Satan's Long Lost Son!!!!

Playing Pranks

Groaning in pure distress, a certain wide eyed male bores daggers at the taller male, who is babbling nonstop about nonsense while eating his --is that consider a food?-- newly bought cafeteria food, eyes twinkling in pure bliss as his thinly red lips utter compliments about a rainbow-haired guy, whom the latter has flirted with at bar, last summer. "Goddamnit, Soo. He's hot --like dictionaries don't give justice for his hotness!!!"

"Are you sure you didn't slept with him ---"

"I wished I did, Soo" The latter's shoulder shrink slightly, a sigh of regret leaves his lip. 

Kyungsoo, for the nth time, rolls his eyes and click his tongue, annoyed. "I don't get why people view you as innocent --when in fact, you have a corrupted, wicked fantasies." He says matter-of-factly, a pair of chopstick poking his homemade Kimchi spaghetti. Sparing a glance at the taller male, sitting across him, he smiles innocently as a disbelief look appears in the latter's face. Kyungsoo has known that the latter's whole I'm innocent is nothing but a whirlpool of facade (though he doesn't know the latter's reason why), and apparently the older male is seemingly a good actor --he is effin nailing whatever he's doing. 

"Kyungsoo, you . Lower your goddamn voice --someone might hear you." Luhan rudely presses his index finger into Kyungsoo's plump lips, leaning too closely to his space. 

"Hey --you two. Get a freaking room, will you."

Uninvited, deep, velvety voice echoes, Luhan and Kyungsoo's attention immediately snap to wherever the voice comes from. They, soon, come face-to-face with a tall, sun-kissed man with a blonde locks, who is eyeing them with a blank expression yet his mischievous smirk says otherwise.

The latter slowly invites himself inside the abandoned classroom, where Luhan and Kyungsoo are at, currently displaying a scene that may/not be seen as innocent in a certain man's eyes. He whistles lowly as his eyes racking back and forth at their current position: Luhan has a finger press into Kyungsoo's lip, a stain of red paints the corner of his lip visibly yet not too obvious, leaned in. While Kyungsoo is slightly leaned back, press against the wooden chair he's sitting into, flushed. Realizing they are being look at, the two instantly scatter away, Luhan sits back to his place and clears his throat awkwardly. Kyungsoo, on the other hand, glares at the uninvited man.

"Mind joining me in?" The latter asks playfully, tone figure presses back against the wall, hands snugly stuck into his ripped jeans' pocket, and smirks devislishly.

Kyungsoo squints his eyes, irises burning red. "I don't do , dear. Nor I will willingly sleep with a useless jerk."

The taller man eyes Kyungsoo, amusedly. Chuckling lowly, he walks slowly towards the shorter male. Kyungsoo, smelling the other's challenge, stands up and looks at the man in front of him challengingly. "Really? We'll see about that, Soo." 

The blonde-haired man slowly lifts Kyungsoo's chin, eyes staring into his soul.

"A jerk will always have es flaunt around him, Soo. Always."

Kyungsoo merely shrugs off the latter's remark, the way he has indirectly stated him as a , In fact, Kyungsoo is, indeed, a --a conservative one, for sure. "You are reffering to uneducated, ty es, right Kamjjong. Besides, a jerk -like you-- has always been seen with them. So really, what's new? --nothing." Standing on his tiptoes, Kyungsoo blows hot-air into the latter's air, plump lips painfully grazing the male's ear. Satisfied with the male's quietness, slowly, he moves away from the man's brick form. Smiling so innocently, Kyungsoo's doe eyes stare at man, innocence surrounding those orbs with such intensity. "Fact, Mr. Kim --that's a fact."

Kyungsoo passes by him, but a firm hand holds his wrist tightly, stopping him. "Well, then baby. I'll let you witness history being turn upside down."

And of course, before Kyungsoo throws a snarky remark his brain has randomly though of, the jerk has already left, leaving a sharp atmosphere dangerously glowering in the room. 


