I'm Cheating on You with Life

Ji Eun’s POV::


One the next morning, I was beyond tired. My body felt sore and weak and my eyelids felt heavy. To make it worse, my mind felt as tired as if it was the night before exam days. The curtains were already drawn open and the sunshine was pouring into my room. Sunshine. I took out my secret notebook and wrote ‘sunshine’ down in the list that was titled ‘What I will miss’. So far I had; ramen, Kpop, flowers, candy, sushi/kimbap, samgyupsal, water, frogs, birds, bird poop, piggy banks, and nail polish. Sighing, I put away my notebook and got off the bed. I slowly went into the bathroom and locked the door as I took a very long shower. After my warm shower, I changed into a casual white t-shirt and some gray sweat pants and went to lay on my bed. It was only 10, meaning I skipped breakfast and now I’ll have to wait for lunch. I swallowed the medicine that was left on my nightstand and walked out of my room.

I usually visited the floor with cancer patients. I really love the kids there, they’re so bright and joyful. I have met many kids before but there was this kid that I had met 2 months ago that I really connected with. Her name is Minny. She has short black hair and these really chubby cheeks that makes me tempted to pinch them every time I see her. She is only 7 years old and she was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago. She’s a fighter as you can see and I love that about her.

I went into her room and found her drawing in her book at the table. She looked up once she saw me walk in and grinned at me.

“Jieun!!” She dropped her color pencils and ran to hug me. I hugged her back tightly before releasing her so I could look at her. She has fallen very ill lately and it worries me to death.

“How are you feeling?” I asked as I fixed her slightly messy hair.

“I’m doing great! Guess what? I’m not losing much hair anymore!” she said excitedly  as she took off her pink hat. She has lost a lot of hair and now she has only a little amount left. I smiled and nodded.

“That’s good!” I said. My hair was also falling out but since I didn’t have to do chemo every day now, it stopped coming off.

“I also drew you a picture!” She runs back to her table and grabs a sheet of paper before running back. I grinned and took it from her. It looked like a picture of me.

“Awwh. Thank you so much, Minny!” I hugged her again with a bright smile. She dragged me to the little table and gave me color pencils to draw with and a piece of paper to draw on. I didnt have amazing drawing skills but I think it was good enough to tell what I was drawing. I picked up some colors and begin drawing a photo of Minny.

After drawing the photo, I gave it to her. She looked at the piece of paper and she grinned so bright, it was like staring at the sun. “Thank you, Jieun Unnie! I love it so much!” She said and she made a heart with her hands before gigglying. Then all of a sudden, she frowned and became sad.

“Wh-what’s wrong, Minny?” I asked worriedly. She looked at me with these sad eyes. I looked back at her, feeling my heart breaking into pieces by just staring at her expression. Something was wrong..

“I’m going to miss you when I’m gone…” She whispered softly.

“When you’re- what?” I asked, trying not to shake my voice.

“I heard my mom and my doctor talking the other day... and they were saying that I was... dying... Am I really going to die? I don’t want to die, unnie…” She mumbled as she looked at the ground. I quickly bent down and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly against me.

“You- you’re not going to die, silly goose.” I said as my lips quivered.

“Yes I am..” Tears were now coming down Minny’s cheeks and they were soaking onto my shirt.

“Don’t say that.. You’re perfectly healthy. You said you werent losing hair anymore so t-that means you’re healthy...” I said as I pulled back from the hug to give her a reassuring nod. Then Minny’s mom came in and asked what’s wrong when she noticed Minny crying.

“Umma, I’m dying right? I’m going to die right?” Minny cried.

“What? Minny, don’t say that.” She slowly came closer as I moved back slightly to give them a bit of space. Minny looked up at her mom and slowly backed away.

“You said so! I heard you and the doctor saying I’m going to die soon! Umma! I don’t want to die! I want to become big like Ji Eun-ah and pretty like her. I want to become a singer and meet my oppas! Why would the doctor say I am going to die? I don’t want to die!” She screamed at her mom.

