
a high school love

    Irene sighs, looking at the message Seulgi texted her. Apparently, the subway’s closed for some sort of construction and Irene’s on her own since the other teacher is out with the flu and they can’t carpool for the next couple of days. Why did she have to wear heels today?


    “Irene!” a voice calls out. The teacher looks behind her to see Joy, still dressed in her Judo uniform riding towards her on a bike.


    “What happened to calling me teacher?” Irene asks, eyebrow raised.


    Joy shoots her a cheeky grin. “We’re not in school anymore,” she replies, pointing out the fact that they were indeed not in school, but instead two metres outside of it. “So what’s up?”


    “Nothing,” comes Irene’s short reply as she leaves Joy behind, heels clacking on the cement.


    “Ah, are you walking to the subway station? I heard it’s closed for construction,” Joy rambles on, slowly riding beside the teacher. Irene decides to ignore her, instead focusing on how much her feet would ache by that evening. Joy continues riding beside her for the next couple of blocks before she decides to cut Irene off, blocking her with the bike.


    “What now?” Irene says in exasperation.


    “Hey pretty lady,” Joy jokingly addresses her. “You ready for the ride of your life?”


    “No,” Irene responds flatly, walking away unimpressed. If this kid was going to try and woo her, she should at least do it in a less juvenile way.


    “But seriously though,” Joy continues, riding beside her once again. “You’re wearing heels and you live far away. You’re going to get hurt, so let me help you out just this once.”


    Irene sharply turns to look at Joy, who jolts her bike to a stop in response. “How do you know where I live?” she asks heatedly.


    Joy blinks in confusion before laughing. “We live in the same building and I saw you once when I was checking the mail. You don’t have to worry about me being a stalker.”


    “Oh,” Irene mumbles back in embarrassment, face heating up.


    “So come on,” Joy says, patting the back seat of her bike. “Get on. It’ll be romantic- like those dramas.”


    “It’s a traffic violation. If those dramas were real, everyone would be arrested.”


    “Oh.” Joy visibly deflates.




    "Well," Joy starts again, eyebrows furrowed, "I could at least do something for you." Irene, while grateful for how considerate Joy is, shrugs and continues to walk away. The kid was starting to become more of a nuisance than a help. "Ah!" the student exclaims loudly, getting off her bike and running towards Irene. "Here," Joy says, taking off her shoes and placing them in front of Irene. "I know they're a bit big but it's better than having those heels chafe your ankles, right?" Before Irene has a chance to refuse them, Joy cuts in, "Please don't take it as a chance for me to try and get you to fall for me; take it as an act from a concerned person looking after someone who doesn't seem to have too much concern for herself." The girl shoots her a playful smile before turning more serious. "So please take them."



    “Irene!” a voice calls out the following day. The teacher turns around to look and instantly regrets it. Joy rides toward her, furiously pedaling alone on a two-seat bike. The student stops in front of her and gestures to the bike in a ‘ta-da’ motion. “Look! It’s not a traffic violation!” Joy proclaims proudly.



    ‘But it is embarrassing,’ Irene thinks to herself, face-palming. She decides to pretend not to know her, ignoring Joy’s calls, and takes a more difficult- a steeper- route back home. When she realizes she hasn’t heard the soft clicking of the bicycle tires for a while, Irene looks back (‘not out of worry,’ she drills into herself) to see Joy leaning against the bike, chest heaving and beads of sweat trailing down her jawline. Irene hesitates for a moment, biting her lip in thought, before huffing and stomping back down to Joy. “Stupid,” she scolds once she reaches the younger girl. “It’s a two-seat bike; why are you pedaling it by yourself like an idiot?" She reaches into her purse and pulls out a handkerchief. Joy stares up at Irene in wonderment as the teacher tenderly wipes away her sweat. Irene then proceeds to shove the cloth into Joy’s clammy hand before looking away, the tips of her ears bright red. Glaring at Joy, Irene sneers that, “You’re lucky I’m wearing pants today,” and gets onto the second seat of the bike. The entire time, Joy just stares at Irene in pleasant surprise, a bright smile tugging at the corners of her lips.





    Irene realizes that she deeply regrets giving in to Joy as she rides on the two-seat bike with her head down, face blushing from all of the curious stares the two are getting, and shrinks further back into herself once she starts thinking about how weird this must look to everyone around them.


    “This ,” Joy sighs, looking back at Irene with a cute pout on her face. “I thought it’d be a lot more romantic than this.”


    ‘You damn brat,’ Irene mentally seethes, ‘I’m about to have a heart attack out of embarrassment over here and you’re whining about how this isn’t romantic enough?’


    “Irene,” Joy calls over her shoulder, interrupting the older girl’s mental rant, “Can you just humor me and, like, put your arms around my waist or something?” Irene gives a sigh in exasperation but figures that the best way to shut the kid up is to just do what she says, so she reaches her arms out front. And blushes as her arms are too short to do anything except brush against the flap of Joy’s Judo uniform. At the feeling of Irene’s hands grazing the back of her uniform, Joy looks back and laughs at the reddening teacher. “I can’t believe your arms are too short to reach me!”