Luhan's obnoxiously pitch tone pierces Kyungsoo's nerve.


Kyungsoo should have known better not to annoy the living crap out of the tanned male.

Because the male does infuriatingly depressing revenge when his nerves are itching to kill him.

And now, for the gazillion times in his eighteen years of boring existenc, Kyungsoo is left alone cleaning his locker --for the nth time. Since the school has started, which is just recently-- stained by unknown sticky, gross substance. Oh not only he is staying to clean the man's mess, but earlier he, during physed, is paired up with satan's son. Guess what has happened? Kyungsoo and Kkamjong (mind you, that name, he's given the male, has had earned him full credibility, back in kindergarten. Heck his manly pride was steaming that day when the male was purely agitated because everyone started calling him by that name.) have --again-- gotten into a sticky situation, where Mr. Lee, the goddamn, hot physed teacher, has to literally pried them off from each other --it's not really surprising as they somehow always get themselves into that stage, and sometimes beyond that. Which basically involves a pack of students just to stop them from killing each other (which is again is a sign of their normality. Because if they, for some scary reason, had not threat to stab one another --that is where everyone should go home and beg for Heaven's mercy.)--and send them off to detention during lunch. Come on, don't even ask him what happened their --it's not surprising after all. Groaning, Kyungsoo sluggishly wipes whatever-this-substance is off with a Kleenex, chain of unholy phrases escape his mouth. 

"Damn that jerk. I hope he'll get bald. I would, someday, castrate that jerk and fed his junk to piranha --oh no. Why don't I just push him to a river full of demonic piranha and let them handle him? Geez."

A cynical grin creeps into Kyungsoo's lip, the painfully vivid imagery runs quickly in his brain. The sight of the taller being savagely eaten by piranhas excites his nerves, reminding him of how badly he wants him to suffer --heck Kyungsoo has long lived, for eighteen years, going through Kkamjong's insanely mind-wrecking pranks-- and at least reverse their current situation: in which he will be the one making the man's already-miserable life painstakingly run into the wilderness of cruelty. Unfortunately, Kkamjong, ever since their so-called war even started, has been the war's controller of events --it's like Hitler's soul goes to his body. Thus the way the male has been acting, since fetus days, is just deeply insane. Yes, for sure. Kyungsoo's snarky comebacks (and endless teasing) surprisingly has a bad effect --in which he's gained pride for and, heck, at least he makes the male annoyed at some point-- in the male's mood, thus the evidence is clearly seen: Kyungsoo tastes satan's son's wrath. Surprise. Surprise.

"What does satan hate the most?" Kyungsoo mumbles unconsciously to himself

"Good person."

Kyungsoo has never jumped ten feet high. Never. The poor, startle guy whips his head to the unfamiliar voice. Holy mother of Christ. Really, wherever he goes, bad luck has always been beside him. Great.

"S--sorry. W-what?" Stuttering like a foolish high school girl, Kyungsoo shyly fiddles his finger, embarrassment clearly is written into his forehead, in bold, capital letters.

"Good person. I guess that's satan's nightmare." 

Kyungsoo looks at (slighty) tall male, in front of him, confusedly. The male is smiling charmingly down at him, a cute dimple in the male's right cheek winks at him friendly. A tinge of pink blossoming in his cherubic face, Kyungsoo then wonders for how long has God crafted such a downright handsome male. Realizing the male's response, Kyungsoo inwardly smacks himself for being shamelessly loud (no pun intended) about voicing his thoughts, which is not really foreign to him because its one of his weird habits. Kyungsoo doesn't know what to do. He feels like Kyungsoo has not buried inside him. Where the hell the cunningly obnoxious, y Kyungsoo goes?


Kyungsoo, now, feels how Bolt must have felt after sprinting like crazy!