“Minny! I didn’t say that. Please.. Don’t say that.” Her mom said calmly with these tired eyes. I turned to face Minny, gulping.

“Minny, you shouldnt say that. Your mom didn’t say that. I.. I was there too! You heard it wrong. She said that she would feel like.. dying if you- uhmm- didn’t get better.” I said as I glanced at Minny’s mom who looked at my with a very confused face.

“Really?” Minny asked as she wiped her tears with her forearm.

“Of course! So you better get better and make your mom happy, okay?” I smiled at her at Minny as I gently patted her head. A smile crawled onto Minny’s face as she nodded.

“Alright! Umma,l I’m so sorry! Don’t worry! I will make sure to get better and fight these bad germs! Hwaiting!” She said at her mom. I got up and turned to Minny’s mom with a polite smile.

“I have to get going now. It’s already 1 and I need to do some stuff.” She nodded as I walked out of the room.

“Wait, Jieun-ah.” I turned around, looking at her.

“Thank you. Thank you for saying what you said back there. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know what to do. Thank you so much.” She said as she held onto my hand. I smiled at her and nodded.

“It’s okay, really. I just dont want to get her upset, you know?” I said. She nodded tiredly.

“Jieun-ah, how are you feeling nowadays?” She asked. I bit on my lower lip. It’s best if I don’t lie, it’s not going to do me any good anyways.

“2 months.” I said weakly.

“Till you get released?” She asked.

“Till I die.” I replied with a weak smirk. Her eyes then widened with worry and she hugged me tightly.

“I’m so sorry. I wish there is something I can do..” She whispered.

“As long as you take good care of Minny, then it’s all good.” I said with a soft smile. She nodded. We said our goodbyes and then I left.

I went up to my room and got bored again. It was only 1:16 and Hyosung wasn’t going to come till 5. There was nothing for me to do so I went online on my laptop. I checked all my updates and watched some new music videos. Even if I was dying, that didnt mean I couldnt fangirl on idols, right?

Around 2, I had to go get my daily shot in the special exam room. I get at least 2-3 shots per day and they didnt hurt anymore since I was so used to them. I went downstairs and checked me in at the table. After waiting 7 minutes, I finally went in.

“Annyeong..” I said politely as I sat on the chair.

“Annyeong Jieun-ah… how are you feeling?” the doctor asked.

“ehh…” I mumbled. She quickly gave me my shot and I went back upstairs. Now it was 2:30. Urgh, I was so bored.

I felt a wave of dizziness come to me so I went to lay down again. This one was worse than yesterday’s and it lasted for a few minutes. I took my phone out and texted me little brother, Jang Woo.


TO: Jang Woo

FR: Ji Eun

SUB: no sub

can you cheer me up with your gags?

TO: Ji Eun

FR: Jang Woo

SUB: Re: no sub

Of course! There were 10 fishes. 3 drowned. How many are left?


TO: Jang Woo

FR: Ji Eun

SUB: Re: Re: no sub



TO: Ji Eun

FR: Jang Woo

SUB: Re: Re: Re: no sub

Wrong! Fishes don’t drown! Hahaha!


I laughed and now felt better. I always went to my brother when I was feeling sad or upset.

TO: Jang Woo

FR: Ji Eun

SUB: Re: Re: Re: Re: no sub

Thanks! I feel so much better now. I miss you brother.


TO: Ji Eun

FR: Jang Woo

SUB: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: no sub

No problem! I miss you too and I hope you get better Ji Eun-ah! I have to go now!


I smiled and put away my phone. I was getting tired so I took a long nap. Once I woke up, it was already 4:45. I smiled because Hyosung was going to be here soon. I got up and went through my closet. After minutes of throwing clothes everywhere, I couldnt find anything appropriate for clubbing. I had nothing cute nor y to wear. Everything was just pants, sweats, shirts, tank tops, etc. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

“Jieun!” I heard Hyosung’s voice behind me. I turned around and pouted at her.