    “Just keep your eyes on the road,” Irene growls, her face heating up more and more as Joy’s laugh gets increasingly louder. Offended at how Joy is laughing at her, Irene decides to prove her wrong, desperately grabbing for the student’s waist. ‘Aha!’ she thinks to herself victoriously as she manages to successfully grab the flap of Joy’s uniform. The feeling of victory soon fades into mortification as she once again realizes how weird this must look to everyone else. Irene keeps her head down in shame for the rest of the ride home. But for some reason, she doesn’t let go of Joy’s uniform.




    Irene sighs as she watches the rain pour down from the sky, cold droplets spattering heavily at her heeled feet. She should really start checking the news. “Teacher!” Joy calls out from behind her. “Did you forget your umbrella?” Seeing no reason to lie (and secretly hoping that Joy had brought hers that day so Irene wouldn’t have to get her new outfit wet), Irene shyly nods, a light pink dusting her cheeks. “Whoa, me too!” Never mind. Irene groans helplessly and looks out at the rain. Well, it looks like she’ll have to sacrifice the purse she “borrowed” from Seulgi. Irene thinks of them as now even, considering how the other teacher ditched her and left early to go make out with that intern from the hospital she hooked up with that one time she got the flu. “But my Judo jacket is pretty thick. Do you want to use that?” At Irene’s curious look, Joy begins to take off her jacket. “Ah.” Irene sighs when she sees Joy stuck within the confines of her jacket, one arm half out of the sleeve and sticking up ungracefully while the collar forces her head into an awkward position. Irene leaves her there.




    “This is romantic, right?” Joy cheerfully asks as she holds her Judo jacket over the both of them, the freezing rain slowly seeping through the thick cloth. Irene looks over and flinches back a bit once she realizes how close their faces were.


    “You smell,” Irene mumbles, turning her head away as if the smell was too much for her. (In reality, all she can notice is the sweet scent of the rain and the warmth radiating off of the girl next to her.) While Joy worriedly sniffs various parts of her body, Irene presses a hand to her flushed cheek and curses herself.




    Irene stops in her steps the moment she passes by the open door to the gym. She cranes her head to get a better view, biting her lip. The Judo team usually practices around this time; it wouldn’t hurt to take a look, she convinces herself as she moves closer.


    On a blue mat, Joy and a boy ten centimetres taller than her circle each other, bandaged hands outstretched and ready. In a split second, Joy throws her body into the boy and flips the both of them onto the mat, the girl landing on top of the other student. The team members surrounding them clap as Joy helps the other boy up, both of them grinning at each other. Something moves in the corner of Joy’s eye and she looks to the doorway of the gym just in time to see a woman- a teacher- quickly walk away, heels clacking through the quiet hallway. ‘Was that Irene?’




    The tap water runs rapidly as Irene splashes her face again and again as if trying to desperately wash away these feelings, to wake herself up from these foolish emotions. She grips the sides of the sink and glares at herself in the mirror, trails of water slipping down her face. “Don’t you dare fall for her, Bae Joohyun,” Irene whispers to her reflection. The threat echoes loudly in the empty bathroom. “Don’t you dare.”


    “Teacher!” Irene turns around to see a student, all glasses and trembling limbs, hand her a small box of chocolates with a love letter soaked in perfume, before leaving. She sighs. This is the 27th time this past hour; don’t these kids have better things to do than to confess to her? Like study? She stuffs them into her drawer, along with the rest of the ever-growing pile of chocolates stashed in there. Valentine’s Day really is the worst.


    “Hey, do you need help?” Joy greets her after school once she sees Irene trying to carry the teetering pile of Valentine chocolates she got. The athlete takes Irene’s grunt as an affirmation and takes about half of the pile into her own arms. “Did you have a nice Valentine’s Day there, stud?” Joy asks, playfully winking at her while placing the chocolate into her gym bag.


    Irene rolls her eyes, shoving the rest of the chocolate inside Joy’s bag. “As if. Valentine’s Day can be so irritating sometimes.” Joy stays silent for the rest of the way home.




    “That’s the last of it,” Joy says, setting the last of the chocolate onto Irene’s coffee table. “Wow! I can’t believe you invited me home on Valentine’s Day. I must be special,” she jokes, cheekily grinning at Irene’s sneer.


    “Here,” Irene mumbles, shoving some random boxes of chocolate into Joy’s arms.


    “Irene!” Joy exclaims in an overly-dramatic scandalized tone. “What kind of lady do you think I am?”


