" He asked, tears evident in his voice, letting out a weak chuckle at how she could forget to tell him.

She returned the chuckle with one of her own weak laughs. She told him her last request, she had to answer his question after-all, but not the question he had just asked. "C-could yo-you ask me t-the ques-question again O-Onew?" She asked, looking deeply into his eyes.

He could tell what question she meant, and he really didn't want to ask it again... What if this time she dies before she answers? But he must, and... He needed an answer, even though she was inevitably going to die soon. He nodded at her, the pleading face she had displayed as she asked and waited for him to answer being replaced by a smile. "A-Amethyst Fu-Furnwell..." He starts, his voice wavering. "I fell in love with you straight after we met, and I waited 6 months to confess my love to you. We have been together for so long, and have been through so much. I love you Amethyst. I love you so, so much, more than even chicken, which is what I was when I didn't tell you I was a trainee. I love you so much, more than anything or anyone I have ever been in contact with. Will you make me the happiest man in the entire world? Amethyst Furnwell, w-will you marry me?" He asked in slightly broken English, just like he had before, tears falling from his eyes. He saw her heart monitor speedily reducing.

Her face lit up with a smile, looking him in the eyes; her heart hurting even more, knowing she had only a few seconds left and that after receiving her answer his heartbreak would only increase. But she had to give him a reply, didn't she? She couldn't just die and leave him to wonder about her for until he forgot about her. And so she answered him, with one simple word. A word that in any other circumstances would make him so, so happy; a word that was used so much in their everyday lives but seemed like the most important thing anyone had ever said before. That word was, although weak and broken, that word was...

"Y-Yes." She whispered, beaming, and looking down. She breathed in deeply, her smile becoming more vibrant. She turned her gaze up to the ceiling. Her heart beat was almost inexistent when he leaned in to kiss her again. She replied to his kiss a little, as much as she possibly could. He pulled away and she smiled again. Her eyes closed, the jubilant facial expression she displayed never faltering. She had to be strong for him, that's why she seemed so happy, she had to make him smile...

"I love you Amethyst, please, don't go..." He whispered, heartbreak and desperation in his voice.

And that's when he registered that the room was filled by the sound of a drawn-out beep, a flat line. He realised that when her eyes fluttered closed, they did for the last time...

I'm sorry, the solemn room seemed to whisper, I didn't mean to hurt you...

"축하해요... 많이 사랑해요... (Happy birthday... I love you so much)"

This was my first angst-ish story... I had to listen to Please, Don't Go (and a few other super sad songs like I Would, She's Gone, Haru Haru...) on loop to come up with the sad parts, random SHINee songs to come up with the start and other random K-Pop songs to write everything. I'm really sorry (sorry, sorry, sorry) if it's not very good... Oh and I am entering this in a contest! Here is the link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/791002/a-freedom-writing-contest-contest-oneshot-writingcontest
And could I have a beautiful ship name please? XD anyways, bye!

layout credit.

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Kairi291 #1
Chapter 1: So sad Selena! Unni cried! <3
791 streak #2
Good luck with it! If you need any help for English, I'm here! :)
Kairi291 #3
i love the tenth doctor reference at the end! looking forward to it!
thebiasedgirl #4
great story
This sounds super interesting!! :O btw I'm OBSESSED with Onew and Jjongys Please, Don't Go duet >.< I'll give these people an adorable shipname!! Even though I don't know the OCs name yet lol Random thought! Ever shipnamed yourself with an idol?! Me and my UB (Onew<3) make JinVy ^^ LOL