“I got nothing to wear.” I whined.

“Don’t worry! I bought you a dress!” She said as she held a bag to me. I grinned and took it from her, taking out the items in the bag and poured them onto the bed. There was a maroon colored dress, a leather jacket, and black leggings. It was really cute and just what I wanted.

“Will this even match me?” I asked as I held the dress against my body, staring at the mirror. I haven’t worn this kind of dress for a while. It has thick straps and it cut in the middle on my thighs.

“Totally! Here, I also bought you black boots, too.” She handed me another bag. I gladly took the bag from her and smiled at her. She was the best.

“Oh my god Hyosung, you are the freaking best! Im gonna go change now.” I said as I headed for the bathroom to change.

When I came out, I felt and looked great. Me and Hyosung went to look at ourselves in the mirror. Hyosung was wearing a dress just like mine but instead of the maroon color, it was cheetah print which matched Hyosung so well. Hell, we both looked hot as hell.

After applying on makeup and doing our hair, we finally left the hospital and went to Hyosung’s car.

“Do you think anyone will talk to us?” I asked as I fixed my lipstick in the mirror.

“Totally! You are smoking hot today, baby girl!” She said. I chuckled softly while shaking my head.

“Really? Have you seen yourself, Hyo? You’re so y in that dress. If I was a guy, I’d so hit on you.” I grinned. She laughed.

Once we got there, we got valet parking and we went inside. The music was pumping loud and there were many people there. And of course, many hot guys. I saw a couple guys winking at me and Hyosung which boosted up my confidence level.

“You sure this is okay?” Hyosung asked me.

“Totally!” I shouted over the music. We made our way through the crowd and went to the front. We were behind a couple people though but it was okay. We started jumping and dancing to the music, having the time of our lives.

“Hello ladies and gentlemen. We all know why you guys came here today! So let’s hear is for DOUBLE SHOT!!!” The man with the microphone said. Everyone then cheered as these guys came out. There were about 5 guys. One was a drummer, two were guitarists, and two were rappers. Typical, I thought. As the music started, there was more screaming and jumping around us. Even though me and Hyosung don’t know who these people were, we followed through with the crowd.

After 4 songs, me and Hyosung went to the back to rest at the tables. The band also took a break from performing.

“I am so happy right now. This is so fun. I haven’t done this in awhile.” I said breathlessly with a happy grin.

“I am so happy right now too. This is so much fun! And all the guys that asked for my number, phew.” Hyosung smirked.

“Hi pretty ladies, may I offer you a drink?” Said a random guy who suddenly walked up to us. He looked around the age 23 and he had sunglasses on too. Creepy, no?

“No thanks.” We both said politely, hoping he would skip off but that obviously didnt work.

“Awhh, come on, beautifuls. Don’t be like that!” He said. He then turned around and grabbed some drinks and turned back to us.

“Here you go! It’s on me.” He said as he handed it to me. I looked at Hyosung nervously, chewing on my lower. I wasn’t supposed to drink any alcohol since I was eating medicine and besides, I didnt want to drink anything coming from this creepy jerk. I gulped and Hyosung looked worried. I could tell that she knew what I was thinking.

“No thanks.” She said to the guy again, an annoyed look on her face.

“Just drink it!” He agressively said.

“No ing thank you.” Hyosung said firmly. We both got up from the table and started to walk away but stopped when I felt someone grab onto my arm.

“Yah!” I shouted as I turned to look at the person, who just happened to be the same jerk.

“I said drink.” He glared at me. I winced from the pain as he was gripping tightly onto my wrist. Hyosung tried dragging me away but that just made him gripp harder.

“Oww! What the hell??” I whimpered.

“Drink I said!” He now shouted. I was scared yet pissed off. I just wanted his hands off me but I didnt have enough strength to.