    Irene sighs in exasperation before insistently pushing the boxes towards Joy. “Consider it a thank you gift. It’s not like I want the-”


    “Don’t,” Joy interjects, all playfulness gone from her expression. Irene looks at her in surprise. “You shouldn’t,” the girl trails off, sighing. “You shouldn’t treat other people’s feelings so carelessly,” Joy whispers hoarsely. She sets the chocolate boxes softly on the table once again before leaving.




    Irene knocks on Joy’s door, a pink box wrapped with a white bow tight in her grip. “Hey,” she greets softly the moment Joy opens the door. She smiles gently at how the student’s hair is disheveled from being woken up too early. Joy shoots her a bleary smile and tilts her head to the left in curiosity, gesturing to the box in Irene’s hands. “Oh! Um,” Irene stutters, shyly holding out the box. “They’re chocolates; I made them last night.” The teacher pauses, blinking nervously “I-I’m sorry I treated your confession so carelessly. So please accept my sincere apology.”


    Joy shakes her head. “Please don’t do this,” she croaks out, backing away from the door. “You can’t do this to me. Because if you do- if you keep on being nice to me- I might actually believe that you like me back,” she whispers, scoffing out a pitiful laugh. Irene's mouth opens and closes repeatedly. What was she supposed to do in this moment? Say sorry? Leave? 


    Irene’s aching heart beats louder and louder in her chest as she reaches out for Joy’s hand, gently grabbing it before upturning it. She places the small box softly in Joy’s hand before looking up to meet her shocked gaze. Irene doesn’t say anything as she runs and runs away- from Joy, from herself, from the fact that she sinfully fell in love with a student.



    “How did you find me?” Irene asks, glancing at Seulgi leaning against the worn doorway, before looking back up against the sky.


    “Because I know you too well,” Seulgi replies, walking up to Irene and leaning against the railing with her.


    “Then can you tell me why I feel this way?” Irene mumbles. She drapes an arm over her eyes and sighs.


    “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on?”

    Irene looks up at Seulgi and bites her lip in hesitation. This is Seulgi. Seulgi. The one person who has been there for her since the very beginning; the one person she can always and will always trust. Irene opens . “I-I. I think I fell in love with a student,” she confesses, voice creaking with stress.


    Seulgi turns to look at her with widened eyes. “Irene!” she exclaims in shock.


    “I know,” the teacher interjects . “And I rejected her the first time she confessed to me but then she rented a two-seat bike and I felt bad and it just snowballed from there!”


    Seulgi stares at her blankly. “A two-seat bi-,” she starts asking in confusion before shaking  her head. “That’s besides the point. Who is it?”


    Irene groans before turning around to look out at the city. She huffs out in frustration and buries her face in her hands. “Park Sooyoung.” comes the muffled reply.


    Seulgi’s tense shoulders lower in relief. “Oh, that’s good,” she begins, making Irene look at her curiously “I thought you meant you fell in love with a high school student.”


    “I-isn’t she?” comes the confused response.


    “No,” Seulgi says, shooting Irene a judgemental look. “She’s a college student.”


    Irene jolts up in shock. “Wait, what?!


    “You mean you thought she was a high school student the entire time?” Seulgi asks, breaking out into laughter. “I mean, I know she looks young, but wow!”


    “B-but she said she was on the Judo team!” Irene counters, head spinning from the revelation.


    “Yeah,” Seulgi says as she tries to catch her breath. “As the advisor. Man, I still can’t believe that yo-’ she’s cut off as Irene bolts for the stairs. “That girl seriously needs to stop jumping to conclusions,” Seulgi chuckles to herself, looking up at the blue sky.




    Irene runs down the stairs, skipping every other step, and doesn’t stop running until she reaches the gym where the Judo team practices. “Hey!” Joy greets her with a smile after flipping a guy onto his back. “What are you doi-” she’s cut off as Irene grabs her uniform to pull her closer and desperately slams their lips together. Their lips meld together awkwardly- as do they- but Irene can feel Joy’s hand gently coming up to cup her cheek and the warmth radiating from it, and everything feels so so good.


    “Um,” someone coughs awkwardly. Irene jolts back to reality to see everyone in the gym staring at them, jaws unhinged.


    “Oh. S-sorry.”


    Joy laughs.


A/N: Because dating a minor as an adult is illegal, y'all. It's a bit cheesy because I'm only good at writing humor and not actual emotions. Sorry about that. It came about because I wanted to do the bike scene (inspired by Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun).

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soshivelvetM #1
Chapter 1: This story is so cute 🥰
Chapter 1: I want to keep it on my pocket it's so cute! UwU
Thanks for the cute JoyRene story author-nim!
Chapter 1: i love this story~
Chapter 1: Soooo cuteee and funny hahaha thanks for writing this! ;)
dkdldb #5
Chapter 1: Cute joyrene
uwu old but gold
Chapter 1: this is such a cutie fic >∆<
dumpling5 #8
Chapter 1: This is mad cute. Love me some fluff joyrene. You can't go wrong with that. Thank you for writing this!