  Groaning, Kyungsoo heaves a sigh of relief, lungs hurt like hell after running like a craze mad man. Wiping the droplets of sweat forming in his forehead, Kyungsoo's orbs travel everywhere, looks like he's saved himself from embarrassment again. The gorgeous male, who Kyungsoo has never seen around the campus before, yet he dragged himself into a hole of mocking humiliation, looks awfully familiar. He's darn well certain he may or may not have seen him before-- his gut is telling him, and he knows better to believe it because it's been proven right-- which sounds really impossible. But he is sure --or his guts are, not him. But still. Shrugging his shoulders, Kyungsoo walks slowly and inhales, "Gee, Do Kyungsoo. You're just d--"

A screeching sound of tires scratching the pavement startles the poor, wide eyed male. Kyungsoo, instinctively, plants his bum in the pavement, knees buckle close to his chest and, gasping for air, head is placed between his knees. Kyungsoo is clearly mortified. Heck, he almost gets killed! Biting his lips, he stays in his current position still, while a chain of prayer leaves his lips. 

Kyungsoo feels a walking presence coming toward him. Yet he refuses to face his killer (okay that is harsh of him.), a dark silhoutte towers him, soon Kyungsoo feels the stranger's hand carefully patting his head. Unconsciously (he blames the warmness seeping in through it) Kyungsoo nuzzles his head into the stranger's warm hand.

"Hey, are you okay --I know you are not 'cause I almost get you killed! But are you hurt, anywhere?"

Instead of verbally answering the man, Kyungsoo merely shakes his head. 

"Are you sure? C'mon. Hold my hand, I'll help you get up, kid."


Kyungsoo hears a somewhat familiar voice shouting, and he is deadly sure it is from someone whom he's been wanting to eradicate. But being the stubborn that he is, he does nothing but completely stay still and listen to their conversatiot n.

"Just get back in the car, Kai." Kyungsoo has not heard a male named Kai. So may be his ears are playing with him. Or maybe he's mistaken the male's voice to someone he's been murdering ever since he was born.

Kyungsoo feels someone harshly poking his side, and hears the man mumbles. "Man, you killed the poor kid"

"Hey. Can you at least speak?"

"OUCCHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Kyungsoo cries, face contorted with pain, he throws daggers at the man who, not only, pinched his side harshly and also kicked him.

Kyungsoo comes face-to-face with the most horrible person he has ever known of.

"Gee. You were lucky I wasn't the one driving." Smirking, the whom Kyungsoo has grown hatred for folds his hands in his chest, a mocking smile tugs at the latter's thick lips.

Kyungsoo's eyes twitch in annoyance, scowling. "Gee. Thank god, you weren't. As far as I know you are illiterate."

"The last time I checked, I'd just read a poem in English earlier loudly -" He casually strides toward Kyungsoo, who is crouching in the pavement. He bends on the same level as the shorter male, leaning until their faces are awfully almost touching, much to Kyungsoo's disgust. "-and the last time I check, I was not the one who has asked to read loudly and ended up stuttering."

Kyungsoo's face flush in embarassment, but that does not stop him from spitting a snarky comeback to the tan male. "Since when does  stuttering fall into being illiterate?"

A sudden throat learing coming from a stranger fills in the heavy tension Kyungsoo and Jongin have, both male's glaring contest has been interrupted by the sudden cough. 


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REVISED CHAPTER ONE is FINALLY UP NOW (which has taken me eternity to finish). Though grammatical errors, spelling and whatnot are inevitable; just ignore them.


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Chapter 4: i have never read a fanfic where Kyungsoo and Jongin hated each other, it is funny, i want moreeee
taeganger799101 #2
Chapter 4: This is so damn cute and funny haha!!! I like it :)
Chapter 4: looooooooooooooooooooooooool xD
Chapter 4: Oh hell if I were Kyungsoo I would of kicked him the balls to get them clothes or stay like I was and go to sleep I ain't saying please please my
Chapter 3: updateuuuu
Chapter 3: I love this story update soon XD
Endika #7
Chapter 2: I love love-hate stories! Great Jon author-nim!