“Yah! You can’t force a girl to drink when she doesn’t want to!” A different guy suddenly spoke up. He had this really bright red hair and he looked somewhat really familiar. Wait a minute.. wasn’t he the rapper with the really deep y voice from on stage?

“Yah Yongguk, mind your own ing business.” The guy said to him bitterly. The he faced me. “Drink.”

“No!” I shouted, trying to pull away from him. The jerk then raised his hand with the shot glass to my mouth but before it reached my mouth, it was knocked out of his hands and onto the floor.

“Bong Goo! I warned you. Now you have to leave.” The red hair guy said firmly.

“Yah Yong Guk! You can’t do this to me!” He shouted. “Im your hyung!”

“Leave. Now. Before I tell the security to move you.” He said, glaring into the jerk’s eyes.

“Fine, fine! I’m leaving.” He said as he gave me a dirty look and released my wrist. I took a deep breath as I rubbed my wrist, frowning.

“Jieun, are you okay??” Hyosung whispered. I nodded in reply. We turned around so we could leave but then I heard a deep voice behind me.

“Hey!” He said. I turned around and came face to face with the red hair guy. My eyes fell onto his face and let me tell you this, he was one of the most handsome man I have ever saw. His face expression was soft and his gaze burned into mine.

“Are you okay?” He asked as he glanced at my wrist. I nodded and smiled weakly.

“I’m Bang Yongguk.” He held out his arm at me. I looked at Hyosung who just shrugged with a wide grin. I placed my hand into his and shook it firmly. It was really soft, I noticed.

“I’m Song Jieun.” I said with a polite smile.

“It’s nice to meet you.” He said. “I’m very sorry about that guy before. He’s always here, making trouble but he’s my uncle’s friend so I cant do much about it.” He looked behind him and frowned.

“It’s okay, really. It doesnt hurt as much anymore.” I said, looking up at him.

“You sure?” He asked, still worried. There was something about him that made him so.. attractive. It almost hurt to look at him.

“Yeah, Im fine.” I replied.

“Okay. Well, I have to leave now. I got to do a couple more songs before the night is over.” He said as he glanced over at the stage. I nodded as I watched him walk off but then he turned around to face me again.

“Can- will you wait?” He asked nervously. I raised an eyebrow, not quite understanding what he meant.

“Eh?” I asked, confused.

“Can you.. uhmmm.. stay after everybody leaves? Like once.. the show’s over..?” He asked. He wasnt going to kill me, right? Well, I was going to die anyways so, might as well spend some time with this handsome guy. I smiled and nodded.

“Okay. That’s… cool. See you later.” He flashed me a grin before he went off again.

“He’s really… hot” Hyosung said finally. I turned to look at her and laughed. She’s been quiet this whole time which was slightly weird.

“Totally.” I agreed. We then went back to our table, ordering us some non-alcoholic drinks.

After a couple more songs from Double Shot, a couple more dancing, and a couple more hours, everyone started to leave. It was only 10:30 by the time the club was almost empty. Me and Hyosung were sitting at a booth in the back.

“Do you really think he’s going to come see us? Or is he going to bail?” I asked nervously as I played with my fingers.

“I think… he is totally going to come see you.” Hyosung smirked. I gave her a face before taking a deep breath, glancing at the stage. Right then, Yongguk walks over with one of the guys from the band.

“Hey…” he said to me with his cute smile.

“Hi.” I said back.

“Hey, I’m Kim Him Chan.” The second guy said with a small salute to me and Hyosung.

“Nice to meet you.” I said politely.

“I’m Jeon Hyosung.” Hyosung said with a grin. I glanced at her and smirked. She was practically drooling over this guy.

“Well, did you enjoy the concert?” Yongguk asked.

“Totally! It was more fun than I expected.” I replied. Hyosung nodded in agreement.

“Really? Well thank you, we enjoyed performing for everyone..” Himchan said with a grin.

“Well, do you guys want to go grab something to eat?” Yongguk asked. I looked at Hyosung and she nodded.

“Sure!” Hyosung said excitedly. We all walked over to a McDonalds across the street and found a table for four and sat down. We also had ordered burgers and fries that were placed in the middle of the table.

“So… how old are you guys?” Himchan asked as he took a sip from his drink.

“We’re both 21.” Hyosung said with a flirty smile as she ate a fry.

“Really? We’re both 22.” Himchan said, chuckling.

“So… do you guys live in town?” Yongguk asked as he kept his eyes on me. Weirdly, it didnt freak me out and instead, I felt.. comfortable with his gaze.

“Yeah we do.” I answered, taking a burger and unwrapping it. I didnt care if they were gonna look at me weird for eating a burger, I was hungry as heck!

“That’s cool. I wonder why we haven’t bumped into each other yet.” Yongguk chuckled.

“I know right?” I said as I looked over at Hyosung with a smirk. She just glared at me.

“So do you guys plan on attending any more of our concerts?” Yongguk asked as he ate his burger.

“Uhmm… well..” I glanced at Hyosung again. This was our first time and we didnt even know there were gonna be other shows.

“We have a concert every other week. On Saturdays at 6:30 till around 10..” Yong Guk explained.

“Well, maybe.” I playfully said to him. I have never been good flirting but hey, it was worth a try.

“Maybe? I see..” Himchan pouted and ate his burger.

“So… is it alright if I get your number?” Yongguk asked, his gaze still locked onto mine.  We all then shared our numbers to each other, also adding our photos along with our number.

“Well, it’s 11 now and we have to get going” I said after we finished our food and chatted some more. I got up to throw away the food and so did Hyosung.

“Oh. Well, I hope to see you guys next time.” Yongguk said as he waved at us.

“Yeah, me too. See you later!” We waved back and left.

“Well that was interesting.” Hyosung said as we went to her car.

“Tell me about it..” I said back with a smirk. Tonight was better than I expected.

Once I got to the hospital, I changed into my pajamas, ate my pills, got my shot, and went to sleep. It was again, another tiring day.


Yong Guk’s POV::

“Dude, those two girls were so .. hot.” Himchan said to me once they left. We were still sitting at the table, watching them leave.

“Totally.” I mumbled. Something about Jieun was so.. addicting, I couldnt stop looking at her even if I tried.

“When will we ever see them again?” He asked as we got up to leave.

“Soon.” I replied.

“Soon? How?” He asked, confused. Sighing, I shook my phone at him.

“We got their numbers dude.” I said with a laugh as I watched him finally figure out what I meant.

“I almost forgot.” I smirked as Himchan looked through his phone again.

“I hate to say this, but you’re pretty smart, man.” Himchan said.

“Tch, of course I am.” I chuckled.

“Well, come on. We have to go now. The guys are probably going to get mad since we ditched them to clean up.” Himchan laughed. Then we left the place and went back to our dorm.



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Chapter 2: I'm waiting for another update... I love how yongguk being bolder here :)
I re-read this story. LAWL.
Chapter 9: Please Update~~
Chapter 9: Please update! Youngguk and Jieun is my favorite so far!! But I'm also a Hyosung and Himchan shipper so add them too?! Haha thank u!
Wow dang this story is said i'm crying already
ssongjoker #6
Chapter 9: I love this! hope kikwang will be back or maybe...himchan? x)
kkk update soon!!
eine08 #7
Chapter 9: I feel like im reading a manga! :)
Tomomi_Usagi #8
Chapter 9: I wish hyokwang would get back together in the end TT
I live that couple >_<
And yong guk is so sweet in this chapter
sinsofasaint #9
Chapter 9: I really like this fic ~ please update more, I'm dying (pun not intended) to see how it pans out :)
minaohmina #10
Chapter 9: Omg you updated!!!!
This chapter was beautiful. But at the same time it's so sad!